You'll always end up listening.. Here's hoping the voices aren't too unkind, here's hoping the voices are benign.. It's easier when you hear it, there's no reason to fear it, it's yoooouuu, yooooouuuuuuu.."
What's awesome about this blog is that I saved it on the 31st.. Just typed the lyrics real quick before I left the house, and that was it. I wrote more on here, but I'll save it for another time.
I was on my way to a topic or topicS that've made their way into the record books now. And like I said in another recent blog, you've got two choices w/ me... Hear it or read it. If I told you before, don't ask me to stay quiet.
There ya'll go, tellin' me to express/be myself and then as soooooon as I do, BAM! BAD GUY! Weeeeeeelllllllll I'm quite entertained by all of this. A, why are we acting like no one knows all this shit anyway. Everyone let their business out long before it hit my blog, and I DARE someone to say that haven't gone on about this in one way or another to people. Like Brandi said, OBV everyone knew wtf I was talking about, sooooo...
THIS is what happens when we can't keep ourselves sep from everyone else.. I found out mad shit TODAY about friends of mine that're fuckin... DIDN'T even know they knew each other. Nor did I know about the last person they were fuckin, and I can tie that person to the person I was talking about..
Mhm... That's ok, cuz I got the cure for ALL of that shit. I'm gonna bring VA to it's fucking KNEES and it'll stay there forever. Iiiii got the moooooootherfuckin' cure, trust me when I say. Did you read those lyrics?? It's easier when you hear it, there's no reason to fear it... IT is the truth, and you won't have a choice here soon. I'm not talking about just our friends, I am going to drop the bomb on V-I-R-G-I-N-I-A, period. Can't make up your mind? DON'T! I've made it for you!
And voila, so shall it be done.
I am not playing around, either. I'm already in the silent process of making the moves I said I was going to a few months ago. I want out of it all, and if I have to set you on FIRE to do so, then so be it. Want me to be me? I beez a bitch that'll let you fuckin' know, whether you want me to or NOT cuz that's how life SHOULD be.
That's how it WILL be. Safety is not an option, if it was meant to be your turn to burn, it will be.
Oh, the glee! It's N-O-T-H-I-N-G you're thinking I'm saying/doing, so don't start sweating. It's more to help than to hurt!
But isn't that ALWAYS my intention?? :)
"Large In The Margin"
Check it check it check it out
got clout and you know that
Large in the margin
my drama unfolds behind closed doors
told on the down-low
i believe that I'm so but really, i don't know
maybe it's better, but I can't think so
maybe its better to fight, one never ever knows
believe the rumors that grow like tumors
more fun than the truth that we know
too hard to reach a higher plane
We'll fuck you up
when you least expect it
you think you're moving closer
when suddenly you wrecked it
but all the same, the pain gains wisdom
as if you ain't had enough then you're in some
prison of your own creation
mental dilation
look at what your facin' placin'
blame in every direction (what?)
but in the end it's your own infection, (di?)
There's no way to avoid listening
you'll always end up listening
here's hoping the voices aren't too unkind
here's hoping the voices are benign
it's easier when you hear it
there's no reason to fear it
it's you
it's you
You think they'll probably find you
well then you're probably right
cause they'll come back to remind you, for eternity
of when you gave up the fight, yeah
somehow they always will find you
the voices in the night, and every night
keep comin' back to remind you, for eternity
of when you gave up the fight
There's no way to avoid listening
you'll always end up listening
here's hoping the voices aren't too unkind
here's hoping the voices are benign
it's easier when you hear it
there's no reason to fear it
it's you
it's you
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Oh my GOD, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... I opened my mail when I got on here, starting w/ one from Morgan which had a link to a memorium on MSN that featured Brad Renfro. I'm stoked that it's there, but of course it makes me :( soooo... I'm not right now tho, so don't worry, this won't take long..
