I used to have such a crush on that beast ass nigga... How could you not!!?? He was so... Ferocious...
Two greats, both of them gone.
*Sigh, sigh*
It's a good thing I had my RANDOM ASS 2 am swim @ Lesner Bridge to ease my mind!
Nicky, Scotty, Larry, and I decided to get up and go to Lesner, so Niiiiiiicky and I drove out there and while we waited for them (who knew), I decided we should walk in the water, just a lil bit...
Two hours later, we're all still swimming around, being jackasses, and tasting like ___. Ugh. LOL @ Scotty tho, when his nuts finally hit (ground) zero temp...
Yes, I know that was fucked up. Sue me, via MySpace even.
Anyway, I had a fuckin' BLAST even tho I wasn't diggin' my white tee floatie expose! No one seemed to care that I cared lol... It started when Scotty tried to take me down when I was like, waist deep, and I took his monkey ass w/ me!
*voicemail roar*
Only Pat Pryor would get that....
But uhh, yeah... Like I said, we had mad fun... Jokin' around, trying to kill/scare each other... I say a bunch of us get up this weekend and just meet up there, play in the agua, w/e... I'm sure someone will want alcoholic beverages so we'll see how the night ends...
PS, ya'll don't even wanna know the most asshole shit I just typed/promptly erased. Jen would appreciate the "is it too soon?" nature of it tho....
Moooooooooving right along, I am QUITE cold right now. I came here and showered/washed my hair thoroughly (fuck waitin' til the am, Nicky.. you're letting the AIDS set in), and now I'm in PJs! Woohoo!
PPS, her shampoo/conditioner smell like STRRRRRAAAAAIIIIIGGGGHHHTTTT UP Play-Doh. I thought it was the S&C mixing w/ the salt water in my hair, but as I was deep conditioning, I smelled the bottle and it had the scent still. All by itself.
Weird ass scent to just randomy have. Like it's made by Johnson & Johnson or some shit....
Prob is.. Who owns Suave!!?? I dunno, w/e.. I normally use the shit Dani got me, but it's @ home....
PPPS, this is the 2nd post I've made like this, or @ least typed. Even tho I COPIED IT LIKE I ALWAYS DO, it had nooooothing to paste upon return. Fuck you, Tom.
I want to play in the water some more....
I really want to find the clip from the Fresh Prince ep where Viv sings 'Wade in the Water', but it's too late/early to get that detailed. Maybe later...
♥ ya....
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