Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Gayelle...!? And what's w/ 'Celebrity Saw'??

First, the love of my life, and then the love of a coupla moments!?!? In a WEEK?! Shuuuuuuut the FUCK up...

Raise your hand if you're currently questioning your own mortality....!?

No one saw THAT shit coming, bull rocks if you say you did... Uggghhh.. Heath?? But... How RUDE!

Hm, I have a chapter about my elm school and my death, maybe I need to get to clickin' a lil quicker, hm? Morgan and I are going on a lil date to Willoughby Elm.. I plan on filming some shit to show my family..

Who's next!? What if a member of 'N Sync or Backstreet goes?? I know, that's gay as hell to think about, or "gayelle" and that's some real shit. I would fucking DIE A THOUSAND DEATHS, NOOOOOO MATTER WHICH OF EITHER GROUP. TRUE FUCKIN' STORY...

I'm 'bout over this 'Celebrity Saw' that life feels like playing.. I don't even want to know who's next (lyyyyyying, but it's horrible)..

Don't let it be Mark or Ryan boyyyyyy... Out of pure vanity alone..

Basically, stay away from TUS (the usual suspects).. Jen, I know you feel me on that one...

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