How old are you?
I feel like a grandma sometimes... does that answer your question.. not to mention the fact that I get direct mail pieces from hooverround too! <--- K that was her response, which I lol'd hard @.. But seriously.. We are both only 26, hooooooooowever that's the longest amount of time I can imagine, seeing as how I'm not 30. At 26, there is nothing but you and 26 years AGO. So disheartening.
What is the highest level of education you have attained?
A trade that I never use... LOL.. Hey, it was fun to learn..
Which would you do over: High school or college?
"High school" which just means learning w/e I wanted and then being forced to move to Pittsburgh to Job Corps... Boy oh boy, would I do THAT over. I lost my soul for quite a while after I left.. Years...
What class you have taken has prepared you the most for what you do now?
None. Not a one. I didn't stay innnnnooooooooo wait, History.. Does that count?? I love it still, and it helps me in many arguments.. And English.
In one sentence, comment on your job.
is your current job something you would like to do for the rest of your life?
If it's writing, yes. Please GOD, don't let me be the last to know..
Is it more important to have money or friends?
I mean I like both.... geez <--- Real ass answer right there.. I have enough friends, and would trade a couple of them for money w/o question. I mean, not YOU tho...........................
Do you own or rent your home?
I could use 40 acres and a mule right about now, I'd say...
How do you cool off?
Music. ___.
What would you buy with if someone gave you 100 in cash?
Are you in debt, and if so, how bad is it?
I don't even want to talk about it, on some real..
Do you spend more time with friends or with family?
Friends... Friends that are like family and therefore wouldn't get sold... There, ya happy?? Feel reassured??
If you were given 6 mos. paid vacation, what would you do?
The exact same shit I do now, w/ money...
Would you rather be better at your job or better at video games?
I want the job to be video games... And I would never trade my skills in, on either side, sooooooooo...
Whats the last good movie you saw?
I forgot. I've seen The Usual Suspects mad times but I still love it like a viiiiiiiirrrrrrrgiiiiiiiiinnnn..
Whats the last good book you read?
Again, don't remember.. Not a good time to ask, lol.. Something James Patterson I bet.. I neeeeeeeeed a book, it's driving me craaaaaaaaaannnd it was most def a Dean Koontz which JUST might be in the back. If not, OMFG THERE'S BOOKS IN MY TRUNK hooooooope I haven't read them all...
Whats the best book you have ever been assigned to read?
No one is the boss of me.... <--- Love it. Prob the Judy Blume janks.. Actually I think they were just my faves.. I was a readin' bitch, ya'll don't understand..
What do you listen to on the radio?
SNIRS?? I have a link on my page..
Whats your favorite TV show?
Uhh.. Legally, I can't answer that ?.. I would kill myself w/ one answer.
Whats your opinion on...
The President?
He's a 8 figga nigga and I fucks w/ 'em...
Oprah Winfrey?
My goal.
Tom Cruise?
Extremely fucking lucky.
Bill Gates?
My other goal.
The internet?
Genius. My waste of time when I could be using it.
Cell phones?
No longer an issue, for I am yet again w/o...
The Apple iPod?
American Idol?
Genius again.
Gay marriage?
No one's business but your own. America is a stuck-up cunt on the sneak.
Gun control?
Wu-Tang lyrics.. Love it.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
"Who is Keyser Soze?"
It's ME, bitches!!! GOD, I fucking love 'The Usual Suspects' fo-eva and eva.. It came on AMC the other day and it just brought back all the joy I experience everytime I watch it. Spacey deserved every beautiful golden inch of the Oscar he won for playing Verbal Kint. Easily my fave Spacey role. He slays it.. Just wish he would come out, I know that nigga is gay. Highly unrelated, but still. I'd like to see him frolicking around w/ the young boys like the photos suggest he does.. It's always interesting when things like that pop off in Hollywood..
Just like how Donnie Incrediblyhotberg basically outed Jon Knight even tho it waaaaaaaaassssssss kinda poured into a whole new context... Buuuuuut if the white patent-leather Fuck Me pumps fit........
"As we mentioned yesterday, New Kids On The Block-er Donnie Wahlberg raised some eyebrows with a quote he gave about boy bands and closeted NKOTB member Jonathan Knight.
In a newspaper interview, Wahlberg had said, "You could look at a group like 'NSync and go, 'Oh my gosh, Lance Bass is the Jon Knight, Justin Timberlake is the Joe McIntyre, JC Chasez is the Jordan Knight'–you could go right down the line.
But Walhberg now feels he has to defend what he said - making it clear that he didn't mean to 'out' Knight.
