Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My, my... Could it be??

Am I uploading videos?? Why, yes I am!

I wish I had footage of Clay Aiken's mom crying when he came out to her, which apparently took place 4 years ago when his bro was sent to Iraq.. I would've lost my shit.. I don't see HOW his fans/mother didn't see THAT one coming.. The world has been ranting about that since his first appearance on AI, sooooo... Now, all we need is Ricky Martin to get to it.. Rawrrr baby let it all out!

I'm stoked that Lindsay Lohan admitted to her relationship w/ Samantha Ronson, btw.. Another durr to that, but still.. She's not saying she's gay, just that she's in a relationship w/ another female. Word.. Hot business! The entertainment industry is getting mad comfy w/i themselves apparently, b/c everyone seems to be shouting their gayness from the heavens lately.. W/e, just make better movies...

Movies...videos... THE POINT OF THIS BLOG! To be honest, folks, I've been "productive" but noooot nearly as much as you prob think.. Online, that is.. I do write in my notebook etc but I'm talking about all the shit I've started on the computer/internet.. I'm trying not to be laaaaaaaaazy lazy, and I feel like I am.. I need more walking, more productivity.. More everything, less of w/e it is going on now.

My fmaily life is looking kinda up.. Yeah, Lu's in jail, but we are getting some things taken care of.. I like that. A lot. Aaaaaand I keep finding random motivation to do things, don't know what that's all about but it's not exactly a bad thing. I have a few pre-cursors to my goals, little things that have to be done and out of the way first, so that's what's going on now, I guess. I can't make everything fit into one or two categories of importance, gotta address them all w/ their own importance or I'll just let it all crumble. Can't have any of that, or I'll never be done.

It's sooo fucking frustrating, ya'll, I wish you knew. I want to jab my eyes w/ my favourite ink pen and be done w/ it. No help needed on that one, btw, so don't try and volunteer to do it for me.. I'm good, thanks! Just need a boatload of money and Brent's all-black beach cruiser.

Random, I know....

Oh, and btw.. I had like 6 vids almost completed and as SOON as Morgan showed up, the internet went all wacko on me.. Back to square one, which obv = Ground Zero.

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