Now, this bulleblog will be done in Cliff's Notes...
I spent most of my weekend in Derby Run, fuckin' around w/ the various PUNK ASSES that live and/or hang out there.
Brent came up off one of these. OG like a mowfucka.
It made me want these, however.
Remember fuckin' those up??? If not, you're WAY too young and I can't even fuck w/ you right now....
In my PREVIOUSLY TYPED POST, I was talking about my vivid ass dreams, the INSANELY AMAZING color in them, etc etc, and the convo Brandi and I had last night about the weird shit that happens when we sleep. Not going thru that again! Just know that it was a great convo ya'll missed out on...
I also touched on the nutty ass events @ Dani's house on Sat night, involving cops, and Bekah's breasts. Not everyone prob knows about that 2nd part, b/c everyone else was wrapped up in D-R-A-M-A when I was being mischevious!
Too bad, so sad.
Cot dayum, so many random things happened this weekend. WHY DID MY OTHER ONE FUCK UP, IJDHTFDJSHGKLJSDHGJKLHSDGJ GRRRRRRRRRRR....
If you were there for any of this, I hate you. Be a blogger. Let me paste YOUR shit to MINE.
I'm hungry and aggravated. This isn't looking too good.
FUCK, this is fucking me up b/c I'm in super ADHD mode right now and can't focus on two things @ once. Not even a lil bit.
Basically, I love you all, so glad I saw and/or talked to you if I did. If not, I still love you...
I don't fuckin' know... It's all gone now. I do remember something about Myspace names, and the one I plan on using next, but I won't be explaining that until I put it up. Ya'll would forget what I said by then.
Um um... I had much more than this to say, or @ least I thought.
Need brain stimulation. Now. ASAP. STAT.
Or maybe I just need to UNWIND my brain. Calm down a lil bit... Sorta... mellow out?
Be "right" back.........
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