Donnie claims that comparing Jon to Lance Bass wasn't a comparison to his homosexuality. Although a lot of people already know of Knight's gayness and even know that he has a boyfriend.
In a new interview, Donnie says, “That was an . . . out-of-context manipulation of my answer. I was referring to ’N Sync’s management trying to copy us - Joe the cute young Justin type, Jordan the dark and handsome JC type; Jon the shy and quiet Lance type.”
He clarified that it was just a “shy/quiet reference. Not a gay reference.”"
[Perez, btw]
Just say it..! I've been thinking that shit since both the Knights went on Oprah mad long ago to talk about Jon's anxiety.. Oh, well. He's still adorable and I'd still hit it and quit it..
By quit I def mean commit suicide b/c uuuuuuuuunless it's a group-bang, could life get any sweeter??
Yes, actually. You could be stoked to fit into a shirt given to you by the person who's name is on it after a year of owning it.

Moving right along, I cannot WAIT to see Britney's special @ the end of the month. MY random ass couldn't sleep last night after waking up @ 4am and around 5:30am I decided that to help myself, I was going to listen to "a few" Britney songs b/c I hadn't in a while.. I started w/ the first album.. "Just" like 7 songs... Aaaaaaand from there I went nuts and basically listened to everything but the entire In The Zone/Blackout albums.. Funny tho, out of all the songs I played, 'Gimme More' was the one I listened to like 6 times.. I was goin' off, too! That's still my jam, apparently. What a 'mo. When 'Lucky' came on I was def like, wow wonder how she feels about that NOW?? Esp thinking back to the MTV (Making The Video) when she was talking about Lucky etc, I bet she never thought she would end up literally becoming that sad bitch!
Ugh, caaaaaaaaaan't wait can't wait can't wait. I've read a few excerpts from it so I know it's gonna be good..
Buuuuuuut until then, a pic of Prince William's dick just landed online sooooooo....
Heath out.
PS, Tech and Dirt slaaaaay this track. Haven't heard it in a while, fig'd now would be a good time.
Just like how Donnie Incrediblyhotberg basically outed Jon Knight even tho it waaaaaaaaassssssss kinda poured into a whole new context... Buuuuuut if the white patent-leather Fuck Me pumps fit........
"As we mentioned yesterday, New Kids On The Block-er Donnie Wahlberg raised some eyebrows with a quote he gave about boy bands and closeted NKOTB member Jonathan Knight.
In a newspaper interview, Wahlberg had said, "You could look at a group like 'NSync and go, 'Oh my gosh, Lance Bass is the Jon Knight, Justin Timberlake is the Joe McIntyre, JC Chasez is the Jordan Knight'–you could go right down the line.
But Walhberg now feels he has to defend what he said - making it clear that he didn't mean to 'out' Knight.
Donnie claims that comparing Jon to Lance Bass wasn't a comparison to his homosexuality. Although a lot of people already know of Knight's gayness and even know that he has a boyfriend.
In a new interview, Donnie says, “That was an . . . out-of-context manipulation of my answer. I was referring to ’N Sync’s management trying to copy us - Joe the cute young Justin type, Jordan the dark and handsome JC type; Jon the shy and quiet Lance type.”
He clarified that it was just a “shy/quiet reference. Not a gay reference.”"
[Perez, btw]
Just say it..! I've been thinking that shit since both the Knights went on Oprah mad long ago to talk about Jon's anxiety.. Oh, well. He's still adorable and I'd still hit it and quit it..
By quit I def mean commit suicide b/c uuuuuuuuunless it's a group-bang, could life get any sweeter??
Yes, actually. You could be stoked to fit into a shirt given to you by the person who's name is on it after a year of owning it.
Moving right along, I cannot WAIT to see Britney's special @ the end of the month. MY random ass couldn't sleep last night after waking up @ 4am and around 5:30am I decided that to help myself, I was going to listen to "a few" Britney songs b/c I hadn't in a while.. I started w/ the first album.. "Just" like 7 songs... Aaaaaaand from there I went nuts and basically listened to everything but the entire In The Zone/Blackout albums.. Funny tho, out of all the songs I played, 'Gimme More' was the one I listened to like 6 times.. I was goin' off, too! That's still my jam, apparently. What a 'mo. When 'Lucky' came on I was def like, wow wonder how she feels about that NOW?? Esp thinking back to the MTV (Making The Video) when she was talking about Lucky etc, I bet she never thought she would end up literally becoming that sad bitch!
Ugh, caaaaaaaaaan't wait can't wait can't wait. I've read a few excerpts from it so I know it's gonna be good..
