Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Chris Matthews is that dude...

I'm sicking of hearing all this patriotic 'Yay, Guiliani' babble. Let's get w/ the FACTS, people. God forbid we pick ANOTHER president from name-association alone. People associate him w/ 9/11, in a good way, and that's all I have to say about that.

DEF not a reason to be elected into office. I think only the youth votes would swing that way for that particular reason, but still... Hopefully, an adult would have a better reason, but so far all I hear from my peers (not talking celeb-wise, just general irl talk) is that kind of crap. No more Prez-By-Association ballots, please.

Aaaaaand I'm already in contradiction b/c I do love me some Hillary, and she OBV comes w/ a pretty well-known name to latch on to. BUT she's a real politician, unlike Bush who just kinda lucked out. She gets hated on somethin' fierce, but she's smart as FUCK. Bill would be nowhere w/o her. Even beyond getting him TO the White House, she kept him IN it. Let's just say she finally left him for cheating (b/c he beeeeen doin' THAT shit) right before the re-election. A man going thru a divorce for adultry would never get re-elected in these times. Women would be revolting. But b/c she had that whole Tammy Wynette/Stand By Your Man thing going on, the ladies were still feelin' it.

And one hand washes the other, b/c had she left him stranded, no MAN would be listening to a word she ever said past that point, which would've meant no NY, and def no White House.

What I'm trying to say is, vote for Rudy Guiliani and I'll put a fucking bullet between your eyes.

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