I also stumbled upon a Turner Classic Movies tribute that features him around the 1:38 mark. It's so fucking stupid for him to be gone. I can't make it make sense no matter what, and I wouldn't be that worried about it if it weren't for the fact that I'm still :|||||||||||||| over Kurt Cobain dying and that was when I was 12 damn years old.. SO long ago, and yet there's still so much regret. It's the never knowing part. I was jammin' to Silverchair this morning and I was thinking that if Daniel Johns died, I would HAVE to kill Lauren for ruining my opportunity to meet him on my bday in '07.
What iffffffffff... I'm not even talking love & marriage, I just want to know what great convos etc could've come from it.. That's the way I feel about Brad. I mean, obv love and marriage are a part of it, lol, buuuuuut.. Just meeting him PERIOD and being able to say that, to say I encountered the lurrrrrve of my life @ least ONCE.
The man I marry has some heavy shoes to fill, ones never worn @ that. Sucks to be him.
It's like being obsesed w/ Marilyn Monroe, or Princess Diana.. Elvis. What feeds it is the fact that you def will never get to experience that person's life in full flesh, to watch their faces as they talk to you.. I'm such a whore for awesome experiences like that, I mean look @ how many people I've already met in my life that I am stoked about?? I was such a autograph whore back in the deezy, holy shit.. I just like making that connection, to feel the humanity of a person for myself.
In '09 I want to make the Daniel Johns thing a reality, no matter what the eff I gotta do. I can't go thru this again, fuck aaaaaaaallllllllll that nonsense. THAT would certainly be the nail in my coffin. It's not like I wouldn't love to meet Ben & Chris along w/ Daniel, but there is no Silverchair w/o Daniel Johns, plus he is the voice to the thoughts so obv that makes him more important to me. It's the weary soul that my heart cannot let go of. Notice how most of my obsessions are in some kind of way troubled.. I don't like normal people, I'm too insane for that.
Aaaaaaaaaand IMO he's one of the most beautiful people on the planet, so that helps.
Soooooooo yeah, like I said I won't drag this one out.. There are other things I want to write about, even if they don't get posted today.
Oh my GOD, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... I opened my mail when I got on here, starting w/ one from Morgan which had a link to a memorium on MSN that featured Brad Renfro. I'm stoked that it's there, but of course it makes me :( soooo... I'm not right now tho, so don't worry, this won't take long..
I also stumbled upon a Turner Classic Movies tribute that features him around the 1:38 mark. It's so fucking stupid for him to be gone. I can't make it make sense no matter what, and I wouldn't be that worried about it if it weren't for the fact that I'm still :|||||||||||||| over Kurt Cobain dying and that was when I was 12 damn years old.. SO long ago, and yet there's still so much regret. It's the never knowing part. I was jammin' to Silverchair this morning and I was thinking that if Daniel Johns died, I would HAVE to kill Lauren for ruining my opportunity to meet him on my bday in '07.
What iffffffffff... I'm not even talking love & marriage, I just want to know what great convos etc could've come from it.. That's the way I feel about Brad. I mean, obv love and marriage are a part of it, lol, buuuuuut.. Just meeting him PERIOD and being able to say that, to say I encountered the lurrrrrve of my life @ least ONCE.
The man I marry has some heavy shoes to fill, ones never worn @ that. Sucks to be him.
It's like being obsesed w/ Marilyn Monroe, or Princess Diana.. Elvis. What feeds it is the fact that you def will never get to experience that person's life in full flesh, to watch their faces as they talk to you.. I'm such a whore for awesome experiences like that, I mean look @ how many people I've already met in my life that I am stoked about?? I was such a autograph whore back in the deezy, holy shit.. I just like making that connection, to feel the humanity of a person for myself.
In '09 I want to make the Daniel Johns thing a reality, no matter what the eff I gotta do. I can't go thru this again, fuck aaaaaaaallllllllll that nonsense. THAT would certainly be the nail in my coffin. It's not like I wouldn't love to meet Ben & Chris along w/ Daniel, but there is no Silverchair w/o Daniel Johns, plus he is the voice to the thoughts so obv that makes him more important to me. It's the weary soul that my heart cannot let go of. Notice how most of my obsessions are in some kind of way troubled.. I don't like normal people, I'm too insane for that.
