I got faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadeeeeeeeeeeed as a bitch last night, can't even lie. Normally I'm like, nah, just a lil buzzed etc etc..
Sssssssssike nigga, I was fucked up. Danielle's house is a blur of me coming in and out on the couch... W/ Pickens on my lap, no less! That's b/c I was @ Brent's from like, 6ish to after midnight gettin' fucked up... Let's start w/ the fact that there was a keg of Killians, and move from there. Plus someone came thru w/ mad Mickeys and you know that's my shit.. Gotta do the lil cap puzzles haha... And you knowwwww what else was present @ the shindig... It was a great night, all in all.
MINUS A LIL FAMILY BEEF, but I can't even think about that shit right now...... *smh*
It only took BRANDI 4 years to get there, but it's all good.... OHHHHHH DEF forgot about the "minor altercation" that took place pretty much as soon as we left...
Bitches, have you LOST IT!?!? Tryna get my family knocked, mang???
"And it really makes me wonder if I ever gave a fuck about YOU!"
Moving riiiiiiight along, wtfffff.... Normally I chill and let the night happen. Fuck that tho. I went into the night w/ plans to be fucked up, and it happened. Ty, Brent, for yet another awesome party... Soooooooooooo much family, it was unreal... Steven, thanks for kidnapping me.. This nigga.. I'm walkin' to Brent's car to get a cd out (which, btw, was Kingspade - PTB) when I was stopped NOT EVEN 1/4 of the way to the car and propositioned for a lil change of greenery @ Stevens...
Nigga booooounce... It was good seein' his 'rents tho cuz I ain't seen Mom dukes in a grip... She was like, OMG.. IT'S BEEN YEEEEEEEEEARS haha... We came back after like an hour, and everyone was like, LISA WTF, WHERE DID YOU GO!?!? Bitch, you know the name! I have a tendency to just disappear and pop up like shit's all cool lol.. Brandi right along w/ me.. She just wasn't there @ the time...
Oh, back to Danielle's house for a sec... Whyyyyyy in the hell were ya'll hitting each other w/ chairs and shit!?!? My groggy head just did a mini-recap of the night and I remember that now..... And people were chasing Keith.... Huh??? Sure, w/e.. LOL
Dani, I love you.
Oh, man.. I was taking pics of EVERYTHING... Nicky's camera prob has like 5645 pics now... That shit's got mad capacity, all I know.. Brent and Lauren also took pics, I do believe.. I think I started w/ Lauren's camera.. There's also a video of Jessica and I trying to take a pic of us.. AS USUAL.. W/ me, Brandi, and Jessica, we ALWAYS think we're about to take a pic, and people finally are like, "NO, IT'S A VIDEO!"....
Way to tell a bitch, lol...
OH MY GOD.. Scuba and Nicole were there! I just remembered that... OHH, YEAH, CUZ SOME DUMB BITCH HIS SCUBA'S FUCKING CAR AND DIDN'T SAY SHIT...Let me find out who it was...... Grrrrr.....
We stole Grace from the normal world and now she's prob never going to speak to us again lmmfao.. J/k, it seemed like she had fun to me, but I was also kinda D-O-N-E sooooo yeah... It's been awesome hangin' out and gettin' to know you better, girl! More fun times to come as the seasons roll around!
Jesus.. I forgot all about yesterDAY. The Redskins Beach Blitz shit was goin' on, boooooooooo! Fuck the Redskins, and fuck VA for having to borrow a team... That's some ol' bullshit.. But anyway, I ran into maaaaaad friends before the partying even started.. Ya'll know how it is @ the oceanfront, lol.. The one person I WANTED to run into, RICO, was nowhere to be found.. Justin said he saw him earlier, drunk as hell. Nigga musta started early as hell..
Ahh... I wonder what's gonna happen today? I think we're headin' back to the beach... That means I'll get to see Brandi - THE NINJA! Haha, let's see if she smacks me in the mouth upon arrival...K I gotta get my shit together and get some goddamn grub.. I'm out like shout!
Ey Scotty... "This nigga got on some stirrups!" - Me clownin' on everybody @ the beach, per usual...
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