So I moved on.. Started doing other things. Like wait on LARRY entirely too long, lol. And that lol is a very heavy lol... B/c I'm really not lol @ all. Btw, Scotty, thanks for the ride......................
Know what I love even more than a good cry???
Holding one back.
Thanks, tho, for the "help" yesterday. Glad ya'll and your ulterior motives brought YOU to where I /WANTED/NEEDED to go. Hope everyone else got what they wanted. That was the perfect opportunity for me to salvage the night, but it's ok. I didn't REALLY want to have fun. I mean, it gets kinda old anyway... All you ever hear about nowadays is people trying to sit and commiserate far away from friends trying to lift their spirits, so I guess I'm hip to what all the cool cats do these days.
Wow, Jessica. You inadvertently caused the SECOND ♥break of my night as well! Must be Platinum Plus..............
Thank you, Brent, for lifting my spirits when you did. Can't imagine how bummed I would've been w/o you... Lauren, Brandi, I ♥ you.. I ♥ a lot of you.. There's just that few of you that really piss me off and/or let me down in the past few whatevers... Not like someone I already mentioned and I haven't gone thru our fair share of shit. But friends do that, and they get over it. But don't be that OTHER friend acting as the voice of reason and get caught w/ blood on your hands. Not a good look.
Not @ all.
PS, I spent quite a good lil amount of the day in an awesome mood, but that was also when something was finally in MY hands, I was doing something I wanted to... Kick it in the Derby, lol. Also went to see Beezy, Jess, and Josh.. Watched America's Got Talent, not exaaaaaactly my fave show, but w/e... We were all into it.. I was zonin' soooo...
TJ sang Happy Birthday to me in english and then en espanol. Awesome! ♥
YOU didn't call/write. So fuck you, too. I'll remember that next year...
FUCK. I forgot to get ahold of my dad. He doesn't have my number.
W/e, I'm not in a bad mood right now, and don't want to fall into one, so I'm done w/ this. There's a smile on my face right now thanks to the new Silverchair, so yeah...
I'll just drink thru the pain!
Ty Jen & Lauren for your extremely valiant efforts. And of course, Happy Birthday to Brad Renfro ♥!!!
You are quite welcome my darling, wish there was somthing I could have done for the concert for ya yesterday! Glad I got to see you, and sorry we have some very NON-responsible friends that just DGAF about some ish they should GAF bout?! YOU know who you are.
Love you, and we will do somthing this week/weekend 4 ur b-day
It's ok, I @ least got to see you! And yeah, they know who they are. They won't know who I am the next time they see me, 3 years from now and shit..
Yeah, I want to see Fracture really bad so if that's @ all possible, let me know! It's @ Greenbrier, and you have that popcorn thing you never printed in your Y! lol.
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