Thursday, May 3, 2007

"I told myseeeeelf I wouldn't let you back in..."

"But here I aaammmm, dialing, trying...."

My throat hurts SO - SO - SO - SO bad right now... Unbelievable.. Didn't go to either show b/c the smoke would've KILLED me.. 'Bout to have to break Brandi's heart for tonight b/c there's no way I can go where she wants to go and not have my throat just cave into my neck by the time we leave.. Too much smoke!

I already highly regret the fact that we kicked it @ Brent's house.. If you know Brent, you know why my throat is even worse now, lol...

That sounds bad, so uh, I'm just gonna leave on that one...

DGAF... Kingspade tour.. Souljaz, oh my! Cannot wait!

Oh, and the 311 lyric as a subject remiiiiiiiinds me.. I was so happy earlier... Nicky and I were walking to a meter, and I was randomly singing 311.. We walk into Phils (stayed for all of like, 10 mins.. Fuck whatchu hearrrrrrrrd, the throat is GONE) and 311 - 123 (yes, that's a band and a title, for those unknowing) is on.. Iiiiiiiiii was jammin' like a sonuvabitch.. Such a delight!

Plus, the Braves were winning! lol

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