Like I said we were going to earlier, we all rolled out to Old Pungo Ferry so they could tube/jet ski/etc.. Gooooood times, my friend.. Saw some funny shit, met some cool ass people. And some weird ones, but that's w/e.. Lauren and Grace now look like the Red Lobster sign, Craig too.. Loooooove being black come summer time, - the potential Wesley Snipes thing, cuz I def came out a lil darker haha...
OOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFF COURSE, I had to wrestle for my life w/ Dylan there part of the time. We wrassled over the disrobing of my tee shirt in the water. I win, thank GOD. According to HIM yesterday, I may as well show him "some titties" every time we get up.. Nnnnnnnoooooot so much, eh??? And there were the typical Jason-to-me comments made, Jesus lawd. That boy's got a mouth on him...
PS PLEASE kill me, Brandi is now ULTRA-FAG about some military spouse shit.. DEF got mad hyped b/c Army Wives is coming on next. N/m the fact that Gregg is in the Navy, and so is Kim's husband.. It's the thought, I guess. Unless there's a show about the offspring and how THEY deal, none of this will translate to me. What fags.. She was so cute tho w/ Aiden earlier. Him and his lil Swimmers and his kiddie life jacket, lmfao.. He was loooooooviiiiiiiiiin' that water! "Kick! Kick!" *mad giggles* awww... He just kept sayin KICK, and laughin..
"MOMMY!" *points to beach* hahaha.. TOO funny..
Uh, what else did I want to say.. This is actually the 2nd time around, but for some reason the window closed (I originally typed this on MySpace) so I had to re-do it.. There was something else, but w/e.. We're tryna figure out what to eat, and watching Rock of Love, so I'm out this bitch!
I really feel like I'm leaving something out.. Oh well, I obv have NO problem returning to a blog, lol.
PS, I definAtely just went to open a new tab for Photobucket, but typed in Silverchair instead. Wooooooow.
PPS someone behind me just said the word 'eat' like 3 times in a row, sooooo fuck Photobucket, now going to Youtube..
For this!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Def 'bout to cop these DGAF socks....
[Wrote this earlier]
How's your weekends going, bitches??? Mine is fine and dandy.. We're bout to take some jet skis out, bullshit a lil..
I've seen a lot of random people this weekend.. Prob b/c we went to the spot last night, lmfao. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. But I did see one of my favorite stomachs ;) ey boyyyy... And I now have a random ass date w/ Hans LOL. This should be interesting..
We went to Dani's house last night! Hellooooooooooo everyone! Rhonda RANDOM AS HELL works for my Ma.. I love how I put the clues together, lol. She was tryna sell Dani and J on a T-Mobile phone, and then she was like, I sell T-Mo and Alltel.. After that, the lightbulb was like, HELLOOOOOO she def works for Ma.. I asked her what company and when she said it, I started dyin/said "You deeeeefinitely work for my mom".. I put my Ma on the phone a lil later to prove it.. That's too funny.. Lauren told her she better not fuck up, which is worrrrrrd cuz my Ma deeeef doesn't play that game haha...
Hm, what else.. Oh, kicked it w/ Dylan and Jason yesterday, and bitched Dylan out for my placing on his page. Mhm, nigga told me I could CHANGE IT THANKS PREESH "wifey"... That's MY Dylly..
Oh! Def saw 'The Simpsons' Fri night.. I was DYYYYYYYING, that movie is funny as a bitch.. Now if I could just MAKE IT TO THE CHEAP MOVIE THEATER TO SEE FRACTURE THANKS WTF... Cinema Cafe is getting lonely w/o me, helloooo!
Aaaahhhhh, there's more, but my mind is a blank slate right now... I hear Lionel Ritchie in the b/g on Best Week Ever (which I should def be watching).. Awesome.. Now I want to hear him.. I have some LR in Lauren's cd thing tho, so maybe.. Altho I'll prob just bump the Stevie Wonder portion of the cd and forget all about it..
STIIIIIILL need to go to Best Buy, btw, but it's not that big of a deal obv, b/c I def went past the one on Independence twice yesterday..
PS Lauren is dyyyyyying to fiend out and check her MS, she even sat next to me doing absolutely nothing, a true sign of someone wanting to get online. I'm dragging this out just b/c @ this point..
PS, Tom, don't you EVER take bulletins away from me that long! MySpace is NOTHING w/o the bulletin!
How's your weekends going, bitches??? Mine is fine and dandy.. We're bout to take some jet skis out, bullshit a lil..
I've seen a lot of random people this weekend.. Prob b/c we went to the spot last night, lmfao. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. But I did see one of my favorite stomachs ;) ey boyyyy... And I now have a random ass date w/ Hans LOL. This should be interesting..
We went to Dani's house last night! Hellooooooooooo everyone! Rhonda RANDOM AS HELL works for my Ma.. I love how I put the clues together, lol. She was tryna sell Dani and J on a T-Mobile phone, and then she was like, I sell T-Mo and Alltel.. After that, the lightbulb was like, HELLOOOOOO she def works for Ma.. I asked her what company and when she said it, I started dyin/said "You deeeeefinitely work for my mom".. I put my Ma on the phone a lil later to prove it.. That's too funny.. Lauren told her she better not fuck up, which is worrrrrrd cuz my Ma deeeef doesn't play that game haha...
Hm, what else.. Oh, kicked it w/ Dylan and Jason yesterday, and bitched Dylan out for my placing on his page. Mhm, nigga told me I could CHANGE IT THANKS PREESH "wifey"... That's MY Dylly..
Oh! Def saw 'The Simpsons' Fri night.. I was DYYYYYYYING, that movie is funny as a bitch.. Now if I could just MAKE IT TO THE CHEAP MOVIE THEATER TO SEE FRACTURE THANKS WTF... Cinema Cafe is getting lonely w/o me, helloooo!
Aaaahhhhh, there's more, but my mind is a blank slate right now... I hear Lionel Ritchie in the b/g on Best Week Ever (which I should def be watching).. Awesome.. Now I want to hear him.. I have some LR in Lauren's cd thing tho, so maybe.. Altho I'll prob just bump the Stevie Wonder portion of the cd and forget all about it..
STIIIIIILL need to go to Best Buy, btw, but it's not that big of a deal obv, b/c I def went past the one on Independence twice yesterday..
PS Lauren is dyyyyyying to fiend out and check her MS, she even sat next to me doing absolutely nothing, a true sign of someone wanting to get online. I'm dragging this out just b/c @ this point..
PS, Tom, don't you EVER take bulletins away from me that long! MySpace is NOTHING w/o the bulletin!
Friday, July 27, 2007
"If the truuuth had in-CUR-SIONS..."
"No more goodbyyyyeeeeessss, no more big liiiiiieeeeeessss... If the truuuuth had veeerrr-sions.. As long as you & Iiii are togetherrrrrr... I'll hold oooonnnn to the jeeeeeeeeeeewelryyyyyyyyy, like staples stamped, clenched fists, & toooonnngggggssss..."
Brandi has apparently already made the transistion into Navy wife.. Maybe I should just msg Kim to talk to you from now on. You can send your replies to my tear ducts.
Gag me w/ a spoon.
I'm bored, but not for lack of activity. I'm bored w/ people, w/ relationships not involving me, w/ drama, esp when it's partially your fault.......
With everything.
Those theiving birds..... Stole my happiness again!
It'll be revived in 33 minutes when Lauren gets off. A little more time, actually, b/c she's gonna change her clothes first.
Maybe when you're done you can come hang w/ me.. I'm not the one w/ instant access!
PS, WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE BULLETINS, TOM!?!? This shit don't fly w/ me, nigga!
Brandi has apparently already made the transistion into Navy wife.. Maybe I should just msg Kim to talk to you from now on. You can send your replies to my tear ducts.
Gag me w/ a spoon.
I'm bored, but not for lack of activity. I'm bored w/ people, w/ relationships not involving me, w/ drama, esp when it's partially your fault.......
With everything.
Those theiving birds..... Stole my happiness again!
It'll be revived in 33 minutes when Lauren gets off. A little more time, actually, b/c she's gonna change her clothes first.
Maybe when you're done you can come hang w/ me.. I'm not the one w/ instant access!
PS, WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE BULLETINS, TOM!?!? This shit don't fly w/ me, nigga!
"Only wanted a piece of myself..."
After all that excitement, we didn't even make the movie! Don't let stoners plan your evening, folks. It'll never happen.
But, we did end up chillin' on the beach @ Sandbridge for a lil while.. It felt sooo good out there, omfg.. I love my friends.. There were 9 of us just kickin' it.. All good friends, (well, - Rob and John, haha) so it was just a bunch of jokes and whatnot..
I wonder how people w/o friends survive???
I wonder how I made it out of my recluse phase??? Actually I blame that on Sub Noize..
This is going to be one of those random blogs, I can feel it.. Matter of fact, let me do the blogging I was supposed to do last weekend.
Andy Ramos is gay. But not REALLY gay, I just told him I was gonna blog it, thus making it true.. That was when we were all kickin' it @ Justin's parents crib last weekend. Was that really only like 7 days ago??? Even shorter, b/c it was Thurs night after Nicky's family bowled @ Pinboys.. Damn.. My days and weeks are getting shorter and shorter.. WTF is going on here!?!? That was also the night I had to tell Cindie the diff b/t being naive and being gullible. Go figure, that convo came directly after talking about Lauren lol..
Where IS my lil babycakes??? Oh yeah, lunch.. I e-mailed her and was waiting for a response.. Durr, she def told me she was leaving..
Another funny thing about that night @ Justin's was how BAD we all wanted Taco Bell. I told Cindie we were going there when we left and Andy got all stoked about it, thinking Justin was going too, but he was just walking us to the car lmmmmmmfao.. I was dying when I saw his disappointed face, but that's a given lol.
Love to really be @ work and shit.. Oww, omfg.. Can I file claim??? Does it go in this fucking cabinet??? :|
I want some Kraft Mac & Cheese but there's def none in here.. Looks like I'll have to re-up lol... Maybe sometime while I'm out. Apparently I MAY be staying @ Gmas.. We shall see..
One thing I want to do fa sho is see The Simpsons, which is @ 10:20pm... I also need to get to Best Buy.. Well, not NEED, just want.. Prob won't tho..
Dylan DEF moved me to #2 on his MySpace, which I normally dgaf about, buuuuuuutttttttt........
Punk ass bitch! That's why your PHONE IS TURNED OFF, lmfao.. Call me, bittt...
Um, what else.. I don't know.. I'm not doing anything but listening to Silverchair and deciding whether to do my hair NOW, or @ like 4pm.. Prob then, just b/c I showered @ 5 am and def don't feel like getting back in yet, which I actually won't have to do so wtf am I even talking about... Wow, Lisa..
Anyway, I'm gonna relax the doobie later, so I guess I'll just go watch some Crossing Jordan, maybe eat one of the chicken pot pies I got @ Wal-Mart w/ Nicky yesterday.. It'd be better if she were here instead of on her way to work, b/c that's one of our shows, but oh well. Girl's gotta make beer money somehow, eh boo??? LOL ♥..

Me and THAT motherfucker.. Well, I texted him yesterday to say "I love you".. He immediately called me to ask if I was still mad @ him and Scotty, which I'm not.. Those are my boys, which is more important than any other petty details.. I ended up getting together w/ him after all the other goofy shit that happened in the Run last night.. We talked, and laughed about some shit.. Etc etc.. Good times!
"Twooo is not enooooooouuuuugggggghhhhh!"
After all that excitement, we didn't even make the movie! Don't let stoners plan your evening, folks. It'll never happen.
But, we did end up chillin' on the beach @ Sandbridge for a lil while.. It felt sooo good out there, omfg.. I love my friends.. There were 9 of us just kickin' it.. All good friends, (well, - Rob and John, haha) so it was just a bunch of jokes and whatnot..
I wonder how people w/o friends survive???
I wonder how I made it out of my recluse phase??? Actually I blame that on Sub Noize..
This is going to be one of those random blogs, I can feel it.. Matter of fact, let me do the blogging I was supposed to do last weekend.
Andy Ramos is gay. But not REALLY gay, I just told him I was gonna blog it, thus making it true.. That was when we were all kickin' it @ Justin's parents crib last weekend. Was that really only like 7 days ago??? Even shorter, b/c it was Thurs night after Nicky's family bowled @ Pinboys.. Damn.. My days and weeks are getting shorter and shorter.. WTF is going on here!?!? That was also the night I had to tell Cindie the diff b/t being naive and being gullible. Go figure, that convo came directly after talking about Lauren lol..
Where IS my lil babycakes??? Oh yeah, lunch.. I e-mailed her and was waiting for a response.. Durr, she def told me she was leaving..
Another funny thing about that night @ Justin's was how BAD we all wanted Taco Bell. I told Cindie we were going there when we left and Andy got all stoked about it, thinking Justin was going too, but he was just walking us to the car lmmmmmmfao.. I was dying when I saw his disappointed face, but that's a given lol.
Love to really be @ work and shit.. Oww, omfg.. Can I file claim??? Does it go in this fucking cabinet??? :|
I want some Kraft Mac & Cheese but there's def none in here.. Looks like I'll have to re-up lol... Maybe sometime while I'm out. Apparently I MAY be staying @ Gmas.. We shall see..
One thing I want to do fa sho is see The Simpsons, which is @ 10:20pm... I also need to get to Best Buy.. Well, not NEED, just want.. Prob won't tho..
Dylan DEF moved me to #2 on his MySpace, which I normally dgaf about, buuuuuuutttttttt........
Punk ass bitch! That's why your PHONE IS TURNED OFF, lmfao.. Call me, bittt...
Um, what else.. I don't know.. I'm not doing anything but listening to Silverchair and deciding whether to do my hair NOW, or @ like 4pm.. Prob then, just b/c I showered @ 5 am and def don't feel like getting back in yet, which I actually won't have to do so wtf am I even talking about... Wow, Lisa..
Anyway, I'm gonna relax the doobie later, so I guess I'll just go watch some Crossing Jordan, maybe eat one of the chicken pot pies I got @ Wal-Mart w/ Nicky yesterday.. It'd be better if she were here instead of on her way to work, b/c that's one of our shows, but oh well. Girl's gotta make beer money somehow, eh boo??? LOL ♥..
Me and THAT motherfucker.. Well, I texted him yesterday to say "I love you".. He immediately called me to ask if I was still mad @ him and Scotty, which I'm not.. Those are my boys, which is more important than any other petty details.. I ended up getting together w/ him after all the other goofy shit that happened in the Run last night.. We talked, and laughed about some shit.. Etc etc.. Good times!
"Twooo is not enooooooouuuuugggggghhhhh!"
Thursday, July 26, 2007
I Now Pronounce You FUNNY AS FUCK....
Cuz I was DYYYYYYIIIIIIIIING in the theater last night w/ Brent and Jessica.. We went to the 10:20 showing out of our gordes... LOUDEST PEOPLE EVER = US... I haven't laughed that hard in a movie in EONS.. Dude, it was insane.. The first 30 mins, straight DYIN.. I thought I was gonna pass out.. And then I did..
Damn 'itis, lmmfao.. I kept going in and out.. Me and inactivity do NOT go together, lmmfao..
