Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Movin' on up...

To the West Coast!

After having a convo w/ Sarup last night, I'm thinking of trekking to CA in like, 5-6 months. Not even for like, months, just long enough to experience what I want to. If I don't do it now, I prob never will.

Also, my Ma just asked me recently if I wanted to go to school. AGAIN. I swear, EVERY YEAR we go thru this. She asks, I answer, it goes nowhere. Without a doubt, I will avoid school @ all costs w/o my mom's insistence, and I think she knows that. She mentioned online classes, too. But the thing is, would I go thru w/ it??? She said something @ her house the other day when she watched me lose focus like 346346 times in a row. I can't help it tho! I was like, "I keeeeeeeeeep telling you that I need help. Medicine. DUH." so hmmmmm...

Iiiiiin the meantime, there's a new Silverchair video online that I deffff read about/clicked on vid DURING THE NET DOWNTIME, UGH. No wonder I forgot. I was prob mad as a bitch...

Anyway, back to the serious chat.. Shay, you're such a good conversationalist! Equal listening/talking ratio, lol. I like that...... Talking/listening over bitching. What a novel idea. Let's all adopt that tact, hm???

"Then again, maybe not!"


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