Sunday, August 17, 2008

Dream On... *waaaaaaaaaahhhhh* (that's the HBO noise)...

Normally, I love my dreams. Adoooooooore them. Only lately, those dreams I awaken to seem to be more like nightmares. Not of epic proportion, but still. Epic to my family.

And somehow, still, KNOWING that I have a lot of shit going on, people feel the need to antagonize me..

SORRY that I'm not all wrapped up in your sordid affairs like everyone else "in the know" seem to be.. I dgaf about anything going on in ANYONE'S life, I don't care..

If you really really really miss me, awesome, me too, now FUCK OFF.. That sounds harsh as hell but like I said, I dgaf.. The other night was a prime example of a bunch of people who need to get over themselves.. I was surrounded by people who "care", just not enough to be a real friend like they used to be.. Someone recently said to me that I've done a complete 360, personality-wise..

Uhh, says who... YOU!? Oh, maybe the both of you, in some sweet, loving, vomit-inducing, treacherous imbrace.. I've changed only in the sense that I am keeping good on the promises I make/have made to myself.. Something seem a little off to you? My bad, just the realness seeping thru, I suppose..

Everyone who's made a complaint about me recently is more than likely somebody who doesn't really know me.. Like, they KNOW me, but they obv don't knoooooowwwwwwww me.. Look around, look @ us.. If the nature of our friendship coasts along b/c of something I do, but you don't know that, then you're one of those people.. W/e you percieved me as from the gate, let it be known that it was my doing.. No one sees a diff side of me by accident, let that also be known.. Whoever you think I am, it's b/c of me, not just what you've "observed", b/c I know you're watching. I always do, don't ever think you K-N-O-W -M-E, not like THAT, not enough to let the balance of power fall towards you. Everyone can get the fuck over themselves, esp anyone who thinks their friendship isn't expendable.. I can live w/o each and every fucking one of you if I have to, I'd just like you to know that. All the games are over. You want me? Come and get me.

Actually, I'd LOVE IT if you'd really try and "get" me.. That would be MUUUUCH PREESH'D...

If you're currently living in a series of lies that you don't think I know about, this def includes you. I looooooooo-oooooooo-ooooooove all the people who STILL don't get it, don't realize that I had them @ HELLO...

I've been sitting back, stockpiling the lies, even new ones from other places.. Oh, my! What have you DONE!?!


It's funny, I thought it was just a phase, but looking back, this has aaaaaaaalways been your thing.. The deception for naught, everything.. Winter of '04, a friend of ours fell out w/ you after agreeing to a comment I made to you in a text.. Remember that?? That was the first time I pulled your card as far as your lightswitch personality/friendship goes.. So technically, you've been this way all along, I just let it go every time.. Buuuuuuuuuut now, esp w/ more important things to worry about, it proves itself to be soooo not worth any of it..


Call it a wrap.

PS, that whole thing obv wasn't for just one person. Disect and decide, then go about your day, and I shall do the same.

♥s and flowers, bitch.

Love ya, MEAN IT! :D

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