OMFG.. Seriously, I had such a good day yesterday.. Of course, the days BEFORE and AFTER my bday are fuckin' AWESOME lol.. Brandi's sick and dying ass came and hung out w/ me and we took a trip to the stars, which landed us @ First Colonial Target... I don't even remember that, other than us buying cards for people. Hers for Gregg, mine for my sister's Sweet 16 on the 1st.. Aw, my sis is gonna be so happy.. Too bad it's slated to rain for the next like, week straight.. But she's having a hotel party (which she invited me to, aw) so she's good. I gotta show up and geek her out a lil bit..
Back to last night! That was the "gayest" movie I've ever seen.. Fuckin' WEEEEEAAAAAAAAKKKKKK... I feel sorry for the other people in there, esp w/ Jessica's ultimate pothead ass laugh... EVERYBODY knows when it's her, lol.. But it was MY LOL'ING that could've raised the fuckin' dead.. He was tryna show me where the bowl was and wasn't paying any sort of attention while driving the van (GTI still in shop).. THIS NIGGA drove STRAAAAAAAIGHT onto the embankment which had me fuckin' DYING... I laaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwssssssssssstttttttttt it, dude.. We just sat there, dead in the middle, while I LMMMMMMMMMMMFAO w/ every bit of energy in me.. When we got out so Jess could drive it off while Brent pushed, I was even worse.. Ya'll know me.. Any kind of fuck up for someone else, I lose my shit.. I was practically SCREAMING, I was laughin' so fuckin' hard.. And when he said it wasn't funny, I just got worse.. But we finally got outta the parking lot, so w/e!
After that we left and cruised thru some areas while adding to our city's o-zone issues (which I really don't know too much about, we seem to be doing fine?), and then went to Rick's (diner).. That was awesome, too, b/c the servers were all lookin' @ us like, "WTF are these bitches ON!!?!" but I'm sure it wasn't too hard to tell...
Just wait til me and Brent go see The Simpsons @ midnight tonight... Whole new ballgame.. I might get lost in the movie and never come back, lmfao..
We shall see!
PS, let me know if ya'll are tryna see INPYC&L b/c that shit was TOO fuckin' funny, and I can barely remember the last 1/4 of it, so I def need to see it again.. May just wait til it's @ Cinema Cafe, hm...
ALSO NEED TO SEE FRACTURE. LET'S STOP BS'N PEOPLE! Maybe Lauren will go w/ me this weekend.. We're supposed to be @ Gmas crib like the good 'ol days! Aw, yay.. Some alone time w/ the wife, lol..
Damn 'itis, lmmfao.. I kept going in and out.. Me and inactivity do NOT go together, lmmfao..
OMFG.. Seriously, I had such a good day yesterday.. Of course, the days BEFORE and AFTER my bday are fuckin' AWESOME lol.. Brandi's sick and dying ass came and hung out w/ me and we took a trip to the stars, which landed us @ First Colonial Target... I don't even remember that, other than us buying cards for people. Hers for Gregg, mine for my sister's Sweet 16 on the 1st.. Aw, my sis is gonna be so happy.. Too bad it's slated to rain for the next like, week straight.. But she's having a hotel party (which she invited me to, aw) so she's good. I gotta show up and geek her out a lil bit..
Back to last night! That was the "gayest" movie I've ever seen.. Fuckin' WEEEEEAAAAAAAAKKKKKK... I feel sorry for the other people in there, esp w/ Jessica's ultimate pothead ass laugh... EVERYBODY knows when it's her, lol.. But it was MY LOL'ING that could've raised the fuckin' dead.. He was tryna show me where the bowl was and wasn't paying any sort of attention while driving the van (GTI still in shop).. THIS NIGGA drove STRAAAAAAAIGHT onto the embankment which had me fuckin' DYING... I laaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwssssssssssstttttttttt it, dude.. We just sat there, dead in the middle, while I LMMMMMMMMMMMFAO w/ every bit of energy in me.. When we got out so Jess could drive it off while Brent pushed, I was even worse.. Ya'll know me.. Any kind of fuck up for someone else, I lose my shit.. I was practically SCREAMING, I was laughin' so fuckin' hard.. And when he said it wasn't funny, I just got worse.. But we finally got outta the parking lot, so w/e!
After that we left and cruised thru some areas while adding to our city's o-zone issues (which I really don't know too much about, we seem to be doing fine?), and then went to Rick's (diner).. That was awesome, too, b/c the servers were all lookin' @ us like, "WTF are these bitches ON!!?!" but I'm sure it wasn't too hard to tell...
Just wait til me and Brent go see The Simpsons @ midnight tonight... Whole new ballgame.. I might get lost in the movie and never come back, lmfao..
We shall see!
PS, let me know if ya'll are tryna see INPYC&L b/c that shit was TOO fuckin' funny, and I can barely remember the last 1/4 of it, so I def need to see it again.. May just wait til it's @ Cinema Cafe, hm...
ALSO NEED TO SEE FRACTURE. LET'S STOP BS'N PEOPLE! Maybe Lauren will go w/ me this weekend.. We're supposed to be @ Gmas crib like the good 'ol days! Aw, yay.. Some alone time w/ the wife, lol..
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
That ice cream was good as FUCK...
After a trip to see Brent, and Jess/Josh/Jay, Brandi and I went to the Kangaroo on Laskin to get gas. There was a ice cream truck like two pumps away so I hollered @ dude to see if he was selling it still. He told us two minutes, so we waited and then we went to see what he had.
Our children will be fucked. The price of a Neopolitan ice cream sandwich is $2!!! Insane! It was $1 bitd! Wow, I feel old lmfao. But we still bought shit! I got one of those, and a Chocolate Eclair, and she got a Ninja Turtle (who knew) aaaaaaaaand... I don't remember, lmfao.
K this WAS a draft from two days ago but I don't even remember wtf I had to say, so I'm just gonna go ahead and post it!
Tsk, tsk...
Our children will be fucked. The price of a Neopolitan ice cream sandwich is $2!!! Insane! It was $1 bitd! Wow, I feel old lmfao. But we still bought shit! I got one of those, and a Chocolate Eclair, and she got a Ninja Turtle (who knew) aaaaaaaaand... I don't remember, lmfao.
K this WAS a draft from two days ago but I don't even remember wtf I had to say, so I'm just gonna go ahead and post it!
Tsk, tsk...
I was gonna post this extremely dramatic/mock-angry blog about how my day DIDN'T go yesterday (b/c it didn't), but I got over that. Somehow, some way, b/c I def expected to be mad all night, but I'd already forgot by the time I went over to Josh's.. I really wanted to see SC, but I got a call from God (the Devil) telling me that due to unforseen instances, the show must NOT go on. Not for me, anyway. Leaving it @ that!
So I moved on.. Started doing other things. Like wait on LARRY entirely too long, lol. And that lol is a very heavy lol... B/c I'm really not lol @ all. Btw, Scotty, thanks for the ride......................
Know what I love even more than a good cry???
Holding one back.
Thanks, tho, for the "help" yesterday. Glad ya'll and your ulterior motives brought YOU to where I /WANTED/NEEDED to go. Hope everyone else got what they wanted. That was the perfect opportunity for me to salvage the night, but it's ok. I didn't REALLY want to have fun. I mean, it gets kinda old anyway... All you ever hear about nowadays is people trying to sit and commiserate far away from friends trying to lift their spirits, so I guess I'm hip to what all the cool cats do these days.
Wow, Jessica. You inadvertently caused the SECOND ♥break of my night as well! Must be Platinum Plus..............
Thank you, Brent, for lifting my spirits when you did. Can't imagine how bummed I would've been w/o you... Lauren, Brandi, I ♥ you.. I ♥ a lot of you.. There's just that few of you that really piss me off and/or let me down in the past few whatevers... Not like someone I already mentioned and I haven't gone thru our fair share of shit. But friends do that, and they get over it. But don't be that OTHER friend acting as the voice of reason and get caught w/ blood on your hands. Not a good look.
Not @ all.
PS, I spent quite a good lil amount of the day in an awesome mood, but that was also when something was finally in MY hands, I was doing something I wanted to... Kick it in the Derby, lol. Also went to see Beezy, Jess, and Josh.. Watched America's Got Talent, not exaaaaaactly my fave show, but w/e... We were all into it.. I was zonin' soooo...
TJ sang Happy Birthday to me in english and then en espanol. Awesome! ♥
YOU didn't call/write. So fuck you, too. I'll remember that next year...
FUCK. I forgot to get ahold of my dad. He doesn't have my number.
W/e, I'm not in a bad mood right now, and don't want to fall into one, so I'm done w/ this. There's a smile on my face right now thanks to the new Silverchair, so yeah...
I'll just drink thru the pain!

Ty Jen & Lauren for your extremely valiant efforts. And of course, Happy Birthday to Brad Renfro ♥!!!
So I moved on.. Started doing other things. Like wait on LARRY entirely too long, lol. And that lol is a very heavy lol... B/c I'm really not lol @ all. Btw, Scotty, thanks for the ride......................
Know what I love even more than a good cry???
Holding one back.
Thanks, tho, for the "help" yesterday. Glad ya'll and your ulterior motives brought YOU to where I /WANTED/NEEDED to go. Hope everyone else got what they wanted. That was the perfect opportunity for me to salvage the night, but it's ok. I didn't REALLY want to have fun. I mean, it gets kinda old anyway... All you ever hear about nowadays is people trying to sit and commiserate far away from friends trying to lift their spirits, so I guess I'm hip to what all the cool cats do these days.
Wow, Jessica. You inadvertently caused the SECOND ♥break of my night as well! Must be Platinum Plus..............
Thank you, Brent, for lifting my spirits when you did. Can't imagine how bummed I would've been w/o you... Lauren, Brandi, I ♥ you.. I ♥ a lot of you.. There's just that few of you that really piss me off and/or let me down in the past few whatevers... Not like someone I already mentioned and I haven't gone thru our fair share of shit. But friends do that, and they get over it. But don't be that OTHER friend acting as the voice of reason and get caught w/ blood on your hands. Not a good look.
Not @ all.
PS, I spent quite a good lil amount of the day in an awesome mood, but that was also when something was finally in MY hands, I was doing something I wanted to... Kick it in the Derby, lol. Also went to see Beezy, Jess, and Josh.. Watched America's Got Talent, not exaaaaaactly my fave show, but w/e... We were all into it.. I was zonin' soooo...
TJ sang Happy Birthday to me in english and then en espanol. Awesome! ♥
YOU didn't call/write. So fuck you, too. I'll remember that next year...
FUCK. I forgot to get ahold of my dad. He doesn't have my number.
W/e, I'm not in a bad mood right now, and don't want to fall into one, so I'm done w/ this. There's a smile on my face right now thanks to the new Silverchair, so yeah...
I'll just drink thru the pain!
Ty Jen & Lauren for your extremely valiant efforts. And of course, Happy Birthday to Brad Renfro ♥!!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
And what's even better is the fact that...
I MOST DEF told Brandi yesterday I was taking her to see Hanson on her birthday (Oct 10) in Richmond.. I told her I wanted to go like a mafaka and she was like, "Fuck it, we can go!" soooo it's on!
We'll be the only ones fucked up, bwahaha.. Imagine how we'll stand out in the crowd together... Oh, well. It's Hanson! ♥ forever! LOL

Both Hanson AND Silverchair decided to bless me w/ new music today. Love itttt.
We'll be the only ones fucked up, bwahaha.. Imagine how we'll stand out in the crowd together... Oh, well. It's Hanson! ♥ forever! LOL
Both Hanson AND Silverchair decided to bless me w/ new music today. Love itttt.
"Lisa, it's your BIRTHDAAAAY..."
"Happy Birthday, Lisaaaaa..."
People have been singing that to me since I was 10 years old. Fifteen years of this annoying ass song, lmmfao. Fuck you, Lisa Simpson. I run this shit!
Anyway, yes, it's FINALLY my birthday, 25th ty.. I'm officially a quarter-of-a-century old! Awesome! And I don't even feel like killing myself!
I love how I turned 25 in the parking lot of the hospital I was born in (Portsmouth Naval) oh so many years ago.. It was like a culmination of all things LISA.
Brandi and I even "shoulder leaned" like last year.. Kinda.. She was laying her head on my shoulder, and I had my head on hers.. Not the same as the drunken tirade that took place inside The Cave 365 days ago, haha...
I'm soooooo tired, but the need to blog on my bday took over. But I'm going to bed now. Feel free to leave me MASSIVE love, k? Thanks preeesh!
PS, don't know HOW I almost forgot, but I mooooost definitely got a BeevoNerd tattoo on the 23rd.. Ty, Frank! So awesome! I can't BELIEVE I have him on me permanently. What a cool bday gift, eh!?! What's even better is the fact that I didn't clean him up @ ALL. I printed him out, let Frank do the stencil, and that was IT. I want him to look the same way he does online, haha. My little creation now w/ me forever! Only thing I'm going to change is the fact that I just did shading for his hair, but I think it'll look better w/ it filled in so once I can, that's goin' down.. Wee!

Remember when "Weeee!" used to be my shit??? Prob around the same time I thought of BeevoNerd....
People have been singing that to me since I was 10 years old. Fifteen years of this annoying ass song, lmmfao. Fuck you, Lisa Simpson. I run this shit!
Anyway, yes, it's FINALLY my birthday, 25th ty.. I'm officially a quarter-of-a-century old! Awesome! And I don't even feel like killing myself!
I love how I turned 25 in the parking lot of the hospital I was born in (Portsmouth Naval) oh so many years ago.. It was like a culmination of all things LISA.
Brandi and I even "shoulder leaned" like last year.. Kinda.. She was laying her head on my shoulder, and I had my head on hers.. Not the same as the drunken tirade that took place inside The Cave 365 days ago, haha...
I'm soooooo tired, but the need to blog on my bday took over. But I'm going to bed now. Feel free to leave me MASSIVE love, k? Thanks preeesh!
PS, don't know HOW I almost forgot, but I mooooost definitely got a BeevoNerd tattoo on the 23rd.. Ty, Frank! So awesome! I can't BELIEVE I have him on me permanently. What a cool bday gift, eh!?! What's even better is the fact that I didn't clean him up @ ALL. I printed him out, let Frank do the stencil, and that was IT. I want him to look the same way he does online, haha. My little creation now w/ me forever! Only thing I'm going to change is the fact that I just did shading for his hair, but I think it'll look better w/ it filled in so once I can, that's goin' down.. Wee!
Remember when "Weeee!" used to be my shit??? Prob around the same time I thought of BeevoNerd....
Monday, July 23, 2007
Tomorrow, tomorrow...
Yesterday was not tomorrow. 311 don't have a song called Tomorrow, either. But Silverchair does.
Mhm. Last night was INSANELY FUN, yet somehow it made me sad... It wasn't the same for me as it used to be. Actually, it was, but I didn't hear what I want so now I'm pissy. I'm a TRUE OG fan, so I've HEARD all the singles live 43587 times, so I wanted to hear more random songs.. Getting Through To Her, Eons (which they usually do), Crack The Code, Still Dreaming, etc.. Newer songs that are so fucking good, WHY NOT JUST PLAY THEEEEMMMMMMM!?!?
Fuck pleasing the newcomers, that's their problem for not knowing good music sooner than they did. I was mad young, so there's no excuse there. I ran into people there (Heather especially) that I was seeing @ 311 shows like 10 years ago... And even before THAT, b/c that was when Transister came out. I remember when they came here for that album, too. It was in August, I remember that, and omfg... Wow VB.. Remember that sign that used to be off the interstate that had upcoming shows on it and shit!?!? Ain't thought about THAT shit in EONS.. Wooooooooooow, holy shit...
