Damn 'itis, lmmfao.. I kept going in and out.. Me and inactivity do NOT go together, lmmfao..
OMFG.. Seriously, I had such a good day yesterday.. Of course, the days BEFORE and AFTER my bday are fuckin' AWESOME lol.. Brandi's sick and dying ass came and hung out w/ me and we took a trip to the stars, which landed us @ First Colonial Target... I don't even remember that, other than us buying cards for people. Hers for Gregg, mine for my sister's Sweet 16 on the 1st.. Aw, my sis is gonna be so happy.. Too bad it's slated to rain for the next like, week straight.. But she's having a hotel party (which she invited me to, aw) so she's good. I gotta show up and geek her out a lil bit..
Back to last night! That was the "gayest" movie I've ever seen.. Fuckin' WEEEEEAAAAAAAAKKKKKK... I feel sorry for the other people in there, esp w/ Jessica's ultimate pothead ass laugh... EVERYBODY knows when it's her, lol.. But it was MY LOL'ING that could've raised the fuckin' dead.. He was tryna show me where the bowl was and wasn't paying any sort of attention while driving the van (GTI still in shop).. THIS NIGGA drove STRAAAAAAAIGHT onto the embankment which had me fuckin' DYING... I laaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwssssssssssstttttttttt it, dude.. We just sat there, dead in the middle, while I LMMMMMMMMMMMFAO w/ every bit of energy in me.. When we got out so Jess could drive it off while Brent pushed, I was even worse.. Ya'll know me.. Any kind of fuck up for someone else, I lose my shit.. I was practically SCREAMING, I was laughin' so fuckin' hard.. And when he said it wasn't funny, I just got worse.. But we finally got outta the parking lot, so w/e!
After that we left and cruised thru some areas while adding to our city's o-zone issues (which I really don't know too much about, we seem to be doing fine?), and then went to Rick's (diner).. That was awesome, too, b/c the servers were all lookin' @ us like, "WTF are these bitches ON!!?!" but I'm sure it wasn't too hard to tell...
Just wait til me and Brent go see The Simpsons @ midnight tonight... Whole new ballgame.. I might get lost in the movie and never come back, lmfao..
We shall see!
PS, let me know if ya'll are tryna see INPYC&L b/c that shit was TOO fuckin' funny, and I can barely remember the last 1/4 of it, so I def need to see it again.. May just wait til it's @ Cinema Cafe, hm...
ALSO NEED TO SEE FRACTURE. LET'S STOP BS'N PEOPLE! Maybe Lauren will go w/ me this weekend.. We're supposed to be @ Gmas crib like the good 'ol days! Aw, yay.. Some alone time w/ the wife, lol..
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