Hundreds. Easy.
2. Have you ever been on a tour bus?
3. Have you ever gotten an autograph or picture with a celebrity?
The majority of my photos I've EVER taken are like that.
4. Have you ever been on a celebrity's top friends on MySpace?
define celebrity...I've been on several bands top friends <--- Word.
5. Have you ever gotten a MySpace message or comment from a celebrity?
all the time < " "
6. Have you ever gone somewhere with a band or musician after a show?
I LOVE this survey.. 4634 things are running thru Brandi's mind... the answer is yes, btw...
7. How many celebrities have you met?
Insane amount. Almost every concert I've ever been to, no bullshit.
8. What celebrity was the most surprising to meet?
Do religious figures count? Farrakhan and one of his daughters mad long ago.
9. What celebrity was the nicest?
Def don't want to answer this. And I'm SO jealous, Sherry. Topher Grace!?!?
10. Not so nice?
Someone's tour manager..... Who may or may not see this...
11. Do you have any celebrity's phone numbers?
12. Do you consider yourself a groupie?
Like the answer again, Ms. SB... No. DEF not. Not even Penny Lane/mad cool style. More like Patrick Fugit's character... A male one? LOL j/k...
13. What is the farthest you've traveled for a concert?
We were gone for an entire month. That's a long ass time, in a lot of far away places... And after that, I would say AZ but I didn't go there to see OPM, I just happened to twice, lol.
14. What is your favorite venue?
Been to the NorVa 90897 times, love it, it's a home. But I miss the Abyss and the Boathouse like it ain't nothin. I went to TB way more tho. Out of state, um... I dunno, looks wise, there's too many. I typed an answer btw, but went back and deleted it.
15. What is your most prized possession from a concert?
All the thoughts going thru my mind that you could never understand.
16. Have you kept in touch with any celebrities since you've met them?
17. The most scandalous thing that's ever happened at a concert?
Yes, girl... The trick-or-treats runnin' around amuse me, and my story would have to do w/ that prob, but I'm not even gonna go there...
18. Lamest concert you've ever been to?
Saliva was horrible. Mad back in the day.
19. Best concert you've ever been to?
The one I'm going to on my birthday. Silverchair.
20. Best concert memory?
I'll get back to you on that. In the meantime, flip thru *these* photo albums.....
21. The most you've ever paid for a concert ticket?
Justin Timberlake. Woo.
22. The closest you've ever been to the stage?
On it...
23. Worst concert memory?
seeing that dude die in the pit <---- Daaaaaamn... Any time I was mad sick, other than St. Pete's, FL.
24. Have you ever met anyone at a concert who you are still friends with?
Her name is Brandi... Heather... OMFG.. Prob YOU. That's why when people ask how I have this many (not even a lot) friends, and say I don't know them, I laugh...
25. One concert that you would re-live over and over?
Atlanta '05. We're not even paying attention, lol. Ooh, and Jaxx...
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