I just had this conversation w/ a human being.
"Um, are you gonna be watching Nickelodeon next, um.. Next 4-7???"
"What the fuck is 4-7???"
"Um, what do they call it.... Friday!"
*blankest stare EVERRRRRRR*
I CAN'T........ Ya'll know how I am w/ ignorance/stupidity... I don't wanna hear SHIT about age either, she's TEN, NOT TWO. I can't do this.. THANK GOOOOOOOODDDDDDDD HER FATHER IS COMING HOME EARLIER THAN PLANNED. Keep your money, invest it in a BETTER SCHOOL CUZ THIS BITCH NEEDS SOME SERIOUS ONE-ON-ONE W/ A FUCKING HARVARD GRAD..............
I almost wish I were talking to a brick wall. No response is better than the shit she comes up w/. My spoken-word aggravation/dispointment w/ the NC school system began here after Jen told me about the FL trip w/ her dad, and her b/f.. Keep in mind that this part is from her. We are pretty much the same person, I just have more dots...........
LOVE being stuck w/ my dad for a week bc he's completely NOT ANNOYING AT ALL.
He lives like 15 mins from the airport, right? I'm up north queens, near the other airport, that we're not flying out of.
So he calls before to set the plans. I say greg's going to drive us, pick you up about 11:15ish.. that way we'll be nice and early, even if we're running a little late.
He calls me back hours later "I think I'm just going to take a cab... rather than coming to your apt cause what if there's no parking?"
[To which MY reply was]
LMMMMMFAO omfg... The kids I sit for, that's their future. Love to start http://ihatemyfnbabysittingjob.blogspot.com (hers is IHateMyFnJob) and shit, b/c they are fucking R-E-T-A-R-D-E-D. Except for Amber but w/e.. Sabrina is 10 in the 3rd grade. Bitch has failed like 3 times already, so I know it's not just me..
"Brina, take the trash out."
"Um, how do I do that?" (DEF did it the day before)
"Take... the trash... OUT."
"But how???"
The convo about Nickelodeon just took place. I am BAFFLED. I didn't even know wtf to say.. How do you get a DAY mixed up w/ NUMBERS... And FOUR-SEVEN @ THAT... Is she a COP?? What's a 4-7?? Unnecessary Idiocy??? KILL ME NOW.
Toooooo weak.. Def just typed in 'Stupid' and that's one of the first videos that popped up. It's mad long, but the first minute gives you the gist of things.
"Tonight - Stop kidding yourself about your kids' school." and "Stupid in America - How We Cheat Our Kids" <--- Truuuuuueeeee storyyyyyy...
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
I'm sooo tired, omfg... Buuuuut....
The E! THS of the Mickey Mouse Club is on, and I can never turn away from it. Are you kidding me!?!?
Can't wait to see Matt Morris, sigh sigh.... And Dale Godboldo...
Anyway, I have some new MySpace pics in SHOW PHOTOS, so feel free to check those out.. This one I just got a few hours ago. Sha left me an image comment on my FL blog... I'd already forgotten about taking this pic! Cot dayum...

Us in the load-in area, in front of the KMK bus... Just chillin' like a mafaka.. That was such a random moment, but that's what life is all about...
K I'm not paying any kind of attention, there's Tony Lucca and JC.. I'm no 'mo good right now...
Can't wait to see Matt Morris, sigh sigh.... And Dale Godboldo...
Anyway, I have some new MySpace pics in SHOW PHOTOS, so feel free to check those out.. This one I just got a few hours ago. Sha left me an image comment on my FL blog... I'd already forgotten about taking this pic! Cot dayum...
Us in the load-in area, in front of the KMK bus... Just chillin' like a mafaka.. That was such a random moment, but that's what life is all about...
K I'm not paying any kind of attention, there's Tony Lucca and JC.. I'm no 'mo good right now...
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Forever and a day ago...
I was maaaaadly in ♥ w/ this video.
And by "forever and a day", I mean TOday. I still obsess over this song like I'm a lil ass kid. Maybe this is why I turned out so weird, blame it on George Michael... W/e you do, make sure you jaaaammmm.. I still think it's one of the best pop songs ever. How can you not love it??? Now, if you were born in the late-80's I could see that, not only were you not alive for this, but you were too young to remember his best 90's video, Freedom '90. Another classic, IMO. I ABSOLUTELY love and sweat the fuck outta supermodels, and this video is prob what pushed that over the edge. It's like magic on film, I swear.
Back to the first vid, b/c that's what I'm watching, and have been watching for 30 mins, back-to-back lol. I used to emulate him everytime it came on.. Even during the strip club scene in Beverly Hills Cop II, when the stripper is jammin.. I alternate b/t the George Michael bop, and the Eddie Murphy one from the song afterwards. Lovvveeee iiiittttt...
But uh, yeah.. Freedom '90. Uuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhh, no idea where to start... It's in the height of the supermodel era, before they were so accessible. Icons, all of them. I would've loved to have been there, watch who ate the least from craft services, etc... Who did the most blow, who bitched the most, that sort of stuff, lol. All important! Trust me!
Okaaaaaaayyyyyyy, time to stop, b/c I'm just going thru more and more GM vids, and this is long enough as it is!
I love the lyrics, too btw, not just the video. It's all so liberating! The second verse, about him and Andrew Ridgeley (WHAM!), used to be my fave. Now I just love the song as a whole.
Hm, what time is it... Damn, midnight??? Only I would devote this much time and effort into a blog about two old ass songs. W/e, it's what I do..
Aaaaaand I still want to "do" George Michael, circa 1987. I'd have to be my age NOW, and not then.. We're talking about George Michael, not Michael Jackson, haha...
And by "forever and a day", I mean TOday. I still obsess over this song like I'm a lil ass kid. Maybe this is why I turned out so weird, blame it on George Michael... W/e you do, make sure you jaaaammmm.. I still think it's one of the best pop songs ever. How can you not love it??? Now, if you were born in the late-80's I could see that, not only were you not alive for this, but you were too young to remember his best 90's video, Freedom '90. Another classic, IMO. I ABSOLUTELY love and sweat the fuck outta supermodels, and this video is prob what pushed that over the edge. It's like magic on film, I swear.
Back to the first vid, b/c that's what I'm watching, and have been watching for 30 mins, back-to-back lol. I used to emulate him everytime it came on.. Even during the strip club scene in Beverly Hills Cop II, when the stripper is jammin.. I alternate b/t the George Michael bop, and the Eddie Murphy one from the song afterwards. Lovvveeee iiiittttt...
But uh, yeah.. Freedom '90. Uuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhh, no idea where to start... It's in the height of the supermodel era, before they were so accessible. Icons, all of them. I would've loved to have been there, watch who ate the least from craft services, etc... Who did the most blow, who bitched the most, that sort of stuff, lol. All important! Trust me!
Okaaaaaaayyyyyyy, time to stop, b/c I'm just going thru more and more GM vids, and this is long enough as it is!
I love the lyrics, too btw, not just the video. It's all so liberating! The second verse, about him and Andrew Ridgeley (WHAM!), used to be my fave. Now I just love the song as a whole.
Hm, what time is it... Damn, midnight??? Only I would devote this much time and effort into a blog about two old ass songs. W/e, it's what I do..
Aaaaaand I still want to "do" George Michael, circa 1987. I'd have to be my age NOW, and not then.. We're talking about George Michael, not Michael Jackson, haha...
Finally, the blog about my weekend...
As the new one approaches, lol. I waited b/c I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was that Jessika said in Jamie's garage on Sat night in VA.. Ugh.. How much do I hate saying "in VA", meaning I AM NOT THERE. Not reeeally tho, it's more of the face to face convos, and being @ the oceanfront that I miss right now. But it'll go down this weekend, I have Sat/Sun/Mon...
Ummmmm wait I was def just informed that I'm supposed to be watching the kids on Sat in VA!?!? Why would I go to VA to watch them.... WHY!?!? Feel free to make that make sense to me... I'm 'bout to snaaaaapppppppp, cuuuuhhhhh... For shoooooooo...
I NEED MY PHOOOOOOOOOOONE... I could've had this thing texted out and solved by now, lmfao.. Now I have to actually speak to me Muva.. Which I've actually been doing a lot of lately, now that she finally wanted her page done.... Two years later.....
But anyway! According to Dawayne, he and Jamie are fuckin, which isn't that shocking of a revelation. He prob balls Jamie up on the reg to give him that long-stroke, lmmmmfao... I'm totally kidding, or @ least I think.. I'm sure they were j/k....? Right guys??? Haha j/k for real, I know Dawayne's straight...............
Moving right along, to a magical place I call the Carpet Cut-up, a dancefloor completely covered in carpet. Ok, no such place exists, but imagine the excersize you'd get @ the bar, lmfao. I'm actually thinking about ROSA and her explicit rumpshakin' moves she displayed for us @ the party... WOW woman... I want to be that stereotypical dude to ask if you want to be in a video, haha..
"Shake it, shake it, shake it, now shake it.. She can spend every birthday butt naked!"
Gotta love them Virginians... Remember when it was the "Bomb Beach"??? LMMFAO...
That video could also apply to JESSIKA, even tho she didn't dance. Her lady lumps are equally deserving of a video shout out.. SOOOOOOOO IS HER INFANTILE DRINKING PROBLEM. And by that I mean she's been drinkin' since she was a "wee liddle 'un", as she stated in the garage lmmmmmfao... So we're doing the Lucky Charms thing now???
Happy St. Patrick's Day, Thick Barbie...!

LMMFAO.. I ♥ that picturrrrrrreeeee...
Hm, what else.. Oh, I know. Let's talk about how HIGH everyone was, and how it took LAUREN 20 minutes to get out of the back of a goddamn BLAZER lmmmfao.. You weigh 110 when I rest my thumb on the scale, but you can't slip past the seat!?!? You probably would've had an easier time slipping thru the keyhole bwahahha.. I ♥ you, homie!
Jessica. How haaaaaaaarrrrd were we laughing during all of this??? Everytime she fell back in... ORRRRR how about how long she kept the FUCKIN DOOR OPEN W/ THE LIGHT ON, AS IF JESSICA WASN'T BACK THERE TOKIN' HER WIDDLE HEART OUT.. My lil surfing pirate...
Oww.. My stomach hurts like a bitch... But anyway, MEGAN AND JEREMY aren't off the hook, either... DEFFFFF remember hearing "Fuck, I'm so ripped!" a few times outta you, Mr. Man. I called out Megan in the garage, I walk back in and she's "lookin' like an Asian, eyelids on tilt" (KMK).. You goofy bastids.. I love everyone that was there, and I had a really fun night..
Of course, I have to come out of hiding and say hellooooooo to all that I DIDN'T see... You know I luuuuuuuuuvvvvvvv you! I'm turtley enough for your Turtle Club, bet that!!! Bwahaha...

