Just like how Donnie Incrediblyhotberg basically outed Jon Knight even tho it waaaaaaaaassssssss kinda poured into a whole new context... Buuuuuut if the white patent-leather Fuck Me pumps fit........
"As we mentioned yesterday, New Kids On The Block-er Donnie Wahlberg raised some eyebrows with a quote he gave about boy bands and closeted NKOTB member Jonathan Knight.
In a newspaper interview, Wahlberg had said, "You could look at a group like 'NSync and go, 'Oh my gosh, Lance Bass is the Jon Knight, Justin Timberlake is the Joe McIntyre, JC Chasez is the Jordan Knight'–you could go right down the line.
But Walhberg now feels he has to defend what he said - making it clear that he didn't mean to 'out' Knight.
Donnie claims that comparing Jon to Lance Bass wasn't a comparison to his homosexuality. Although a lot of people already know of Knight's gayness and even know that he has a boyfriend.
In a new interview, Donnie says, “That was an . . . out-of-context manipulation of my answer. I was referring to ’N Sync’s management trying to copy us - Joe the cute young Justin type, Jordan the dark and handsome JC type; Jon the shy and quiet Lance type.”
He clarified that it was just a “shy/quiet reference. Not a gay reference.”"
[Perez, btw]
Just say it..! I've been thinking that shit since both the Knights went on Oprah mad long ago to talk about Jon's anxiety.. Oh, well. He's still adorable and I'd still hit it and quit it..
By quit I def mean commit suicide b/c uuuuuuuuunless it's a group-bang, could life get any sweeter??
Yes, actually. You could be stoked to fit into a shirt given to you by the person who's name is on it after a year of owning it.
Moving right along, I cannot WAIT to see Britney's special @ the end of the month. MY random ass couldn't sleep last night after waking up @ 4am and around 5:30am I decided that to help myself, I was going to listen to "a few" Britney songs b/c I hadn't in a while.. I started w/ the first album.. "Just" like 7 songs... Aaaaaaand from there I went nuts and basically listened to everything but the entire In The Zone/Blackout albums.. Funny tho, out of all the songs I played, 'Gimme More' was the one I listened to like 6 times.. I was goin' off, too! That's still my jam, apparently. What a 'mo. When 'Lucky' came on I was def like, wow wonder how she feels about that NOW?? Esp thinking back to the MTV (Making The Video) when she was talking about Lucky etc, I bet she never thought she would end up literally becoming that sad bitch!
Ugh, caaaaaaaaaan't wait can't wait can't wait. I've read a few excerpts from it so I know it's gonna be good..
Buuuuuuut until then, a pic of Prince William's dick just landed online sooooooo....
Heath out.
PS, Tech and Dirt slaaaaay this track. Haven't heard it in a while, fig'd now would be a good time.
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