Anyway, thanks to BAGELS, I don't remember too much of the show after a certain point... Fuuuuuuucked up... But still, it was a diff feeling. That was the first show I went to w/o Sherrita, I do believe. How odd is THAT??? Has life really changed that much??? I wonder if she was there....
To make things WORSE, as Lauren and I were heading to Taco Bell on General Booth (First Colonial's comp was down, WTF!), she was like, "I really wanna hear some Kottonmouth", so we put on Koast II Koast.. I was soooooooo instantly excited/in anticipation (for precipitation?) for the August show(s).. Like, more than I was for 311. I think I felt weird during the 311 show b/c before, I was a different person. Much different. All the violence and drama that surround my life, none of that was there before! I was a completely diff person then... I'm more adult, w/ a wholly diff way of seeing life, whereas I was super young and all pessimistic and shit before.. That really proved to me that it's a whole new ballgame now. The KMK show atmosphere better describes me now.. That whole scene.. I dunno, it's weird..
From kid to Kween... What a journey..!
Don't think I didn't JAMMMMMMM tho, b/c I most certainly did. It was just a diff feeling, like I said. 311 are still one of my fave bands ever.. Before KMK, we were listening to the songs I WANTED to hear and I was jammin' like I would've been had they played them. That's prob the real beef here, but oh well. Better luck next time!
Not to mention, the thought of TOMORROW HIGHLY overshadows anything else going on right now.
Mhm. Last night was INSANELY FUN, yet somehow it made me sad... It wasn't the same for me as it used to be. Actually, it was, but I didn't hear what I want so now I'm pissy. I'm a TRUE OG fan, so I've HEARD all the singles live 43587 times, so I wanted to hear more random songs.. Getting Through To Her, Eons (which they usually do), Crack The Code, Still Dreaming, etc.. Newer songs that are so fucking good, WHY NOT JUST PLAY THEEEEMMMMMMM!?!?
Fuck pleasing the newcomers, that's their problem for not knowing good music sooner than they did. I was mad young, so there's no excuse there. I ran into people there (Heather especially) that I was seeing @ 311 shows like 10 years ago... And even before THAT, b/c that was when Transister came out. I remember when they came here for that album, too. It was in August, I remember that, and omfg... Wow VB.. Remember that sign that used to be off the interstate that had upcoming shows on it and shit!?!? Ain't thought about THAT shit in EONS.. Wooooooooooow, holy shit...
Anyway, thanks to BAGELS, I don't remember too much of the show after a certain point... Fuuuuuuucked up... But still, it was a diff feeling. That was the first show I went to w/o Sherrita, I do believe. How odd is THAT??? Has life really changed that much??? I wonder if she was there....
To make things WORSE, as Lauren and I were heading to Taco Bell on General Booth (First Colonial's comp was down, WTF!), she was like, "I really wanna hear some Kottonmouth", so we put on Koast II Koast.. I was soooooooo instantly excited/in anticipation (for precipitation?) for the August show(s).. Like, more than I was for 311. I think I felt weird during the 311 show b/c before, I was a different person. Much different. All the violence and drama that surround my life, none of that was there before! I was a completely diff person then... I'm more adult, w/ a wholly diff way of seeing life, whereas I was super young and all pessimistic and shit before.. That really proved to me that it's a whole new ballgame now. The KMK show atmosphere better describes me now.. That whole scene.. I dunno, it's weird..
From kid to Kween... What a journey..!
Don't think I didn't JAMMMMMMM tho, b/c I most certainly did. It was just a diff feeling, like I said. 311 are still one of my fave bands ever.. Before KMK, we were listening to the songs I WANTED to hear and I was jammin' like I would've been had they played them. That's prob the real beef here, but oh well. Better luck next time!
Not to mention, the thought of TOMORROW HIGHLY overshadows anything else going on right now.
The One w/ The Death of a Parent...
On the norm, I never start a blog w/o a title, but nothing suffices right now. I had one of the worst dreams everrrr last night. I don't even know if I want to re-tell it, b/c I def don't want to think about it any longer... But @ the same time, it's an experience, and I'm all about sharing them via blog, so....
It started when I went to my Ma's house (which wasn't the one she just moved into) one random sunny day.. Apparently I left my friends waiting outside, b/c once I got there, I was walking in the doorway area alone. I walked into the l/r only to see my sister sitting there, w/ blood all over the place. She was so calm tho, as if nothing happened. Now, any violent behaviour from her isn't too shocking b/c she def used to try to buck on the fam, lil psycho bitch that she was/is... But to hurt someone like THAT!?! There were random items strewn all over the place, two w/ blood on them.. So I'm freakin' the fuck out like, WTF, who got hurt etc.. There was someone else in the l/r but I don't remember who..
I went upstairs to see where my Ma was, and when I got to her room, my heart fuckin' SANK. She was on her back in her bed, hand over her stomach which obv had been bleeding bad b/c there was blood on the steps, too, and some in the room. I immediately started asking her what was wrong, who did it, all that stuff.. She looked like she was in SO much pain, and I didn't know wtf to do @ that point.. She started to sit up and I was just like, omfg I can't do this.. Went downstairs and it was somehow dark out already.. I told everyone I'd be right out and closed the front door, and the kitchen window, b/c you could easily see all the blood thru either one.. Went into the l/r AGAIN to ask my sister wtf she did, and why, but I ended up coddling her (like I ALWAYS had/hated to growing up) trying to keep her temper down, moving the objects away slowly while she's not paying attention. After more of that bs'ing, and internal panicking, I remember my mother (didn't really forget, just got pushed aside) and I go back upstairs and into her room as she's getting out of bed, citing the need to use the bathroom..
This is where I lose it... She looks HORRIBLE from the neck down, but the same ol' Mommy otherwise... I'm fuckin' crying and begging her to let me help, saying that I'm gonna dial 9-1-1, or call a friend, and she keeps telling me "No, I don't want help. Don't call anyone, hang up the phone!".. All while fixing herself up, trying to change clothes. This baffles me, esp while I'm bawling my eyes out, and I'm like, "Mommy PLEASE let me help you! Why don't you want me to help you!?!?".. Her reply was "I don't want help. I've seen better things, I ready to go now" as if to say that she can see what's coming on the other side, and is ready to move towards it. I start BAWLING and pleading w/ her, telling her "I'm not ready, please don't leave me", "I can't do this by myself", and that I "can't do this w/o you, please don't leave me yet" which just made her repeat herself to me, basically telling me I had no choice but to let it happen b/c she had already made peace w/ it herself.
I have never felt an imaginary loss so strongly in my LIFE. It was so bad that I woke up @ 7am on the dot saying out loud "Oh my God, please don't leave me!" Just typing it, I can feel the sadness that shook me to the point of waking me up. This is horrible, but I understand it... When I was younger I used to have nightmares about my mom/dad's funerals. Never @ the same time tho, one was always alive. Also had the same recurring dream about my sister for about 8 years. There wasn't a funeral, b/c she didn't die, but she kept getting hurt, over and over, and it fucked me up for a MINUTE. I think my "fear" of 25 and beyond has more to do w/ the fact that I'm afraid to lose a family member, and the older I get, the older THEY get. Especially my parents. My mom will only be 45 this year, and my dad is pushing 50. Neither sound old to me, not even a little bit, but the thought of ME turning 45 kills me.
By then, who knows??? And I already know w/o a shadow of a doubt that my mom's death will prob be the final push into insanity for me. I can't imagine a life w/o her, even in dreams, so how will I handle it for real??? She is the glue that holds our family together and w/o her it would all fall apart. She kept telling me I could do it in the dream, but that's bullshit. When she got into that car accident last year, I couldn't even deal w/ her back pains that kept her out of work for a lil bit. Any kind of injury to my Ma is just unacceptable. I can't imagine how Lauren felt w/ her Ma going thru breast cancer treatment. To see your parents go thru so much pain, after all those years spent taking care of you??? I couldn't do it..
I don't even know what else to say.. I'm just gonna end it here, and start my next blog. Nothing I can do but think about it, it hasn't actually happened.
It started when I went to my Ma's house (which wasn't the one she just moved into) one random sunny day.. Apparently I left my friends waiting outside, b/c once I got there, I was walking in the doorway area alone. I walked into the l/r only to see my sister sitting there, w/ blood all over the place. She was so calm tho, as if nothing happened. Now, any violent behaviour from her isn't too shocking b/c she def used to try to buck on the fam, lil psycho bitch that she was/is... But to hurt someone like THAT!?! There were random items strewn all over the place, two w/ blood on them.. So I'm freakin' the fuck out like, WTF, who got hurt etc.. There was someone else in the l/r but I don't remember who..
I went upstairs to see where my Ma was, and when I got to her room, my heart fuckin' SANK. She was on her back in her bed, hand over her stomach which obv had been bleeding bad b/c there was blood on the steps, too, and some in the room. I immediately started asking her what was wrong, who did it, all that stuff.. She looked like she was in SO much pain, and I didn't know wtf to do @ that point.. She started to sit up and I was just like, omfg I can't do this.. Went downstairs and it was somehow dark out already.. I told everyone I'd be right out and closed the front door, and the kitchen window, b/c you could easily see all the blood thru either one.. Went into the l/r AGAIN to ask my sister wtf she did, and why, but I ended up coddling her (like I ALWAYS had/hated to growing up) trying to keep her temper down, moving the objects away slowly while she's not paying attention. After more of that bs'ing, and internal panicking, I remember my mother (didn't really forget, just got pushed aside) and I go back upstairs and into her room as she's getting out of bed, citing the need to use the bathroom..
This is where I lose it... She looks HORRIBLE from the neck down, but the same ol' Mommy otherwise... I'm fuckin' crying and begging her to let me help, saying that I'm gonna dial 9-1-1, or call a friend, and she keeps telling me "No, I don't want help. Don't call anyone, hang up the phone!".. All while fixing herself up, trying to change clothes. This baffles me, esp while I'm bawling my eyes out, and I'm like, "Mommy PLEASE let me help you! Why don't you want me to help you!?!?".. Her reply was "I don't want help. I've seen better things, I ready to go now" as if to say that she can see what's coming on the other side, and is ready to move towards it. I start BAWLING and pleading w/ her, telling her "I'm not ready, please don't leave me", "I can't do this by myself", and that I "can't do this w/o you, please don't leave me yet" which just made her repeat herself to me, basically telling me I had no choice but to let it happen b/c she had already made peace w/ it herself.
I have never felt an imaginary loss so strongly in my LIFE. It was so bad that I woke up @ 7am on the dot saying out loud "Oh my God, please don't leave me!" Just typing it, I can feel the sadness that shook me to the point of waking me up. This is horrible, but I understand it... When I was younger I used to have nightmares about my mom/dad's funerals. Never @ the same time tho, one was always alive. Also had the same recurring dream about my sister for about 8 years. There wasn't a funeral, b/c she didn't die, but she kept getting hurt, over and over, and it fucked me up for a MINUTE. I think my "fear" of 25 and beyond has more to do w/ the fact that I'm afraid to lose a family member, and the older I get, the older THEY get. Especially my parents. My mom will only be 45 this year, and my dad is pushing 50. Neither sound old to me, not even a little bit, but the thought of ME turning 45 kills me.
By then, who knows??? And I already know w/o a shadow of a doubt that my mom's death will prob be the final push into insanity for me. I can't imagine a life w/o her, even in dreams, so how will I handle it for real??? She is the glue that holds our family together and w/o her it would all fall apart. She kept telling me I could do it in the dream, but that's bullshit. When she got into that car accident last year, I couldn't even deal w/ her back pains that kept her out of work for a lil bit. Any kind of injury to my Ma is just unacceptable. I can't imagine how Lauren felt w/ her Ma going thru breast cancer treatment. To see your parents go thru so much pain, after all those years spent taking care of you??? I couldn't do it..
I don't even know what else to say.. I'm just gonna end it here, and start my next blog. Nothing I can do but think about it, it hasn't actually happened.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
I've never wanted to blog more in my LIFE...
But alas, I have no time for that. Came on here to see who said what to me, and nowwwww I gotta get ready for 311!
I'm so excited, other than the fact that the Silverchair is def overshadowing this... I woke up this morning thinking about Tues... I've 311 a bajillion more times tho, so it's cool! I'm just really focused on the bday.. Wouldn't you be???
It's like a bday present from God...
Other than like, life, air, etc....
PS I was gasssssed the other day, but I jotted down everything I wanted to blog about in my phone, so once this weekend is over, beware of the blog attack.
PPS Andy Ramos is gay.
PPPS he's really not, but you'll see why I said it in my blooooooog lmmfao...
I'm so excited, other than the fact that the Silverchair is def overshadowing this... I woke up this morning thinking about Tues... I've 311 a bajillion more times tho, so it's cool! I'm just really focused on the bday.. Wouldn't you be???
It's like a bday present from God...
Other than like, life, air, etc....
PS I was gasssssed the other day, but I jotted down everything I wanted to blog about in my phone, so once this weekend is over, beware of the blog attack.
PPS Andy Ramos is gay.
PPPS he's really not, but you'll see why I said it in my blooooooog lmmfao...
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Like I was just saying to Grace...
I REALLY want to see Fracture tonight.... FUCK! I told Bekah I'd go to Greenbrier Cinema... We'll see how talks about tonight goes... If no one's tryna go back (can't wait to call BULLSHIT) then I'm going to the movies. Fuck it. I don't need the drama, I just don't want my friends gettin' into trouble...
Or @ least not w/o me there, haha...
DAMMIT! We were just about to leave when they came back. Nicky was headed to the car! Shit, shit, shit...
Cinematic adventures are >> anything else in life, or @ least to me, buuuuuut I really feel like I should be there...
Btw, I that cinematic thing def TIES w/ music. I couldn't put one in front of the other, noooo...
I'll be sure to let ya'll know what happens...
Or @ least not w/o me there, haha...
DAMMIT! We were just about to leave when they came back. Nicky was headed to the car! Shit, shit, shit...
Cinematic adventures are >> anything else in life, or @ least to me, buuuuuut I really feel like I should be there...
Btw, I that cinematic thing def TIES w/ music. I couldn't put one in front of the other, noooo...
I'll be sure to let ya'll know what happens...
Last night was bananas... B-A-N-A-N-A-S...
Actually, no, I'm just gonna type this as it all went down, don't even want to jump right to it...
So, last night was AWESOME... I pretty much knew the whole bar @ one point... I'm not even gonna do a roll call, but a lot of people were there.. Kurtis and Mary came thru! Kidd... Aw... K NO ROLL CALL lol...
That's when I marched my happy ass (Pickens, Scotty, and I were chillin' outside) back inside to snap on the bald dude, who btw will more than likely lose his life tonight. True story. Tittyes gets in it, along w/ Sean & Scotty, Josh, etc etc, we're all standin' there ready for dudes to knuck up. It wasn't even his boy tho, just his DUMB ASS, and Nicky had somethin' for it when he came back but that's for later....
This dude tries to call Brian the bartender to get me away from him, I turn around like, "WTF!?!? Ok, Brian, who's been serving me for FREE all night, GET YOUR FUCKIN' BOY!"... Brian tries to mediate it, Tittyes walks dude outta the bar after Dylan almost kills him, and that should've been it, right!?!?
