Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Another weekend down... [late]

Altho I didn't get to VA until Saturday night.. Buuuuut I had a fuckin' blast that night, and all of Sunday.. I really needed that time in VA to just relax. NOTHING stressful. No crying babies, no BAD kids, etc.. Well, I WAS w/ Laurence and Darrion, but they're not like, BAD bad kids. They're just insane, lol. ♥ tho, I could've cried when Darrion raced home from his friend's house to see me/hug and kiss me.. Laurence and Keyara were already home, and they gave me lots of lovins lol. Awesome. Makes me sad tho, I feel like I missed a good portion of their lives even tho it was just a matter of months. Not even a year. But they all sprouted in that time.

Altho, I prob wouldn't have noticed the spurts had I been around them as much.. Either way, I'm glad I got to play w/ my babies! Talking to Darrion is so weird.. He's so much more adult lol. He told me how sad he was about his female friend who fell down the steps and is now paralyzed, and the OTHER friend that went missing. What in the hellll, man. Kids these days got it rough, lol. It's not a good time to be associated w/ Darrion, damn.. I'm glad we don't have steps, and these kids don't go far ever.

ALSO GLAD that Emily gave me a week's worth of painkillers for my back. Two white, one pink, every night before bed. Didn't do it last night b/c I didn't get in until after 4am, and she said do it when I DON'T have to wake up anytime soon. Awesome. It's ON, tonight.

Aaaaaand as it turned out (started this the other day), I didn't take them again. Another long night. BUT THAT BLOG IS NEXT :|.

Riiiighty-o, so I spend Sunday relaxing and re-couping my brain cells, running aroundn doing errands, and shit like that. Got what I came to VA for nice and early in the day, so I had the rest to chiiillllll... And chill I did!

Ugh. I really think this house is zapping the life out of me. I had so much I wanted to blog about, and now it's like, eh.. W/e.. I really had a blast, too.

Hm Sat night.. OHH.. Jess and I were on stupid-mode and I ended up passing out on the chair, lol. I woke up and invited Lauren to come get breakfast w/ me @ McDs lol. I was gonna walk by myself but I figured she might wanna come over and chill w/ us since none of us had anything to do @ that time.. So we did that, hung out for some more, and then we left so she could talk to her Grandma, and I could go run my errands..

That's how Angel came into play.. ANGEL WHO GOT ME LOCKED IN/OUT OF THE GREENHOUSE @ THE ZOO. See, after the shopping/errands, we went to drop off the snacks there, and she locked the gate b/c there was this really weird dude talking to himself nearby, and we weren't too sure that he wouldn't shank us.. After the gate you walk thru the gardens and into the building, which has a diff key.

We get in there, she does what she does.. Which included an exploding soda, btw. AWESOME. We go take the trash out, and on the way in I remind her that she left the candy bars in her truck and that I'd get them if she gives me the key.. Goes to get her keys, aaaannnnddddd the door is LOCKED. Yes, locked. Just our luck, esp mine.. Thank GOD I had my phone on me, cuz I would've instantly tried to Judo-chop the door down. Fa sho.

She ended up climbing thru her window and I got the last 6 seconds of that on tape lol.. We were trying to wedge open the other doors, but to no avail. Sigh, sigh. What a way to spend Sunday afternoon..

After that we did a bunch of other family-friendly stuff, which included going to the dance studio, and cooking out lol. Yummmmmmmmmyyyyyy...

Aaaaaaaafter THAT, I ended up @ Jessica's again. Nicky was there, but not for that long.. We all kicked it and chatted, I miss the old times, aw.. Then Nicky left, and Morgan came and on my request, we went on a Dylan-hunt lol. He called me and threatened to kick my ass if I didn't find him next time I was in town, and I knew his ass was gonna be @ the block so it only took me 5 mins and one try lol. That happy ass bitch damn near bowled me over.. Love you too, nicca! Damn!

THAT was a fun little time.. There was some flashed tatas, some not-flashed-til-later tatas.. All up in the bar.. Nothing ever changes down there, lol.

Btw, I'm phoning this in. Zero enthusiam right now. Z E R O.

I was so super-stoked about seeing Dylan, but you can't even tell here. THIS FUCKING HOUSE, OMFG.


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