Deeeeeef just got home, folks. Just thought I'd share that. It was like 7:04 when I walked in the door. Woo. What a night! It was very, very interesting.
It is now 1pm! I decided to get some rest so I straight left this bitch.. I've been sitting here for a minute actually, listening to Incubus - Dig. SUCH an awesome song, and even tho I already loved it, it recently hit me w/ the don't-stop-playing-me bug. Repeat like a mafaka...
Anyway, my day was pretty interesting, like I said before.. It really started w/ Lauren's riding session, which was like an hour and some change longer than usual. Wasn't expecting that, but I didn't care b/c wtf else would I have been doing!?!? It WAS hot as a bitch tho. When it rained everywhere else in VB apparently, it was just hot and muggy as fuck in Pungo @ the barn... After all that, and my discovery of the hot farm hand w/ the nice ass arms (helloooooooo, Jessica... he had on cowboy boots!), we went to her house so she could shower all of that fn sweat and dirt off of her. Yeesh. Def wasn't gonna mind waiting on that one. She wasn't like, "smelly", but it we kicked it any longer, her body would've let some shit pop off haha...
After that, we got up w/ Shannon etc @ Southend b/c there was some drama goin' on w/ her and Ashley involving a set of twins we all know and "♥".. W/e on that one, peace was spoken, I told some people about themselves, and then I had a great time! I called Dylan to tell him I was there, and he showed up w/ Lil Josh.. Worrrrrrd, besides than the other night when I was passed out pretty much, I haven't seen Josh in a grip. Juggalo Tonya was also there, w/ a few other people I knew. It was like a lil get together! Aw, yay! Joe and Josh were there also (dur, reason we went), along w/ random people during the night. I actually left once, then after chillin' in the Derby for a lil bit, went back up there, this time w/ Nicky.
On the way there, she decided to delight me w/ the fact that she's "DGAF'n" (which she NEVER says) this whole 'in love w/ Adam/always be there for him' thing that's been haunting for the last year. I'm proud of her, if she can stick to it. Adam is poison for her the same as Justin is, and neither of them deserve another chance, sooooo...... Anyone who can make you step outside of yourself and just let them bring you to another place each and every time you deal w/ them is NOT healthy and she's starting to see that, maybe, hopefully...
But back to the barrrr. Dylan, of course, tried disrobing my top half. I'm now afraid to be his friend after the 5th or 6th strong drink. I will end up topless in a bar/parking lot one day, and I know it! Good thing I'm strong, lol, or it would happen @ every attempt. Love the kid, but nooot enough for all that!
Oh, and Sid was there, random as all hell. I keep running into him @ the oceanfront/bars.. Tittyes also came thru for a lil bit, and Nicky and I ended up kickin' it @ his him & his people's crib til 7 am, which is where the blog starts. I had some of the greatest conversation in my LIFE w/ people I'd just met, and even w/ Nick (not Nick-Y, talkin' bout Tittyes) who I def shocked haha. Love ya, baby! I'll always be there when you need me to buss a bitch's head to the white meat!!! Mhm!
Arrrrrggggghhhh, I loooooove people who love to read, and I met someone that's read one of my favorite books of all time. It's 'She's Come Undone', by Wally Lamb. She suggested a few of her fave authors/books, and I, in turn, told her to read Wally Lamb - I Know This Much Is True, Rita Mae Brown - Rubyfruit Jungle, Armistead Maupin - 28 Barbary Lane, aaaaaand Tom Robbins - Even Cowgirls Get The Blues. I suggest them to you all, even the ignorant that don't read. Smile! Yeah, I said it. That makes you a DUMMY, for the record.
Everyone there tho, not just Mindy, were cool as fuck. Not to sound vain as all hell, but I love talking to people who love me. I know enough words to where I could've disguised that and phrased it as something else, but all it would boil down to is that simple truth... If you get what I meant, good, if not, whaaaatever. Nick's cousin was amazed that I knew about 'The Hustler' and 'Cool Hand Luke', his two favorite movies of all time. I knew about that, about Alley Katz and McCormicks, and pretty much anything he referenced to. THIS is why I say I love learning, and making myself more worldly, b/c there's not many convos that can take place around me where I don't know SOMETHING about the subject. If I don't, I won't speak on it, I'm not that kind of person.
Oh, and b/c I know I failed to mention this, I was mooooooost certainly fucked up last night... Chatter chatter, chit chit.... Ooh, and I def just remembered the convo I had w/ Lee @ 4 am, random as aaaalllll hell, b/c I haven't talked to him in a minute... I should call him now.. I think I was supposed to call him earlier to get up and talk...
I suppose I'll end this now.. My ADHD is what dragged this blog out as far as it's gone, haha... I did feel the need to share all of this, and more that I can't remember for reasons not cited, but oh well.
Some things are better left unsaid.
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