Aaaaaaaaaand IMO he's one of the most beautiful people on the planet, so that helps.
Soooooooo yeah, like I said I won't drag this one out.. There are other things I want to write about, even if they don't get posted today.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Woohoo, got myself a din-din date...
Lucious (loo-shus, not lush-is) and I are finally going out to eat for his birthday, which was the 23rd. I cannot believe my little brother is 21 years old now! It's insane! I'm so ... I don't even know. It doesn't make me feel old, just happy. Esp when we were writing back and forth about it and he sounded stoked, even said something like "chill wit the big sis!!" which I thought was cool b/c he has never said anything like that to me..
Like, if someone asks who he's talking to, he'll say his big sister or w/e, but that's a dif context altogether. Just stating that I am his older sister in response. He called me his big sis tho, haha. I never call him my lil bro, so he would prob feel the same way if I did. That's my nigga tho, either way. Selfish bastard that he is, he's still my one and only brother, same way Lauren is my one and only sister.
Lu and I are closer tho, as far as being able to chill together. When Lauren and I attempt it, it's pretty much a 50/50 chance we're going to end the night wishing death upon the other one. She's too much like my dad, thinking she knows wtf I'm talking about etc but doesn't, and I'm too much like my mom where I just know I'm right and I'm gonna laugh incredilously if you attempt to correct me.
Fyi, so many of you are wrong SO much of the time, but I don't mind as much anymore, haha.
Anyway, like I said I def can't wait to sit and chat w/ my bro.. I have a few things I wanted to ask him about, so hopefully I'll be able to remember them when I'm sitting there. We're going to Outback @ Hilltop around 4 if you just happen to be oot and aboot and would like to pop in. It's not some intimate family meal or anything, just good times. I used to take him and my sister out to eat all the time when I could afford it. Def ate @ Kelly's like every other day. It was the closest thing to our house, along w/ IHOP and Ruby Tuesday. Now there's mad shit over by Pembroke! Bullshit, man.. It's bullshit. I could go to those places today buuut I want the pumpernickel, fuck the games.. I already said I'd go to the ICU for it..
Oops, yanno what?? I kiiiinda have to take back them being my one and only siblings, considering the fact that I met my real dad for the first time this year and he def showed me pics of my new sibs. However we have yet to establish any sort of anything, so.... Fuck them, lol. N/m, I'm not taking back shit. As it stands, Lucious and Lauren are the only siblings I know, so w/e...
The only thing on my mind right now is whether or not I can substitute fries for broc or taters.. We used to get pretty much the same thing @ every restaurant, burgers, fries, and a drink.. THIS TIME, we're getting burgers, fries, and a beer. I can't wait!! I neeeeeeeeeeeeveeeerrrrrrrrrrrr order burgers in restaurants anymore, so I hope it doesn't fuck my stomach up. I finally got my brain to accept the memos about how A. my body doesn't handle beef all that well, and B. it really racks up the lbs, not something I want to be eating all the time.
But! For the sake of tradition, I will "suffer" thru a juicy bacon cheeseburger w/ no tomatoes, onions, or pickles (and def done) for my widdle brudder Lucci..
Mm.. My mouth is waaaaaaatering @ the thought... Stfu, omg.. I WANT TO EAT NOOOOOW, thanks, and not a MOMENT later. Why can't they open @ noon, holy shit..
The bread is calling me, but since my phone is off/washed.......... :|
PS, YOU HAVEN'T GOT THE SLIIIIIIIGHTEST CLUE HOW MANY TIMES A DAY MY MIND WANDERS TO THE THOUGHT OF MY POOR, SQUEAKY CLEAN CELLPHONE. I WANT ANOTHER ONE SOOOO BAD. I am def buying one of the ones I saw on eBay, cuz I'll still have T-Mobile whenever my phone is back on again so I'll def be needing one. I don't even want a newer, fancier jank either. I turned down plenty of new phones, INCLUDING the iPhone, when I had it. It does exactly what I want it to do, and that's enough for me.
