Saturday, June 9, 2007

What a weekend! Already!

Last night was fun! As fuck! Kicked it w/ Brett & Rachel for a grip... Spirits were lifted! I was WILD'N OUT like a mafaka in Wawa... Dancin' thru the aisles... Don't let me do that again, Brett, damn!

Stopped in Retro for a lil bit, drank a lil bit w/ some home slices......... Didn't know ROB was working the door. Nigga, keep in better touch. Not that I don't see you every week @ the oceanfront, but uhh..... KIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDD... My boo, he was there too.. Aw...

This bulletin is so random and akward, btw... Isn't it?

Ate some of Rachel's pasta thingy @ Abbey Road... Had a weird tang to it, but it was kinda chronic on the sneak tip... Maybe if I had mad parmesian???

Tonight will be interesting.. BBQ @ Clutch's, the REMEMBERANCE.

Seeing who's claws come out first........ JUST KIDDING.

Love ya'll. Hope to see you this weekend, even if you don't live in Virginia! LOL


PS, HELLOOOOOO AGAIN to all the people (ones I know) that I ran into @ an UNDISCLOSED LOCATION (don't even want to admit we went out there) last night...

THAT was a lil awkward. Well, more for Lauren and someone else, hahaha.....


K well Brandi and Griff are on their way. Gotta get ready!

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