Thursday, September 27, 2007

Def watching Serial Mom right now...

Might change my sn to Cereal Mom, lol. I LOVE this movie to DEATH. John Waters is so awesome. This, Cry Baby, Ed Wood, Hairspray, etc etc... I want to be a camp-happy gay director w/ a very peculiar thin stache!

I also want to be the person to give these 3 kids their first punch in the face, but that's neither here nor there. They're home from school now, and I'm most def holding to my 'No Fun' plan for the day. Fuck w/ me.

I wish I could knee-cap these red retards.

Hm what did I really come here foooooooooooooohhh, yeah..

SO, the other day.. WOW. Morgan, what a night we had?? CRAZY. It's official. The world is full of shit, and that shit loves to rain down upon us. I can barely remember wtf we were doing the other day, but I know we had an awesome time.

OH! LV came home and we bounced, per usual. We went exploring and decided that we were gonna eat @ Andy's, this awesome lil diner next to the Wal-Mart. BOMB ass cheesesteaks, btw. Def a must-try.

We eat there, and mingle w/ the local folk. Apparently there really is nothing to do out there. Funny, b/c I found a few things.. LIIIIIIIKE a bar that has karaoke/comedy shows! I can't imagine how corny the comedy is, so I'll have to see it myself to be sure. Maybe I'll get up there and do some stand-up. Last weekend, Jamie (as in roommate of Jesse/asshole extraordinaire) told me that I should try stand-up. I'm almost sick of hearing it, b/c everytime I do, I consider it more and more. But @ the same tiiiiiime, could I? I mean, don't get me wrong. In the most humble way possible, I will say that I def have confidence in my "material", but I don't know.. It would mean I had to commit to something. There's a million things I "should try" that I would succeed @, I just haven't done it. I should be the "IT" rennaisance bitch right now, w/ all the things I love to do, buuuuuuuut....

The clock is ticking, which is a major motivation. Things I wanted to accomplish before I turned 22/23 are now nearing completion so I guess I'm making SOME kind of progress. TJ's constant reminder that I CAN do it helps.

I AM gonna write a book, and I AM gonna finish this screenplay. Just need a lil help w/ that one, I think it might be a little too out there. Needs something to smooth it out, altho I can't imagine wtf it could be. Actually, NO, I don't need help w/ that b/c I just remembered a revised idea that will round it out perfectly.

Ahem, I got this.

PS, still LOVE this song. Eventually I'll change my name to the line I ♥ the most (that will fit lol).

PPS, def forgot the rest of the story from the night.. After dinner, we went to Wally World, and then to VA to 3 other ones, lol. She was looking for a pair of Halloween undies, and none of them had them in her specific size. One above, one below. Never the actual size. How lame. Of course, this quest just haaaaaad to lead us to the Nimmo W-M, and on the way back, we deeeeefffff got pulled over on Dam Neck. Sooooooo gay. The cop was cool tho, b/c even tho she apparently had a suspended license, he let us go after saying we were just gonna drive to Derby Run etc.. Which we did, and waited like 30 mins before we left. Right outside of Brent's, even lol. I left him a Big B sticker on the GTI, calmed myself down from that whole ordeal, and then eventually we peeled out and made it safely back to NC.

Hey, @ least we know we're not wanted. He def ran both of our IDs. I gave him mine as I'm moving paraphernalia into my bossom lmmfao. LOVE cops. Always. ♥


1 comment:

:: LBizzle :: said...

LMMMMMMMFAO, i know you were shook when you saw them red and blues, i can see you now, GOD i wish I was with you, omfg, we woulda been DYING....was it a hot cop? lol.

and sounds like fun, but fuck going to like a million walmarts for god damn halloween panties, thats wack, j.k morgan! [=

at least you know you werent wanted up north LMAO. lol. i woulda been like WTF man! leave me alone. haha, esp. if i get pulled in the civic, i will be like are you kidding me right now? lol.