Saturday, December 29, 2007

The One W/ The Year-End Blog.

Some things are better left unsaid. Of course, no one told ME that until it was too late.

Gooooooooood mornin', Vietnam! Happy New Year, good fucking riddance 2007. By the time I post this, it won't be '08 yet, but still.. You get the fucking point.

I seriously don't even know wtf to start, there's soooooooo much shit to talk about...

Let's see.. The start of the year, immeeeeeediate bang w/ Lauren's near-arrest over her suspended license (unbeknownst to her), which sent Brandi and I over the edge to the point where WE almost got arrested... I got your back, homie.. I got your back for life!

But that wasn't always the case w/ some of you...... To me, 2007 = maaaad betrayal. All sorts of friend/relationships got fucked up this year... Good god.. We alllll had our shady ass moments... Or just moments in general... THANKS TO GRIFF, I had mine mad early, got that alllll outta the way... Not that Brandi and I didn't butt heads on like 10 other things, but none were as important... I'm @ a campsite w/ the Richmond boys straight gettin' snapped on via celly, aww.. I ♥ you, Ninja...

Whiiiiiiiich brings me to the BEACH CREW portion of the blog.....

Like I said before, if this is how you treat family, I'm gooooooood on THAT.... I can't wait to see who's NOT @ Scandals come NYE... Nobody's perfect, forgive and forget etc etc blah blah...............

Cuz I done heard some shiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttt about ya'll... Not all of you, no.. I got mad love for those who know........ BUUUUUUUUUT some of you bitches are downright TRIFLIN' and your time in the spotlight will come.

Names??? Oh, YOU KNOOOOWWWWWWWW..... Just not who you think, b/c you're too busy still passing judgement on that, EEEEEVEN THO YOU'RE A DIRTY LIL CUNT YOUR DAMN SELF.....

Moving right along.... l.o.v.e/h.a.t.e

Lower case, niggas. Bitches betta get it right...........

This year, maaaaad random hook-ups happened... I walk w/ Josh (Sherrrrrrrrman) to grab his tattoo shit, and BAM! I find out this nigga is dating/living w/ Shay.... Say whaaaaaaaat!?!? That's another couple who've been thru some SHiT this year... Josh, ♥ ya, we cool, etc... But fuck up ONE 'MO 'GIN, and I'mma busssssss yo head to the white meat.... You were up to no good, aaaaaaand you know it.. BUT! You've more than redeemed yourself, and I wish ya'll nothin' but the best, and a lack of DRAMA. Don't get yourself caught up w/ them lil floozies the REST of your boys can't seem to keep their dicks out of..................


Shay, good LAAAAAAWDY, did we get close as fuck or WHAT!?!?! Seriously, ya'll have provided the both of us w/ SOOOOOOO much to talk about, it's unreal. Don't tell us secrets. I'm tellin' HER, and she's tellin' ME, haha.. Flaaaaaaat the fuck out... And just shit from THIS YEAR, wooo... Our friends have been awfully busy... Some w/ each other, some w/ each other's other....... *snicker* .....

There's a-LOT of dots in this blog...

Ahhhhh yesssss.... What a year, hm? It's the year that I just stopped giving a fuck about ERRRRRBODY, friends included. Not literally, just in terms of, ok you pissed me off, not mincing words just b/c you're my boy/girl... Sometimes you just gotta let it flow... I've suffered faaaaar too much unhappiness just trying to be the good friend, etc. Why, I do not know, esp since half of you take my friendship for granted as is. Apparently Becca assumed that b/c I love her, I wasn't gonna dig into her ass each and every time she did some dumb shit. HOOOOOOORRIBLY WRONG, but that's ok! We live and we learn... And by we, I mean everyone BUT her, hahaha.. ♥

This year basically proved that white bitches never listen/learn from shiiiiiitttttt.. Not just the one I just mentioned, but she also shares the crown.

Errrrrrrrrr!!!! Niggas is SIMPS, too... Go and brush your shoulders off... I know mad dudes that got played this year. Some from the same female, haha. By show of hands, who WASN'T listening when BBD said "never trust a big butt and a smile"??? Apparently ALL of you. I don't care how much "you love her and can't live w/o her", sometimes, YA JUST FUCKIN' NEED TO... The best part about this year is that 99.9% of the drama and betrayal was flat-out BOLD PRINT in people's faces, but some poor humans can't face the truth so they live, marry, and sometimes re-marry a lie. I hope to GOD someone kills me before my life is marred by deceit. Dooooooon't... Don't let me be the laaaaaast to knoooooooowwww...

