I've seen people crack up in my face b/c I asked them if they read, whether it be books or news. Why would you want me to know that you have ZERO interest in learning anymore? Don't tell me that. It just makes me hesitant to even break out the big words around you, n/m having a long, detailed conversation about something not universally known.
I really don't get it...?
I'm no professor, not even close. And I've deeeeeeeef had MANY of pointless convos, but sometimes it would be nice to have someone to flex the mind w/... Not saying I have no smart friends, but those aren't the ones I'm always around, lol. Which, I know, makes me a LEEEETTLE bit stupid for letting that be what it is. Yeah, yeah. Dumb = funny, right?
Actually no, b/c ya'll know how I react to blatant ignorance. THAT will neeeever be funny to me.
Take Brandi for instance... She's stepped up her knowledge of politics and now when we're on the road, if it happens to come up, I know that we can give and take the entire time, and not just one of us listening. I don't want someone to just listen to me spew facts, I want you to say something back!
In case you're wondering where this came from, I was talking to this girl @ Jonesy's house last night, and we were talking about lack of memory, etc, and she said that she keeps her brain stimulated by reading every day, doing crossword puzzles, etc. Like me! Something so simple. My brother used to HATE reading until like 3 years ago when he stumbled upon the 'Cirque du Freak' book series. He's read every single book. They may be the ONLY books he reads, but @ least he's reading. There are words in his vocab that I'm sure weren't there prior to that.
Maybe I'm just a nerd, and I should just let it go. I can't win'em all. I WON'T. I know it. It's just....
Yeah, that's it. For a SELECT FEW (meaning, only one or two, not 13 or 14) of you... It's this;
For me, it's a trip to a person who may be the only one able to help;
YES! A THERAPIST! If I'm lucky, they will not only be smart, they'll actually give a fuck about what I'm saying.
Unlike you.
As a PS, this also goes out to those who replace words w/ swearing in heated arguments. I've touched on this before. I cuss, you cuss, we all cuss, but I most definitely do NOT say "You're a goddamn fucking liar", or anything else along those retarded ass lines. What kind of argument are you making? None, @ that point. I've already tuned you out, and I'm thinking about how bad I want you to STFU. You don't sound even the slightest bit smarter, and I just want you to know that.
From the ♥,
Lisa R. Williams.
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