Wrong. Oh so wrong. After EVERYONE leaves but me, Josh, Sean, and Scotty, this dude returns w/ his boys, one of whom was "ready w/ the 40cal", so he says... Really, cuz you weren't ready for Nicky's lil ass to swell your boy's shit up, were you!?!? Dude tried to kick her in the SHINS, omfg are you kidding me!?? I was WEAK... Josh etc were lookin' like they were gonna jump in but I was like, "Nah, watch this.. Nicky ain't worried about dude" and she damn sure wasn't... And this was after she'd already got into his face b/c I told her he was talkin' shit to Nick (Tittyes)... TOO weak. Her little hyper ass def egged that shit on, which really isn't good, but after all is said and done, who gaf??? It happened, they wanted to be little bitches, so it'll continue to happen tonight.
I hope they bring out the brigade, cuz shit's about to get real serious if Nick sees any of them. And you already KNOW Dylan's gonna have the Equalizer on standby since dude wanted to talk guns.... Way to put a damper on an awesome night, fuckos...
Well, only kinda sorta... I had a blast, so did everyone else... I lost my thirst for beer pretty much immediately, which tends to happen w/ me, so I just got Sean wasted instead haha... It was literally like, every other person thru the door was a friend. I LOVE ITTTTTTT... JD came thru, W/ KIDD, WHO ASKED ME OOOOOOON THE PHONE IF I KNEW HIM... I thought he meant someone who was already @ Southend, so I said no... THEN JD walks in and I'm like, "OMFG JD!?! WAIT, YOU!??! OF COURSE I KNOW YOU! WHERE'S KIDD!??!".. He's still tryna get me in the studio but yoooouuuuu knowwwwwww.. I've been bullshittin' on THAT for eons, why stop now???
Just as a PS, even tho I shouldn't even have to say it @ this point in my life, ya'll knoooooow I was on motormouth status while Nicky was gettin' @ ol boy... Sucks, cuz his Lurch ass friend is the one who drove that HOT ASS Dodge Ram that Lauren and I were eyeballin.. Come to think of it, the passeneger that walked in w/ him was the one who was talkin' about his gun... I was like, "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SUCH A FUCKIN' PUSSY!? YOUR TRUCK IS SO FUCKIN HOT OH MY GAAAAD!!" Hahaha...
WOOOOO!!!! On some Rick Flair shit...
W/e, like I said, we're going back tonight cuz the shiny bald one is "looking for those punks" who just happen to be Dylan and Nick. Imagine that for just a second. Imagine someone getting the better of EITHER of them.
And then wake up, cuz it'll NEVER fuckin' happen.... I know their type, I know their kind.....
Actually, no, I'm just gonna type this as it all went down, don't even want to jump right to it...
So, last night was AWESOME... I pretty much knew the whole bar @ one point... I'm not even gonna do a roll call, but a lot of people were there.. Kurtis and Mary came thru! Kidd... Aw... K NO ROLL CALL lol...
That's when I marched my happy ass (Pickens, Scotty, and I were chillin' outside) back inside to snap on the bald dude, who btw will more than likely lose his life tonight. True story. Tittyes gets in it, along w/ Sean & Scotty, Josh, etc etc, we're all standin' there ready for dudes to knuck up. It wasn't even his boy tho, just his DUMB ASS, and Nicky had somethin' for it when he came back but that's for later....
This dude tries to call Brian the bartender to get me away from him, I turn around like, "WTF!?!? Ok, Brian, who's been serving me for FREE all night, GET YOUR FUCKIN' BOY!"... Brian tries to mediate it, Tittyes walks dude outta the bar after Dylan almost kills him, and that should've been it, right!?!?
Wrong. Oh so wrong. After EVERYONE leaves but me, Josh, Sean, and Scotty, this dude returns w/ his boys, one of whom was "ready w/ the 40cal", so he says... Really, cuz you weren't ready for Nicky's lil ass to swell your boy's shit up, were you!?!? Dude tried to kick her in the SHINS, omfg are you kidding me!?? I was WEAK... Josh etc were lookin' like they were gonna jump in but I was like, "Nah, watch this.. Nicky ain't worried about dude" and she damn sure wasn't... And this was after she'd already got into his face b/c I told her he was talkin' shit to Nick (Tittyes)... TOO weak. Her little hyper ass def egged that shit on, which really isn't good, but after all is said and done, who gaf??? It happened, they wanted to be little bitches, so it'll continue to happen tonight.
I hope they bring out the brigade, cuz shit's about to get real serious if Nick sees any of them. And you already KNOW Dylan's gonna have the Equalizer on standby since dude wanted to talk guns.... Way to put a damper on an awesome night, fuckos...
Well, only kinda sorta... I had a blast, so did everyone else... I lost my thirst for beer pretty much immediately, which tends to happen w/ me, so I just got Sean wasted instead haha... It was literally like, every other person thru the door was a friend. I LOVE ITTTTTTT... JD came thru, W/ KIDD, WHO ASKED ME OOOOOOON THE PHONE IF I KNEW HIM... I thought he meant someone who was already @ Southend, so I said no... THEN JD walks in and I'm like, "OMFG JD!?! WAIT, YOU!??! OF COURSE I KNOW YOU! WHERE'S KIDD!??!".. He's still tryna get me in the studio but yoooouuuuu knowwwwwww.. I've been bullshittin' on THAT for eons, why stop now???
Just as a PS, even tho I shouldn't even have to say it @ this point in my life, ya'll knoooooow I was on motormouth status while Nicky was gettin' @ ol boy... Sucks, cuz his Lurch ass friend is the one who drove that HOT ASS Dodge Ram that Lauren and I were eyeballin.. Come to think of it, the passeneger that walked in w/ him was the one who was talkin' about his gun... I was like, "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SUCH A FUCKIN' PUSSY!? YOUR TRUCK IS SO FUCKIN HOT OH MY GAAAAD!!" Hahaha...
WOOOOO!!!! On some Rick Flair shit...
W/e, like I said, we're going back tonight cuz the shiny bald one is "looking for those punks" who just happen to be Dylan and Nick. Imagine that for just a second. Imagine someone getting the better of EITHER of them.
And then wake up, cuz it'll NEVER fuckin' happen.... I know their type, I know their kind.....
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Mm, yummy, sleepy time...
I finally got some fucking REST today. Not really that much, b/c I don't like to be asleep but for so long, but I def feel better. I felt like Pacino in Insominia...
PS, I'm gonna start linking things, etc, since I will prob use this more than my other blog. Tired of people not knowing what I'm talking about! Certain shit, you're out back, but w/e...
In other news, we're going to Southend tonight! Can't wait. It already sounds like we're gonna have a good time. My hubby is going, so that's worrrrrd... I miss my lovey!
I also just invited Julie, who I never seem to be able to get up w/ on the weekends.. I should msg Grace, see if she wants to hang out.. I want it to be another fun night..
I just hope no one fights, or gets into trouble.
Should be ok tho, I'll beat someone's ass if not. Which, I guess is kinda the problem, lol.
PS, I'm gonna start linking things, etc, since I will prob use this more than my other blog. Tired of people not knowing what I'm talking about! Certain shit, you're out back, but w/e...
In other news, we're going to Southend tonight! Can't wait. It already sounds like we're gonna have a good time. My hubby is going, so that's worrrrrd... I miss my lovey!
I also just invited Julie, who I never seem to be able to get up w/ on the weekends.. I should msg Grace, see if she wants to hang out.. I want it to be another fun night..
I just hope no one fights, or gets into trouble.
Should be ok tho, I'll beat someone's ass if not. Which, I guess is kinda the problem, lol.
Aw, did I JUST NOW
F'n realize that I could post videos on here!??! Like, really, b/c I've def seen them on 100's of blogs already.
Dick, don't make fun of yourself. You'll never be POP-UUUU-LERRR. LAR. Teehee. I'm deeef gonna spend tomorrow going back and posting all the videos fa shooo...
Def noticed more random typos in comments/msgs/texts lately, which geeks b/c I preach to the high heavens about them. I'm USED to everyone else fuckin' up all the time, but damn... ME!?!? lol
Certain punctuation marks excluded, b/c I def don't type like a normal person, so I gotta bend the rules. But WORDS?, Words count. Words ALWAYS count.
Dick, don't make fun of yourself. You'll never be POP-UUUU-LERRR. LAR. Teehee. I'm deeef gonna spend tomorrow going back and posting all the videos fa shooo...
Def noticed more random typos in comments/msgs/texts lately, which geeks b/c I preach to the high heavens about them. I'm USED to everyone else fuckin' up all the time, but damn... ME!?!? lol
Certain punctuation marks excluded, b/c I def don't type like a normal person, so I gotta bend the rules. But WORDS?, Words count. Words ALWAYS count.
Ask me why I'm still awake....
As in, day before my last blog awake... I zoned out for a lil but but I'm def still in there like swimwear... Ugh.. Cannot wait to be tired, haha... It's been a minute... I don't know what it is that makes me so tired latelyyyyyyy am I lying!?!? Fully aware! Even when I'm all cloudy.....
But uhh, I def went to Southend for a lil while, saw some friends, etc etc... Drank a lil bit, then we went to Birdneck to a friends apt and my boy Rob (Hollywood!) was there doin' a tat... Worrrrd... We were there for like an hour, prob longer, I lose track of time when talkin' about KMK shows, haha. We're both amped for that shit!
Mhm. There was some funny shit I had to say, but I forgot, so w/e...
This is still my jammmmmmm (ohhhh jaaaaaaammmmm) from bitd... Shannon bumped it on the way here...
Eric.. You're so, so bad....
But uhh, I def went to Southend for a lil while, saw some friends, etc etc... Drank a lil bit, then we went to Birdneck to a friends apt and my boy Rob (Hollywood!) was there doin' a tat... Worrrrd... We were there for like an hour, prob longer, I lose track of time when talkin' about KMK shows, haha. We're both amped for that shit!
Mhm. There was some funny shit I had to say, but I forgot, so w/e...
This is still my jammmmmmm (ohhhh jaaaaaaammmmm) from bitd... Shannon bumped it on the way here...
Eric.. You're so, so bad....
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
"I'm shooting pool, Fats. When I miss, you can shoot."
In my absence, some shit went down via my page/comments lol.. Just read the bulletin. No idea what happened, but @ 10am I'll know it all.
Deeeeeef just got home, folks. Just thought I'd share that. It was like 7:04 when I walked in the door. Woo. What a night! It was very, very interesting.
It is now 1pm! I decided to get some rest so I straight left this bitch.. I've been sitting here for a minute actually, listening to Incubus - Dig. SUCH an awesome song, and even tho I already loved it, it recently hit me w/ the don't-stop-playing-me bug. Repeat like a mafaka...
Anyway, my day was pretty interesting, like I said before.. It really started w/ Lauren's riding session, which was like an hour and some change longer than usual. Wasn't expecting that, but I didn't care b/c wtf else would I have been doing!?!? It WAS hot as a bitch tho. When it rained everywhere else in VB apparently, it was just hot and muggy as fuck in Pungo @ the barn... After all that, and my discovery of the hot farm hand w/ the nice ass arms (helloooooooo, Jessica... he had on cowboy boots!), we went to her house so she could shower all of that fn sweat and dirt off of her. Yeesh. Def wasn't gonna mind waiting on that one. She wasn't like, "smelly", but it we kicked it any longer, her body would've let some shit pop off haha...
After that, we got up w/ Shannon etc @ Southend b/c there was some drama goin' on w/ her and Ashley involving a set of twins we all know and "♥".. W/e on that one, peace was spoken, I told some people about themselves, and then I had a great time! I called Dylan to tell him I was there, and he showed up w/ Lil Josh.. Worrrrrrd, besides than the other night when I was passed out pretty much, I haven't seen Josh in a grip. Juggalo Tonya was also there, w/ a few other people I knew. It was like a lil get together! Aw, yay! Joe and Josh were there also (dur, reason we went), along w/ random people during the night. I actually left once, then after chillin' in the Derby for a lil bit, went back up there, this time w/ Nicky.
On the way there, she decided to delight me w/ the fact that she's "DGAF'n" (which she NEVER says) this whole 'in love w/ Adam/always be there for him' thing that's been haunting for the last year. I'm proud of her, if she can stick to it. Adam is poison for her the same as Justin is, and neither of them deserve another chance, sooooo...... Anyone who can make you step outside of yourself and just let them bring you to another place each and every time you deal w/ them is NOT healthy and she's starting to see that, maybe, hopefully...
But back to the barrrr. Dylan, of course, tried disrobing my top half. I'm now afraid to be his friend after the 5th or 6th strong drink. I will end up topless in a bar/parking lot one day, and I know it! Good thing I'm strong, lol, or it would happen @ every attempt. Love the kid, but nooot enough for all that!
Oh, and Sid was there, random as all hell. I keep running into him @ the oceanfront/bars.. Tittyes also came thru for a lil bit, and Nicky and I ended up kickin' it @ his him & his people's crib til 7 am, which is where the blog starts. I had some of the greatest conversation in my LIFE w/ people I'd just met, and even w/ Nick (not Nick-Y, talkin' bout Tittyes) who I def shocked haha. Love ya, baby! I'll always be there when you need me to buss a bitch's head to the white meat!!! Mhm!
Arrrrrggggghhhh, I loooooove people who love to read, and I met someone that's read one of my favorite books of all time. It's 'She's Come Undone', by Wally Lamb. She suggested a few of her fave authors/books, and I, in turn, told her to read Wally Lamb - I Know This Much Is True, Rita Mae Brown - Rubyfruit Jungle, Armistead Maupin - 28 Barbary Lane, aaaaaand Tom Robbins - Even Cowgirls Get The Blues. I suggest them to you all, even the ignorant that don't read. Smile! Yeah, I said it. That makes you a DUMMY, for the record.
Everyone there tho, not just Mindy, were cool as fuck. Not to sound vain as all hell, but I love talking to people who love me. I know enough words to where I could've disguised that and phrased it as something else, but all it would boil down to is that simple truth... If you get what I meant, good, if not, whaaaatever. Nick's cousin was amazed that I knew about 'The Hustler' and 'Cool Hand Luke', his two favorite movies of all time. I knew about that, about Alley Katz and McCormicks, and pretty much anything he referenced to. THIS is why I say I love learning, and making myself more worldly, b/c there's not many convos that can take place around me where I don't know SOMETHING about the subject. If I don't, I won't speak on it, I'm not that kind of person.
Oh, and b/c I know I failed to mention this, I was mooooooost certainly fucked up last night... Chatter chatter, chit chit.... Ooh, and I def just remembered the convo I had w/ Lee @ 4 am, random as aaaalllll hell, b/c I haven't talked to him in a minute... I should call him now.. I think I was supposed to call him earlier to get up and talk...
I suppose I'll end this now.. My ADHD is what dragged this blog out as far as it's gone, haha... I did feel the need to share all of this, and more that I can't remember for reasons not cited, but oh well.
Some things are better left unsaid.
Deeeeeef just got home, folks. Just thought I'd share that. It was like 7:04 when I walked in the door. Woo. What a night! It was very, very interesting.
It is now 1pm! I decided to get some rest so I straight left this bitch.. I've been sitting here for a minute actually, listening to Incubus - Dig. SUCH an awesome song, and even tho I already loved it, it recently hit me w/ the don't-stop-playing-me bug. Repeat like a mafaka...
