Monday, May 14, 2007

"If this keeps teeeaaarin' me apaaart...

So, I went on a cd-making frenzy. I was in a super-nostalgic mood and just went nuts..

I also made Lauren & Lee cds and may as well titled them z104's Greatest Hits of May '07. I felt like I burned the radio onto a cd, haha.. But none of it was for me, so w/e..

Anyway, all of myyyyyyy shit was such a soothing reliever for me.. I've been in some weird ass moods (duh) lately, more so than usual. It's finally happening.. I'll be the old lady who talks to herself all throughout the house, seeing shit..

"It's gonna huuuuurt, and I loooove the paaaaaain.. A breeding ground for hate, but...."

Oh god. It's always this song that does it!

"Remember todaaaaaaay, I've got nooooo respeeeeeect for yoooouuuuu..."

I will not cave!

The music.. I am alllllll about it now.. I want to hear more ______. LOL..


Only Jen, Cate, and Amanda will get that.

I wish you knew how happy I am right now!

Altho the thing I mentioned in the other blog makes me a liiiiiiil :


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