Why are we so afraid of noise in VB??? We have JETS FLYING OVERHEAD 24/7, but we can't have our music up on the strip??? Not even in the daytime!? How bout we only blast music during the jet flying, hm? Then you won't even be able to FUCKING HEAR IT, ty... Such stupid laws. Did you out-of-towners know that it's illegal to cuss @ the Virginia Beach oceanfront!? Yes... You can get a ticket! How dumb is that? Freedom of speech. I dare a cop to tell ME to stfu... It's all over from there...
And they're trying to move the bars off the strip, too.. WHY!?!? What part of COMMERCE don't you understand?!? They'd prob put a bunch of restaurants w/ bars in them in their place... As if we wouldn't be all up in them bitches... Locals have nothing to do @ the strip but walk, drive, and/or drink... Leave us alone!
Altho I'm sure that shooting last night doesn't help my case any....
[Last years bday cake]
Did you listen to New Kids on the Block?
RANDOMLY, I def changed my song to NKOTB this morning...
Did you ever own a slap bracelet?
Uh duh
The Babysitter's Club or Sweet Valley High?
Both, and I remember the theme songs to both tv shows, too... Say hello to your friends, BABYSITTERS CLUB! Say hello to the peeeeeeeeeeople who care! Haha...
Salute Your Shorts or Hey Dude?
Salute Your Shorts by FAR....
Kids Incorporated or The Mickey Mouse Club?
Whoa whoa whoa.... Don't just spring shit like this on me... I'm gonna say MMC, of course... I have a MMC clip on my page! I did love Kids Inc tho... Kiiiiiids Incoooorpooorated.. K-I-D-S!
Did you want Dylan to end up w/ Brenda or Kelly?
Brenda tried to play the victim but you know her slick ass was 'bout it 'bout it when it came to Dylan.. She woulda wore Kelly out...
Who was ALF?
The ugliest nigga on tv...
Do you remember the show Dinosaurs?
Yeah, I used to have it on tape and my bro/sis and I used to watch it almost every night...
Do/did you know the words to the Fresh Prince theme song?
Who doesn't!? You don't get ghetto passes for that, b/c every white person knows it...
Kimmie Gibler or Urkel?
Kimmie, @ this point in my life... I am SOOOOOOOOOO tired of Family Matters... I haven't voluntarily watched an ep since 1999. Lauren is the only one I know that makes me suffer thru it...
Blossom or Clarissa Explains It All?
DAMMIT. Not again. Blossom tho, fa sho...
Did you have a crush on JTT?
To say the VERY least... I had 1000 posters of him... Still would, if my storage shed thing hadn't gone down...
Bobby Brown or Tevin Campbell?
Bobby is an OG, but Tevin was my lil nigga for a minute there...
Step By Step or Full House?
Two more shows I refuse to watch. Too many reruns. I would vomit.
Did you listen to Milli Vanilli?
Yeah, can't even lie...
Mr. Rogers or Reading Rainbow?
Take a look.. It's in a book... It's reading raaaaaaainbooooow! But on the real, Mr. Rogers. Too OG.
Did you own a Glo Worm?
Of course...
Paula Abdul: better now or then?
Then, bitch is loose in the head now...
Wild 'n' Crazy Kids or Double Dare?
Awww, sooky sooky now... WnCK was so hot back then, but everybody wanted to go on DD...
Remember Legends of the Hidden Temple?
Not too much of a fan...
The Mighty Ducks or The Little Giants?
GIANTS! GIANTS! HELP US GOD! I can recite that entire movie, pretty much... Mm... Devon Sawa... Now, not then, but then when I was a kid lol....
Did you watch Saved By The Bell?
Duh. I used to live for that shat...
Who was hotter: Zack or Slater / Kelly or Jessie?
Zack, he had a celly even back then... Aaand I'm gonna say Kelly.. T-A T is still hotter to this day...
Have you seen the movie Lucas?
Lucaplacia! Don't even know if I spelled that right... But that was my movie back in the day...
Labrynth or Never Ending Story?
Hm.. I'ma have to get back to you on that one...
Camp Nowhere or House Arrest?
Hm.. CN had Andrew Keegan and Jonathan Jackson, but House Arrest is my SHIT... "You owe me a QUARTER!"
Did you own a pair of Reebok Pumps?
Carebears or Smurfs?
Care Bears... Maybe.. Part II. The Dark Heart jank...
Rainbow Brite or Strawberry Shortcake?
I had an entire room of both @ diff times...
Did you watch Miami Vice?
Yep.. That's where I developed my love for cocaine and loafers...
Did you own a pair of Jelly Shoes?
THOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDSSSSSSSSS of them, each of them w/ tears on the sides of your feet... GOD. Annoying ass shoes. Esp when you were sweating...
Did you own a Trapper Keeper?
Fave one being the one I had in 5th.. It said "I don't have my homework cuz my dog ate my brain." Some shit like that...
Atari or Nintendo?
Nintendo, get @ me...
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