Buuuuuuut until then, a pic of Prince William's dick just landed online sooooooo....
Heath out.
PS, Tech and Dirt slaaaaay this track. Haven't heard it in a while, fig'd now would be a good time.
What's awesome about me iiiiiiiisssssss...
I totally called out the Bob Fosse inspiration in the new Beyonce vid.. I wish bulletins lasted forever, lol..
But anyway there's a vid on YouTube that has the vid embedded w/ clips from the video more famously known for having the Walk It Out remix dubbed over it, w/ the three broads workin' it back in the day.. Someone caught a clue for a thousand I guess.. I've been dyyyyying to get on and blab about that video, but not b/c of the Fosse thing...
Let's just start w/ the fact that Be KILLS that routine, along w/ her dancers. Bitches WORK! I don't care what anybody says, 'ol girl was workin' it hard.. But what's even BETTER about that video is all of the ones made in re; to it.. ESSSSSSSP the dude in the Lara Croft-lookin' ass outfit.. That shit gets me weak eeeeeeevery fucking time I see it..
At the same time, I'm oddly fascinated.. This is prob the 10th time today I've seen this, no bullshit lmmfao.. Any site I go on that has it posted, I feel compelled to watch it. My only regret in life is that it's this dude (Shane Mercado) and not Brian Friedman LMMMFAO.. I'm sure ooooooonly Jen will fully appreciate that, esp since we met him togetherrrrrrr (oh, what a night!).
Equally as hilarious but for it's own reasons is the SNL version w/ Justin Timberlake. JT in a leotard?? DEF a must-view.. I almost started to cry, MUUUUUUUUUUUCH LIKE WHEN JC AND JUSTIN CAME OUT TOGETHER ( homo) ON THE TRL FINALE ____________________________________ No bullshit, I had tears in my eyes. 'N Sync forever, bitches! It will never die! NEVAAAAA!!
Sooooooooookay back to earth we go... I'm watching CSI NY (have been since 1pm) and totally not paying a lick of attention so I'ma hop off this mafaka for a min to thoroughly enjoy it. Don't worry, I'll be back to talk about my latest ups and downs.. It's not all fluff today!!
But anyway there's a vid on YouTube that has the vid embedded w/ clips from the video more famously known for having the Walk It Out remix dubbed over it, w/ the three broads workin' it back in the day.. Someone caught a clue for a thousand I guess.. I've been dyyyyying to get on and blab about that video, but not b/c of the Fosse thing...
Let's just start w/ the fact that Be KILLS that routine, along w/ her dancers. Bitches WORK! I don't care what anybody says, 'ol girl was workin' it hard.. But what's even BETTER about that video is all of the ones made in re; to it.. ESSSSSSSP the dude in the Lara Croft-lookin' ass outfit.. That shit gets me weak eeeeeeevery fucking time I see it..
At the same time, I'm oddly fascinated.. This is prob the 10th time today I've seen this, no bullshit lmmfao.. Any site I go on that has it posted, I feel compelled to watch it. My only regret in life is that it's this dude (Shane Mercado) and not Brian Friedman LMMMFAO.. I'm sure ooooooonly Jen will fully appreciate that, esp since we met him togetherrrrrrr (oh, what a night!).
Equally as hilarious but for it's own reasons is the SNL version w/ Justin Timberlake. JT in a leotard?? DEF a must-view.. I almost started to cry, MUUUUUUUUUUUCH LIKE WHEN JC AND JUSTIN CAME OUT TOGETHER ( homo) ON THE TRL FINALE ____________________________________ No bullshit, I had tears in my eyes. 'N Sync forever, bitches! It will never die! NEVAAAAA!!
Sooooooooookay back to earth we go... I'm watching CSI NY (have been since 1pm) and totally not paying a lick of attention so I'ma hop off this mafaka for a min to thoroughly enjoy it. Don't worry, I'll be back to talk about my latest ups and downs.. It's not all fluff today!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
It's a beautiful day in the neeeeiiiighborhood....
Thats how I feel right now. My very first thought when I woke up was "Oh my god, Obama is president!" lol.. Aaaaaaand then I slung my arm over Stevo's somehow warm skin-and-bones side to hug a boy who needs so much prayer in his life, lol..
