After all that excitement, we didn't even make the movie! Don't let stoners plan your evening, folks. It'll never happen.
But, we did end up chillin' on the beach @ Sandbridge for a lil while.. It felt sooo good out there, omfg.. I love my friends.. There were 9 of us just kickin' it.. All good friends, (well, - Rob and John, haha) so it was just a bunch of jokes and whatnot..
I wonder how people w/o friends survive???
I wonder how I made it out of my recluse phase??? Actually I blame that on Sub Noize..
This is going to be one of those random blogs, I can feel it.. Matter of fact, let me do the blogging I was supposed to do last weekend.
Andy Ramos is gay. But not REALLY gay, I just told him I was gonna blog it, thus making it true.. That was when we were all kickin' it @ Justin's parents crib last weekend. Was that really only like 7 days ago??? Even shorter, b/c it was Thurs night after Nicky's family bowled @ Pinboys.. Damn.. My days and weeks are getting shorter and shorter.. WTF is going on here!?!? That was also the night I had to tell Cindie the diff b/t being naive and being gullible. Go figure, that convo came directly after talking about Lauren lol..
Where IS my lil babycakes??? Oh yeah, lunch.. I e-mailed her and was waiting for a response.. Durr, she def told me she was leaving..
Another funny thing about that night @ Justin's was how BAD we all wanted Taco Bell. I told Cindie we were going there when we left and Andy got all stoked about it, thinking Justin was going too, but he was just walking us to the car lmmmmmmfao.. I was dying when I saw his disappointed face, but that's a given lol.
Love to really be @ work and shit.. Oww, omfg.. Can I file claim??? Does it go in this fucking cabinet??? :|
I want some Kraft Mac & Cheese but there's def none in here.. Looks like I'll have to re-up lol... Maybe sometime while I'm out. Apparently I MAY be staying @ Gmas.. We shall see..
One thing I want to do fa sho is see The Simpsons, which is @ 10:20pm... I also need to get to Best Buy.. Well, not NEED, just want.. Prob won't tho..
Dylan DEF moved me to #2 on his MySpace, which I normally dgaf about, buuuuuuutttttttt........
Punk ass bitch! That's why your PHONE IS TURNED OFF, lmfao.. Call me, bittt...
Um, what else.. I don't know.. I'm not doing anything but listening to Silverchair and deciding whether to do my hair NOW, or @ like 4pm.. Prob then, just b/c I showered @ 5 am and def don't feel like getting back in yet, which I actually won't have to do so wtf am I even talking about... Wow, Lisa..
Anyway, I'm gonna relax the doobie later, so I guess I'll just go watch some Crossing Jordan, maybe eat one of the chicken pot pies I got @ Wal-Mart w/ Nicky yesterday.. It'd be better if she were here instead of on her way to work, b/c that's one of our shows, but oh well. Girl's gotta make beer money somehow, eh boo??? LOL ♥..
Me and THAT motherfucker.. Well, I texted him yesterday to say "I love you".. He immediately called me to ask if I was still mad @ him and Scotty, which I'm not.. Those are my boys, which is more important than any other petty details.. I ended up getting together w/ him after all the other goofy shit that happened in the Run last night.. We talked, and laughed about some shit.. Etc etc.. Good times!
"Twooo is not enooooooouuuuugggggghhhhh!"
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