Iiiiii guess that makes ME the jelly, hm??? LMFAO.
K, well I just exerted myself and inserted many things into this blog (ooh la la), so now I will continue doing what I was doing prior to this...
Expaning my soft rock collection. God bless Time Life infomercials.
Ummmmm wait I was def just informed that I'm supposed to be watching the kids on Sat in VA!?!? Why would I go to VA to watch them.... WHY!?!? Feel free to make that make sense to me... I'm 'bout to snaaaaapppppppp, cuuuuhhhhh... For shoooooooo...
I NEED MY PHOOOOOOOOOOONE... I could've had this thing texted out and solved by now, lmfao.. Now I have to actually speak to me Muva.. Which I've actually been doing a lot of lately, now that she finally wanted her page done.... Two years later.....
But anyway! According to Dawayne, he and Jamie are fuckin, which isn't that shocking of a revelation. He prob balls Jamie up on the reg to give him that long-stroke, lmmmmfao... I'm totally kidding, or @ least I think.. I'm sure they were j/k....? Right guys??? Haha j/k for real, I know Dawayne's straight...............
Moving right along, to a magical place I call the Carpet Cut-up, a dancefloor completely covered in carpet. Ok, no such place exists, but imagine the excersize you'd get @ the bar, lmfao. I'm actually thinking about ROSA and her explicit rumpshakin' moves she displayed for us @ the party... WOW woman... I want to be that stereotypical dude to ask if you want to be in a video, haha..
"Shake it, shake it, shake it, now shake it.. She can spend every birthday butt naked!"
Gotta love them Virginians... Remember when it was the "Bomb Beach"??? LMMFAO...
That video could also apply to JESSIKA, even tho she didn't dance. Her lady lumps are equally deserving of a video shout out.. SOOOOOOOO IS HER INFANTILE DRINKING PROBLEM. And by that I mean she's been drinkin' since she was a "wee liddle 'un", as she stated in the garage lmmmmmfao... So we're doing the Lucky Charms thing now???
Happy St. Patrick's Day, Thick Barbie...!
LMMFAO.. I ♥ that picturrrrrrreeeee...
Hm, what else.. Oh, I know. Let's talk about how HIGH everyone was, and how it took LAUREN 20 minutes to get out of the back of a goddamn BLAZER lmmmfao.. You weigh 110 when I rest my thumb on the scale, but you can't slip past the seat!?!? You probably would've had an easier time slipping thru the keyhole bwahahha.. I ♥ you, homie!
Jessica. How haaaaaaaarrrrd were we laughing during all of this??? Everytime she fell back in... ORRRRR how about how long she kept the FUCKIN DOOR OPEN W/ THE LIGHT ON, AS IF JESSICA WASN'T BACK THERE TOKIN' HER WIDDLE HEART OUT.. My lil surfing pirate...
Oww.. My stomach hurts like a bitch... But anyway, MEGAN AND JEREMY aren't off the hook, either... DEFFFFF remember hearing "Fuck, I'm so ripped!" a few times outta you, Mr. Man. I called out Megan in the garage, I walk back in and she's "lookin' like an Asian, eyelids on tilt" (KMK).. You goofy bastids.. I love everyone that was there, and I had a really fun night..
Of course, I have to come out of hiding and say hellooooooo to all that I DIDN'T see... You know I luuuuuuuuuvvvvvvv you! I'm turtley enough for your Turtle Club, bet that!!! Bwahaha...
Iiiiii guess that makes ME the jelly, hm??? LMFAO.
K, well I just exerted myself and inserted many things into this blog (ooh la la), so now I will continue doing what I was doing prior to this...
Expaning my soft rock collection. God bless Time Life infomercials.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Movin' on up...
To the West Coast!
After having a convo w/ Sarup last night, I'm thinking of trekking to CA in like, 5-6 months. Not even for like, months, just long enough to experience what I want to. If I don't do it now, I prob never will.
Also, my Ma just asked me recently if I wanted to go to school. AGAIN. I swear, EVERY YEAR we go thru this. She asks, I answer, it goes nowhere. Without a doubt, I will avoid school @ all costs w/o my mom's insistence, and I think she knows that. She mentioned online classes, too. But the thing is, would I go thru w/ it??? She said something @ her house the other day when she watched me lose focus like 346346 times in a row. I can't help it tho! I was like, "I keeeeeeeeeep telling you that I need help. Medicine. DUH." so hmmmmm...
Iiiiiin the meantime, there's a new Silverchair video online that I deffff read about/clicked on vid DURING THE NET DOWNTIME, UGH. No wonder I forgot. I was prob mad as a bitch...
Anyway, back to the serious chat.. Shay, you're such a good conversationalist! Equal listening/talking ratio, lol. I like that...... Talking/listening over bitching. What a novel idea. Let's all adopt that tact, hm???
"Then again, maybe not!"
After having a convo w/ Sarup last night, I'm thinking of trekking to CA in like, 5-6 months. Not even for like, months, just long enough to experience what I want to. If I don't do it now, I prob never will.
Also, my Ma just asked me recently if I wanted to go to school. AGAIN. I swear, EVERY YEAR we go thru this. She asks, I answer, it goes nowhere. Without a doubt, I will avoid school @ all costs w/o my mom's insistence, and I think she knows that. She mentioned online classes, too. But the thing is, would I go thru w/ it??? She said something @ her house the other day when she watched me lose focus like 346346 times in a row. I can't help it tho! I was like, "I keeeeeeeeeep telling you that I need help. Medicine. DUH." so hmmmmm...
Iiiiiin the meantime, there's a new Silverchair video online that I deffff read about/clicked on vid DURING THE NET DOWNTIME, UGH. No wonder I forgot. I was prob mad as a bitch...
Anyway, back to the serious chat.. Shay, you're such a good conversationalist! Equal listening/talking ratio, lol. I like that...... Talking/listening over bitching. What a novel idea. Let's all adopt that tact, hm???
"Then again, maybe not!"
Monday, August 27, 2007
"Then you can't tell me NOTHIN, right??"
Nothing @ all.
I got PRE'D. Hard. W/e. Just wanted to mention that.
Anyway, I hope ya'll can understand why I posted that video before.. Same shit I've been sayin' about Kanye (one day, I'll cap the Y). Saaaame shit. I feel it. I LOVE IT.
Can't Tell Me Nothin, for example.. Mad people love that song for reasons they're unsure of. Cuz it's on the radio, cuz the hook is catchy... Do you ever listen to what that dude is sayin??? I'm not sayin' sorry for shit from here on out, haha... I'm lyin' I'm sure, but I'm not saying sorry for anything I don't feel sorry for. It's a rarity as it is, it's overrrrrrr tho. I answer to shit I shouldn't even answer to, and for what??? Am I going to get hit??? Ssssssssike, I'd love to see it tho.
I'm over a lot of stupid shit, like I said before. I'm 25, blah blah, time to move on from some shit. On, and away.
I got PRE'D. Hard. W/e. Just wanted to mention that.
Anyway, I hope ya'll can understand why I posted that video before.. Same shit I've been sayin' about Kanye (one day, I'll cap the Y). Saaaame shit. I feel it. I LOVE IT.
Can't Tell Me Nothin, for example.. Mad people love that song for reasons they're unsure of. Cuz it's on the radio, cuz the hook is catchy... Do you ever listen to what that dude is sayin??? I'm not sayin' sorry for shit from here on out, haha... I'm lyin' I'm sure, but I'm not saying sorry for anything I don't feel sorry for. It's a rarity as it is, it's overrrrrrr tho. I answer to shit I shouldn't even answer to, and for what??? Am I going to get hit??? Ssssssssike, I'd love to see it tho.
I'm over a lot of stupid shit, like I said before. I'm 25, blah blah, time to move on from some shit. On, and away.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Exactly how the fuck I feel....
I've been sayin' basically the same shit about my life, etc, and people's reactions to me talkin' shit/being confident.. Who are YOOOOUUU, what can you do, or say??? Are you smarter than me??? Proooobably not. I may not make the greatest decisions, but my brain is stiiiill on point, lest we forget that..
I feel like there's nothing that can hold me back except my own damn self @ this point... I've let a lot of stupid shit dictate my actions in the past, and well.....
Fuck that, fuck YOU, and fuck off.
Get @ me! Oh, that's right, you can't. I'm like a lil kid on my Big Wheel, barreling thru light years, straight MOBBIN' IT...
I can't WAIT to tell you to fuck off.
I feel like there's nothing that can hold me back except my own damn self @ this point... I've let a lot of stupid shit dictate my actions in the past, and well.....
Fuck that, fuck YOU, and fuck off.
Get @ me! Oh, that's right, you can't. I'm like a lil kid on my Big Wheel, barreling thru light years, straight MOBBIN' IT...
I can't WAIT to tell you to fuck off.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Okay, so THEN what happens...?
Death. So final, so irreversible. So not looking forward to it. The thought of dying gives me anxiety attacks. Hardcore. Why tho??? It's so inevitable. It's not even the death itself that worries me, it's wondering who I will become, if anyone/thing, and what will life be like. My brain isn't processing the fact that even if I do reincarnate as someone else, I won't feel the pains of life that person may/may not feel. I think it's the lack of control over it all that's making me freak out. If I could know for sure what kind of person I'd be, and what kind of life I'd lead, I would be all about it.
But noooo, it's all in the hands of God, blah blah etc... What the fuck ever. I try to imagine my death, my funeral. I wonder if it'll be like I just walked out of myself, able to watch everything going on? I hope not, in a way, b/c then I'd just be that much more depressed. Is there depression in the afterlife? LOL, who knows...
L;KJGKL;DSJKLGHDSJKGJLJKDSHNLGKSDG I DON'T, AND THAT'S THE GODDAMN PROBLEM. I'm trying to ease myself into a lesser sorrow once my friends and family start dying on me, as horrible as that sounds. I can't even imagine the struggle w/ my mind I'm gonna go thru...
Why am I thinking about all of this??? Is it b/c I'm watching The Shining??? Must be. I had the same thoughts while watching One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest. I'm convinced that my life will end one of two ways; all fuckin' schitzo'd out like Jack Torrance, or I'll be committed (by self) like Randle McMurphy, and end up being smothered by a giant fucking Indian dude..
Isn't life grand???
Isn't it???
Is it.....?
But noooo, it's all in the hands of God, blah blah etc... What the fuck ever. I try to imagine my death, my funeral. I wonder if it'll be like I just walked out of myself, able to watch everything going on? I hope not, in a way, b/c then I'd just be that much more depressed. Is there depression in the afterlife? LOL, who knows...
L;KJGKL;DSJKLGHDSJKGJLJKDSHNLGKSDG I DON'T, AND THAT'S THE GODDAMN PROBLEM. I'm trying to ease myself into a lesser sorrow once my friends and family start dying on me, as horrible as that sounds. I can't even imagine the struggle w/ my mind I'm gonna go thru...
