OMFG.. This meeeeeeeaaaaaannnnnssssss I'll DEF be hearing We Bad/PPPPimp, and if not, I will be QUICK to show my displeasure about the situation...
It's been like 5 tours since I've heard that shit LIVE...
I mean, Chucky was the only missing piece anyway b/c it'll just be them two, as far as who all is on the tour.. Oh no wait.. OMFG THAT MEEEEEEAAAAAANNNNNSSSSSSSS for only the THIRD TIME (surprisingly), Brandi and I will be jammin' to Dirt and SAINT if they do PPPPimp..
PS, I love how weird that looks in print. It makes sense when it's on, so fuck off.
No, this isn't that video. This is the video we SLEPT ON mad hard, and by that I mean we slept on DIRT mad hard... Aaaaaand now we're amped for Crook County's release like it's the 2nd coming..
PPS, the DGAF album is def a banger.. I haven't said anything about it b/c I was gonna post the vid from Brett's but oh well.. I still am, eventually.. Just know, niggas.
OBV my main wish this year is a ticket. Ntm, Snoop Dogg is on the tour also, HOW FANTASTIC would that be!?!?
Let's do it, people. Get the funds together. And by that, I mean where's my goddamn gift lmmfao.. J/k, but not on the sneak tip. I really want to go!
7/22 Tues VIRGINIA BEACH, VA Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre Pre-Sale 4/14 On-Sale 4/18 Box Office: 757-368-3000 Next Tix: 757-671-8100 www. livenation. com/venue/getVenue/venueId/1948
I post that vid the most b/c it always fits my life. There are people currently trying to tread on my happiness, but those people aren't worth the price of admission, soooooo...
"Nothings come eeeasiiilyyyy, so don't you tread on meeee, cuz I will knock yoooouuu doooooowwwwnnnn!"
This was recorded many moons ago, but all the feelings still stand.
FUCK all the retarded bitches who think they can just do and say w/e they want, but we can't...???
BIIIIIIITCH, can you stand in my face and MUSH ME!?!? Cuz that's what I'm going to do when I see YOU. And I DAAAAAAAAARE YOOOOOOOUUUUU to touch me back, it's on like Donkey Kong!!
That's how little respect I have for all the names going thru my head.
I'm DISGUSTED by everyone right now, all the rumors and bullshit, all the shit people's names got thrown in...
Breaking me is going to be hard.. I'm on a mission. I am my only downfall, and I know it. If I don't save me there won't BE a me.. Ted Jan helped me realize this..
But I'm fuckin' up, I'm not seeing the picture as big as I did before.. Irl, I take very cautious steps everywhere that I walk.. I need to apply that to everything I DOOOOOO..
I feel the walls closing in around me and I'm not fighting for my life like I should be.. Regret will be the only eternity for me if something were to happen. I'm ready to draw up my will @ this point, jic.. I do nooooooot want anyone to fuck w/ my writing, just let that be known.
Sike. Yeah, I would. But I'd want it pre-arranged soooooooo I guess the book = my will.
UGH. The back pain will call for drastic measures.. Holy shit.. I gotta get back.
I against I...
And I will not lose..
As a PS, this video is part of a discussion in the book.. More or less my interpretation of it, and it's relation to my life.
Veddy interesting.
Oh, and I gotta throw this out there.. I sooooo badly want to go visit Lauren's (crazy) uncle David again, but on a reeeeally good day, when he can just talk to me.. I have so many ?s to ask, none that I would ask in front of Lauren or Jaquetta, however..
I'll just stick to my original plan of checking myself in somewhere. Can you have pen and paper? PENCIL and paper? I'll take crayons, I'll just write little notes w/ them, lol. I would kill myself trying to write chapters w/ crayons, omfg.
Sooooooooo I go into my phone last night to write something into my drafts aaaaaand come to the discovery that my recently-written chapter addition about Miss Lauren Bradley..!!!!!!!!!!
I am FURIOUS... W/ NOOOOOOOOOOO IDEA htf that happened.. @ all.. I want to KILL myself b/c there were other things in there that I REALLY, REEEEEEEAAAAAAALLLLLYY NEEDED TO HAVE SAVED SOMEWHERE THAT I WILL NEVER REMEMBER...
Well, unless I'm in the same state of thinking, which is HIGHLY plausible..
I want to drop-kick a fucking deer right now b/c of this shit.. OMFG.. I can remember being SO excited about all that I had written..
Wait.. I typed into my save spot here recently.. Hm.. Let me check something..
OMFG I AM SOOOOOOOO HAPPY.. I don't have the Lauren stuff (suspect...!) but I DO have the other one.. It was in my gmail, fuck yesssssssss... I just skimmed it and damn-near fell in love w/ myself.. I made up for not writing here lately, trust me. And there's a lot more coming, thanks to my ever-shortening group of friends.. I LOVE IT when that happens...
Don't you!?