Anyway, my day was pretty interesting, like I said before.. It really started w/ Lauren's riding session, which was like an hour and some change longer than usual. Wasn't expecting that, but I didn't care b/c wtf else would I have been doing!?!? It WAS hot as a bitch tho. When it rained everywhere else in VB apparently, it was just hot and muggy as fuck in Pungo @ the barn... After all that, and my discovery of the hot farm hand w/ the nice ass arms (helloooooooo, Jessica... he had on cowboy boots!), we went to her house so she could shower all of that fn sweat and dirt off of her. Yeesh. Def wasn't gonna mind waiting on that one. She wasn't like, "smelly", but it we kicked it any longer, her body would've let some shit pop off haha...
After that, we got up w/ Shannon etc @ Southend b/c there was some drama goin' on w/ her and Ashley involving a set of twins we all know and "♥".. W/e on that one, peace was spoken, I told some people about themselves, and then I had a great time! I called Dylan to tell him I was there, and he showed up w/ Lil Josh.. Worrrrrrd, besides than the other night when I was passed out pretty much, I haven't seen Josh in a grip. Juggalo Tonya was also there, w/ a few other people I knew. It was like a lil get together! Aw, yay! Joe and Josh were there also (dur, reason we went), along w/ random people during the night. I actually left once, then after chillin' in the Derby for a lil bit, went back up there, this time w/ Nicky.
On the way there, she decided to delight me w/ the fact that she's "DGAF'n" (which she NEVER says) this whole 'in love w/ Adam/always be there for him' thing that's been haunting for the last year. I'm proud of her, if she can stick to it. Adam is poison for her the same as Justin is, and neither of them deserve another chance, sooooo...... Anyone who can make you step outside of yourself and just let them bring you to another place each and every time you deal w/ them is NOT healthy and she's starting to see that, maybe, hopefully...
But back to the barrrr. Dylan, of course, tried disrobing my top half. I'm now afraid to be his friend after the 5th or 6th strong drink. I will end up topless in a bar/parking lot one day, and I know it! Good thing I'm strong, lol, or it would happen @ every attempt. Love the kid, but nooot enough for all that!
Oh, and Sid was there, random as all hell. I keep running into him @ the oceanfront/bars.. Tittyes also came thru for a lil bit, and Nicky and I ended up kickin' it @ his him & his people's crib til 7 am, which is where the blog starts. I had some of the greatest conversation in my LIFE w/ people I'd just met, and even w/ Nick (not Nick-Y, talkin' bout Tittyes) who I def shocked haha. Love ya, baby! I'll always be there when you need me to buss a bitch's head to the white meat!!! Mhm!
Arrrrrggggghhhh, I loooooove people who love to read, and I met someone that's read one of my favorite books of all time. It's 'She's Come Undone', by Wally Lamb. She suggested a few of her fave authors/books, and I, in turn, told her to read Wally Lamb - I Know This Much Is True, Rita Mae Brown - Rubyfruit Jungle, Armistead Maupin - 28 Barbary Lane, aaaaaand Tom Robbins - Even Cowgirls Get The Blues. I suggest them to you all, even the ignorant that don't read. Smile! Yeah, I said it. That makes you a DUMMY, for the record.
Everyone there tho, not just Mindy, were cool as fuck. Not to sound vain as all hell, but I love talking to people who love me. I know enough words to where I could've disguised that and phrased it as something else, but all it would boil down to is that simple truth... If you get what I meant, good, if not, whaaaatever. Nick's cousin was amazed that I knew about 'The Hustler' and 'Cool Hand Luke', his two favorite movies of all time. I knew about that, about Alley Katz and McCormicks, and pretty much anything he referenced to. THIS is why I say I love learning, and making myself more worldly, b/c there's not many convos that can take place around me where I don't know SOMETHING about the subject. If I don't, I won't speak on it, I'm not that kind of person.
Oh, and b/c I know I failed to mention this, I was mooooooost certainly fucked up last night... Chatter chatter, chit chit.... Ooh, and I def just remembered the convo I had w/ Lee @ 4 am, random as aaaalllll hell, b/c I haven't talked to him in a minute... I should call him now.. I think I was supposed to call him earlier to get up and talk...
I suppose I'll end this now.. My ADHD is what dragged this blog out as far as it's gone, haha... I did feel the need to share all of this, and more that I can't remember for reasons not cited, but oh well.
Some things are better left unsaid.
Monday, July 16, 2007
The moral of THAT story is.....
Nigga, you ain't the only one missing someone. I LOATHE these kinds of bulletins, and if I didn't <3 ya'll, I'd delete EVERY SINGLE PERSON who posts them. This shit prob never even happened, and if it DID, I'm not about to repost (other than that one) everytime ONE PERSON DIES, when 435476547 people just took their last breath while I typed this up.
People die EVERY DAY. BAD THINGS HAPPEN ALL THE TIME. They have NOTHING TO DO W/ BULLETINS. Great, feel bad, cross your fingers, pray, etc etc. But STFU ABOUT IT ON HERE, like you REALLY gaf on some real shit...
And ANOTHER thing... Why do people cross their fingers when they pass cemeteries??? Really, b/c this ENTIRE PLANET is a graveyard. Do you think the whities were giving indians proper burial??? Slaves??? Etc, etc??? NO. People are underfoot anywhere you go, basically. This earth didn't begin in the 1900s.. People have OBVIOUSLY been dying since Day 1. Where are their bodies??? IN THE EARTH, ANY AND EVERYWHERE, we just don't see it that way.
And OMFG, WHY ALL THE SPACES??? Added dramatic effect??? Who cares, it's annoying as FUCK.
Nigga, you ain't the only one missing someone. I LOATHE these kinds of bulletins, and if I didn't <3 ya'll, I'd delete EVERY SINGLE PERSON who posts them. This shit prob never even happened, and if it DID, I'm not about to repost (other than that one) everytime ONE PERSON DIES, when 435476547 people just took their last breath while I typed this up.
People die EVERY DAY. BAD THINGS HAPPEN ALL THE TIME. They have NOTHING TO DO W/ BULLETINS. Great, feel bad, cross your fingers, pray, etc etc. But STFU ABOUT IT ON HERE, like you REALLY gaf on some real shit...
And ANOTHER thing... Why do people cross their fingers when they pass cemeteries??? Really, b/c this ENTIRE PLANET is a graveyard. Do you think the whities were giving indians proper burial??? Slaves??? Etc, etc??? NO. People are underfoot anywhere you go, basically. This earth didn't begin in the 1900s.. People have OBVIOUSLY been dying since Day 1. Where are their bodies??? IN THE EARTH, ANY AND EVERYWHERE, we just don't see it that way.
And OMFG, WHY ALL THE SPACES??? Added dramatic effect??? Who cares, it's annoying as FUCK.
I was walking around in a store. I saw a
cashier hand this little boy his money back saying
"I'm sorry, but you don't have enough money to buy
this doll."
Then the little boy turned to the old woman
next to him: ''Granny, are you sure I don't have
enough money?''
The old lady replied: ''You know that you
don't have enough money to buy this doll, my dear.''
Then she asked him to stay there for 5
minutes while she went to look around. She left
The little boy was still holding the doll in
his hand.
Finally, I walked toward him and I asked
who he wished to give this doll to.
"It's the doll that my sister loved most and
wanted so much for this Christmas.
She was so sure that Santa
Claus would bring it to her."
I replied to him that maybe Santa Claus will
bring it to her after all, and not
to worry.
But he replied to me sadly. "No, Santa Claus
can't bring it to her where she is now. I have to
give the doll to my mommy so
that she can give it to
my sister when she goes there."
His eyes were so sad while saying this. "My
sister has gone to be with God. Daddy
says that
Mommy is going to see God very soon too, so I
thought that she could take the doll with her to
give it to my sister.''
My heart nearly stopped.
The little boy looked up at me and said: "I
told daddy to tell mommy not to go yet. I need
her to wait until I come back from the mall."
Then he showed me a very nice photo of him
where he was laughing. He then told me
"I want mommy to take my picture with her so she won't forget me."
"I love my mommy and I wish she doesn't have
to leave me, but daddy says that she has to go to be
with my little sister."
Then he looked again at the doll with sad
eyes, very quietly.
I quickly reached for my wallet and said to
the boy. "What if we checked again, just in case you
do have enough money?''
"OK" he said "I hope that I have enough." I
added some of my money to his without him seeing and
we started to count it. There was enough for the
doll and even some spare money.
The little boy said: "Thank you God for
giving me enough money!"
Then he looked at me and added "I asked
yesterday before I slept for God to make sure I have
enough money to buy this doll so that mommy can give
it to my sister. He heard me!''
"I also wanted to have enough money to buy a
white rose for my mommy, but I didn't dare to ask
God for too much. But He gave me enough to buy the
doll and a white rose.''
"My mommy loves white roses."
A few minutes later, the old lady came again
and I left with my basket.
I finished my shopping in a totally
different state from when I started. I couldn't get the little boy
out of my mind.
Then I remembered a local newspaper article
2 days ago, which mentioned of a drunk man in a truck, who hit
a car, where there was one young lady and a little
The little girl died right away, and the
mother was left in a critical state. The family had
to decide whether to pull the plug on the
life-assisting machine, because the young lady would
not be able to recover from the coma.
Was this the family of the little boy?
Two days after this encounter with the
little boy, I read in the newspaper that the young
lady had passed away.
I couldn't stop myself as I bought a bunch
of white roses and I went to the funeral home where
the body of the young woman was exposed for people
to see and make last wishes before burial.
She was there, in her coffin, holding a
beautiful white rose in her hand with the photo of
the little boy and the doll placed over her chest.
I left the place, teary-eyed, feeling that
my life had been changed forever. The love that this
little boy had for his mother and his sister is
still, to this day, hard to imagine. And in a
fraction of a second,
a drunk driver had taken all this away from him.
Now you have 2 choices:
1) Repost this message.
2) Ignore it as if it never touched you
I was walking around in a store. I saw a
cashier hand this little boy his money back saying
"I'm sorry, but you don't have enough money to buy
this doll."
Then the little boy turned to the old woman
next to him: ''Granny, are you sure I don't have
enough money?''
The old lady replied: ''You know that you
don't have enough money to buy this doll, my dear.''
Then she asked him to stay there for 5
minutes while she went to look around. She left
The little boy was still holding the doll in
his hand.
Finally, I walked toward him and I asked
who he wished to give this doll to.
"It's the doll that my sister loved most and
wanted so much for this Christmas.
She was so sure that Santa
Claus would bring it to her."
I replied to him that maybe Santa Claus will
bring it to her after all, and not
to worry.
But he replied to me sadly. "No, Santa Claus
can't bring it to her where she is now. I have to
give the doll to my mommy so
that she can give it to
my sister when she goes there."
His eyes were so sad while saying this. "My
sister has gone to be with God. Daddy
says that
Mommy is going to see God very soon too, so I
thought that she could take the doll with her to
give it to my sister.''
My heart nearly stopped.
The little boy looked up at me and said: "I
told daddy to tell mommy not to go yet. I need
her to wait until I come back from the mall."
Then he showed me a very nice photo of him
where he was laughing. He then told me
"I want mommy to take my picture with her so she won't forget me."
"I love my mommy and I wish she doesn't have
to leave me, but daddy says that she has to go to be
with my little sister."
Then he looked again at the doll with sad
eyes, very quietly.
I quickly reached for my wallet and said to
the boy. "What if we checked again, just in case you
do have enough money?''
"OK" he said "I hope that I have enough." I
added some of my money to his without him seeing and
we started to count it. There was enough for the
doll and even some spare money.
The little boy said: "Thank you God for
giving me enough money!"
Then he looked at me and added "I asked
yesterday before I slept for God to make sure I have
enough money to buy this doll so that mommy can give
it to my sister. He heard me!''
"I also wanted to have enough money to buy a
white rose for my mommy, but I didn't dare to ask
God for too much. But He gave me enough to buy the
doll and a white rose.''
"My mommy loves white roses."
A few minutes later, the old lady came again
and I left with my basket.
I finished my shopping in a totally
different state from when I started. I couldn't get the little boy
out of my mind.
Then I remembered a local newspaper article
2 days ago, which mentioned of a drunk man in a truck, who hit
a car, where there was one young lady and a little
The little girl died right away, and the
mother was left in a critical state. The family had
to decide whether to pull the plug on the
life-assisting machine, because the young lady would
not be able to recover from the coma.
Was this the family of the little boy?
Two days after this encounter with the
little boy, I read in the newspaper that the young
lady had passed away.
I couldn't stop myself as I bought a bunch
of white roses and I went to the funeral home where
the body of the young woman was exposed for people
to see and make last wishes before burial.
She was there, in her coffin, holding a
beautiful white rose in her hand with the photo of
the little boy and the doll placed over her chest.
I left the place, teary-eyed, feeling that
my life had been changed forever. The love that this
little boy had for his mother and his sister is
still, to this day, hard to imagine. And in a
fraction of a second,
a drunk driver had taken all this away from him.
Now you have 2 choices:
1) Repost this message.
2) Ignore it as if it never touched you
Foooooooor the record, Shrek the Third was HILARIOUS.. I finally saw it yesterday, as previously stated, and I fuckin' LOST it 35346 times... That movie is def in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM a kids movie. There were like, 2 kid jokes the entire film, it seemed. DEF felt like the kids were out of place. I know that for a FACT, b/c me, Brandi, Jess, and Lauren were the only ones dying like we were... No kids were getting those jokes..
Oh well, their parents only paid $1.50 so who gaf... I'm def tryna see that again soooooo hit me up, peoples... The lil gum drop part.. Bwahaha.. So awesome..!
Hm, what else happened this weekend... Brandi and I spent the day together yesterday, along w/ Aiden, but after we dropped him off, Lauren, Travis, Brandi, Jess and I went on a lil road trip thru Pungo.. Mhm.. Yessssssss....
I also kicked it a lot in the Derby.. Stole Eugene's shampoo from him on Fri night, def don't know if he ever got it from Brent's yard or not.. I'll find out next time I see him, I guess lol.. He'll be trying to kick my ass...
Note that I said TRYING. That frou frou carrot mafaka don't want it!
"Who want it w/ 'LENE!?!?" Haha, haven't seen Bringing Down The House in eons, it seems like.. Must watch it soon.. That's my shitttt....
Um, basically we made rounds like we always do.. I hung out w/ Larry more than usual, which rocked b/c we def have been separated.. And we had it out (once more, w/ feeling) again about a certain topic that kinda put a damper on the friendship. I ♥ you, BTL!
And we also sang songs from musicals, haha...
No, Larry didn't sing along to it.. Rocky Horror only.. He's not THAT gay, haha JUST KIDDING, NO PUNCHES (what are the odds of THAT happening!?!?)...
I'm sure there's more to tell, many random little tidbits, buuuuut I'm starving sooo goodbye.. Time for fettucine alfredo w/ chicken & broccoli, + parmesian.. Aaaand then some Edy's Cookie Dough ice cream..
Tonight I'm going w/ the Wife to her riding session... Hit us up after like 6:30-7 to see what's goin' on if you're tryna chill... I really want to go to Cinema Cafe again this week to see Fracture (Anthony Hopkins/Ryan Gosling) sooooo... Let me know what's good w/ that one.. It's @ Greenbrier, btw. There's actually a few things I want to see @ CC, but that is a priority now.