Why am I thinking about all of this??? Is it b/c I'm watching The Shining??? Must be. I had the same thoughts while watching One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest. I'm convinced that my life will end one of two ways; all fuckin' schitzo'd out like Jack Torrance, or I'll be committed (by self) like Randle McMurphy, and end up being smothered by a giant fucking Indian dude..
Isn't life grand???
Isn't it???
Is it.....?
Thursday, August 23, 2007
So last night, when I was asleep @ 7-11.....
What in THEEEE hell is up w/ my luck, haha.. I didn't get like, "robbed" but someone took the keys off the counter. Prob one of the COUNTLESS Elizabeth City rock smokers who were gathering in their dirty man jubilee out/inside of the store... Fuckin' BUMS, ugh...
Sooooooo b/c LaViece only had one key, I got to spend the night @ a store I'd never even seen before til then. First time exploring EC, and this is what happens!!! I cannot beliiiieeeeeeeve I went thru that..
Only me! I swear to fuckin' GOD, man haha.. I wasn't even mad, just upset b/c of the inconvenience (to LaViece, not myself), + the awkwardness of anyone parking next to me, which of course happened 354654654 times during the night lmmmmfao.. I'm dyin' right now thinkin' about some of the facial expressions I saw...
I shoulda took pics of me laying there... I was actually pretty comfortable.. I can sleep anywhere, you know how I am.. But that was highly unexpected.. I had just gotten off the phone w/ Jessica, and then I went to 7-E.. I should've just stuck w/ the store I went to first.. I got what I NEEDED there, but I WANTED the new cheese & jalapeno Cheetos haha.. Fat ass.. That bag of Cheetos I never got ended up costing me $30.. For the key, of course. Wasn't gonna be like, "Oh well take it out on the first".. I didn't ask someone to buck on my shit, but I still gotta take responsibility..
Good thing I had cash on me.. And more than I thought, too, by like $25, random as all hell. Like I robbed someone in my sleep. Didn't count the $ in my pocket til the am, when I called the locksmith. Didn't end up using them tho, LV's stick-stick has roadside service that includes key making.
Ugh. I was STARVING this am but I didn't want to spend anything more (this was before I knew exactly what I had w/ me) than I'd already spent, which was $10. I've got food here so I just bought a Double Gulp lemonade and waited til I got home..
The really funny thing about all of this is the EXACT SAME THING (just a diff store) happened to my Ma yesterday.. WTF! It's in our stars I guess...
People wonder why I always use my D-rings.. I never lose shit on those.. I even have my Busch Gardens Fun Pass hooked up to the Jager one...
W/e.. Another day, another random ass adventure. Even all by myself, life is just too nutty sometimes...
I DID however see this hot ass dude in the store. He had a Collie Budz appeal, even down to his short stature.
I'd rather have been @ this 7-11 tho......
"You feel good, right?"
What in THEEEE hell is up w/ my luck, haha.. I didn't get like, "robbed" but someone took the keys off the counter. Prob one of the COUNTLESS Elizabeth City rock smokers who were gathering in their dirty man jubilee out/inside of the store... Fuckin' BUMS, ugh...
Sooooooo b/c LaViece only had one key, I got to spend the night @ a store I'd never even seen before til then. First time exploring EC, and this is what happens!!! I cannot beliiiieeeeeeeve I went thru that..
Only me! I swear to fuckin' GOD, man haha.. I wasn't even mad, just upset b/c of the inconvenience (to LaViece, not myself), + the awkwardness of anyone parking next to me, which of course happened 354654654 times during the night lmmmmfao.. I'm dyin' right now thinkin' about some of the facial expressions I saw...
I shoulda took pics of me laying there... I was actually pretty comfortable.. I can sleep anywhere, you know how I am.. But that was highly unexpected.. I had just gotten off the phone w/ Jessica, and then I went to 7-E.. I should've just stuck w/ the store I went to first.. I got what I NEEDED there, but I WANTED the new cheese & jalapeno Cheetos haha.. Fat ass.. That bag of Cheetos I never got ended up costing me $30.. For the key, of course. Wasn't gonna be like, "Oh well take it out on the first".. I didn't ask someone to buck on my shit, but I still gotta take responsibility..
Good thing I had cash on me.. And more than I thought, too, by like $25, random as all hell. Like I robbed someone in my sleep. Didn't count the $ in my pocket til the am, when I called the locksmith. Didn't end up using them tho, LV's stick-stick has roadside service that includes key making.
Ugh. I was STARVING this am but I didn't want to spend anything more (this was before I knew exactly what I had w/ me) than I'd already spent, which was $10. I've got food here so I just bought a Double Gulp lemonade and waited til I got home..
The really funny thing about all of this is the EXACT SAME THING (just a diff store) happened to my Ma yesterday.. WTF! It's in our stars I guess...
People wonder why I always use my D-rings.. I never lose shit on those.. I even have my Busch Gardens Fun Pass hooked up to the Jager one...
W/e.. Another day, another random ass adventure. Even all by myself, life is just too nutty sometimes...
I DID however see this hot ass dude in the store. He had a Collie Budz appeal, even down to his short stature.
I'd rather have been @ this 7-11 tho......
"You feel good, right?"
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Before this goes ANY further.....
Def saw this as a bulletin a few other times. Point blank period, this is the most racist bulletin ever, - the one saying 'I hate niggers' haha.. But on some real.. Read this (or skim it, you'll get the gist) and then my comments below...
Date: Aug 21, 2007 2:55 PM
Subject: blacks versuses whites or should i say whites versuses black
Body: You call me:
and you think it's OK.
But when I call you:
"jungle bunny"
"spear chunker"
"wet back"
"porch monkey"
"sand nigger"
"rag head"
"Camel Jockey"
"slant eyes"
or "Chink"
you call me a racist.
--You have the United Negro College Fund.
--You have Martin Luther King Day.
--You have Black History Month.
--You have Cesar Chavez Day.
--You have Yom Hashoah
--You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi
--You have the NAACP.
--You have BET.
--If we had WET(white entertainment television) ...we'd be racist.
--If we had a White Pride Day... you would call us racist.
--If we had white history month... we'd be racist.
--If we had an organization for only whites to "advance" our lives... we'd be racist.
--If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships...you know we'd be racist.
--In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights...you would call us racist.
--Did you know that some high school students decided to make a club for only the white students because the other ethnicities had them. they all got sent to court for being racist but the african-american, Latino, and Asia clubs were not even questioned.
--You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.
I am white.
i am proud.
But, you call me a racist.
Why is it that only whites can be racists?
Now watch, I'll be racist for reposting this
So what? no-one will re-post this for fear of being called racist
if you agree w/ this than repost saying "i'm not RACIST but its true
Ok, soooo... For starters, no one calls having white pride racist. Having white pride while setting a cross on fire on someones porch is racist. And why do you need a White Entertainment Channel...? Have you watched tv lately??? Every channel BUT BET is a white channel, lol. White history month??? YA'LL GREEDY BITCHES GOT A WHOLE FUCKIN' YEAR, and you STILL complain about the ONE MONTH you don't have??? That just proves how SELFISH and STUPID this dumb ass bulletin is... Seriously, all jokes aside, I find this to be absurd as all hell. Need I remind you that there would BE NO OTHER COLORS TO ARGUE W/ HAD YA'LL NOT STRAIGHT BUCKED ON A WHOLE CULTURE OF PEOPLE AND DRAGGED THEM INTO A WHOLE NEW WORLD. So be careful what you wish for next time, hm?
I've been meaning to buck on people who talk shit about RAP MUSIC also.
Little do all of you wack ass people know, WHITE FEMALES purchase more rap than ANY OTHER RACE/SEX, and that is 100% FACT. So check your "honky" sister before you start bitching about why it's always on the radio, etc. Z104 is most def a cracka ass station, but they play mad hip-hop. BY REQUEST. From YOU corky ass whities...
And a Million White Man march??? Uh, have you ever walked down Wall Street? Apparently not. Open your CLOSED ASS EYES and stop feeding into this thinly veiled racist BULLSHIT. All this bulletin does is make it sound like whites are still wanting to be held superior to other races. Wanna debate me on it? Feel free. I'll be ignoring the fuck outta you, but feel free! This is some whiny horseshit. The part about the scholarships to schools... REALLY, b/c EVERY SCHOOL YOU'RE BITCHING ABOUT PROB JUST IN THE PAST HALF-CENTURY JUST STARTED ALLOWING BLACKS IN AS IT IS...
OMFG... There is no point in typing anymore. This is so fucking stupid.
When's the last time you heard an "Ol Whitey Spiritual"??? Neverrrrr b/c ya'll niccas never had to sufferrrrrrrr like the minoritiiiiieeesss so shut the fuck uuuuuuuup.....
Note that I just said that sentence out loud w/ a sing-song voice.
We're all in this together, you ignorant fucks. The world is gonna collapse into it's own misery and suffering long before we settle this stupid ass shit.
Date: Aug 21, 2007 2:55 PM
Subject: blacks versuses whites or should i say whites versuses black
Body: You call me:
and you think it's OK.
But when I call you:
"jungle bunny"
"spear chunker"
"wet back"
"porch monkey"
"sand nigger"
"rag head"
"Camel Jockey"
"slant eyes"
or "Chink"
you call me a racist.
--You have the United Negro College Fund.
--You have Martin Luther King Day.
--You have Black History Month.
--You have Cesar Chavez Day.
--You have Yom Hashoah
--You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi
--You have the NAACP.
--You have BET.
--If we had WET(white entertainment television) ...we'd be racist.
--If we had a White Pride Day... you would call us racist.
--If we had white history month... we'd be racist.
--If we had an organization for only whites to "advance" our lives... we'd be racist.
--If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships...you know we'd be racist.
--In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights...you would call us racist.
--Did you know that some high school students decided to make a club for only the white students because the other ethnicities had them. they all got sent to court for being racist but the african-american, Latino, and Asia clubs were not even questioned.
--You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.
I am white.
i am proud.
But, you call me a racist.
Why is it that only whites can be racists?
Now watch, I'll be racist for reposting this
So what? no-one will re-post this for fear of being called racist
if you agree w/ this than repost saying "i'm not RACIST but its true
Ok, soooo... For starters, no one calls having white pride racist. Having white pride while setting a cross on fire on someones porch is racist. And why do you need a White Entertainment Channel...? Have you watched tv lately??? Every channel BUT BET is a white channel, lol. White history month??? YA'LL GREEDY BITCHES GOT A WHOLE FUCKIN' YEAR, and you STILL complain about the ONE MONTH you don't have??? That just proves how SELFISH and STUPID this dumb ass bulletin is... Seriously, all jokes aside, I find this to be absurd as all hell. Need I remind you that there would BE NO OTHER COLORS TO ARGUE W/ HAD YA'LL NOT STRAIGHT BUCKED ON A WHOLE CULTURE OF PEOPLE AND DRAGGED THEM INTO A WHOLE NEW WORLD. So be careful what you wish for next time, hm?
