Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Insomnia is a bitch.

I mean, seriously. If I weren't so afraid to Heath-out, I'd be taking sleeping pills. This has been an on-going thing since I was like 10 years old... That's 16 years of late-nite crap shows and an undying love affair w/ computers/cartoons lol..

And I want to be famous?? Then again, I function on little to no sleep as it is, usually only getting around 5-6 hours a night, and that's after dealing w/ all the bullshit I gotta deal w/.. Mad people I know complain about being tired all the time, but half of them do even less than I do during the daytime hours. Even w/ doing sit-ups etc, I have the energy.

This is why people smoke weed.. Has to be the only way to get a good night's rest these days...


But not really, cuz like I said before, the whole Heath thing is kinda :| soooo yeah. Plus, Brad said don't do drugs, haha..


And it's only going to get worse, watch.. Anything I plan on going after, career-wise, will leave me wide awake and drooling over random items on the internet.

Which, btw reminds me that I def wanted to post some things I'm currently coveting, I will soon tho. Whenever I get the chance. I always say that, but people don't understand how I am. I don't like going balls to the wall w/ people around me, I like a quiet riot. People who look over my shoulder, for any reason, should be shot in the face. I try to avoid doing that to people, unless they are obviously wanting you to look. I wish computers were only visible to the user. The screens @ least, that way I can clickity-clack in peace @ all times.

Don't you think?? That would be fantastic.

If I laugh, turn away. If I cry, turn away. If I cough, turn away.

This wasn't inspired by anything recently btw, it actually came from something I just saw on tv. It just reminded me of that, and thus began the rant haha.

PS, my belt looks like a crazy penis under my shirt. Why am I even still fully dressed?? Like I'm going somewhere AAAAAANYTIME soon. I mean, I have a lil trip tomorrow w/ a few places to stop and grab/drop shit off, but other than that...

Not tonight.........

I think I'm gonna go read. Everytime I get a few pages in, I pass out. Maaaaybe that's b/c.......

I dunno. Certain things just make you reeeeally tired.

This SOUNDS like some kind of insomniac rambling.... Someone said to me recently that I never go to sleep... Oh, JARED it was YO mafakin' ass.. Yeah, I prob will be up til 7, basically until my eeyeballs are dripping blood.

And then I'll get up @ 11 for The View.


K. Night.

PS, I really did yawn. Not that it matters, but yeah. And I feel another one comiiiiiii knew it.. Mm, yawns are scrumptious nummies to the soul.

Maybe that's why I suddenly can't stop? Is it a sign? Bedtime?? Ooh, wee!

PPS, I chose this video before I started the blog (sometimes, sometimes not) b/c thinking of staying awake made me think of Staying Alive, which btw I would love to do for as long as possible. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

*yawns for the 5th time*

Aaaaalrighty then.

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