Just let me know!
Happy traaaaaails to yooooouuuu.....
Oh well, their parents only paid $1.50 so who gaf... I'm def tryna see that again soooooo hit me up, peoples... The lil gum drop part.. Bwahaha.. So awesome..!
Hm, what else happened this weekend... Brandi and I spent the day together yesterday, along w/ Aiden, but after we dropped him off, Lauren, Travis, Brandi, Jess and I went on a lil road trip thru Pungo.. Mhm.. Yessssssss....
I also kicked it a lot in the Derby.. Stole Eugene's shampoo from him on Fri night, def don't know if he ever got it from Brent's yard or not.. I'll find out next time I see him, I guess lol.. He'll be trying to kick my ass...
Note that I said TRYING. That frou frou carrot mafaka don't want it!
"Who want it w/ 'LENE!?!?" Haha, haven't seen Bringing Down The House in eons, it seems like.. Must watch it soon.. That's my shitttt....
Um, basically we made rounds like we always do.. I hung out w/ Larry more than usual, which rocked b/c we def have been separated.. And we had it out (once more, w/ feeling) again about a certain topic that kinda put a damper on the friendship. I ♥ you, BTL!
And we also sang songs from musicals, haha...
No, Larry didn't sing along to it.. Rocky Horror only.. He's not THAT gay, haha JUST KIDDING, NO PUNCHES (what are the odds of THAT happening!?!?)...
I'm sure there's more to tell, many random little tidbits, buuuuut I'm starving sooo goodbye.. Time for fettucine alfredo w/ chicken & broccoli, + parmesian.. Aaaand then some Edy's Cookie Dough ice cream..
Tonight I'm going w/ the Wife to her riding session... Hit us up after like 6:30-7 to see what's goin' on if you're tryna chill... I really want to go to Cinema Cafe again this week to see Fracture (Anthony Hopkins/Ryan Gosling) sooooo... Let me know what's good w/ that one.. It's @ Greenbrier, btw. There's actually a few things I want to see @ CC, but that is a priority now.
Just let me know!
Happy traaaaaails to yooooouuuu.....
Friday, July 13, 2007
Whaaaaaat's good for the WEEKEND, folks??? Preeeeeeetty sure I'm spendin' tonight in the Dirty Derby, along w/ my bitchesssss... Maybe a quick, MARY-INSPIRED trip to Nancy's Nook (novelty shop here) to geek the fuck out. It's like the Virginia Beach version of cow-tippin.. We all do it...
Whatever we do, please, no D-R-A-M-A. All issues w/ me and anyone else have been resolved just in time to kick it all weekend haha... I ♥ you, boo..
Tonight may be a TEQUILA night, nooooot too sure bout that haha I'ma be wild'n out.. Who's gonna bail me out??? The girlies are goin' to Charlies on Sat night but it gets sooooooo hot in there, + the tourists ew...
I had something else to say.. Oh! Jen totally hooked it up w/ my Silverchair ticket, which blew me awaaaaaaay.. She knows they are like the hair of Christ to me... I've ranted and raved to her about them since forever, so yeah... Thank you, again!!! This birthday is really gonna fuckin' rock... I just wish everyone could be there! It's ok tho..
Just get me a ticket to a summer movie of your choosing, thanks, haha. Brent's taking me to see The Simpsons, which comes out 3 days after my 25th. We'll be weak as a bitch, I'm sure... Not too "weak". I DO want to remember the movie, unlike Aqua Teen, eh Lauren??? Sarah, where you @, babylove??? Haha..
Anyway, yeah, my shoulders and back hurt so I'm gonna go now. Prob hop in the shower and send out a few msgs... Hit me up if you wanna roll thru, or you think of something to do!
Whatever we do, please, no D-R-A-M-A. All issues w/ me and anyone else have been resolved just in time to kick it all weekend haha... I ♥ you, boo..
Tonight may be a TEQUILA night, nooooot too sure bout that haha I'ma be wild'n out.. Who's gonna bail me out??? The girlies are goin' to Charlies on Sat night but it gets sooooooo hot in there, + the tourists ew...
I had something else to say.. Oh! Jen totally hooked it up w/ my Silverchair ticket, which blew me awaaaaaaay.. She knows they are like the hair of Christ to me... I've ranted and raved to her about them since forever, so yeah... Thank you, again!!! This birthday is really gonna fuckin' rock... I just wish everyone could be there! It's ok tho..
Just get me a ticket to a summer movie of your choosing, thanks, haha. Brent's taking me to see The Simpsons, which comes out 3 days after my 25th. We'll be weak as a bitch, I'm sure... Not too "weak". I DO want to remember the movie, unlike Aqua Teen, eh Lauren??? Sarah, where you @, babylove??? Haha..
Anyway, yeah, my shoulders and back hurt so I'm gonna go now. Prob hop in the shower and send out a few msgs... Hit me up if you wanna roll thru, or you think of something to do!
On some real....
How can you live like this??? How can a life of LITTLE to NO SELF-RESPECT be satisfying to you!?!? How can JUSTIN WHITE bring you SO MUCH unhappiness and public embarrassment, and yet you keep running back to him like his shit is PLATINUM?!?! REALLY, IS IT MADE OF A SOUL, B/C YOU'LL NEED ONE WHEN HE'S THRU....
I am SO fucking sick and tired of hearing how bad he treats you, etc etc, or just hearing and seeing it MYSELF (and everyone else we hang w/ can vouch) every fuckin' time ya'll are drunk, which is every time you're around each other...
Cry wolf someplace else. I have NOT AN OUNCE of sympathy for the disaster that's on it's way. You think this is all you're worth!??! Good, I hope so. Live up to that lofty aspiration of being the one to save the "friend you can't give up".. You're "done" w/ ADAM, but not this guy!??! Geeeeeeeet the fuck outta here...
You're a LIAR. A HORRIBLE LIAR, @ THAT. Not even HALF of a day ago, you went thru this bullshit ass spiel about how you guys were talking on a friendship level, and it wasn't even like that, etc etc.. Sooooo all it takes is a few beers, is what you're saying??? How many will it take to get your dignity back, b/c LAUREN, JESSICA, BRANDI, AND I WOULD LOOOOOOVE for it to finally be over. So would JOSH, AND PETER, AND STEVE, and ANYONE ELSE you've subjected that horror show to.
I can't believe you just sat there and watched him pop off @ the mouth to Ashley, like she didn't open the doors to ya'll and let you chill.. When you told me you were w/ him, I should've just let the phone ring and ring, ignoring the fuck out of it all. But nooooo.. So, I'll go ahead and partially sling myself up into the noose while he's waiting to toss you up there... But YOU are the one inviting him into your life over and over, so YOU will be the only one to continually dangle..
I, Lisa R. Williams, DO NOT from here on out, give a fuck what he says or does to you. Save the stories, save the tears. Put'em in a jar, Cry Baby, b/c I'm OVER IT.
You have GOT to be fucking kidding me....
I wasn't one of the people who told your brother you were full of shit last time, but I will be next go 'round. I hope he slaps the taste out of your mouth the next time you hit him.
Oh, and BY THE WAY... Don't EVER use my name to lie about some shit YOU and ONLY YOU even care about. IIII said you punched him in the face on the 4th??? Really b/c you've deeeeef been the one bragging about how you "rocked him again" etc... He asked me not to mention this to you until AFTER he got some ass, and I'm not.
You won't see this until he leaves the money on the dresser...
I am SO fucking sick and tired of hearing how bad he treats you, etc etc, or just hearing and seeing it MYSELF (and everyone else we hang w/ can vouch) every fuckin' time ya'll are drunk, which is every time you're around each other...
Cry wolf someplace else. I have NOT AN OUNCE of sympathy for the disaster that's on it's way. You think this is all you're worth!??! Good, I hope so. Live up to that lofty aspiration of being the one to save the "friend you can't give up".. You're "done" w/ ADAM, but not this guy!??! Geeeeeeeet the fuck outta here...
You're a LIAR. A HORRIBLE LIAR, @ THAT. Not even HALF of a day ago, you went thru this bullshit ass spiel about how you guys were talking on a friendship level, and it wasn't even like that, etc etc.. Sooooo all it takes is a few beers, is what you're saying??? How many will it take to get your dignity back, b/c LAUREN, JESSICA, BRANDI, AND I WOULD LOOOOOOVE for it to finally be over. So would JOSH, AND PETER, AND STEVE, and ANYONE ELSE you've subjected that horror show to.
I can't believe you just sat there and watched him pop off @ the mouth to Ashley, like she didn't open the doors to ya'll and let you chill.. When you told me you were w/ him, I should've just let the phone ring and ring, ignoring the fuck out of it all. But nooooo.. So, I'll go ahead and partially sling myself up into the noose while he's waiting to toss you up there... But YOU are the one inviting him into your life over and over, so YOU will be the only one to continually dangle..
I, Lisa R. Williams, DO NOT from here on out, give a fuck what he says or does to you. Save the stories, save the tears. Put'em in a jar, Cry Baby, b/c I'm OVER IT.
You have GOT to be fucking kidding me....
I wasn't one of the people who told your brother you were full of shit last time, but I will be next go 'round. I hope he slaps the taste out of your mouth the next time you hit him.
Oh, and BY THE WAY... Don't EVER use my name to lie about some shit YOU and ONLY YOU even care about. IIII said you punched him in the face on the 4th??? Really b/c you've deeeeef been the one bragging about how you "rocked him again" etc... He asked me not to mention this to you until AFTER he got some ass, and I'm not.
You won't see this until he leaves the money on the dresser...
Thursday, July 12, 2007
My birthday plans SURGE AGAIN!!!
I'm DEFINITELY going to D.C. on my birthday, and one of you will be w/ me.. I DGAF.. I kept trying to be like, "Oh, fuck it, w/e they'll tour again"... But on my BIRTHDAY!?!? Geeeeeeet the fuck out, I'm going. I've already asked a few diff people if they'd go w/ me, got some good responses lol. It's pretty much a certainty @ this point..
Only one detail, albeit a veeeery important one, lies b/t me and ultimate happiness. I'll make it happen, fuck the bullshit. Now that I've got my mind set, I have.
I just GOTTA!
PS, it's taking me EONS to finish this.. I've forgotten and remembered what I was gonna say like 12 times... I made lunch, etc etc.. Now I'm just lost, haha... Texting and emailing have ruined my train of thought, lol. Silverchair too, which brings me baaaaack to my blog....
There's something else I want to do that day, but that's for me to think about... Right now, I gotta handle the "crucial detail" portion of it all. After that, it's a caaaake waaaaaalk...
Aw, everytime I listen to anything off of Neon Ballroom (Silverchair), I want to play GoldenEye.. That was my soundtrack always, that and Kid Rock, haha.. But mostly this.. My entire family knows this cd, lmfao..

"And I'll miiiiiiss yooooooouuu, looooooovvvveeee..."

Only one detail, albeit a veeeery important one, lies b/t me and ultimate happiness. I'll make it happen, fuck the bullshit. Now that I've got my mind set, I have.
I just GOTTA!
PS, it's taking me EONS to finish this.. I've forgotten and remembered what I was gonna say like 12 times... I made lunch, etc etc.. Now I'm just lost, haha... Texting and emailing have ruined my train of thought, lol. Silverchair too, which brings me baaaaack to my blog....
There's something else I want to do that day, but that's for me to think about... Right now, I gotta handle the "crucial detail" portion of it all. After that, it's a caaaake waaaaaalk...
Aw, everytime I listen to anything off of Neon Ballroom (Silverchair), I want to play GoldenEye.. That was my soundtrack always, that and Kid Rock, haha.. But mostly this.. My entire family knows this cd, lmfao..
"And I'll miiiiiiss yooooooouuu, looooooovvvveeee..."
Thanks, Dylan.. Now I can't even think straight...
But I'll continue on.. BE STROOOONNNNNGGGG....
I just spent however long 'Summer Love' is on Guinevere's page, straight jaaaaaaaaamminnnnn to that bitch, as if I'd never heard it before. It's one of my ringers, duh...
I had another story to share, but I can't remember what it was... I'll just start talking about yesterday until I do.
The Ninja (that's Brandi) and I went on a few adventures! We also spent a goooooood amount of time @ her ma's, straaaaaaight fuckin' up some Moose Tracks, waiting for Gregg to email back, and lookin' up dumb shit.. I showed her this video
[FUUUCK THAT.. Look what just happened when I was emailing Lauren about this picture. Jim Carrey looks ugly as a BITTTTCH..]

"He's playing Scrooge in the new movie. It's gonna be kinda like The Polar Express/Monster house w/ live action... Forgot to mention that and OMFG I JUST REMEMBERED WHAT I WAS GONNA BLOG ABOUT SOOOO I MIGHT NOT REPLY FOR A SEC BUT I'LL EMAIL IT TO YOU..."
SOOOOOOOOOOOMFG I deeeeef finally watched the first ep of the 2007 World Series of Pop Culture.. DEEEEF only got THREE [3] ?s wrong out of the entire episode... Woohoo! And they were in the same category...
Can't remember which one it was, but I'm sure it'll come on again. I think I missed the second ep, but I'm not sure... I'll be sure to keep track of my percentage tho.. Trrrruuuust meee...
People probably wonder if I carry my vowels like I type them.. Suuure do! Sometimes I sing them, haha.. Brandi and I were talking about that yesterday when we were goofy as a bittt drivin' around.. Aw.. Hi, Irie! He's the cutest puppy everrrr and I ♥ him oh-so much! He was such a good boy for me, aww yay.. We laid on the couch for a grip and he licked the life out of me.. I really ended up falling asleep.. I was so comfortable. It was just one of those things... Maybe it was the 'itis b/c we def grubbed on chicken sandwiches and nuggets - one of each for both of us. Ty, Wendy's for being there in a time of need.
Hm, what else. Dammit, Nicky. Talking about your PERIOD made me forget what I was thinking about. THANKS A BUNCH!!!
DAMMIT! Ooh, maybe it was the Chichos (Hampton Blvd, not Oceanfront) thing I went to w/ Brandi and Frank, a co-worker of hers @ Blue Horseshoe. It was this wack ass Sexy Tattoo contest.. The only cool thing about it was they gave us a $100 tab to do w/e.. Frank and I got drinks, BRANDI drank soda, and we got a pizza. Dude told us to come back w/e he works and we can keep using the tab b/c we didn't use too much of it.. Coooool beans, dude... I know me and the Ninja played that fuckin' Photo Finder game for the EN-TIRE TIME we were there, lmmmfao.. Who has like, 20 credits!??! LMFAO.. Bitch put a FIVE [5] in that mafaka... We played the HELL out that shit..
PS, I def watched the Silverchair perf on Leno when I got in last night... *frowns*... Daniel looked amazing......... And they played incredibly. Def saw Paul Mac on the keys... I wish they'd done 'Reflection of a Sound'... That's my shiiiiiit shibby right now! Just went off, and now I'm listening to 'Those Thieving Birds pt I/Strange Behaviour/Those Thieving Birds pt II'.. It's three diff songs, but they run into one, so I just call it TTB-SB...
I think I'm gonna end this now, I have other things to blog about before I forget that would deeef make this way too long to read @ once, lol...
I just spent however long 'Summer Love' is on Guinevere's page, straight jaaaaaaaaamminnnnn to that bitch, as if I'd never heard it before. It's one of my ringers, duh...