I've been meaning to buck on people who talk shit about RAP MUSIC also.
Little do all of you wack ass people know, WHITE FEMALES purchase more rap than ANY OTHER RACE/SEX, and that is 100% FACT. So check your "honky" sister before you start bitching about why it's always on the radio, etc. Z104 is most def a cracka ass station, but they play mad hip-hop. BY REQUEST. From YOU corky ass whities...
And a Million White Man march??? Uh, have you ever walked down Wall Street? Apparently not. Open your CLOSED ASS EYES and stop feeding into this thinly veiled racist BULLSHIT. All this bulletin does is make it sound like whites are still wanting to be held superior to other races. Wanna debate me on it? Feel free. I'll be ignoring the fuck outta you, but feel free! This is some whiny horseshit. The part about the scholarships to schools... REALLY, b/c EVERY SCHOOL YOU'RE BITCHING ABOUT PROB JUST IN THE PAST HALF-CENTURY JUST STARTED ALLOWING BLACKS IN AS IT IS...
OMFG... There is no point in typing anymore. This is so fucking stupid.
When's the last time you heard an "Ol Whitey Spiritual"??? Neverrrrr b/c ya'll niccas never had to sufferrrrrrrr like the minoritiiiiieeesss so shut the fuck uuuuuuuup.....
Note that I just said that sentence out loud w/ a sing-song voice.
We're all in this together, you ignorant fucks. The world is gonna collapse into it's own misery and suffering long before we settle this stupid ass shit.
Codename: Nothing Next Door
Being on the road, and then moving etc etc, there's a few things I wanted to blog about, but I just didn't have time. Now I do!
One thing I wanted to mention was the fact that I FINALLY saw Ocean's Thirteen like a week ago, lol. Def spent a good chunk of time wiping up my fuckin' DROOL omfg... Tooooooo much hotness in that.. All I would've needed is for Mark W. or Ryan R. to walk on-screen for me to fully lose it.. I prob would've just thrown up all over myself. 'The Nines' is coming out soon, so there's my RR fix right there!
Do not expect to see me or Lauren the day that comes out, unless you plan on being in the theater w/ us. She'll be @ work during the day, and skeet skeet skeeting her life away the rest of the night haha...
We're talking via email right now.. I miss her! I miss a lot of people, but it's not like I'm forever and a day away.. Just FEELS like it. Being in MA was WAY worse, distance-wise..
Btw, DEF slipped in dog piss the other day, w/ no shoes/socks. Ask me how trife I felt!? UGH. I just got out of the shower and I want to go back in just b/c of the thought... I may go for a lil walk around the neighborhood, which btw is attached to NOTHING @ ALL. It's like when you drive thru the country and you don't see SHIT, then BAM, a whole brand new but completely isolated ass neighborhood. This is that place, fa shooooooo... Today I finally saw someone else other than the people in this court, and even THEN, haven't reeeeeally seen'em. And I don't even consider who I saw to count b/c he's just a lawn care dude, so he was here for a job, not b/c he lives out this mafaka...
I hate when I get excited to check my inbox and LAUREN HASN'T WRITTEN ME BACK YET. Her Ma prolly finally showed up w/ the McD's lol.. I'm bout to fix myself something.. Already fed the flock of geese I live w/...
Hm, yeah, sounds like a plan.. Bagels or Poptarts, I'm in that kind of mood.....
Love the Japanese version of the intro... They sound so excited!
One thing I wanted to mention was the fact that I FINALLY saw Ocean's Thirteen like a week ago, lol. Def spent a good chunk of time wiping up my fuckin' DROOL omfg... Tooooooo much hotness in that.. All I would've needed is for Mark W. or Ryan R. to walk on-screen for me to fully lose it.. I prob would've just thrown up all over myself. 'The Nines' is coming out soon, so there's my RR fix right there!
Do not expect to see me or Lauren the day that comes out, unless you plan on being in the theater w/ us. She'll be @ work during the day, and skeet skeet skeeting her life away the rest of the night haha...
We're talking via email right now.. I miss her! I miss a lot of people, but it's not like I'm forever and a day away.. Just FEELS like it. Being in MA was WAY worse, distance-wise..
Btw, DEF slipped in dog piss the other day, w/ no shoes/socks. Ask me how trife I felt!? UGH. I just got out of the shower and I want to go back in just b/c of the thought... I may go for a lil walk around the neighborhood, which btw is attached to NOTHING @ ALL. It's like when you drive thru the country and you don't see SHIT, then BAM, a whole brand new but completely isolated ass neighborhood. This is that place, fa shooooooo... Today I finally saw someone else other than the people in this court, and even THEN, haven't reeeeeally seen'em. And I don't even consider who I saw to count b/c he's just a lawn care dude, so he was here for a job, not b/c he lives out this mafaka...
I hate when I get excited to check my inbox and LAUREN HASN'T WRITTEN ME BACK YET. Her Ma prolly finally showed up w/ the McD's lol.. I'm bout to fix myself something.. Already fed the flock of geese I live w/...
Hm, yeah, sounds like a plan.. Bagels or Poptarts, I'm in that kind of mood.....
Love the Japanese version of the intro... They sound so excited!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
"Put your mouth on the South"...
To explain, on the way home from FL there was a comm'l for some random ass country diner and that was their tagline or w/e.. I lost it, and remembered it so I could use it as my MySpace name... Looovvveee it..
Also love babysitting. HATE kids, love observing their random ass behaviour, and listening to the shit they say. Currently there are 6 kids in this house, only 4 are residents tho lol. The other 2 I picked up the other day. Thanks, LaViece. Sort of, haha. Fuckin' brats. This little boy (NOT hers) has THE most alien head everrrrr. When they say "Take me to your leader", they are MOST CERTAINLY talkin' about this nigga... He may as well get used to being "that egg-head ass nigga" b/c I can already hear myself eventually calling him that. Which sooooome would see as abusive, buuut it's also hilarious soooo......
I kiiid, I kiiid...........
So yeah, earlier I fuckin' LOST IT. Apparently Sabrina can't read too well, and after she mentioned it today, Alex (older sis of egg-head) ... Actually fuck it, here's how it went down.
"Well, I can't really read so..."
"No, not really. When I'm in school I have my heads in the clouds."
Enter me losing it.. Who says that??? Are you a TEACHER??? So much shit has been said b/t yesterday and today, it's a fuckin' riot man..
[As I'm watching a movie w/ Madison (4 mo old)]
"Hey, guys, we're tryna wind down and watch a movie, so uhh, be quiet."
"Wow well I'm glad we had that little talk. Maybe next time you'll just STFU afterwards??? That was the intended result of all of that, just so you know."
"Hey maybe you can teach each other about shutting up next, since that seems to be both your main areas of concern. Or maybe you can just keep ignoring everything, including your sister's bleeding eardrums thanks to the volume of this lovely "conversation" you're having."
"She's being sarcastic."
"Well, I'm glad you can appreciate sarcasm @ such a young age. I, however, would appreciate being able to HEAR THE MOVIE, so how 'bout we just end all this now?"
Now, which person is me? LMFAO.
I loathe little kid convos, unless it's funny to me. Which of course means it's a story about the last time they really hurt themselves.
*calls Southwest, finds out ticket to Hell is still on reserve*
What a wonderful world......
PS, I really do like these kids, esp Madison and Amber (haha, only a dick would actually pick 2 out of 4). I'm already back in the mode of child-rearing, chore-wise. I'll be damned if I'm cleaning up all the mess for someone who can work an oven/stove.
House nigger, I am not. Altho I def feel like some sort of SOMETHIN.. I fell asleep to the Soft Rock cable station... Ain't like I don't have most of that shit on cd anyway, but it felt so extra-white considering where I currently live. Just for shits and giggles, I opened the door earlier and shouted out "Does ANYONE out here smoke pot!!?"... Not like I'm shoppin' for weed, but I wanted to see if I'd get a response. I haven't heard a single noise that didn't come from this house since I've been here, other than the truck next door when it was idling. Secluded ass bullshit!
Oooof course, as I type this, a heli flies overhead. Whatever.
Also love babysitting. HATE kids, love observing their random ass behaviour, and listening to the shit they say. Currently there are 6 kids in this house, only 4 are residents tho lol. The other 2 I picked up the other day. Thanks, LaViece. Sort of, haha. Fuckin' brats. This little boy (NOT hers) has THE most alien head everrrrr. When they say "Take me to your leader", they are MOST CERTAINLY talkin' about this nigga... He may as well get used to being "that egg-head ass nigga" b/c I can already hear myself eventually calling him that. Which sooooome would see as abusive, buuut it's also hilarious soooo......
I kiiid, I kiiid...........
So yeah, earlier I fuckin' LOST IT. Apparently Sabrina can't read too well, and after she mentioned it today, Alex (older sis of egg-head) ... Actually fuck it, here's how it went down.
"Well, I can't really read so..."
"No, not really. When I'm in school I have my heads in the clouds."
Enter me losing it.. Who says that??? Are you a TEACHER??? So much shit has been said b/t yesterday and today, it's a fuckin' riot man..
[As I'm watching a movie w/ Madison (4 mo old)]
"Hey, guys, we're tryna wind down and watch a movie, so uhh, be quiet."
"Wow well I'm glad we had that little talk. Maybe next time you'll just STFU afterwards??? That was the intended result of all of that, just so you know."
"Hey maybe you can teach each other about shutting up next, since that seems to be both your main areas of concern. Or maybe you can just keep ignoring everything, including your sister's bleeding eardrums thanks to the volume of this lovely "conversation" you're having."
"She's being sarcastic."
"Well, I'm glad you can appreciate sarcasm @ such a young age. I, however, would appreciate being able to HEAR THE MOVIE, so how 'bout we just end all this now?"
Now, which person is me? LMFAO.
I loathe little kid convos, unless it's funny to me. Which of course means it's a story about the last time they really hurt themselves.
*calls Southwest, finds out ticket to Hell is still on reserve*
What a wonderful world......
PS, I really do like these kids, esp Madison and Amber (haha, only a dick would actually pick 2 out of 4). I'm already back in the mode of child-rearing, chore-wise. I'll be damned if I'm cleaning up all the mess for someone who can work an oven/stove.
House nigger, I am not. Altho I def feel like some sort of SOMETHIN.. I fell asleep to the Soft Rock cable station... Ain't like I don't have most of that shit on cd anyway, but it felt so extra-white considering where I currently live. Just for shits and giggles, I opened the door earlier and shouted out "Does ANYONE out here smoke pot!!?"... Not like I'm shoppin' for weed, but I wanted to see if I'd get a response. I haven't heard a single noise that didn't come from this house since I've been here, other than the truck next door when it was idling. Secluded ass bullshit!