Boy, oh boy.. I taught myself a new trick, oh shit! You're fucked!
Ahh, I need to get that Lauren shit back into my mind, it was BEAUTIFUL.. She's prob rolling her eyes.. You're good, Slim Shady!
Ha, she def just texted me a lil while ago about Eminem..
K sooooooo I'm 'bout to write some other shit, hit me up.. AS SOOOOOOOOON as I typed that, Lauren called me from her house phone. Awesome timing. I love you, Lauren.
I only posted that b/c my brother keeps singing my main ringer. His interpretation of the first line in the chorus is awesome. I'm gonna make a video of it, haha.. I love it.. He made me play it earlier. I love it when that happens........♥
Gotta be. You didn't do THAT....
Oh, but you DID. You DEFINITELY did.
I fucking KNEW IT.
I swear on EVERYTHING considered sacred to me, I was going to write a blog about this like a month and a half ago.. I FUCKING KNEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW IIIIIIIIT.
You're JUST LIKE THE REST, and I hope you know it. Is there a mirror nearby?? If so, GLARE @ that bitch until you feel MY eyes poring into you.
GOOD GAAAAAAAA-LLY, Miss MO-lly...... You SURE got some balls.
After ALL that shit-talking, THERE YOU GO...
You weak bitch, I'm fucking DYING right now... Don't ee'n wurrrrrrrry about how I know, just know that I do. Of COURSE I know, I know EEEEVERYTHING, DAH-LINK... So, did you go thru w/ the third-party intrusion? Cuz yes, I know about thaaaaat, tooooooooooo...
YOOOOOOOUUUUUU fuckin.. Cryin' ass, doin' the same ol' shit-ass, STEADY saying you were better than that-ass, mothafuckin' WEAK-ASS, LYIN'-ASS, NOOOOOOOOOO SHIT B/C THE CLOCK ON THAT WAS TICKIN' AAAAAANYWAY-ASS BITCH... I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!
Fuck you, straight the fuck up, FUUUUUUCK YOU.
Fuck you.
Fuck you!
Aw, shit, I think I left something out... Oh, yeah...
Maybe I can put in an order so I can too?
On some real shit tho, I'm really just talkin' maaaaaaaaaaad shit. I actually think it's funny. Don't be afraid to face me anytime soon, b/c it officially is going to happen. SOON. STAT. ASAP.
Oh shit, son! Oh shit, son!
Haha.. WOW.
My, how the mighty have fallen.....for it.
Oh, and don't fret.
I'll keep you my dirty little secret. You're into that type of life, huh? :)
I'm as excited as the Rabbit of Seville, I sway-uh! My brain just kicked into overdrive the other day (imagine that) and now I'm just DELIGHTED w/ all of the new ideas coming to me. And this one pretty much takes care of itself, once the premise was intact, the ball just began to roll.
Ted Jan, I neeeed to IMMEDIATELY lay some foundation work for this, get the base done etc..
Positively tickled, folks.
But anyway, enough about MEEEEE, how are YOOOOOOOOU doing!??! I've been having fun, lots of random fun. I've gotten gigantic doses of Sarup here lately, which has been pleasant! I've seen her, Jessica, and Dino quite a bit it seems.. Not even like excessively (well, not counting Jess), just enough.. A bunch of us went to an advanced screening of Drillbit Taylor and she was def in attendance..
Btw, DT is funny as a mafaka.. Not like, can't breathe funny, but really funny. Jot that down.
Uhh, what else.. I dunno.. I've spent a lot of time in parks recently, loving that.. I always end up w/ a vehicle random as hell, and there's always something to do @ a park so we (Jessica and I) end up in them usually.. Or something else seriously fuckin' random.. I neeeeeeeeed to erase some pics and add some pics, etc.. I'm so behind.. Hell, I'm the only one from Jake's bday party that doesn't have pics up on their page from it.. So much shit I need to get caught up on (ESSSSSSSSSSSSSP WRITING, OMFGAAAAAAAD) but I've just been, I dunno.. I've just BEEN. Not that I haven't been writing things down, etc, but not in the way I need to. The book is about to be a f-n Christmas present to myself, but that's perfectly fine. I had a convo w/ TJ on the phone the other night about it, he can totally feel me as far as me wanting it to be EXACTLY what I want, etc. I'm not trying to rush it out just so I can hopefully say I have a published book, I really want to love it.
Oh, and while I'm on this subject.... WHYYYY does the ENTIRE WORLD think they are like, 50 chapters worth of shit to me!!? Bitch, you'll be lucky if I even give you a NOD when I next see you, n/m devoting paaaaaaaage upon paaaaaaaage to your bullshit. Pssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyyyccccccccccchhhhhhhhh, bitch get your mind right!!!
Remember, this is something I CARE ABOUT, ok??? I'm taking this very seriously, it's not some gossip rag, I'm not writing just to air people's business out..