I had another story to share, but I can't remember what it was... I'll just start talking about yesterday until I do.
The Ninja (that's Brandi) and I went on a few adventures! We also spent a goooooood amount of time @ her ma's, straaaaaaight fuckin' up some Moose Tracks, waiting for Gregg to email back, and lookin' up dumb shit.. I showed her this video
[FUUUCK THAT.. Look what just happened when I was emailing Lauren about this picture. Jim Carrey looks ugly as a BITTTTCH..]
"He's playing Scrooge in the new movie. It's gonna be kinda like The Polar Express/Monster house w/ live action... Forgot to mention that and OMFG I JUST REMEMBERED WHAT I WAS GONNA BLOG ABOUT SOOOO I MIGHT NOT REPLY FOR A SEC BUT I'LL EMAIL IT TO YOU..."
SOOOOOOOOOOOMFG I deeeeef finally watched the first ep of the 2007 World Series of Pop Culture.. DEEEEF only got THREE [3] ?s wrong out of the entire episode... Woohoo! And they were in the same category...
Can't remember which one it was, but I'm sure it'll come on again. I think I missed the second ep, but I'm not sure... I'll be sure to keep track of my percentage tho.. Trrrruuuust meee...
People probably wonder if I carry my vowels like I type them.. Suuure do! Sometimes I sing them, haha.. Brandi and I were talking about that yesterday when we were goofy as a bittt drivin' around.. Aw.. Hi, Irie! He's the cutest puppy everrrr and I ♥ him oh-so much! He was such a good boy for me, aww yay.. We laid on the couch for a grip and he licked the life out of me.. I really ended up falling asleep.. I was so comfortable. It was just one of those things... Maybe it was the 'itis b/c we def grubbed on chicken sandwiches and nuggets - one of each for both of us. Ty, Wendy's for being there in a time of need.
Hm, what else. Dammit, Nicky. Talking about your PERIOD made me forget what I was thinking about. THANKS A BUNCH!!!
DAMMIT! Ooh, maybe it was the Chichos (Hampton Blvd, not Oceanfront) thing I went to w/ Brandi and Frank, a co-worker of hers @ Blue Horseshoe. It was this wack ass Sexy Tattoo contest.. The only cool thing about it was they gave us a $100 tab to do w/e.. Frank and I got drinks, BRANDI drank soda, and we got a pizza. Dude told us to come back w/e he works and we can keep using the tab b/c we didn't use too much of it.. Coooool beans, dude... I know me and the Ninja played that fuckin' Photo Finder game for the EN-TIRE TIME we were there, lmmmfao.. Who has like, 20 credits!??! LMFAO.. Bitch put a FIVE [5] in that mafaka... We played the HELL out that shit..
PS, I def watched the Silverchair perf on Leno when I got in last night... *frowns*... Daniel looked amazing......... And they played incredibly. Def saw Paul Mac on the keys... I wish they'd done 'Reflection of a Sound'... That's my shiiiiiit shibby right now! Just went off, and now I'm listening to 'Those Thieving Birds pt I/Strange Behaviour/Those Thieving Birds pt II'.. It's three diff songs, but they run into one, so I just call it TTB-SB...
I think I'm gonna end this now, I have other things to blog about before I forget that would deeef make this way too long to read @ once, lol...
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Sheer happiness tonight...! [and my bday]
Silverchair will make their first ever appearance on NBC's "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" when they perform "Straight Lines" there on Tuesday July 10. They will then perform the song on the CBS's "Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson" in the wee small hours of Friday July 13.
Trrrrrrrrust and believe I will be DVRing that shit...
In related news, I dunno about this BIRTHDAY thing... I have the money to get there, and a show ticket, but how will I get around!?!? Realistically, I have to admit this is gonna be a hard one to pull off w/o a vehicle.. Dammit, where's the Jag Killer when I need it!??! Grr! I REALLY, REALLY want to go to this show, but I don't see it happening... I dunno, we'll see...
Gotta explore my very few options.... It would be sooo awesome tho, to tell people I saw and/or met them on my day of birth, circa '07...

This pic STILL kills me....
Trrrrrrrrust and believe I will be DVRing that shit...
In related news, I dunno about this BIRTHDAY thing... I have the money to get there, and a show ticket, but how will I get around!?!? Realistically, I have to admit this is gonna be a hard one to pull off w/o a vehicle.. Dammit, where's the Jag Killer when I need it!??! Grr! I REALLY, REALLY want to go to this show, but I don't see it happening... I dunno, we'll see...
Gotta explore my very few options.... It would be sooo awesome tho, to tell people I saw and/or met them on my day of birth, circa '07...
This pic STILL kills me....
Oh, my...
Last night was INSANE. I don't even know what was happening, to tell you the truth. B/t the dudes I almost killed, and Dylan REPEATEDLY trying to take my shirt off... Jesus lawd, that's a determined ass dude haha.
Such a drunkard... I was @ Steven's house twice prior to leaving, so I don't remember much of getting there, etc.. Burgh was there... BJ.. Random people.. Some I knew, some I didn't, some who tried to convince me I did. If I don't remember, I guess that makes you HIGHLY IRRELEVANT TO MY LIFE, HM!?!? Catch a clue for a 1000, dude... Damn...
And on top of all that, due to the "is there someone @ the door" drama, I ended up going late as a bitttt cuz I was gonna wait for Nicky, but then she wasn't going, but then she WAS after the fact... etc etc... Tiring, is what it was. Nicky, you COULD'VE and SHOULD'VE gone.. Well, except the drama factor but you're used to that... Next time, I guess we can all put the ADULT suits on and not be afraid to arrive/walk into a bar alone.. What the fuck... Are we gonna hold hands on the way in, too??? lol
Jeeeeeeeez. I got the first hit and hug after midnight, yay! Then Brandi and Lauren got all dramatic as they left, stomping out of areas w/ bitchy lil repartees lol..
When I got back here I was like, bet, that nigga's gonna call me @ random here soon.. And he did, 3 times even, but I had the phone on silent.. Yes, I called him back...
OMFG, I want some McDs breakfast like it's fuckin' COOL... I'm strrrrrrrraight up about to go.. Mm..
Either way, I'm still kinda tired/cold, so I'm oooouuuutttttt....
Such a drunkard... I was @ Steven's house twice prior to leaving, so I don't remember much of getting there, etc.. Burgh was there... BJ.. Random people.. Some I knew, some I didn't, some who tried to convince me I did. If I don't remember, I guess that makes you HIGHLY IRRELEVANT TO MY LIFE, HM!?!? Catch a clue for a 1000, dude... Damn...
And on top of all that, due to the "is there someone @ the door" drama, I ended up going late as a bitttt cuz I was gonna wait for Nicky, but then she wasn't going, but then she WAS after the fact... etc etc... Tiring, is what it was. Nicky, you COULD'VE and SHOULD'VE gone.. Well, except the drama factor but you're used to that... Next time, I guess we can all put the ADULT suits on and not be afraid to arrive/walk into a bar alone.. What the fuck... Are we gonna hold hands on the way in, too??? lol
Jeeeeeeeez. I got the first hit and hug after midnight, yay! Then Brandi and Lauren got all dramatic as they left, stomping out of areas w/ bitchy lil repartees lol..
When I got back here I was like, bet, that nigga's gonna call me @ random here soon.. And he did, 3 times even, but I had the phone on silent.. Yes, I called him back...
OMFG, I want some McDs breakfast like it's fuckin' COOL... I'm strrrrrrrraight up about to go.. Mm..
Either way, I'm still kinda tired/cold, so I'm oooouuuutttttt....
Monday, July 9, 2007
"I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys-R-Us kid!"
But things change, people grow older, and you start to see things A LOT differently.
Which places me in the here and now, two weeks from turning 25. I've had a lot of funny feelings run thru me here in the last few months. I find myself listening to people younger than me (not like, 20-22, but like 14-16) talking, and it sounds like they're speaking a foreign language. I believe they call it "naivety" lol. One conversation in particular that I heard the other night sent me reeling back in time to when that convo would've been most certainly coming from me and another female friend, porbably Maudi... Not to say I don't still have COMPLETELY meaningless/gush-gush convos w/ the girlies, but damn..
I was a lil weirded out by turning a quarter-of-a-century not too long ago, but now, after much thought...
IIIIIII'M STILL A LIL "WTF"... Don't let me front... But it's not as daunting of a thought as it once was... I just feel more proud of all the things I HAVE done in this amount of time, instead of constantly dwelling on all that I have not... They still irk me, but I'm making (silent) progress. Not even gonna get into detail b/c that seems to make me procrastinate/depressed even more.
Luckily, I have music, and I can just pretend that the seemingly MARATHON-STATUS walk towards adulthood is more like Diana Ross & MJ circa 'The Wiz'. I'm just gonna ease on down, ease on down the rooooaaaad!
Brandi is going thru a similar life-changing moment. Keep in mind, what I have to say isn't meant to "burn" anyone, just stating what I know as fact.
She's in ♥ w/ Gregg, and he just left on deployment. I talked to her this morning and she sounds HORRIBLE. It makes me sad to see her all torn up like this! As much as I know and love her, I didn't see this coming @ all... Not today, but the entire situation as a whole. I didn't see her and Griff not being together, nor did I see her getting w/ Gregg and ONLY Gregg after she became "single", haha.. Love you, babycakes. Don't smack me for that one...! But you know what I mean... Her life as of late has been a new experience for her, as far as helping Gregg take care of Aiden, and being the support system for a Navy man (not boy) and being equally supported, to battling it out w/ his ex over the handling of their child, who btw, adores Brandi... I didn't see this coming from or FOR her, and no one else prob did either. Brandi... Taking care of a kid??? Playing the family role??? This bitch has an apt, and a puppy w/ him.. And is perfectly fine w/ sitting @ home (not house) w/ just the three of them, + Aiden when the occasion presents itself.
It's nutty! This year is just insane! I just hope we all make it out alive, and on top. I can't take another year like last year! Too much drama, not enough truth, ESPECIALLY within ourselves.
Which places me in the here and now, two weeks from turning 25. I've had a lot of funny feelings run thru me here in the last few months. I find myself listening to people younger than me (not like, 20-22, but like 14-16) talking, and it sounds like they're speaking a foreign language. I believe they call it "naivety" lol. One conversation in particular that I heard the other night sent me reeling back in time to when that convo would've been most certainly coming from me and another female friend, porbably Maudi... Not to say I don't still have COMPLETELY meaningless/gush-gush convos w/ the girlies, but damn..
I was a lil weirded out by turning a quarter-of-a-century not too long ago, but now, after much thought...
IIIIIII'M STILL A LIL "WTF"... Don't let me front... But it's not as daunting of a thought as it once was... I just feel more proud of all the things I HAVE done in this amount of time, instead of constantly dwelling on all that I have not... They still irk me, but I'm making (silent) progress. Not even gonna get into detail b/c that seems to make me procrastinate/depressed even more.
Luckily, I have music, and I can just pretend that the seemingly MARATHON-STATUS walk towards adulthood is more like Diana Ross & MJ circa 'The Wiz'. I'm just gonna ease on down, ease on down the rooooaaaad!
Brandi is going thru a similar life-changing moment. Keep in mind, what I have to say isn't meant to "burn" anyone, just stating what I know as fact.
She's in ♥ w/ Gregg, and he just left on deployment. I talked to her this morning and she sounds HORRIBLE. It makes me sad to see her all torn up like this! As much as I know and love her, I didn't see this coming @ all... Not today, but the entire situation as a whole. I didn't see her and Griff not being together, nor did I see her getting w/ Gregg and ONLY Gregg after she became "single", haha.. Love you, babycakes. Don't smack me for that one...! But you know what I mean... Her life as of late has been a new experience for her, as far as helping Gregg take care of Aiden, and being the support system for a Navy man (not boy) and being equally supported, to battling it out w/ his ex over the handling of their child, who btw, adores Brandi... I didn't see this coming from or FOR her, and no one else prob did either. Brandi... Taking care of a kid??? Playing the family role??? This bitch has an apt, and a puppy w/ him.. And is perfectly fine w/ sitting @ home (not house) w/ just the three of them, + Aiden when the occasion presents itself.
It's nutty! This year is just insane! I just hope we all make it out alive, and on top. I can't take another year like last year! Too much drama, not enough truth, ESPECIALLY within ourselves.
Friday, July 6, 2007
I fooound out.. I got a crush on... WHO!?!?
I have a tiny little crush on YOU. No, not YOU, HIM.
Yes, YOU.
Such a strange thing for me to post about, but then again, so is most of the shit I tlak about. But this? Ohh... It opens the flood gates, for one. Don't even bother asking me who I'm talking about. They maaaaaay or may not see this.
Who knows!?!?!?
Not yoooouuuu, lol... Anyway, it's so cute. You're absolutely adorable and I don't think you're aware of that fact, which is prob why the "crush" came about. It's not even like I want to date this person, etc etc, but he is just SO damn cute that I can't help but want to be all snuggly w/ him. Just typing this has already made me feel better than I did earlier.
What made it worse is the fact that after we got back from the beach, Nicky wanted to watch one of the movies I saved to the DVR, and we decided on 'The Truth About Cats & Dogs', one of my favorite movies EVERRRR. Janeane Garafalo is so witty and awesome, and she totally captures how I feel about things @ times... So we're watching it and *said person* floats into my head, which is just super aww, b/c he has an affable charm not unlike the male lead in the movie. Just w/o the accent. Ha, only clue on here.
Really, don't get all worried that I'm about to get Fatal Attraction on you, if you know who you are, b/c it's soooooo not an issue. It's almost awesome. I kinda want to tell you now (in person, not via blog) but the next time I see you, which could be eons from now for all I know, I'll prob just giggle to myself about it and move on.
So yeah.... Isn't this the nerdiest thing!?!? Totally how it would go down circa 1996 and shit... Great summer for me, btw. Hil, you know what's up! OG Willoughby status! Haha... We need to find all of them, Hil, and have a reunion. Last year would've been perfect - ten fuckin' years since then. That's amazing. I'm old as a bitch when I think about it like that, haha... Fuck 25, which is just a few weeks away.
K, back on track. Yooooouuuuuu liiiight up myyyy LIIIIIIIIIFFFFFEEEEE....
"Yeah, let's just get maaaaaarriiiiiieeeedddd..... Shouting 'BABIES, BABIES, BAAAABIIIIIEEES', ohhhh you'll never sleeeep @ aaaallll..."
Sigh, sigh. Make it easier on me, figure it out and tell me you know, lol.
This is so not me. Fuckin' Motormouth herself, too shy to speak!?!? I'm always speaking for others, who'll speak for me???
No one. I got this, man. In due time, lol.
Yes, YOU.
Such a strange thing for me to post about, but then again, so is most of the shit I tlak about. But this? Ohh... It opens the flood gates, for one. Don't even bother asking me who I'm talking about. They maaaaaay or may not see this.
Who knows!?!?!?
Not yoooouuuu, lol... Anyway, it's so cute. You're absolutely adorable and I don't think you're aware of that fact, which is prob why the "crush" came about. It's not even like I want to date this person, etc etc, but he is just SO damn cute that I can't help but want to be all snuggly w/ him. Just typing this has already made me feel better than I did earlier.