K, I'm done ranting and making myself incredibly hungry, so....
Like, if someone asks who he's talking to, he'll say his big sister or w/e, but that's a dif context altogether. Just stating that I am his older sister in response. He called me his big sis tho, haha. I never call him my lil bro, so he would prob feel the same way if I did. That's my nigga tho, either way. Selfish bastard that he is, he's still my one and only brother, same way Lauren is my one and only sister.
Lu and I are closer tho, as far as being able to chill together. When Lauren and I attempt it, it's pretty much a 50/50 chance we're going to end the night wishing death upon the other one. She's too much like my dad, thinking she knows wtf I'm talking about etc but doesn't, and I'm too much like my mom where I just know I'm right and I'm gonna laugh incredilously if you attempt to correct me.
Fyi, so many of you are wrong SO much of the time, but I don't mind as much anymore, haha.
Anyway, like I said I def can't wait to sit and chat w/ my bro.. I have a few things I wanted to ask him about, so hopefully I'll be able to remember them when I'm sitting there. We're going to Outback @ Hilltop around 4 if you just happen to be oot and aboot and would like to pop in. It's not some intimate family meal or anything, just good times. I used to take him and my sister out to eat all the time when I could afford it. Def ate @ Kelly's like every other day. It was the closest thing to our house, along w/ IHOP and Ruby Tuesday. Now there's mad shit over by Pembroke! Bullshit, man.. It's bullshit. I could go to those places today buuut I want the pumpernickel, fuck the games.. I already said I'd go to the ICU for it..
Oops, yanno what?? I kiiiinda have to take back them being my one and only siblings, considering the fact that I met my real dad for the first time this year and he def showed me pics of my new sibs. However we have yet to establish any sort of anything, so.... Fuck them, lol. N/m, I'm not taking back shit. As it stands, Lucious and Lauren are the only siblings I know, so w/e...
The only thing on my mind right now is whether or not I can substitute fries for broc or taters.. We used to get pretty much the same thing @ every restaurant, burgers, fries, and a drink.. THIS TIME, we're getting burgers, fries, and a beer. I can't wait!! I neeeeeeeeeeeeveeeerrrrrrrrrrrr order burgers in restaurants anymore, so I hope it doesn't fuck my stomach up. I finally got my brain to accept the memos about how A. my body doesn't handle beef all that well, and B. it really racks up the lbs, not something I want to be eating all the time.
But! For the sake of tradition, I will "suffer" thru a juicy bacon cheeseburger w/ no tomatoes, onions, or pickles (and def done) for my widdle brudder Lucci..
Mm.. My mouth is waaaaaaatering @ the thought... Stfu, omg.. I WANT TO EAT NOOOOOW, thanks, and not a MOMENT later. Why can't they open @ noon, holy shit..
The bread is calling me, but since my phone is off/washed.......... :|
PS, YOU HAVEN'T GOT THE SLIIIIIIIGHTEST CLUE HOW MANY TIMES A DAY MY MIND WANDERS TO THE THOUGHT OF MY POOR, SQUEAKY CLEAN CELLPHONE. I WANT ANOTHER ONE SOOOO BAD. I am def buying one of the ones I saw on eBay, cuz I'll still have T-Mobile whenever my phone is back on again so I'll def be needing one. I don't even want a newer, fancier jank either. I turned down plenty of new phones, INCLUDING the iPhone, when I had it. It does exactly what I want it to do, and that's enough for me.
K, I'm done ranting and making myself incredibly hungry, so....
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Cheeeeeeeeezus CHRIST....
I'm sooo over getting and/or being sick.. I was watching this thing about viruses and how they actually hit you the day before you feel sick, and I was like, hm... I wonder if I'm sick.. Not even 48 hours later, I MOST DEF WAS..
BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG. I puked from like, 5pm to 2am the other day.. Yummy!! The worst part about that was waking up @ 6am to realize that my vomiting had evolved to diaharea cha-cha-cha.. Thank god that didn't last nearly as long, lmfao.. Triiiife.. I was just spewing from all directions for like a day.. It was horrible!!
I don't get it!!
I was perfecly fine when I got out of Sarup's car, but as sooooooon as I walked into Gmas, my body temp dropped and I just felt like shit.. I laid down on the couch for a while, Jess came back w/ John and Shane to smoke a blunt, and after all that passed I just knew I was dying.. Back on the couch dying, that's where I could be found.. I'm chillin.. Went to potty and let it fly from all angles, after that it was all she wrote..
Btw, how descriptive is this gd blog?? Why do you subscribe, you ask?? LOL..
DO YOU SUBSCRIBE, I ASK!?!? Motherfuckers!
Anyway after that I never left the couch. I brought the trashcan from the hall bathroom w/ me cuz I'd already spewed righteously inside of it.. It def took a few more hits before MEOW MEOW graciously changed out my puke bag for me.. It reeked sooo bad, omfg I def woulda left her out back.. Sorry, not handling bio bags!! Yuck!!
I felt so miserable tho, so I really do appreciate that shit. The acrid smell of vomit def wasn't helping my stomach settle AT ALL. Xoxo for Meow Meow, I love you Lindsay!!
PAUSE FOR THE CAUSE; David Carr is soooooo hot to me for some reason. I remember sweating him in his first season as a Texan.. Megan, getcha boy.. Should he want to be a starter, let him swing our way.. Good gracious! But then there's times when I'm like, eh.. I think it's his nose, plus he has minor gayface..
Anyway, I got better around 2 am.. Stevo tried all night to get me to take this cup of yellow goop that looked "FANTASTIC" to my stomach.. Def waited until the seas had calmed already before I tempted it. He said it made him puke, wtf would I take meds to throw up for?? Nigga, is this Ipecac?? It was straight trife, but w/e..
I must've thrown up pretty intensely cuz my body feels like I've been working out for like 3 days straight.. I'm weak as a biiiiitch on the inside.. Walking is like the biggest hassle ever. Must've been one of those 24-hr bugs or something, I dunno. But it's almost 2 full days later and I'm ready for it to be over. My body hurts sooo annoyingly bad. All the pain is @ a dull roar right now. Hiccups make my neck and throat hurt, coughing makes my gut hurt.. It's all downhill from here. And now my brain feels weird. Can that happen?? It's felt weird most of this year tho, so if I die of an aneurysm then you know I knew ahead of time, even tho its gonna suck..
I haven't eaten anything other than stupid snack shit since before my ralph-a-thon so I don't even know how my body will handle a real meal. It's about to find out @ Outback tho, soo uhh.. If I'm goin' out, it's gonna be w/ a bang.. I WILL suffer for a medium well steak w/ broc & cheese/loaded mashed taters.. Nigga, please..
I might take the ICU if I'm guaranteed a return to good health, haha..
Just pass the pumpernickel...
BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG. I puked from like, 5pm to 2am the other day.. Yummy!! The worst part about that was waking up @ 6am to realize that my vomiting had evolved to diaharea cha-cha-cha.. Thank god that didn't last nearly as long, lmfao.. Triiiife.. I was just spewing from all directions for like a day.. It was horrible!!
I don't get it!!
I was perfecly fine when I got out of Sarup's car, but as sooooooon as I walked into Gmas, my body temp dropped and I just felt like shit.. I laid down on the couch for a while, Jess came back w/ John and Shane to smoke a blunt, and after all that passed I just knew I was dying.. Back on the couch dying, that's where I could be found.. I'm chillin.. Went to potty and let it fly from all angles, after that it was all she wrote..