NOT to say that won't happen, but it's not the entirety of my goddamn book, that's fa sho..!
Don't tell me what I should add, who I should talk about, etc. Ya'll stay tryna pull that shit w/ my blogs, and HALF of you don't even like THAT.. If I say something about you, it'll be EXACTLY what the fuck I feel, so careful what you wish for...
Some people don't know how good they've got it. I could wreck shop if I wanted to, but.......
That's what SEQUELS are for........
Boy, oh boy.. I've got a looooooong road ahead of me... Everyone wants a piece, everyone wants to be put on, NO ONE wants to put in work. Yeah, it could just happen, orrrrrr it can happen b/c your genius is fully appreciated, lol. That's what I want. There's a reason behind everything, and the ones behind me are strong enough to stand on. My soapbox goes WAYYYY harder than YOURS, haha..
Since Brad Renfro passed away, and I stg I think about that shit eeeevery single day. I feel like I'm trapped in a cheesy cliche - having to be told "it gets better over time" b/c I lost a loved one, lol.
Cable isn't making it any easier, I've watched more of his movies in the past two months than I have in the past two years. There's always something coming on w/ him in it, shit I wouldn't expect to see. All I need is for Skipped Parts or Happy Campers to come on, and then I'm straaaaaight..
This is sooooo lame, what in the hell was he thinking??
What helps is the fact that there's pretty much a built-in support group w/ other fans, lol. It's special when you didn't have to share w/ thaaaaaaaat many people, like w/ Heath Ledger.
I dunno, it just sucks, I reeeeeally, reeeeeeeally, reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllyyyyyyyyyy wanted to meet him.
If you know what that song's about, then you know why I posted it.
I've been kickin' it w/ Sarup & Larry (nooooooo, not that one) for most of the day, and it's been really pleasant.. We're about to go chill @ Lesner, expect pictures.. There's like 50 pics I have to put up. More like 150, but I'll give 'em to you in small doses, lol..
How's your day going?? I hope it's all sorts of fucked up, lmmfao..
Just kidding, but only if I really like you.. If not, piss off, hope your first-born spontaneously combusts.
And by that, I mean don't let me catch that bitch slippin...
He's deeeeeefffff playing @ The National in Richmond this August..
Miiiiight have to make my way to that, I LOOOOOOVE HIIIIIIIIMMMM live...
That's from I'll Do Anything, which is now on my page.
*steps on up to plate to get a date w/ Mraz*
If you don't listen to it, you won't know wtf I'm talking about.. Uuuunless you just happen to know the song, in which case, carry on!
WHOLLY dif song but during my vid search I came across this first, and it's eeeeasily one of THE best songs to sing in the shower. I swear, I feel more cleansed when I jam out to this under the water. I did it today, actually, lol..
Jason Mraz put a new video out today.. Awesome.. I fucking lovE, loVE, lOVE, LOVE him and spent the last 24 hours jaaaaaaaammin' to Waiting For My Rocket To Come for nostalgic reasons..
That, and it's instant-classic material to me, cuz I could neeeeeever get tired of hearing it. It's just been a while.. I was in such a state of bliss when I fell asleep to it last night.. My LJ is still pretty much based around Mraz-related things..
Ugh... ♥
Let's do this, my Mechanicsville mannnn...! Let's just make it official. From one VA nerd to the next, we should so get married, listen to me! LOL
How awesomely stalker does that sound??
Speeeeeeeaking of... Anything... Crushes... 'N Sync - I Want You Back is def ONDEMAND buuuuuuut not only that, it's the euro version! If you think they're a bunch of fags, that's just fuel to the fire. Itty bitty shirts w/ zippers, tucked in w/ some big ass jeans.. Lance looks just as suspect as always, I stg I kneeeeewwwwww he was swordfighting since way back..
How in the fuck did I get here??? Let's go back...
MRAZ... Does this mean a new tour?? A NorVa show would be aaaaawwweeessssoooooommmmmmeeee... That's where he hit me w/ a banana, thanks.
I bucked on your song hardcore. That was my shiiiiit... MANY LiveJournal entries have that song listed, lol.. If not talked about.. Ya'll know how I get when I'm super-stoked about a song/artist..
There are some music blogs coming up, thanks to my lovely raging mind on 311 Day..
I cooooooould just talk about it now, however let me pause to show you this:
The Bunny Christ?? I was def like, wtffff is that.. Wal-Mart is clearly for weirdos.
But aaaaaaanyyyy...
Actually, no, I WON'T get into it now. I want lots and lots of blogs, I'm never satisfied w/ just one unless I'm snappin' about something, lol..
Or I truuuuuuuuly get my point across, but I don't want to mix pleasures here.
I do, however, want to load that video of us talking CASH SHIT to ______.
Who is it? Oh, you will find out here soon... Most definitely.
PS def realized that when I'm about to end a video, I tend to do a little kiss-off thing. I don't want that to be my "signature move", so I better watch myself..