I wonder if Britney sang that to Jamie Lynn???

I wonder if ______ sang it to ____?? I knew like the day before, maaaaaaaybe two days before she did, but I didn't KNOWWWWW know.. I just kinda knew.. I still regret not saying anything, but it was hearsay.....

Meaning I heard it, and said it to someone else, just not her. Ooh, all I want to talk about is DRAMA. I swear, it permiated sooooooo much of my year, that it's just naturally gonna come up every other paragraph. Plus, we've all been some dirty ass mafakas this year, and I want everyone involved to read this and marinate in their own private shame. Maybe they can print it out and read it on the way to FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....

K enough of the cheap digs... I'm going for the expensive stab.

Speeeeeeaking of FL however, DEFFFF had some of the best times EVERRRRRR w/ Brandi and G-riffic.. Dew Tour? Ah-sum. Metal Mulisha signing? Ah-summmmmmm-errrrrrr... I really want a BBQ sammich from the Lakeland Ale House, and while I'm there I'll knock Mi Vida Loca on her ass, maybe scrub off some of that Plaster Caster lookin' ass mold of a face she wears to work..

Fresh off my own spiteful comment, I MUST make mention of the insanely high amount of spite spewed from the lips of some of my besties... Look @ Jessica.... Even before the recent events that occured (btw, she's DEF in jail thru the New Year), her name could neverrrrrrr be brought up w/o SOMEONE saying something spiteful. We're all a band of fuck-ups, we just pick and choose which ones we focus on. Nicky is another one that catches a lot of shit. Not to her face, NOOOO, we're not THAT brave..... And even when they are, it's "hahajustkiddingeventhoimnot"... The "eventhoimnot" part is silent. We ALLLL talk mad shit, plain and simple, but everyone acts so fucking Puritan when other people get called out for it. It's one of our country's favorite pastimes, like blatant racism/stereotyping and homophobia.

The unwritten rules for that type of thing is it's ok, so long as you don't get caught doing it. I think masturbation, nose-picking, and eating off the floor all fall under that same category. All three disgust me. Yeah, I said it. Masturbation should be a solely spectator sport. I don't know how that works for the person DOING it, but I'll find the loophole.

After all, I found my true passion, my reason to grow the fuck up... If the pen is mightier than the sword, then what is the keyboard??? TJ, I love you. You and Shay kick-started my QUITE OBVIOUS neeeeeed to write. I think that if I lost a hand, I'd commit suicide. Not even think, I KNOW. I almost don't want to fight ever again, jic...

Minus last night. DEF was about to wreck a bitch.... I LOVE how all those bitches scattered the moment I walked up.... And I LOOOOVE Lauren's little jackmove for the front-row, haha.. But I'm not talking about that, I'll get people in trouble. I mean, the word will get out either way, buuut.... If I didn't say it first, it doesn't count! :D

I wish I'd thought up the Gossip Girls series.. I could guest-write in a book.. I've done seen some shit go down that I would loooooooooooooove to talk about in a non-tattling way.. Def seen enough tattling take place this year, haha.. I'm good on THAT for the next couple eons..

WOOOOOOOOW, the year is over... It's really just now hitting me for real, thanks to the That 70's Show moment I just had in the garage in front of Stevo's heater w/ the radio on Bob FM... Awwwwwriiiiiight... Damn, now I want to watch Dazed & Confused... Ugh...

Listening to Silverchair, my fingers will prob never stop now...

"I'll only maaaaaake you cryyyyyy w/ these feeeeeeeeliiiiiiiiiiiins...." Aaaaand I feel myself ready to launch into an episode, forgive me fahja, for I have sinned...

Sooooooo Clutch came by here a lil while ago and we chatted out front.. He claims he's tired of trying to be nice to everyone, b/c it just blows up in his face, etc....

