Thats how I feel right now. My very first thought when I woke up was "Oh my god, Obama is president!" lol.. Aaaaaaand then I slung my arm over Stevo's somehow warm skin-and-bones side to hug a boy who needs so much prayer in his life, lol..
Just to make it CRYSTAL CLEAR, we have slept in the same bed nuuuuuuumerous times, and I just passed out in there last night... After pissing w/ the door open which had him weak.. All that battling over who's side of the bed it is.. Bitch, it's mine! And it's been mine since '04 so suck on that, lol.. Ask about me! I was mad weak during the bed battle, b/c Iiiiii am the only one to have slept in that room BEFORE Stevo moved in, and immediately after. I was just kind enough to let you bed warmers shift your skivvies to the floor in my absence! Haha.. He thinks it's just as funny. Another reason why I don't see how they all fall for that mess.. "It's YOUR side, baby!" bwahaha.. Who cares?? Just go the fuck to sleep!
Aaaaaaanyway, I wish it were 11am already.. The View is CAAAAAAALLING me. I've been watching that shit for like 12 years, and even if I miss damn-near a whole season, best believe in times like this my ass is tuning in. This season showed us just how truly naive Hasselbeck is. What a twit! Ack! I need to get up on that jank.. Fire Sherry, cuz she agrees w/ Elisabeth a liiiiiiittle too much, and put me on there. I'm not wearing extravagant weaves but I WILL stop wearing hats so much, lol.. I guess they need Sherry's middle-stance balance but damn.. Sometimes she be on some OC shit..
Oh! The joy! I keep hearing "President Barack Obama" and it's delightfuuuuuuuul. I'm 'bout to make some cornbread in this mafaka.. Not that I don't everytime I stay over @ Gmas, but yanno.. America's got some soul, it shall be fed w/ soul food. NOT chicken & watermelon, however, don't get me started on all the shit they're going to say about what the First family will eat their first night in..
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH, JANUARY 20TH = GAME OVER. I told Stevo last night how I felt about Bush, and the way they dogged that poor manchild during the last year. In his two terms, everyone joked about how he's a puppet and he has no control over this nation, that Cheney etc called the shots... Really, well then whyyyyy did no one stand up for him when McCain etc threw him under the bus and blamed errrrrrrrrthang on a nigga?? If he wasn't the one calling the shots that led us to this insane economic downfall, why is he the only one being crucified to that extreme level?? Stand up and be accounted for, you lying, scheming bastards!!!
Stop Snitching! W got straight snitched on, ratted out and left for dead basically lol.. I would hate to be him right now, knowing that all of those people were like, "Naahhh, that's YOUR boy! - "WHAT, THAT AIN'T MYYY BOY, THAT'S ALL YOU" haha.. Then they wanna try and discredit my NIGGA any and every way they saw an opportunity to do so, making him out to be a traitor and alla that shit. But WHO turned on WHO in this country?? You tried turning America against a smart black man while yoooouuu abandoned the WHITE idiot YOU CHEATED to put in office. Suck it up, good 'ol boys! It's your own goddamn fault this happened.... I mean, c'mon....
SARAH PALIN!?!?!?!?!?
Ya'll miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight've been able to squeak this one out, right up until the day she became the VP pick. Ha! What a laugh. I don't even argue w/ people who try and tell me she's sooooooo smart and soooooo ready, etc. Or WAS, I should say.. They make my case for me. Anyone dumb enough to place their future in the hands of someone as unqualified all across the board as she is, well they don't deserve to debate me. It's a slaughter not unlike what we witnessed last night. She's a joke, literally. The Pubs have NEVER turned their back so fast on their own party until this election. What does that say about McCain and his choice?? But ooooook, anything is better than the guy w/ the middle name Hussein, right??
It disgusts me to the core to think about all the open racism going on during the campaign time. That's all I'm going to say about that. You all know who you are. *smh*
Ohh yes oh yes oh yes they both oh yes they both oh yes they both reached for the gun the gun the gun the gun oh yes they both reached for the gun, for the gun!
But only OBAMA popped off!!!
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