Aaaaaask me how excited I am about Silverchair performing on the Tonight Show, & the Late Late Show... I wiiiiiill be DVRing that lol... Trrrrust me...
But anyway! Yesterday was funnnnn! At 7, me, Cindie, and Mowse went to Cinema Cafe and saw Wild Hogs. FINALLY. It's only been there for like 3 goddman months. I've been wanting to see that forever, but we always end up in something else. That shit was hilaaaaaarious... Thanks for going w/ me, guys...
After that, we scooped JJ and rolled around aimlessly until we stopped @ Fetish on the blvd. CINDIE DIDN'T HAVE HER ID THO, SOOO we continued on our path to nowwhere, which led us to Ambush, mad early might I add. Buuut JJ needed to __ ___ so I called up ___ and did the thang thang... Then, after many twists and turns on ONE STREET, ty Mowse for forgetting that ONE thing you were asked to grab, haha...
Finally, I made it back to Ambush, after 5 calls/texts asking where the fuck I was lol... I was weak, I kept sayin' like 5-10 mins b/c our locale kept changing... Shit! Not my fault, I didn't drive!
Steph, how did you take care of that poor, drunk fiance of yours??? Jay was tooooore the fuck up in that bitch.. Dancin' w/ me and Dawn, just wobblin' hahaha... I ♥ you, Jay! Hope you feel better!
And I hope YOU feel better, Mary. You foxy HOT COP ASS, you! Hahaha... Brandi and I were molesting her, b/c now she's got the most important gold star there is! Brandi held up her badge/BIG GOLD STAR in the club and was like, "How the fuck does THIS look!?" lmmfao... Very odd indeed. But I'm sooo happy she and Kurtis came, too! NOT THAT THEY STAYED OR ANYTHING (shit, not that WE ALL stayed or anything..)... It's ok, you just missed one last chance to see your boy NITRO, the Boy Wonder, aka Kevin McAllister... That nigga was on stage in all of God's glory, lookin' bout 12 than a mafaka... We were sayin' how we were waitin' for To Catch A Predator to bust all up in that bitch... I got 13 years for just looking @ this kid, straight up!
Soooooo we all left @ the same time, Brandi and I went to see T-Rav bout some thangs, and that was all she wrote! I was sooo tired, I couldn't even go back downstairs to get my phone. I had no intentions whatsoever to sleep upstairs, but damn... Way to counteract the Sparks, Brandi, lol... All I remember before passing out is DYYYYYYYYYING while Nicky's punk ass was screaming bloody murder over some goddamn ANTS on her dresser, which was def her fault lol...
OH! And we saw Ruthie there, w/ a friend! Almost forgottttt... Her hair was cute...
Anyway, yeah, I'm starving and collllllld sooooo I'm out...
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