Oooof course, as I type this, a heli flies overhead. Whatever.
Monday, August 20, 2007
I LOVE IT when that happens......!
"IT" being every single detail of the FL trip.. Hooooooooly shit, way to have the time of your LIFE...!
Again, so much love.. It's like Valentine's Day haha.. I can't believe we really just had all that fun.. It's like, "Oh, what'd you do over the weekend?" "Everything you'll never do." lmmmmmmfao..
FL has some real chill ass people.. Been there a few times now, but I didn't mingle w/ the crowds nearly as much. I know where the love is now, lol.. I really didn't meet too many people I didn't like... It's astounding! I wish it was always like that, lol.
OMG, I was sweatin' like a mofo in St. Pete until it randomly (random to us.. it apparently rains every day @ the same time there) started pouring it's ASS off just as Dirt was gettin' his merch out.. There was a cover, but it really didn't help that much.. Most of everything out (KMK, etc) had to be pushed further back.. Too bad for all people in line, b/c it was raining hard as fuck.. EVERYONE was soaked.. Well, everyone outside *asshole cough*....
PS, the venue in Orlando? That shit was POPPIN' after the KMK show (well, before too, duh) b/c it was apparently Latin night.. Never seen so many leggy Latinas in one place before, cot dayum.. Bitches galore! There were like, 10 girls for every guy in line.. Who can fuck w/ those odds??
Hm what else... I dunno, it's just really fuckin' ridiculous that two people can have that much fun in such a short time lol. The rides from the venues were so chatty, haha... Esssssssssp after the lil after party, which btw, was def @ a strip club called Oz. Talk about "no place like home".. We clicked our heels three times and ended up @ a Sub Noize strip show party.. How awesome! I most def want that Hart & Huntington shirt Big B had on...
And Lou! Lou and his mega bong... Not even going into details (unless you ask haha), but that was def one of my fave moments! Brandi, your face when he handed it to you..... If you woulda dropped it... Woo! Can't say I wouldn't have laughed tho..
And btw, Ninja.. "Ok let's sit this right *here*" woooooooo wouldn't DEZ (YEAH, I SAID IT, FEEL FREE TO REPLY) be elated!?
GOD. I have suuuuuuuuch a "crush" on someone ya'll aren't expecting me to be thinking about.. It's not *HIM*, that's too duhhh.. But mmm... Don't even get me STAAAAAAAAARTEEEEEEEEEEED.........
I don't even want to type anymore.. Just gonna close my eyes (for a sec, I AM watching a 4 mo old) and re-live every single awesome moment of last weekend.. And then when Brandi reads this, she'll do exactly the same..
AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH I just wanna go back and do it all over again. I'll just have to wait til next time around....
THEN we can watch Anchorman, Gurrrry! Thanks for the grub, btw.. I was fuckin' up that BBQ sammich, and washing it down w/ some delicious Bud Light, lol. Which, I guess I shouldn't have drank b/c apparently Brandi and I "drink too much"..............
HMMMMMMMMM...... REALLY!?!?! Put every drop of beer I've ever drank @ a concert in one spot and you wouldn't fill a keg.. Yes, kegs hold a lot of beer, but my concert tally is also in the triple digits. You do the math.
ANYWAY... Now I'm done. Gonna go read or something..
Wait, I'm lying... I'm about to start blogging again in 5...4...3...2...1.
Again, so much love.. It's like Valentine's Day haha.. I can't believe we really just had all that fun.. It's like, "Oh, what'd you do over the weekend?" "Everything you'll never do." lmmmmmmfao..
FL has some real chill ass people.. Been there a few times now, but I didn't mingle w/ the crowds nearly as much. I know where the love is now, lol.. I really didn't meet too many people I didn't like... It's astounding! I wish it was always like that, lol.
OMG, I was sweatin' like a mofo in St. Pete until it randomly (random to us.. it apparently rains every day @ the same time there) started pouring it's ASS off just as Dirt was gettin' his merch out.. There was a cover, but it really didn't help that much.. Most of everything out (KMK, etc) had to be pushed further back.. Too bad for all people in line, b/c it was raining hard as fuck.. EVERYONE was soaked.. Well, everyone outside *asshole cough*....
PS, the venue in Orlando? That shit was POPPIN' after the KMK show (well, before too, duh) b/c it was apparently Latin night.. Never seen so many leggy Latinas in one place before, cot dayum.. Bitches galore! There were like, 10 girls for every guy in line.. Who can fuck w/ those odds??
Hm what else... I dunno, it's just really fuckin' ridiculous that two people can have that much fun in such a short time lol. The rides from the venues were so chatty, haha... Esssssssssp after the lil after party, which btw, was def @ a strip club called Oz. Talk about "no place like home".. We clicked our heels three times and ended up @ a Sub Noize strip show party.. How awesome! I most def want that Hart & Huntington shirt Big B had on...
And Lou! Lou and his mega bong... Not even going into details (unless you ask haha), but that was def one of my fave moments! Brandi, your face when he handed it to you..... If you woulda dropped it... Woo! Can't say I wouldn't have laughed tho..
And btw, Ninja.. "Ok let's sit this right *here*" woooooooo wouldn't DEZ (YEAH, I SAID IT, FEEL FREE TO REPLY) be elated!?
GOD. I have suuuuuuuuch a "crush" on someone ya'll aren't expecting me to be thinking about.. It's not *HIM*, that's too duhhh.. But mmm... Don't even get me STAAAAAAAAARTEEEEEEEEEEED.........
I don't even want to type anymore.. Just gonna close my eyes (for a sec, I AM watching a 4 mo old) and re-live every single awesome moment of last weekend.. And then when Brandi reads this, she'll do exactly the same..
AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH I just wanna go back and do it all over again. I'll just have to wait til next time around....
THEN we can watch Anchorman, Gurrrry! Thanks for the grub, btw.. I was fuckin' up that BBQ sammich, and washing it down w/ some delicious Bud Light, lol. Which, I guess I shouldn't have drank b/c apparently Brandi and I "drink too much"..............
HMMMMMMMMM...... REALLY!?!?! Put every drop of beer I've ever drank @ a concert in one spot and you wouldn't fill a keg.. Yes, kegs hold a lot of beer, but my concert tally is also in the triple digits. You do the math.
ANYWAY... Now I'm done. Gonna go read or something..
Wait, I'm lying... I'm about to start blogging again in 5...4...3...2...1.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Florida like a mowfucka.....
We've been having SOOOOOOOO much fun, can't even begin to relay it... You have to be here, haha.. Speaking of which!
I ran into my girl Sha from the __ __ forum. How fuckin' random. She works @ the venue KMK played last night, and when she went to say something about us walking thru load-out, after telling her we were fine, I was like, wait.. Don't I know you???
Geeeeeet the fuck out... She said she's run into a few people here lately.. That's awesome.. We talked for a grip after that.. She was happy b/c someone from KMK rolled her a blunt haha.. Couldn't WAIT to get off the clock, could you, Sha???
Further proof that we know literally EVERYONE EVERYWHERE lol.. We were gonna go to Busch Gardens Tampa, b/c Brandi's uncle works there and can get us free passes and 30% off everything we wanted.. Buuuuuuut we slept kinda late, so there goes that. However, it OBVIOUSLY ain't shit for us to just up and drive to FL, so we may just go @ a later date... Don't ever count us out! Can't fuck w/ it!
Neither can Orlando. Their crowd had NOTHING on the viciousness of a home show.. They were all soft about it.. Well, after Brandi and I BUCKED like a mufucka.. One time, I was holding half the crowd back w/ one hand while about to throw a beast ass punch, but the cool ass security guard grabbed my arm. I found out after the show they wanted to hire me b/c I held so much of the crowd back so many times, w/ little to no effort.
Like I keep tellin' people, DO NOT TEST ME. I WILL knock you on your fuckin' ass... True story... I don't believe in size being an intimidation, but I do believe in strength, soooooo....
Anyway, the loooooooooooove love loooooooooove recieved by all last night made us feel so warm and fuzzy inside.. If I were the age I was in some of those embarassing ass LJ entries I read the other day, I'd be gushing sooo hardcore right now about ______ buuuuuuut that's not me...
So uhh, the shows have been awesome, two down, one more to go... There's supposed to be a party afterwards tonight so we'll see what's up w/ that... I done heard some rumors, had some others cleared up.... Lookin' forward to the next tour, fa sho. Ya'll don't even KNOWWWWWW.....
I could literally throw up w/ excitement, that is, if I finally EAT SOMETHING OMFG BRANDI I NEED SUSTAINMENT... UGGGHHHH... Altho I could live on memories of last night foreverrrrrrrrrr haha...
*makes sharp left after spotting someone very cool*
Aaaaaaaaaand it was neither I, nor Brandi that made the sharp lefts thanks PREEEEEESH lmmmmfao had to omfg...
I ran into my girl Sha from the __ __ forum. How fuckin' random. She works @ the venue KMK played last night, and when she went to say something about us walking thru load-out, after telling her we were fine, I was like, wait.. Don't I know you???
Geeeeeet the fuck out... She said she's run into a few people here lately.. That's awesome.. We talked for a grip after that.. She was happy b/c someone from KMK rolled her a blunt haha.. Couldn't WAIT to get off the clock, could you, Sha???
Further proof that we know literally EVERYONE EVERYWHERE lol.. We were gonna go to Busch Gardens Tampa, b/c Brandi's uncle works there and can get us free passes and 30% off everything we wanted.. Buuuuuuut we slept kinda late, so there goes that. However, it OBVIOUSLY ain't shit for us to just up and drive to FL, so we may just go @ a later date... Don't ever count us out! Can't fuck w/ it!
Neither can Orlando. Their crowd had NOTHING on the viciousness of a home show.. They were all soft about it.. Well, after Brandi and I BUCKED like a mufucka.. One time, I was holding half the crowd back w/ one hand while about to throw a beast ass punch, but the cool ass security guard grabbed my arm. I found out after the show they wanted to hire me b/c I held so much of the crowd back so many times, w/ little to no effort.
Like I keep tellin' people, DO NOT TEST ME. I WILL knock you on your fuckin' ass... True story... I don't believe in size being an intimidation, but I do believe in strength, soooooo....
Anyway, the loooooooooooove love loooooooooove recieved by all last night made us feel so warm and fuzzy inside.. If I were the age I was in some of those embarassing ass LJ entries I read the other day, I'd be gushing sooo hardcore right now about ______ buuuuuuut that's not me...
So uhh, the shows have been awesome, two down, one more to go... There's supposed to be a party afterwards tonight so we'll see what's up w/ that... I done heard some rumors, had some others cleared up.... Lookin' forward to the next tour, fa sho. Ya'll don't even KNOWWWWWW.....
