But that's not what this is about. This is about Busch Gardens, and my tourist ass neckpass thingy.... I look SO out of place.. I have my ID in my FUN PASS CLEAR PLASTIC HOLDER.... Along w/ the fun pass... AROUND MY NECK.. Walking into the old Cavalier like it hasn't been in VB forever.... Brandi and I were dying earlier... Jesus lawd...
PS, the serious lack of cool in that is lost on anyone that doesn't live @ the beach haha.... W/e....
I am so incapable of finishing this thing.... I am ready to pass out... Not b/c of BG tho... My legs feel diesel as fuck. Fuckin' tree limbs...
K I am ooooooooooout omfg Brandi, get that pic we took online ASAP, tyyyyyyyyy.......
PPS, I just A. almost left out the 2nd P, B. just forgot what I was gonna say, which is why I went back and did the A. Why am I rhyming!? Under Myspace umbrellas-ella-ella-aaaa.....
LMMMFAO straaaaaaight geek mode, gotta go!
PPPS, we def ran into friends there... Roger & Jimmy, what uuup! lol... I KNEW that was fuckin' Roger, Brandi.. JESUS hahaha...
I can't believe I can even type right now. Out of my miiiiiiiiiind to be sitting up straight...
Btw, Lauren, I got your GODDAMN BIKINI & TOWEL. STFU NOW, LMFAO...
I'm gonna let you sweat that out all day. You won't see this until after you get off work. Bwahaha... No, I'm gonna avoid you, and you're gonna come here on your lunch break. SO cruel. Love it!
Goodnight, fuckers. OMFG. This makes NO sense, yet I'm so deadset on having no spelling typos.
PPPPS, deeeeeeef rocked the German food... Geeeeet the fuck outta here w/ that chicken. Yum. Aaaaand I def want to hang everyone who won a Mario/Luigi/Wario (esp) plush. "Your mother's a WHORE."
PLEASE go to Properties and read the title of that pic... I am toooo weak, and you prob know why if you're LAUREN, BRANDI, or DEZ lol...
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