GOD, I got drunk as a biiiiiitch, and early as fuck. I broke a chair, too! But, I DID introduce Dani's house to Flip Cup, and that's all that matters... B/t the bourbon/tequila w/ Adam after the Strawberry Festival (Pungoooooo, TOO FUCKIN' HOT OUT), the shots of Jager w/ Dani, and then my own beers + the 7234325 rounds of FC.... Yeah, it was a good night... And then I was good and tired... I went from freezing and grabbing a blanket, to waking up @ 5 am all alone!
Now, @ 6:50am, I'm watching Wedding Crashers... Still my shit!
Anyway, to everyone I saw last night, helloooooooo again! It was such a fun night... Too bad I tuckered out early... As a sonuvabitch, lol...
"I love you!" *places duct tape over sock in mouth* Hahaha this movie is weak...
K well my throat officially feels the pain of playing drinking games in the smokey ass garage! I'm 'bout to lay the fuck down and hope to high hell that it feels better later... I gotta call my Richmond baby loves b/c I was def supposed to go back and see them again.. It must happen today! I hope it's not as hot out tho, yeesh.....
Notice the hand in the middle.... Yeah, I said it! lol
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