"Do what you gotta do, go and go get it..."
When I die, I want to feel like, "Fuck it, ain't shit else to do....." not "WAIT I'M NOT READY, I NEVER GOT TO ___________"....
Won't be me. I had some of the best times I possibly could have w/ Brandi and Gurrrrry this past weekend. Brandi and I comPLETELY lost our minds when we met RONNIE "HOTTER THAN DOG PISS" FAISST, Brian Deegan, Todd Potter (all three are in the Metal Mulisha), etc @ Florida Mall on Friday. HOLY SHIT.
I need to get the pics uploaded on here. Also have the camera that Jess got me for my bday developed finally, but that's so unimportant next to the fact that I met some of the coolest mafakas EEEEEEEEVERRRRRRRRRRR, thus adding on to my ever-expanding list of Mulisha riders that I've met. Throw this weekend in w/ meeting Scummy and Manley in AZ.. AWESOME. But there's pics for this, so it's even better. AAAAAAAAAND signed Deegan trucks (Deegan, Faisst and Potter signed), AAAAAAAAND signed MM posters, and w/e else cool shit we got that day.
Words could NEVER express the feeling that hit me when I turned my head and Brian Deegan and Ronnie fucking Faisst were coming out of XLR8, which btw is the COOLEST STORE EVER. Awesome staff, too. Fuck yes! Brandi knows, b/c SHE TOO had a hard time breathing past that point.
OMFG. WHAT A CRAZY WEEKEND!!! And thennnnnnnnn, to randomly decide we ARE going to the AST Dew Tour to watch them ride (out of the three, only Potter was riding) in the finals. OMFGAAAAAAAAAAAD!!
We were RIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT on the bar so everytime one of the riders rode by to slap hands or w/e reason, the cameras showed us front and center against the bars.
Nothing short of a video blog by Brandi and myself could really convey or portray the events of this past MONTH w/o losing something in translation. The week before that was PA w/ the Junkeez.. Kings Dominion before that.... NY before that... All in October. We've been here, there, and everywhere!
But for right now, I'm not going anywhere but BACK TO BED. I blame Lauren for waking me up @ 4:40am w/ the phone call about Ricky, but that's not really HER fault, now is it?
There's a swift kick in the nuts coming for Ricky if we ever "meet again"..
Anyway, just like I always promise/never deliver as of late, I'll be back to talk some more shit about w/e comes to mind..
I'm tired than a mafaka. I haven't been online since my last blog, so I was playing catch-up on a few news sites so now I'm extra-tired.
Good night/morning. I'll prob sleep for another 40 mins and feel like heaven so there might be another random blog, who knows. It's on this weekend tho, I fully plan to get in detail about some shit.
We'll see...
PS, I'm officially on a mission to fuck up Brandi's pics like she has a habit of doing mine. :|
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