Just to make it CRYSTAL CLEAR, we have slept in the same bed nuuuuuuumerous times, and I just passed out in there last night... After pissing w/ the door open which had him weak.. All that battling over who's side of the bed it is.. Bitch, it's mine! And it's been mine since '04 so suck on that, lol.. Ask about me! I was mad weak during the bed battle, b/c Iiiiii am the only one to have slept in that room BEFORE Stevo moved in, and immediately after. I was just kind enough to let you bed warmers shift your skivvies to the floor in my absence! Haha.. He thinks it's just as funny. Another reason why I don't see how they all fall for that mess.. "It's YOUR side, baby!" bwahaha.. Who cares?? Just go the fuck to sleep!
Aaaaaaanyway, I wish it were 11am already.. The View is CAAAAAAALLING me. I've been watching that shit for like 12 years, and even if I miss damn-near a whole season, best believe in times like this my ass is tuning in. This season showed us just how truly naive Hasselbeck is. What a twit! Ack! I need to get up on that jank.. Fire Sherry, cuz she agrees w/ Elisabeth a liiiiiiittle too much, and put me on there. I'm not wearing extravagant weaves but I WILL stop wearing hats so much, lol.. I guess they need Sherry's middle-stance balance but damn.. Sometimes she be on some OC shit..
Oh! The joy! I keep hearing "President Barack Obama" and it's delightfuuuuuuuul. I'm 'bout to make some cornbread in this mafaka.. Not that I don't everytime I stay over @ Gmas, but yanno.. America's got some soul, it shall be fed w/ soul food. NOT chicken & watermelon, however, don't get me started on all the shit they're going to say about what the First family will eat their first night in..
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH, JANUARY 20TH = GAME OVER. I told Stevo last night how I felt about Bush, and the way they dogged that poor manchild during the last year. In his two terms, everyone joked about how he's a puppet and he has no control over this nation, that Cheney etc called the shots... Really, well then whyyyyy did no one stand up for him when McCain etc threw him under the bus and blamed errrrrrrrrthang on a nigga?? If he wasn't the one calling the shots that led us to this insane economic downfall, why is he the only one being crucified to that extreme level?? Stand up and be accounted for, you lying, scheming bastards!!!
Stop Snitching! W got straight snitched on, ratted out and left for dead basically lol.. I would hate to be him right now, knowing that all of those people were like, "Naahhh, that's YOUR boy! - "WHAT, THAT AIN'T MYYY BOY, THAT'S ALL YOU" haha.. Then they wanna try and discredit my NIGGA any and every way they saw an opportunity to do so, making him out to be a traitor and alla that shit. But WHO turned on WHO in this country?? You tried turning America against a smart black man while yoooouuu abandoned the WHITE idiot YOU CHEATED to put in office. Suck it up, good 'ol boys! It's your own goddamn fault this happened.... I mean, c'mon....
SARAH PALIN!?!?!?!?!?
Ya'll miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight've been able to squeak this one out, right up until the day she became the VP pick. Ha! What a laugh. I don't even argue w/ people who try and tell me she's sooooooo smart and soooooo ready, etc. Or WAS, I should say.. They make my case for me. Anyone dumb enough to place their future in the hands of someone as unqualified all across the board as she is, well they don't deserve to debate me. It's a slaughter not unlike what we witnessed last night. She's a joke, literally. The Pubs have NEVER turned their back so fast on their own party until this election. What does that say about McCain and his choice?? But ooooook, anything is better than the guy w/ the middle name Hussein, right??
It disgusts me to the core to think about all the open racism going on during the campaign time. That's all I'm going to say about that. You all know who you are. *smh*
Ohh yes oh yes oh yes they both oh yes they both oh yes they both reached for the gun the gun the gun the gun oh yes they both reached for the gun, for the gun!
But only OBAMA popped off!!!
"It's been a loooooooooooooong, a long time coming but..."
"A chaaange gon' coooooooome..."
On some REAL shit, I NEVER in my life thought I was going to see this happen.. A man after my own heart, my own concerns as a black person living in this day and age..
Someone so smart, so educated........... SO BLACK & BEAUTIFUL.
Jigga, MY nigga. Barack Obama. AN AMERICAN MAN, AN AMERICAN PRESIDENT. Congrats... OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could throw up Black Power fists right now, I stg.. SSSSSSSTTTTTTTTFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU...
AND my nigga won VA, a state that hasn't gone [D] in 44 fucking years.
It's been a long time coming, but...........
He fucking did it. He REALLY did it. And he STOMPED McCain. I c-a-n-n-o-t wait to watch The View in the morning. I wish I could be there to pry Elisabeth's mouth open and let the PROJECTILE VOMIT flow.
Ha, you fucking BITCH! I hope Joy eats your eyeballs out promptly @ 11am est.
