Monday, September 29, 2008

"I'm your prescription, I'm your physician..."

"I am your addiction..."

AAAAAAAAAND if you're as addicted to my blogs as you saaaaaaaaaay you are, you'll do me a little favor and go to my blog, then hit SUBSCRIIIIIBE.

Obv = all the I's, obv. It's on the left, fuckos, just do it. I don't care if you read the BULLETINS (MURRR) just want you all to be noted, k??

Jeeeeeeez, so many of you (that I msg'd) responded w/ "BUT I ALREADY READ YOUR BLOG!"

Ack! (no Cathy)

Now you know what I meant. Texting you all back about that, individually no less, was mad annoying so now you fucking owe me, bitches.

Eventually I'll get around to the old ball and chain, making a graphic banner or something to make it that much easier. But for now, do the legwork and stfu please thanks.

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