I could literally throw up w/ excitement, that is, if I finally EAT SOMETHING OMFG BRANDI I NEED SUSTAINMENT... UGGGHHHH... Altho I could live on memories of last night foreverrrrrrrrrr haha...
*makes sharp left after spotting someone very cool*
Aaaaaaaaaand it was neither I, nor Brandi that made the sharp lefts thanks PREEEEEESH lmmmmfao had to omfg...
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
To be honest...
I don't know why I titled it this way, but yeah.. Yesterday I said something about an old LJ entry, something I remembered blogging about, and Brandi was like, "It amazes me that you can remember all these random blogs you wrote when you were like 16!" lol.. But I do. Well, not all of them, clearly, b/c I just read some that had me DYING like I didn't write them.. They also made me want to shut myself up tho, b/c wow, I touched on some random ass things..
But I also have some typos I'd love to go and erase, entry by entry (not that they're in every one, duh), but I don't have time for all that.
Until NC, and then I'll prob do it haha.. Not really but that would be interesting. I might just so I have an excuse to read them all. Usually I'll go and read a random month, and be done w/ it, but I kinda want to read some of the random non-prolific moments I don't instantly remember off the top of my head..
I just got off the phone w/ Jamie, who thinks I'm weird for having blogger and Myspace. Fuck you, nicca, lol. It's not "lonely" it's retrospective, if anything. It's like writing your memoirs slow as fuck, day-by-day. Something like that.. I know that I like to go back and read my rants, and ideas that did/did not come to fruition.. When I had the Beevo site, which was just RANDOM as all hell, having a store and shit like I really needed one. Nerd of the Week.. Haha.. Awesome..
I really didn't mispell a lot of words, I just left some I's small, etc etc.. I'm sure there's a million I didn't see, just b/c I said that, but w/e.. I just want to eat crow over all my grammar-related posts and let it be done w/. I stress over some dumb shit, but it's ok. It's just me and that's what's worrrrrrd.
I'ma beeee alriiiiiiiight... GOD I wanted to steal that Robin Thicke (I've conditioned myself to not just put 'Thicke') poster yesterday. It was too high tho.. Or maybe....
Hm I'm gonna get it next time, DGAF.
This entry is very LJ. RANDOM. Not like most of mine aren't anyway, but this is REALLY going nowhere fast, it's just things I want to say out loud but don't feel like it so I shove it here.
Whyyyyyyyyyyy am I still typing??? Whyyyyyyyyyyoutube is the greatest thing EVER omfg see this is why I blog. To REMEMBER. I read something I wrote about 'Sheep in the Big City', which used to be one of my fave cartoons a few years ago. Def forgot ALL about it until a lil while ago. I'll go out w/ an episode, thanks.
Baah. Baah. Baah, baah, baah.
But I also have some typos I'd love to go and erase, entry by entry (not that they're in every one, duh), but I don't have time for all that.
Until NC, and then I'll prob do it haha.. Not really but that would be interesting. I might just so I have an excuse to read them all. Usually I'll go and read a random month, and be done w/ it, but I kinda want to read some of the random non-prolific moments I don't instantly remember off the top of my head..
I just got off the phone w/ Jamie, who thinks I'm weird for having blogger and Myspace. Fuck you, nicca, lol. It's not "lonely" it's retrospective, if anything. It's like writing your memoirs slow as fuck, day-by-day. Something like that.. I know that I like to go back and read my rants, and ideas that did/did not come to fruition.. When I had the Beevo site, which was just RANDOM as all hell, having a store and shit like I really needed one. Nerd of the Week.. Haha.. Awesome..
I really didn't mispell a lot of words, I just left some I's small, etc etc.. I'm sure there's a million I didn't see, just b/c I said that, but w/e.. I just want to eat crow over all my grammar-related posts and let it be done w/. I stress over some dumb shit, but it's ok. It's just me and that's what's worrrrrrd.
I'ma beeee alriiiiiiiight... GOD I wanted to steal that Robin Thicke (I've conditioned myself to not just put 'Thicke') poster yesterday. It was too high tho.. Or maybe....
Hm I'm gonna get it next time, DGAF.
This entry is very LJ. RANDOM. Not like most of mine aren't anyway, but this is REALLY going nowhere fast, it's just things I want to say out loud but don't feel like it so I shove it here.
Whyyyyyyyyyyy am I still typing??? Whyyyyyyyyyyoutube is the greatest thing EVER omfg see this is why I blog. To REMEMBER. I read something I wrote about 'Sheep in the Big City', which used to be one of my fave cartoons a few years ago. Def forgot ALL about it until a lil while ago. I'll go out w/ an episode, thanks.
Baah. Baah. Baah, baah, baah.
God, my back hurts.
Not b/c of last night tho. When I woke up this morning, I ate a lil bit, stole a Vic from Brandi, and went back to sleep. After that I felt fine, but now b/c of the way I'm laying, my back and neck are killing me.. Sooooooo this little blog will stay just that - little.
The show last night was aaaaaawesome, ya shoulda been there if you weren't.. Saw a LOT of friends, made some new ones.. Same shit, diff day/locale.. Everywhere I go, man....
Hm I really don't feel like typing just yet, maybe some music to soothe me before I get in the shower...
Just know that I had a blast.... All that water @ the end was prob the funnest part, other than kickin' it w/ Erin, the Cali Kween herself, for the first time since '04! We had an awesome convo about Eric Balfour, haha. Her and Heather were a lil on the tipsy side.. That was them coming off of being drunk tho, lol. Gotta love it.. I also got to bodyguard Julie's lil cute self. What a hot tot!
Can't wait to see Heather's pics from the stage.. More importantly, can't wait to see the pics of DIANA onstage.. Girl, I know you were up to no good, haha... You AND Elizabeth...!
The show last night was aaaaaawesome, ya shoulda been there if you weren't.. Saw a LOT of friends, made some new ones.. Same shit, diff day/locale.. Everywhere I go, man....
Hm I really don't feel like typing just yet, maybe some music to soothe me before I get in the shower...
Just know that I had a blast.... All that water @ the end was prob the funnest part, other than kickin' it w/ Erin, the Cali Kween herself, for the first time since '04! We had an awesome convo about Eric Balfour, haha. Her and Heather were a lil on the tipsy side.. That was them coming off of being drunk tho, lol. Gotta love it.. I also got to bodyguard Julie's lil cute self. What a hot tot!
Can't wait to see Heather's pics from the stage.. More importantly, can't wait to see the pics of DIANA onstage.. Girl, I know you were up to no good, haha... You AND Elizabeth...!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Arrrrrrrriba! The day has finally arrived!
KMK tonight @ The NorVa.. I cannot waaaaaaaaaaait omfg.. Brandi's next to me in the mirror getting ready.. I, of course, stood up to shower @ 8am on the dot.
OMFG. My back hurts, which is the only problem I'm currently having. Brandi's got Vicodin tho from her horrible episode @ Portsmouth Naval, so hopefully that works. It doesn't always, just makes me real talkative. Imagine that.
Anyway, there's sooooo many things I want to talk about, but don't all the same. I've been leaving myself notes in my phone any and every time I have an awesome idea, like I promised myself I would, and now I have an insane little mock-first draft of a screenplay! Yay me, I'm @ it again.. I wonder if the random ideas will interfere w/ the show, b/c I'll def be stopping if something sounds funny enough to stop movin' and groovin' for a few seconds..
Iiiiin other news, my bro told me that after he goes to training (Fort Useless) he's going to stationed in Korea for 12 months. Ugh. I won't see my bro for a YEAR. May have to take a trip! He's lucky tho, b/c if he'd already finished school when they left he would've gone to Iraq. FUCK that. I'll snap. He still could "if duty calls" but I doubt (aka I'll blow this country to pieces) it'll happen..
Sigh, sigh...
Still got more shit to do so I'm ending this now... But oh, oh ohh...
I feel really good right now. My world is @ peace!
Oh, and btw... Leaving for NC after we get back from FL... So I guess now's the time to tell you I'm going to FL this week, haha.. Don't hate cuz you're stuck in VA like everyone else!
We go from city to city, bitch!
PS def grubbed my ass off @ my Ma's last night.. BBQ chicken & mac, mm.. Can't fuck w/ home-cooked grub, esp before going on the road and only eating crap :|....
OMFG. My back hurts, which is the only problem I'm currently having. Brandi's got Vicodin tho from her horrible episode @ Portsmouth Naval, so hopefully that works. It doesn't always, just makes me real talkative. Imagine that.
Anyway, there's sooooo many things I want to talk about, but don't all the same. I've been leaving myself notes in my phone any and every time I have an awesome idea, like I promised myself I would, and now I have an insane little mock-first draft of a screenplay! Yay me, I'm @ it again.. I wonder if the random ideas will interfere w/ the show, b/c I'll def be stopping if something sounds funny enough to stop movin' and groovin' for a few seconds..
Iiiiin other news, my bro told me that after he goes to training (Fort Useless) he's going to stationed in Korea for 12 months. Ugh. I won't see my bro for a YEAR. May have to take a trip! He's lucky tho, b/c if he'd already finished school when they left he would've gone to Iraq. FUCK that. I'll snap. He still could "if duty calls" but I doubt (aka I'll blow this country to pieces) it'll happen..
Sigh, sigh...
Still got more shit to do so I'm ending this now... But oh, oh ohh...
I feel really good right now. My world is @ peace!
Oh, and btw... Leaving for NC after we get back from FL... So I guess now's the time to tell you I'm going to FL this week, haha.. Don't hate cuz you're stuck in VA like everyone else!
We go from city to city, bitch!
PS def grubbed my ass off @ my Ma's last night.. BBQ chicken & mac, mm.. Can't fuck w/ home-cooked grub, esp before going on the road and only eating crap :|....
Thursday, August 9, 2007
I'm NOT upset. Haven't been all day. Fuck it, I wouldn't be me if I didn't just keep fuckin' goin, right???
Too much other good shit coming my way to let one bad thing stop me! Me 10 years ago would be very disappointed in Me now if I just sulked forever. It's out of my hands, can't fix it, can't make "it" reappear.
PS not moving to NC for yet ANOTHER week, so I have more time to kick it I guess... Gettin' old tho, I called LaViece (person I'll be working for) that I'm def over all the hold-ups. She is too, but it affects me more. W/e tho, I'm safe, I'm chillin, it's allllllll okay...
It helps that 311 - Don't Tread On Me came on! Musical motivation is all I need, lol. Also jammed to some John Mayer this morning, which will soon be the cause of my next MySpace name. Mm.. He's too hot for words, voice and all. Love those faces...