What made it worse is the fact that after we got back from the beach, Nicky wanted to watch one of the movies I saved to the DVR, and we decided on 'The Truth About Cats & Dogs', one of my favorite movies EVERRRR. Janeane Garafalo is so witty and awesome, and she totally captures how I feel about things @ times... So we're watching it and *said person* floats into my head, which is just super aww, b/c he has an affable charm not unlike the male lead in the movie. Just w/o the accent. Ha, only clue on here.
Really, don't get all worried that I'm about to get Fatal Attraction on you, if you know who you are, b/c it's soooooo not an issue. It's almost awesome. I kinda want to tell you now (in person, not via blog) but the next time I see you, which could be eons from now for all I know, I'll prob just giggle to myself about it and move on.
So yeah.... Isn't this the nerdiest thing!?!? Totally how it would go down circa 1996 and shit... Great summer for me, btw. Hil, you know what's up! OG Willoughby status! Haha... We need to find all of them, Hil, and have a reunion. Last year would've been perfect - ten fuckin' years since then. That's amazing. I'm old as a bitch when I think about it like that, haha... Fuck 25, which is just a few weeks away.
K, back on track. Yooooouuuuuu liiiight up myyyy LIIIIIIIIIFFFFFEEEEE....
"Yeah, let's just get maaaaaarriiiiiieeeedddd..... Shouting 'BABIES, BABIES, BAAAABIIIIIEEES', ohhhh you'll never sleeeep @ aaaallll..."
Sigh, sigh. Make it easier on me, figure it out and tell me you know, lol.
This is so not me. Fuckin' Motormouth herself, too shy to speak!?!? I'm always speaking for others, who'll speak for me???
No one. I got this, man. In due time, lol.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
"Get at Preezy or Benoit yourself"....
Most awesome thing ever, Pat... I was dead weak when I read that...
I'm alllllllll over it. Almost hope no one reads this one, just so they don't remember I stole it from you...
So anyway, how was your holiday!??!?! Mine was weird... In the later hours, I spent it zoning out while Nicky and Justin lied to themselves about how bad they want to sleep w/ each other again - if just for ONE... MORE... NIIIIIIGHT....
Perfect time for a video. I ♥ Phil Collins.. Fa shoooo....
LOL, I keep copying this, b/c I don't want the same shit to happen. This comp has DICKED ME OVER recently, and I'm still mad as fuck! And speaking of being mad, IF YOU ARE RELATED TO ME, I'M PROB GOING TO DELETE YOU. Tired of catching shit for stuff on here. It's MYSPACE. And MINE, @ that. Stop reading it, GODDAMN.
Of course, the blogs will still be open, but w/e. My Ma told me to leave that stuff for LJ, etc. Um, are you insane? It's like THERAPY, which I desperately need thanks to my UPBRINGING haha. Not (outwardly) blaming you, Ma... But Lauren, she DEF gets a slice of the pie... Just give that bitch a fork and tell her to dig in..
Way to runaway blog... Back on track, back to JULY 4TH. THAT whole sitch I mentioned was, and always will be akward. But I was weak as shit when she hit him in the face earlier. Karma like a mowfucka...
JESSICA! Thank you for my AWESOMELY early birthday presents! It was like a super holiday for me. I'll prob leave everything but the 311 ticket and the notebook in there until my actual bdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I think I left my bubbles @ T-Ravs.... Nope, still there!
Woohoo! Um, I didn't eat that much. Just wasn't feelin' it. Maybe it was the burgers? I had two hotdogs...? BUT, Nicky and I DID go to Chick-Fil-A earlier on... I feel soooo sorry for those of you w/o that option.
I saw a bunch of friends today, just like I always do. Also saw someone I haven't seen in a while..... "What what, IN THE BUTT!!!" bwahaha you're a dirty lil tramp and I LOVE YOU! All my bitches, all my home slices....
I dunno, I'm rambling and all that good shit, even tho I'm not fucked up @ all. Prob just delirious as fuck. What a day!
What a night....
I'm alllllllll over it. Almost hope no one reads this one, just so they don't remember I stole it from you...
So anyway, how was your holiday!??!?! Mine was weird... In the later hours, I spent it zoning out while Nicky and Justin lied to themselves about how bad they want to sleep w/ each other again - if just for ONE... MORE... NIIIIIIGHT....
Perfect time for a video. I ♥ Phil Collins.. Fa shoooo....
LOL, I keep copying this, b/c I don't want the same shit to happen. This comp has DICKED ME OVER recently, and I'm still mad as fuck! And speaking of being mad, IF YOU ARE RELATED TO ME, I'M PROB GOING TO DELETE YOU. Tired of catching shit for stuff on here. It's MYSPACE. And MINE, @ that. Stop reading it, GODDAMN.
Of course, the blogs will still be open, but w/e. My Ma told me to leave that stuff for LJ, etc. Um, are you insane? It's like THERAPY, which I desperately need thanks to my UPBRINGING haha. Not (outwardly) blaming you, Ma... But Lauren, she DEF gets a slice of the pie... Just give that bitch a fork and tell her to dig in..
Way to runaway blog... Back on track, back to JULY 4TH. THAT whole sitch I mentioned was, and always will be akward. But I was weak as shit when she hit him in the face earlier. Karma like a mowfucka...
JESSICA! Thank you for my AWESOMELY early birthday presents! It was like a super holiday for me. I'll prob leave everything but the 311 ticket and the notebook in there until my actual bdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I think I left my bubbles @ T-Ravs.... Nope, still there!
Woohoo! Um, I didn't eat that much. Just wasn't feelin' it. Maybe it was the burgers? I had two hotdogs...? BUT, Nicky and I DID go to Chick-Fil-A earlier on... I feel soooo sorry for those of you w/o that option.
I saw a bunch of friends today, just like I always do. Also saw someone I haven't seen in a while..... "What what, IN THE BUTT!!!" bwahaha you're a dirty lil tramp and I LOVE YOU! All my bitches, all my home slices....
I dunno, I'm rambling and all that good shit, even tho I'm not fucked up @ all. Prob just delirious as fuck. What a day!
What a night....
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
I scream, you scream....
WOOOOOO! Brent, Sarah, Pat, TJ, and I went to the 10:30am showing and boooooooooooy oh boy did that movie ROCK. I'm usin' all the white boy words today..
No, but seriously, it's def like, my new fave summer action flick. Notice the immediate category placement, which in turn means that I don't have to say it's the G.O.A.T, period. Notice that, b/c I refuse to say it's my fave EVER, any genre.
Then walk away, b/c if you haven't seen it yet, you're not quite sure why I'm so amped.
JESUS! Brandi even wrote me to tell me how she felt about me going...
Jul 3, 2007 11:25 AM Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [ ? ]
Subject: RE: Transformers.
Body: go to H E double hockey stix
I ♥ you Brandi, but I had to go!
Anyone else tryna see it, feeeeel free to hit me up b/c I will def be returning to the theater for this one... Just waaaait til it hits Cinema Cafe... O-VERRRR... Brent and I are already talking about maybe going again tonight...
THAT is how a summer movie should play out. There may be QUITE A FEW DETAILS APPARENTLY LOST IN TRANSLATION DURING SCRIPTWRITING, buuuuuuuuut it was still awesome... I am IMMEDIATELY going to nerd myself out by heading to IMDb to discuss. Heavily. Or maybe just read and giggle. Either way, there will be things I missed in discussion and myyyyyyy happy ass can barely contain the excitement soooo this is ending now...
But that Saleen (Barricade) WAS beast as fuck.

WOOOOOO! Brent, Sarah, Pat, TJ, and I went to the 10:30am showing and boooooooooooy oh boy did that movie ROCK. I'm usin' all the white boy words today..
No, but seriously, it's def like, my new fave summer action flick. Notice the immediate category placement, which in turn means that I don't have to say it's the G.O.A.T, period. Notice that, b/c I refuse to say it's my fave EVER, any genre.
Then walk away, b/c if you haven't seen it yet, you're not quite sure why I'm so amped.
JESUS! Brandi even wrote me to tell me how she felt about me going...
Jul 3, 2007 11:25 AM Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [ ? ]
Subject: RE: Transformers.
Body: go to H E double hockey stix
I ♥ you Brandi, but I had to go!
Anyone else tryna see it, feeeeel free to hit me up b/c I will def be returning to the theater for this one... Just waaaait til it hits Cinema Cafe... O-VERRRR... Brent and I are already talking about maybe going again tonight...
THAT is how a summer movie should play out. There may be QUITE A FEW DETAILS APPARENTLY LOST IN TRANSLATION DURING SCRIPTWRITING, buuuuuuuuut it was still awesome... I am IMMEDIATELY going to nerd myself out by heading to IMDb to discuss. Heavily. Or maybe just read and giggle. Either way, there will be things I missed in discussion and myyyyyyy happy ass can barely contain the excitement soooo this is ending now...
But that Saleen (Barricade) WAS beast as fuck.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Damn impatience. Oh, well. Time to explain the new name...
I wasn't gonna change it yet, but w/e...
When I was in like, 4th or 5th grade, my Ma told me that during the Pledge of Allegiance, I should say "with liberty and justice for all white people", or actually, say all the normal parts out loud, and it was up to me if I wanted to say WHITE PEOPLE out loud.
I did. Of COURSE I did. I was me, even back then, when no one knew what "me" meant.
It def meant DGAF ;) lol...
Anyway, that's the new name, and the story behind it.
I'm starving and I have laundry to tend to. Peace the fuck out.
Actually, no...
PS, still ♥ Maroon 5 - It Won't Be Soon Before Long. I think I only discussed it w/ Jen tho. Quite a few standout tracks, mmm...
PPS, Jessica and I will be lawn cruisin' July 22nd @ the 311 show. Her bday present to me, so awesome! I looooovvvvvvveeeee herrrrrr omfg... It's gonna be soooooo much ridiculous fun... Hope we don't get kicked out, lol...

There was something else that just came to me, PROBABLY HAVING TO DO W/ THE BLOG THAT RAN AWAY, so I DGAF.
Goodbye. ♥
Hello. ♥
Which one of you told me the other day that you steal hot shit from my page!? All I remember is having a convo about the KMK music widget, and some other shit... JJ! Was it you!??! I do believe so....
I dunno, it was one of you. I got into a few random convos about my page (none started by me, I'm not that vain) over the weekend, so who knows???
I bid you all a FINAL adieu...... ♥
I wasn't gonna change it yet, but w/e...
When I was in like, 4th or 5th grade, my Ma told me that during the Pledge of Allegiance, I should say "with liberty and justice for all white people", or actually, say all the normal parts out loud, and it was up to me if I wanted to say WHITE PEOPLE out loud.
I did. Of COURSE I did. I was me, even back then, when no one knew what "me" meant.
It def meant DGAF ;) lol...
Anyway, that's the new name, and the story behind it.
I'm starving and I have laundry to tend to. Peace the fuck out.
Actually, no...
PS, still ♥ Maroon 5 - It Won't Be Soon Before Long. I think I only discussed it w/ Jen tho. Quite a few standout tracks, mmm...
PPS, Jessica and I will be lawn cruisin' July 22nd @ the 311 show. Her bday present to me, so awesome! I looooovvvvvvveeeee herrrrrr omfg... It's gonna be soooooo much ridiculous fun... Hope we don't get kicked out, lol...
There was something else that just came to me, PROBABLY HAVING TO DO W/ THE BLOG THAT RAN AWAY, so I DGAF.
Goodbye. ♥
Hello. ♥
Which one of you told me the other day that you steal hot shit from my page!? All I remember is having a convo about the KMK music widget, and some other shit... JJ! Was it you!??! I do believe so....
I dunno, it was one of you. I got into a few random convos about my page (none started by me, I'm not that vain) over the weekend, so who knows???
I bid you all a FINAL adieu...... ♥
RE-TYPE SO MUCH THAT I DIDN'T WANT TO TYPE IN THE FIRST PLACE :|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Now, this bulleblog will be done in Cliff's Notes...
I spent most of my weekend in Derby Run, fuckin' around w/ the various PUNK ASSES that live and/or hang out there.
Brent came up off one of these. OG like a mowfucka.

It made me want these, however.

Remember fuckin' those up??? If not, you're WAY too young and I can't even fuck w/ you right now....
In my PREVIOUSLY TYPED POST, I was talking about my vivid ass dreams, the INSANELY AMAZING color in them, etc etc, and the convo Brandi and I had last night about the weird shit that happens when we sleep. Not going thru that again! Just know that it was a great convo ya'll missed out on...
I also touched on the nutty ass events @ Dani's house on Sat night, involving cops, and Bekah's breasts. Not everyone prob knows about that 2nd part, b/c everyone else was wrapped up in D-R-A-M-A when I was being mischevious!
Too bad, so sad.
Cot dayum, so many random things happened this weekend. WHY DID MY OTHER ONE FUCK UP, IJDHTFDJSHGKLJSDHGJKLHSDGJ GRRRRRRRRRRR....
If you were there for any of this, I hate you. Be a blogger. Let me paste YOUR shit to MINE.
I'm hungry and aggravated. This isn't looking too good.
FUCK, this is fucking me up b/c I'm in super ADHD mode right now and can't focus on two things @ once. Not even a lil bit.
Basically, I love you all, so glad I saw and/or talked to you if I did. If not, I still love you...
I don't fuckin' know... It's all gone now. I do remember something about Myspace names, and the one I plan on using next, but I won't be explaining that until I put it up. Ya'll would forget what I said by then.
Um um... I had much more than this to say, or @ least I thought.
Need brain stimulation. Now. ASAP. STAT.
Or maybe I just need to UNWIND my brain. Calm down a lil bit... Sorta... mellow out?
Be "right" back.........
Now, this bulleblog will be done in Cliff's Notes...
I spent most of my weekend in Derby Run, fuckin' around w/ the various PUNK ASSES that live and/or hang out there.
Brent came up off one of these. OG like a mowfucka.
It made me want these, however.
Remember fuckin' those up??? If not, you're WAY too young and I can't even fuck w/ you right now....
In my PREVIOUSLY TYPED POST, I was talking about my vivid ass dreams, the INSANELY AMAZING color in them, etc etc, and the convo Brandi and I had last night about the weird shit that happens when we sleep. Not going thru that again! Just know that it was a great convo ya'll missed out on...
I also touched on the nutty ass events @ Dani's house on Sat night, involving cops, and Bekah's breasts. Not everyone prob knows about that 2nd part, b/c everyone else was wrapped up in D-R-A-M-A when I was being mischevious!
Too bad, so sad.
Cot dayum, so many random things happened this weekend. WHY DID MY OTHER ONE FUCK UP, IJDHTFDJSHGKLJSDHGJKLHSDGJ GRRRRRRRRRRR....
If you were there for any of this, I hate you. Be a blogger. Let me paste YOUR shit to MINE.
I'm hungry and aggravated. This isn't looking too good.
FUCK, this is fucking me up b/c I'm in super ADHD mode right now and can't focus on two things @ once. Not even a lil bit.
Basically, I love you all, so glad I saw and/or talked to you if I did. If not, I still love you...
I don't fuckin' know... It's all gone now. I do remember something about Myspace names, and the one I plan on using next, but I won't be explaining that until I put it up. Ya'll would forget what I said by then.
Um um... I had much more than this to say, or @ least I thought.
Need brain stimulation. Now. ASAP. STAT.
Or maybe I just need to UNWIND my brain. Calm down a lil bit... Sorta... mellow out?
Be "right" back.........
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