How's your weekends going, bitches??? Mine is fine and dandy.. We're bout to take some jet skis out, bullshit a lil..
I've seen a lot of random people this weekend.. Prob b/c we went to the spot last night, lmfao. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. But I did see one of my favorite stomachs ;) ey boyyyy... And I now have a random ass date w/ Hans LOL. This should be interesting..
We went to Dani's house last night! Hellooooooooooo everyone! Rhonda RANDOM AS HELL works for my Ma.. I love how I put the clues together, lol. She was tryna sell Dani and J on a T-Mobile phone, and then she was like, I sell T-Mo and Alltel.. After that, the lightbulb was like, HELLOOOOOO she def works for Ma.. I asked her what company and when she said it, I started dyin/said "You deeeeefinitely work for my mom".. I put my Ma on the phone a lil later to prove it.. That's too funny.. Lauren told her she better not fuck up, which is worrrrrrd cuz my Ma deeeef doesn't play that game haha...
Hm, what else.. Oh, kicked it w/ Dylan and Jason yesterday, and bitched Dylan out for my placing on his page. Mhm, nigga told me I could CHANGE IT THANKS PREESH "wifey"... That's MY Dylly..
Oh! Def saw 'The Simpsons' Fri night.. I was DYYYYYYYING, that movie is funny as a bitch.. Now if I could just MAKE IT TO THE CHEAP MOVIE THEATER TO SEE FRACTURE THANKS WTF... Cinema Cafe is getting lonely w/o me, helloooo!
Aaaahhhhh, there's more, but my mind is a blank slate right now... I hear Lionel Ritchie in the b/g on Best Week Ever (which I should def be watching).. Awesome.. Now I want to hear him.. I have some LR in Lauren's cd thing tho, so maybe.. Altho I'll prob just bump the Stevie Wonder portion of the cd and forget all about it..
STIIIIIILL need to go to Best Buy, btw, but it's not that big of a deal obv, b/c I def went past the one on Independence twice yesterday..
PS Lauren is dyyyyyying to fiend out and check her MS, she even sat next to me doing absolutely nothing, a true sign of someone wanting to get online. I'm dragging this out just b/c @ this point..
PS, Tom, don't you EVER take bulletins away from me that long! MySpace is NOTHING w/o the bulletin!
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