ANYWAY. I'm 'bout to continue helping Kim move. All we've been doing (buuuullshit, def went to Nancy's/Cinema/IHOP/Applebees/Wal-Mart/flea market inbetween) is move. In 104 degree heat today, no less. I was on my Iron Man, just bussin' shit outta here. I sweat so hardcore these past two days, oh man.. Losin' water weight like a mowfucka...
W/e helps, I guess..
K, I'm out.. Don't want to lose motivation!
More musical motivation! Happiness is only a volume crank away....
Too much other good shit coming my way to let one bad thing stop me! Me 10 years ago would be very disappointed in Me now if I just sulked forever. It's out of my hands, can't fix it, can't make "it" reappear.
PS not moving to NC for yet ANOTHER week, so I have more time to kick it I guess... Gettin' old tho, I called LaViece (person I'll be working for) that I'm def over all the hold-ups. She is too, but it affects me more. W/e tho, I'm safe, I'm chillin, it's allllllll okay...
It helps that 311 - Don't Tread On Me came on! Musical motivation is all I need, lol. Also jammed to some John Mayer this morning, which will soon be the cause of my next MySpace name. Mm.. He's too hot for words, voice and all. Love those faces...
ANYWAY. I'm 'bout to continue helping Kim move. All we've been doing (buuuullshit, def went to Nancy's/Cinema/IHOP/Applebees/Wal-Mart/flea market inbetween) is move. In 104 degree heat today, no less. I was on my Iron Man, just bussin' shit outta here. I sweat so hardcore these past two days, oh man.. Losin' water weight like a mowfucka...
W/e helps, I guess..
K, I'm out.. Don't want to lose motivation!
More musical motivation! Happiness is only a volume crank away....
This kind of repeated heartache can't be healthy.
I would just LOVE IT if just fucking ONCE, a great outlook could stay that way. Just once! It's never going to end tho, so whooooooo fuckin' cares, right!? No one seems to understand how much it hurts me to keep starting over, b/c as bad as shit may get for them, I def go thru worse ROUTINELY.
There's a pattern. It's good shit/bad shit, and that's the way it's apparently going to flow untilI end my the end of my life.
I'm over it.
OVER IT. Fully. 100%.
Do ya get me, sweetheart???
How the fuck do people NOT give up!? This is insane! And to make matters worse, I def feel the final straw coming. I'm just gonna go back to being a fucking recluse. I had everything then.
There's a pattern. It's good shit/bad shit, and that's the way it's apparently going to flow until
I'm over it.
OVER IT. Fully. 100%.
Do ya get me, sweetheart???
How the fuck do people NOT give up!? This is insane! And to make matters worse, I def feel the final straw coming. I'm just gonna go back to being a fucking recluse. I had everything then.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Wow, Hostel 2 couldn't have been worse...
Not even w/ effort. That movie was traaaash. Brandi, Travis, and I went to see it @ Cinema Cafe last night. The night before, we went to Knocked Up for the third time b/c Travis hadn't seen it.
NO MORE. I'm done w/ that movie for a griiiiiiip, ty Brandi lol...
Hm.. We're supposed to be going to Richmond today (McCormaaaacks) but we'll see. I want some fries, mm. For those who don't know, we tend to make trips to Richmond just for the McC fries. SO good. The trip is for our girl Kim, but she's heard about the food from us so she wants to go, too.
Uhh, what else.. Still jammin' to Kanye West... And I've gotten over the Silverchair sadness.. The new fans will just have to be dealt w/ in a proper manner, is all. It's not like they've never been in rotation etc before, so w/e.. Still MY band tho, hmph.
Anyway uhh.. I'm tired, so I'm going back to bed... Yeah.. Happy Birthday, Daddy..
NO MORE. I'm done w/ that movie for a griiiiiiip, ty Brandi lol...
Hm.. We're supposed to be going to Richmond today (McCormaaaacks) but we'll see. I want some fries, mm. For those who don't know, we tend to make trips to Richmond just for the McC fries. SO good. The trip is for our girl Kim, but she's heard about the food from us so she wants to go, too.
Uhh, what else.. Still jammin' to Kanye West... And I've gotten over the Silverchair sadness.. The new fans will just have to be dealt w/ in a proper manner, is all. It's not like they've never been in rotation etc before, so w/e.. Still MY band tho, hmph.
Anyway uhh.. I'm tired, so I'm going back to bed... Yeah.. Happy Birthday, Daddy..
Sunday, August 5, 2007
See, I talk maaad shit about the radio, but...
It def has its moments.. Last night I was jammin' to Nirvana on 96x (Come As You Are), being reminded yet again of why Nirvana is the shit, just zonin'... That goes off and this lil chick is like, new music blah blah "Silverchair - Straight Lines" and then they play this lil snippet. When that happened, I looked @ Brandi like, SHUT UP, GET THE FUCK OUT... SOOOOOOOOO after that, the fuckin' song CAME ON and I def lost it..
Brandi was like, "Silverchair's blowin' up and you don't know wtf to do w/ yourself." which is soooooooo true, JUST like 311, JUST like Robin Thicke, JUST like Maroon 5, etc etc... The list goes on and on... HELL, I read a fuckin' story about MATT MORRIS (MMC) not too long ago, after Justin signed him to his label...
I've been in ♥ w/ Matt Morris since that era of MMC. I stg, FIRST BITCH to ask me if I listen to him, I WILL KIRK THE FUCK OUT. Aaaaaasssssss Summer Love comes on upstairs.. Brandi's cleaning her room FINALLY. It's not even dirty, it's just cluttered as all fuck from Gregg leaving and her getting the apt together... Last thing to do tho, so w/e.. Aiden's room is so cute...
ANYWAY, BACK TO MY ANGER/HAPPINESS FOR A SECOND... Guess what time that Silverchair shit happened!!?!? Mother F-n 3:11am, thanks. No bullshit!
I remember being like 16 and always catching that video @ random mad early or mad late. I miss those days.. 120 Minutes, all that good shit...
Those were the days!
Before I go, quick question... What if God was one of us???
Brandi was like, "Silverchair's blowin' up and you don't know wtf to do w/ yourself." which is soooooooo true, JUST like 311, JUST like Robin Thicke, JUST like Maroon 5, etc etc... The list goes on and on... HELL, I read a fuckin' story about MATT MORRIS (MMC) not too long ago, after Justin signed him to his label...
I've been in ♥ w/ Matt Morris since that era of MMC. I stg, FIRST BITCH to ask me if I listen to him, I WILL KIRK THE FUCK OUT. Aaaaaasssssss Summer Love comes on upstairs.. Brandi's cleaning her room FINALLY. It's not even dirty, it's just cluttered as all fuck from Gregg leaving and her getting the apt together... Last thing to do tho, so w/e.. Aiden's room is so cute...
ANYWAY, BACK TO MY ANGER/HAPPINESS FOR A SECOND... Guess what time that Silverchair shit happened!!?!? Mother F-n 3:11am, thanks. No bullshit!
I remember being like 16 and always catching that video @ random mad early or mad late. I miss those days.. 120 Minutes, all that good shit...
Those were the days!
Before I go, quick question... What if God was one of us???
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Such an eventful week... UNTIL PEREZ KILLED IT.
I've seen like 6 movies lmfao.. I love it.. Saw Knocked Up last night w/ B Diz, fuckin' DIED of course.. That kind of asshole comedy 100% makes me feeeel like daaaanciiiiiiin... Everyone tells me I'M a dick, but they die lol @ shit like that..
SAME THING, PEOPLE. If it's so goddamn funny to ya'll, let me be the asshole I was born to be then, stop tryna make me play nice, lmfao.. DICKS.
I told Brandi I was gonna just be a dick, but I'll prob still just be the not-so-dick me that I am now..
BE RIGHT FUCKIN' BACK.....................

When did Daniel Johns get so damn hot????
Two scoops of yum with a meow on top!
The Silverchair lead singer gave concertgoers a special treat when he ripped off his shirt at the V Festival in Baltimore on Saturday and showed off his buff bod, sexy hairy chest, tattoos and pierced nipples!
His wife, fellow singer Natalie Imbruglia, is one lucky lady!
SAME THING, PEOPLE. If it's so goddamn funny to ya'll, let me be the asshole I was born to be then, stop tryna make me play nice, lmfao.. DICKS.
I told Brandi I was gonna just be a dick, but I'll prob still just be the not-so-dick me that I am now..
BE RIGHT FUCKIN' BACK.....................
When did Daniel Johns get so damn hot????
Two scoops of yum with a meow on top!
The Silverchair lead singer gave concertgoers a special treat when he ripped off his shirt at the V Festival in Baltimore on Saturday and showed off his buff bod, sexy hairy chest, tattoos and pierced nipples!
His wife, fellow singer Natalie Imbruglia, is one lucky lady!
Friday, August 3, 2007
The honeymoon is over, Diorama...
I fucking LOVE Silverchair - Young Modern. For the rec, I've had this bitch since April... Lauren can tell you, lol. But I just recently got the one w/ the dvd. Looovvvveeee it... Suuuuuuuch a great album that's so unlike Diorama in most ways.. I wasn't expecting them to repeat themselves, but I also wasn't expecting Young Modern.
It's awesome, even tho some "older fans" (Frogstomp era ONLY, usually) don't get the new sound. Had they listened to Neon Ballroom and then Diorama, they'd get it. Iiii do, and that's all that matters. And so does Rico! Well, not YM b/c I don't think he's heard it yet, but he loved Diorama so we'll see.. But like I said, two diff albums.. Those Thieving Birds pt I & II will prob intrigue him..
Hm.. I'm done. I just wanted to say all that.
That, and I ♥ Waiting All Day/Strange Behaviour/Insomnia/TTBptI&II/Straight Lines like a soooooonuvabitch right now...
It's awesome, even tho some "older fans" (Frogstomp era ONLY, usually) don't get the new sound. Had they listened to Neon Ballroom and then Diorama, they'd get it. Iiii do, and that's all that matters. And so does Rico! Well, not YM b/c I don't think he's heard it yet, but he loved Diorama so we'll see.. But like I said, two diff albums.. Those Thieving Birds pt I & II will prob intrigue him..
Hm.. I'm done. I just wanted to say all that.
That, and I ♥ Waiting All Day/Strange Behaviour/Insomnia/TTBptI&II/Straight Lines like a soooooonuvabitch right now...
Cannot waaaaiiiiiit for this...!!!
Ugh. Feel the excitement flooding from me??? Cuz it is.. I ♥ The Boondocks and I'm so glad it's coming back.. Time to get fucked up w/ the homie and watch it together, per usual. Makes me miss 12th Street THAT much more...
T-Raaaaaaaav! Miss ya, babycakes! You too, my love!
Travis and Jessica are in Ohio kickin' w/ her fam etc, bunkin' out.. What an awesome buddy trip! I can't wait for the KMK shows.. There won't be any woods, but you can count on seein' some trees...............
