[Nov 11th]
than to be an extreme cunt right now. Buuuuuut that was yesterday, new day, new happiness/anger.
HOWEVER.............. Raychal, I fuckin' lovE, loVE, lOVE, LOVE you, lmmfao.. I was about to KILL that bitch!
Lemme just jump riiiiiight into that.. We went to Raychals w/ Lil David to kick it or w/e, I'm in a bad mood (who knew) b/c some females never fucking listen, and we walk in to the apt only to have some fucking EYEBALLIN' ASS, PEROXIDE'D THE FUCK OUT ASS, WHISPERIN' TO OL BOY BUT CAN'T SPEAK OUT LOUD ASS, BEAT ASS BITCH starin' and runnin' that gator like she wasn't gonna get called out.
Ask anybody.. I HAAAAAAAAAAAATE people who stare. Male or female, young or old. Take a gander, then MOVE THE FUCK ON... But noooooo.. B/c SOMEONE decided to slut it up in a school girl outfit (which, w/e, it's a Sat night.. do your thing), this bitch felt the need to look her up and down w/ the NASTIEST look on her face. BITCH, have you seen your roots lately!?!? Prob can't see out of her eye sockets w/ all that make-up blocking the fuckin' view.
Buuuuuuut! I was trying my hardest to be respectful of the apt, b/c I'd never been there and I wasn't about to kill the party by killing her.. Howeverrrrr, when I went to go hug Big James, I almost let that shit FLY.. And STILL, her lucky ass got spared.. That is, until Raych comes down and starts asking me why I look upset.. I kept tellin' her it was nothing, like I ususually do, but she was like "No! Fuck this, Lisa.. If someone in this house is pissing you off, you better fucking tell me!".. Straight buckin' on me until I was finally like, "IT'S THE BITCH W/ THE BUCKET O' EYEBALLS" and I said something else female-friendly and she was like, "AHHH there's only FOUR females in here.." She named them all but the one I was talking about, and as soon as she told me she didn't know the girl, I was like, "OH WELL THEN IT'S THAT BITCH OVER THERE ON THE COUCH W/ THE FUCKED UP HAIR AND MAKE-UP THAT'S ABOUT TO GET HER SHIT SPLIT!"
Good GOD, ya rude BITCH! Haha.. Raych told dude she was w/ that the girl had about 5 seconds to leave before she beat her ass.. I was like, FIVEFOURTHREETWOONE K GO! lmmfao.. I talked so much shit to this scrap metal ass bitch.. She's like a 10 cent stamp.. Jesus.. Rach put Jesse on the phone when I was refusing to tell her what was wrong, so he heard the 565475678 asshole comments and was weak as hell.. I was like, "THIS BITCH SCANNIN' ME LIKE I'M A FUCKIN' UPC.. I FORGOT THIS WAS THE MATRIX, WTF.. IF I WAS HER WACK ASS, AND A BITCH LIKE ME WALKED INTO A PARTY, I WOULD LOOK AND THEN LOOK THE FUCK AWAY, BUT THIS BITCH OBV THINKS I WON'T KILL HER. SHE NEEDS TO GET THE FUCK OUT.. WHYYYYYYY WOULD YOU DO THAT.. I CAN SEEEEE YOU.. DID SHE THINK I WAS JUST GON' STAND HERE AND NOT SAY SOME SHIT???" EEEEEETTTTTTTCCCCCCCC...
After THAT pops off, and the shook as bitch is putting her shoes on, some dude w/ her and ol' boy gave Raych a mean ass look so she bucked off and told him to get the FUCK out etc, and got all in his shit.. She was shoving him outside, ready to start wailin' on dude.. He had the AUDACITY to smash a beer bottle in front of her car.. Big James randomly pops up in a tee-shirt and some boxer briefs, lmfao.. He had to scoop her up before she went Smash Adams on that dude.. Shit was WEAK..
Ray made this lil speech about how her friends, esp me, should snap if someone disrespects them in her house.. I wasn't tryna be the asshole jic she was everyone's bff or w/e, but Big James called me upstairs and basically said the same thing.. That I've never disrespected him etc, so it would've been fine b/c it's not like it's something I do on routine. That's the first time in a LONG ASS TIME where I've let something go like that..
[Nov 12th]
A day later, I GIGANTIC "I TOLD YOU SO" goes out to like, 564576 people. Mainly Lauren and Becca. Alllllll I'm sayin' tho...
Apparently, it's my destiny to be the filler until people get a boyfriend.. Funny how that works.. How about I fill your insides w/ bullets and we call it a day???
I never finished the story above b/c I woke up and randomly started to blog, but so much has already happened in that day span that it doesn't even matter now. I've got a whole new fish to fry...
Let's try this thought on for size - When I look you dead in the eye, or w/e circumstance it may be, something that I know and feel 100% to be true, I am FUCKING RIGHT... Can we say it allllllllllllllll together now!?!? Just 24 hrs ago, I had someone tell me what they felt in which, @ that time, they tried to convince me w/ many many words that I was dead wrong, etc.. Following day, we have ME telling YOU exactly how YOU feel before you even deal w/ internally. Why??? B/c I was sure, and I was C-O-R-R-E-C-T. INSANE, how often this has happened recently... EVERYTHING.. How many times THIS WEEK ALONE have I said "I'm not talking just to talk.. I'm saying this b/c I know in my heart and in my mind that I'm right, so you can just talk to me when YOU realize it." or something to that effect.. How many!?!?!
PLENTY. I can't wait to YET AGAIN feel the burn and the cold once your shoulder is turned to me. It happened w/ Lauren (I WAS RIGHT I WAS RIGHT I WAS RIGHT I WAS RIGHT I WAS RIGHT I WAS RIGHT I WAS RIGHT), and it's going to happen again. Maybe not NOW, b/c of how I constantly remind you of it, which means you'll just put a little effort into until I've got my back turned, then POOF!
So now that I'm left w/ no one to turn to in all of this madness............
I will confess that I'm almost ready to kill one of you. And I even blurted out HOW @ the mall today.. Oh, yessssssss...
W H Y!?!?
It's ok.. I got a new bag of tricks for ya'll..
A change will do me good....
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kiss my ass
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