Ummmmm wait I was def just informed that I'm supposed to be watching the kids on Sat in VA!?!? Why would I go to VA to watch them.... WHY!?!? Feel free to make that make sense to me... I'm 'bout to snaaaaapppppppp, cuuuuhhhhh... For shoooooooo...
I NEED MY PHOOOOOOOOOOONE... I could've had this thing texted out and solved by now, lmfao.. Now I have to actually speak to me Muva.. Which I've actually been doing a lot of lately, now that she finally wanted her page done.... Two years later.....
But anyway! According to Dawayne, he and Jamie are fuckin, which isn't that shocking of a revelation. He prob balls Jamie up on the reg to give him that long-stroke, lmmmmfao... I'm totally kidding, or @ least I think.. I'm sure they were j/k....? Right guys??? Haha j/k for real, I know Dawayne's straight...............
Moving right along, to a magical place I call the Carpet Cut-up, a dancefloor completely covered in carpet. Ok, no such place exists, but imagine the excersize you'd get @ the bar, lmfao. I'm actually thinking about ROSA and her explicit rumpshakin' moves she displayed for us @ the party... WOW woman... I want to be that stereotypical dude to ask if you want to be in a video, haha..
"Shake it, shake it, shake it, now shake it.. She can spend every birthday butt naked!"
Gotta love them Virginians... Remember when it was the "Bomb Beach"??? LMMFAO...
That video could also apply to JESSIKA, even tho she didn't dance. Her lady lumps are equally deserving of a video shout out.. SOOOOOOOO IS HER INFANTILE DRINKING PROBLEM. And by that I mean she's been drinkin' since she was a "wee liddle 'un", as she stated in the garage lmmmmmfao... So we're doing the Lucky Charms thing now???
Happy St. Patrick's Day, Thick Barbie...!
LMMFAO.. I ♥ that picturrrrrrreeeee...
Hm, what else.. Oh, I know. Let's talk about how HIGH everyone was, and how it took LAUREN 20 minutes to get out of the back of a goddamn BLAZER lmmmfao.. You weigh 110 when I rest my thumb on the scale, but you can't slip past the seat!?!? You probably would've had an easier time slipping thru the keyhole bwahahha.. I ♥ you, homie!
Jessica. How haaaaaaaarrrrd were we laughing during all of this??? Everytime she fell back in... ORRRRR how about how long she kept the FUCKIN DOOR OPEN W/ THE LIGHT ON, AS IF JESSICA WASN'T BACK THERE TOKIN' HER WIDDLE HEART OUT.. My lil surfing pirate...
Oww.. My stomach hurts like a bitch... But anyway, MEGAN AND JEREMY aren't off the hook, either... DEFFFFF remember hearing "Fuck, I'm so ripped!" a few times outta you, Mr. Man. I called out Megan in the garage, I walk back in and she's "lookin' like an Asian, eyelids on tilt" (KMK).. You goofy bastids.. I love everyone that was there, and I had a really fun night..
Of course, I have to come out of hiding and say hellooooooo to all that I DIDN'T see... You know I luuuuuuuuuvvvvvvv you! I'm turtley enough for your Turtle Club, bet that!!! Bwahaha...
Iiiiii guess that makes ME the jelly, hm??? LMFAO.
K, well I just exerted myself and inserted many things into this blog (ooh la la), so now I will continue doing what I was doing prior to this...
Expaning my soft rock collection. God bless Time Life infomercials.
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