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Oh my gaaaaaaad, there's a pool in Willoughby. And not just any pool, a HOT ASS pool that's kinda L-shaped. Whaaaaaaat the eff... You mean to tell me we went allllllll those years going to the pool on base, or the beach (which was actually closer than the pool) when them niggas more than likely were sayin' "Nah, we don't need to put in a pool"!?!?
Well, fuck you too! That's that BULLSHIT! LOL... At least that's the only big change I noticed since the last time I was out there... I still cannot get over the fact that 8536 and that entire ROW is gone.... UGGGGGHHHHH so many childhood memories!
Which, btw, is all I ever seem to have these days. You ever notice that??? Don't know who's paying attention, but damn... Every other dream, random flooding moments when I'm just sitting and thinking.. Or riding around... I want to know why tho.. Did my obsession w/ turning 25 spark it??? Probably...
OOH! Def also went to my old school (not inside, way too late) which freeeeeaked me out.. I've been dreaming about the trees lately, the ones on the right side, w/ the cinder blocks around the bottoms??? Of course, I'm mentioning that for the people who also went there. Anyway, yeah, DEF used to be able to walk under this one tree that I couldn't even sit under on the blocks w/o hitting my head now.. Trees we used to stay tryna climb, I just rested my arm on them.. It's so weird!
I think being in Norfolk so much these past few months or w/e have jogged a bunch of crazy shit in my memory.. Maybe that's why??? I'm just reconnecting w/ the happier, more oblivious times! I feel like I'm repeating myself, but all this stuff keeps happening back to back so of course I mention it in the same rapid procession that it occurs..
*Sigh, sigh*
I dunno if I can handle all of this! Next on my list is to call my dad, who's workplace I've both been in AND driven past.. Even parked @, the day we went to the Navy branch Bank of America... I tried to see him the time we went in, but he wasn't there yet, so it's not my fault. Better luck next time, eh???
Ha, moments after I left this blog to go w/ Brandi to the beach and wash Irie, my sis tells me on the phone that she saw my dad today/he brought her bday $.. Well, now I'll have his celly aaaaand he can cough up some duckets to ME as well, if he'd like, haha..
I ♥ my family....
PS my sis was JUST as shocked as I was about the pool..
Oh my gaaaaaaad, there's a pool in Willoughby. And not just any pool, a HOT ASS pool that's kinda L-shaped. Whaaaaaaat the eff... You mean to tell me we went allllllll those years going to the pool on base, or the beach (which was actually closer than the pool) when them niggas more than likely were sayin' "Nah, we don't need to put in a pool"!?!?
Well, fuck you too! That's that BULLSHIT! LOL... At least that's the only big change I noticed since the last time I was out there... I still cannot get over the fact that 8536 and that entire ROW is gone.... UGGGGGHHHHH so many childhood memories!
Which, btw, is all I ever seem to have these days. You ever notice that??? Don't know who's paying attention, but damn... Every other dream, random flooding moments when I'm just sitting and thinking.. Or riding around... I want to know why tho.. Did my obsession w/ turning 25 spark it??? Probably...
OOH! Def also went to my old school (not inside, way too late) which freeeeeaked me out.. I've been dreaming about the trees lately, the ones on the right side, w/ the cinder blocks around the bottoms??? Of course, I'm mentioning that for the people who also went there. Anyway, yeah, DEF used to be able to walk under this one tree that I couldn't even sit under on the blocks w/o hitting my head now.. Trees we used to stay tryna climb, I just rested my arm on them.. It's so weird!
I think being in Norfolk so much these past few months or w/e have jogged a bunch of crazy shit in my memory.. Maybe that's why??? I'm just reconnecting w/ the happier, more oblivious times! I feel like I'm repeating myself, but all this stuff keeps happening back to back so of course I mention it in the same rapid procession that it occurs..
*Sigh, sigh*
I dunno if I can handle all of this! Next on my list is to call my dad, who's workplace I've both been in AND driven past.. Even parked @, the day we went to the Navy branch Bank of America... I tried to see him the time we went in, but he wasn't there yet, so it's not my fault. Better luck next time, eh???
Ha, moments after I left this blog to go w/ Brandi to the beach and wash Irie, my sis tells me on the phone that she saw my dad today/he brought her bday $.. Well, now I'll have his celly aaaaand he can cough up some duckets to ME as well, if he'd like, haha..
I ♥ my family....
PS my sis was JUST as shocked as I was about the pool..
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
My baby sister is 16 today. Happy Birthday, Lauren!
Ya bitch. How are you turning SIXTEEN!!?? I can remember being 16 and 1 week when we moved into the house in Campus East on your bday, EONS ago... Remember that? Aw (my ass).. We had to share that fuckin' room, FIRST TIME EVER FOR EITHER OF US. Horrible experience, but we had fun sometimes so w/e.. It's just weird that you're 16 now.
I'm 25, Lu is 19, and you are 16. Mom and dad must hate this.
No more Muddaboo (altho my Ma insists she'll always be that), def no more Lauren ladybug b/c I can't even be bothered w/ talking to you in normal tones, n/m having the kid gloves on. Annoying bitch, stop being so stubborn and one-way. You'll get older and get over it. Love you to death, but there are more times than I have blogs where I wanted to take a Louisville Slugger to your headlights, slash a hole in your bike tires...
But you're my sister (and Ma wouldn't let me hit you, anyway) so w/e, maybe now that you're getting older you'll GROW THE FUCK UP, haha.
Or just keep doing things like this............
Ya bitch. How are you turning SIXTEEN!!?? I can remember being 16 and 1 week when we moved into the house in Campus East on your bday, EONS ago... Remember that? Aw (my ass).. We had to share that fuckin' room, FIRST TIME EVER FOR EITHER OF US. Horrible experience, but we had fun sometimes so w/e.. It's just weird that you're 16 now.
I'm 25, Lu is 19, and you are 16. Mom and dad must hate this.
No more Muddaboo (altho my Ma insists she'll always be that), def no more Lauren ladybug b/c I can't even be bothered w/ talking to you in normal tones, n/m having the kid gloves on. Annoying bitch, stop being so stubborn and one-way. You'll get older and get over it. Love you to death, but there are more times than I have blogs where I wanted to take a Louisville Slugger to your headlights, slash a hole in your bike tires...
But you're my sister (and Ma wouldn't let me hit you, anyway) so w/e, maybe now that you're getting older you'll GROW THE FUCK UP, haha.
Or just keep doing things like this............
Plain and simple.
Last night in the truck w/ Ninja, I poured out my thoughts on the state of our lives, and the people in them. Now, our lives can be mighty chaotic, we know this. Drama tends to happen, but that's b/c we deal w/ some dramatic people. But we're not worried about all that right now, cuz it's CHECKMATE, and that's all we can see. Checkmate on the haters, bitches, fakes & phonies.. We've got some shit brewin, SPECIAL BLEND. Both of us are ready for a new, more bountiful kind of life w/ weird things like security, and money, etc..
In the scheme of life, we're playing the first ever game of Chess where it's cool for both of you to win. Our Kweens are standing side-by-side on some CHECKMATE shit, can't fuck w/ it!
This isn't even one of those "If you try and stand in our way" kind of messages. You CAN'T get in our way when you CAN'T get on our level to BE in the way in the FIRST place. We're not worried about none of ya'll w/ secret hatred, jealousy (which, duh, will happen), or any other hidden animosities towards us. It's more than a game, it's TRUE STORY (hahahaha). A few more pawns and it'll all be in alignment. All of our pieces are being shuffled to their proper places, what's to stop us???
Nothing. No one.
I'll be living (SORT OF, SHUT UP BRANDI) in NC here soon, not like 24/7, or that far away. Not the locale of my dreams, but it's making way for other dreams sooooo yeah. I'm not worried about missing parties, I AM the party. *YOU* saying you party like a rockstar is just saying you think like us, haha. It's not partying LIKE a rockstar if you are one. Helloooooo, Heatha daaaahhhhlink! Loved talking to you last night. True rockstar right thurr! All the stunna shades, cool belt buckles, and fitted caps in the WORLD can't touch on the magic we've all got on lock!
Anyone also included in such magic knows who they are... I'm workin' on gettin' Beezy to stop worryin' about the lesser kind. I don't mean any of this in a holier than thou kind of way, either, before all that chatter gets started. This is to anyone stillllll on that ol' bullshit. If you feel like it's directed towards you, it PROBABLY is.
Having said all that, I can't wait to get the ball rolling! I may've found the cure to my procrastinating problems after all! Will it all finally unfold??? All the shit I used to freak out about via LiveJournal, will it reach culmination??? Come to fruition, etc etc!?!?
Last night in the truck w/ Ninja, I poured out my thoughts on the state of our lives, and the people in them. Now, our lives can be mighty chaotic, we know this. Drama tends to happen, but that's b/c we deal w/ some dramatic people. But we're not worried about all that right now, cuz it's CHECKMATE, and that's all we can see. Checkmate on the haters, bitches, fakes & phonies.. We've got some shit brewin, SPECIAL BLEND. Both of us are ready for a new, more bountiful kind of life w/ weird things like security, and money, etc..
In the scheme of life, we're playing the first ever game of Chess where it's cool for both of you to win. Our Kweens are standing side-by-side on some CHECKMATE shit, can't fuck w/ it!
This isn't even one of those "If you try and stand in our way" kind of messages. You CAN'T get in our way when you CAN'T get on our level to BE in the way in the FIRST place. We're not worried about none of ya'll w/ secret hatred, jealousy (which, duh, will happen), or any other hidden animosities towards us. It's more than a game, it's TRUE STORY (hahahaha). A few more pawns and it'll all be in alignment. All of our pieces are being shuffled to their proper places, what's to stop us???
Nothing. No one.
I'll be living (SORT OF, SHUT UP BRANDI) in NC here soon, not like 24/7, or that far away. Not the locale of my dreams, but it's making way for other dreams sooooo yeah. I'm not worried about missing parties, I AM the party. *YOU* saying you party like a rockstar is just saying you think like us, haha. It's not partying LIKE a rockstar if you are one. Helloooooo, Heatha daaaahhhhlink! Loved talking to you last night. True rockstar right thurr! All the stunna shades, cool belt buckles, and fitted caps in the WORLD can't touch on the magic we've all got on lock!
Anyone also included in such magic knows who they are... I'm workin' on gettin' Beezy to stop worryin' about the lesser kind. I don't mean any of this in a holier than thou kind of way, either, before all that chatter gets started. This is to anyone stillllll on that ol' bullshit. If you feel like it's directed towards you, it PROBABLY is.
Having said all that, I can't wait to get the ball rolling! I may've found the cure to my procrastinating problems after all! Will it all finally unfold??? All the shit I used to freak out about via LiveJournal, will it reach culmination??? Come to fruition, etc etc!?!?
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