As it stands the electoral votes are 338 - 156. My dude is killin' it! How can this be?? Oh my god... I want to wrap myself around the US and hug it tightly. Thank you! Thank you to everyone not afraid to do the right thing based on some BULLSHIT SCARE TACTICS deployed by the republican party..
OMG.. I can't believe it!!!!!!! But I love it. And before the replies start flowing, I don't give a FUCK what you say if you voted otherwise. Let me let yoooooou know right now. Not a single solitary fuck, mkay?? Juuust making that clear.
Let the tears flow, America. I don't care if they're tears of sadness, b/c YOU DESERVE TO CRY YOU FUCKING LOSERS, LMMMMMMFAO.. DGAF!
LMMFAO this lady just threw up the diamond.. I was just doing that!! I said I wanted him to come out to some Jigga and throw the diamond up. THAT shit would be more gangster than OVERCOMING ALL OF THE OBSTACLES IN HIS PATH (COOOOOOOOOLORRRRRRRR) AND BECOMING THE 44TH PRESIDENT, LEADER OF THE "FREE" WORLD.
I am so glad that I got to take part in this MONUMENTAL MOMENT IN TIME.
And as glad as everyone is, no one can truly get just how important this is unless they are BLACK. Like I said, NEVER could I imagine this happen. I came to life in the Reagan era, and after that Bush Sr. The country was @ such a diff place then. Who could've seen this coming!?!? OMFG... Tears... This is beautiful.
Stevo is trying to argue the dumbest things w/ me, esp about how important this is to me. I was like, "Someone calls you a cracker, you laugh it off. Someone calls you a nigger, they mean that shit."
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO we just went @ it so hardcore. He sounds immensely racist right now, lmmmmmmmfao. It's really not funny, but I'm gonna laugh anyway.
And then I'm gonna sing my song.... REDEEEEEEEEEEMPTION SONG...
On some REAL shit, I NEVER in my life thought I was going to see this happen.. A man after my own heart, my own concerns as a black person living in this day and age..
Someone so smart, so educated........... SO BLACK & BEAUTIFUL.
Jigga, MY nigga. Barack Obama. AN AMERICAN MAN, AN AMERICAN PRESIDENT. Congrats... OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could throw up Black Power fists right now, I stg.. SSSSSSSTTTTTTTTFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU...
AND my nigga won VA, a state that hasn't gone [D] in 44 fucking years.
It's been a long time coming, but...........
He fucking did it. He REALLY did it. And he STOMPED McCain. I c-a-n-n-o-t wait to watch The View in the morning. I wish I could be there to pry Elisabeth's mouth open and let the PROJECTILE VOMIT flow.
Ha, you fucking BITCH! I hope Joy eats your eyeballs out promptly @ 11am est.
As it stands the electoral votes are 338 - 156. My dude is killin' it! How can this be?? Oh my god... I want to wrap myself around the US and hug it tightly. Thank you! Thank you to everyone not afraid to do the right thing based on some BULLSHIT SCARE TACTICS deployed by the republican party..
OMG.. I can't believe it!!!!!!! But I love it. And before the replies start flowing, I don't give a FUCK what you say if you voted otherwise. Let me let yoooooou know right now. Not a single solitary fuck, mkay?? Juuust making that clear.
Let the tears flow, America. I don't care if they're tears of sadness, b/c YOU DESERVE TO CRY YOU FUCKING LOSERS, LMMMMMMFAO.. DGAF!
LMMFAO this lady just threw up the diamond.. I was just doing that!! I said I wanted him to come out to some Jigga and throw the diamond up. THAT shit would be more gangster than OVERCOMING ALL OF THE OBSTACLES IN HIS PATH (COOOOOOOOOLORRRRRRRR) AND BECOMING THE 44TH PRESIDENT, LEADER OF THE "FREE" WORLD.
I am so glad that I got to take part in this MONUMENTAL MOMENT IN TIME.
And as glad as everyone is, no one can truly get just how important this is unless they are BLACK. Like I said, NEVER could I imagine this happen. I came to life in the Reagan era, and after that Bush Sr. The country was @ such a diff place then. Who could've seen this coming!?!? OMFG... Tears... This is beautiful.
Stevo is trying to argue the dumbest things w/ me, esp about how important this is to me. I was like, "Someone calls you a cracker, you laugh it off. Someone calls you a nigger, they mean that shit."
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO we just went @ it so hardcore. He sounds immensely racist right now, lmmmmmmmfao. It's really not funny, but I'm gonna laugh anyway.
And then I'm gonna sing my song.... REDEEEEEEEEEEMPTION SONG...
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