REEEEEEEEALLY, HAVEN'T I BEEN SAYING THAT TO YOU THIS ENTIRE TIME!!??! I told him to just go ahead and be nice when he wants to, fuck it, right??? He won't do it, but I gotta keep telling him just so I can say I did, lol.. This whole him and _____ thing is getting a lil weird, hm? LOL.. ♥


Ok soooooooo what else.. GOD, so much shit happened this year.. The Mercers are wild'n! I broke someone's leg w/ a pool stick... Lauren broke her hand on a wall, haha... Jessica's in JAIL, Brandi's got a 2 year old, lmmmmfao... I think she wins the Most Random title, b/c all the others could be sorta predicted.. I fuck people up anyway, Lauren stay throwin' and punchin' shit, and Jessica, well.... We all know Jessica... Whiiiiich is a lie, a good portion of you don't... Well, she's in my Top.. Mortified Penguin, lol.. Awwwwww, now I want to play Splinter Cell..

My mind just went absolutely blank. What the FUCK!

Ohh, so uhh.. I did a lot more traveling... I've decided that The Steve Miller Band - Jet Airliner is my theme song for life. That, and KMK - Endless Highway.. I don't know what it is, but GOD it feels good to get away from here. Even if only for a day or two.. I was in NY last weekend, I think it was.. Just b/c.. Almost went to New England this weekend. REALLY wish I had, lol. Morgan wants to go home, and I want to get away. How perfect? And thennnnn I could stop by and see my favorite Massholes, haha. Take some more pics in the desolate town I once called home.

Byyyyyyyy the way, I seriously seeeeeeeriously either need A. that fuckin' Fly Pentop shit or B. a fucking tape recorder.. But I'd much rather see it in type b/c I can still get my own emphasis after the fact, I just need to remember the actual details..

Uh-ohhhh, presto chang-o, I'm not writing this blog anymore.. Why? B/c no one fucking listens anyway... I wasted so much of my time and energy this year trying to help the blind see, and it got me nowhere but mad fuckin' frustrated, soooooo you get no witty epithats, nothing. You get to sit and sulk, just like I do when you bombard me w/ your fucking problems that you REALYL don't want a solution to or else you'd stop being such a jackass... I can't count how many times this year I had someone tell me I was right, long after I told THEM I was going to be, or w/e the sitch was... It wouldn't be as irritating if people wouldn't say "Oh, I know" after you tell them something, only to have their actions show how they either DIDN'T know, or DID, but didn't care. THAT also got mad annoying... Stop crying me a river if you're just gonna mop it up w/ lemon Pine-Sol to make it all sunny and clear, ooooonly to have the inevitable happen and once again, I'm shin-deep in sadness having NOTHING to do w/ me...

After much mental review, I don't like this year so much... TOO much drama that wasn't mine, which I obv take partial blame for b/c I don't haaaave to listen, but I have difficulties flipping the switch.

Sooooooo, I'm not gonna make any bold resolutions to change or w/e b/c for all the things about me that have changed, I'm still the same kid w/ the cheesy smile. The things I needed to change, like NOT being an asshole for the sake of some bullshit, that's over w/... I did enough awesome things to make myself feel better about life, so fuck it.. Bring me a new year, just 12 more months to fuckin' conquer and do shit you never thought I could do, so whaaaaatevuh, man.. Let's get it crackin!

Ohhh, wait. I know what I DO want to do finally, and what I WILL be doing thanks to my Ma.. I caaaaaaaannooooooot stress how over MYSELF and my own bullshitting that I am.. This can't go on.. I mean, it WILL, but not as severe!

Aaaahhhhh soooo Griff is here, I'm just gonna end it.. I don't want anything prolific, etc like I said..

It's just words, right???

WROOOOOOONG, these words are gonna propell me to where I want to be.. These words make me happy, happier than I've been in ages, so uhh..

K can't end this.. I realized that I had little crushes on certain people, some I just want to stop bullshittin'..... I did the math, you don't add up. Whaaaat-ever, in the new year I ain't got tiiiiiiiiime to focus on shit like that. I want so badly to stick to my plans....


Some of THE dumbest, most psycho/dramatic moments of my LIFE came in the name of love... Not ME, heeeeell NAH, but I done seen some shit that would make your stomach turn..



1 comment:

Liiiisssssaaaaa said...

There is no photograph, only a Jay-Z video. Please explain.