Btw, how descriptive is this gd blog?? Why do you subscribe, you ask?? LOL..
DO YOU SUBSCRIBE, I ASK!?!? Motherfuckers!
Anyway after that I never left the couch. I brought the trashcan from the hall bathroom w/ me cuz I'd already spewed righteously inside of it.. It def took a few more hits before MEOW MEOW graciously changed out my puke bag for me.. It reeked sooo bad, omfg I def woulda left her out back.. Sorry, not handling bio bags!! Yuck!!
I felt so miserable tho, so I really do appreciate that shit. The acrid smell of vomit def wasn't helping my stomach settle AT ALL. Xoxo for Meow Meow, I love you Lindsay!!
PAUSE FOR THE CAUSE; David Carr is soooooo hot to me for some reason. I remember sweating him in his first season as a Texan.. Megan, getcha boy.. Should he want to be a starter, let him swing our way.. Good gracious! But then there's times when I'm like, eh.. I think it's his nose, plus he has minor gayface..
Anyway, I got better around 2 am.. Stevo tried all night to get me to take this cup of yellow goop that looked "FANTASTIC" to my stomach.. Def waited until the seas had calmed already before I tempted it. He said it made him puke, wtf would I take meds to throw up for?? Nigga, is this Ipecac?? It was straight trife, but w/e..
I must've thrown up pretty intensely cuz my body feels like I've been working out for like 3 days straight.. I'm weak as a biiiiitch on the inside.. Walking is like the biggest hassle ever. Must've been one of those 24-hr bugs or something, I dunno. But it's almost 2 full days later and I'm ready for it to be over. My body hurts sooo annoyingly bad. All the pain is @ a dull roar right now. Hiccups make my neck and throat hurt, coughing makes my gut hurt.. It's all downhill from here. And now my brain feels weird. Can that happen?? It's felt weird most of this year tho, so if I die of an aneurysm then you know I knew ahead of time, even tho its gonna suck..
I haven't eaten anything other than stupid snack shit since before my ralph-a-thon so I don't even know how my body will handle a real meal. It's about to find out @ Outback tho, soo uhh.. If I'm goin' out, it's gonna be w/ a bang.. I WILL suffer for a medium well steak w/ broc & cheese/loaded mashed taters.. Nigga, please..
I might take the ICU if I'm guaranteed a return to good health, haha..
Just pass the pumpernickel...
Thursday, December 25, 2008
So, THIS is Christmas??
Hm. I'm fine w/ that.
I made peace w/ my Christmas when I got back last night, so everything is w/e now! I had a HORRIFIC encouter w/ my Ma right after midnight that began w/ me wrapping her sandwich like a gift and then ended w/ me hurling it @ the wall, still wrapped. Along w/ her fucking drink that "I don't even drink, why would you get me that?"...
Lauren (ha...) will tell you, she saw it happen. I was sooo hurt when she started getting pissy w/ me. Like, really, after all that has gone down this month, YOU have to be the one to put the nail in the coffin LITERALLY as the clock strikes midnight and it's actually Christmas. Leave it to my mother, haha.. I fuckin' love her, but she is OFF. I just want her to be happy, and I don't think she believes me. Oh, well. If I accomplish my goals, she'll see.
Soooooo anyway, def had a good Christmas.. Dino came over in the morning to keep me company cuz he knew I was gonna be alone. He also went w/ me last night to Angel's to wrap presents for the boys and Kiki.. That's my lil dude, man. I wish someone would fuck w/ him!! Thanks for everything, my pint-sized ninja warrior friend haha. Such an oddball.
But yeah, that happens and then Sarup(!) comes to get me so we can spend time together. That's actually where I am now! We hung out for a few hours and then Jessika came thru w/ the ice cream I spoke of earlier. Fuckin' sweeeeeet.
Aaaaaaand then Morgan came to take me to her sister's for din-din (awk-wurrrrrrd lmmmfao NO CLAWS, BITCHES, THAT'S MY JOB!) which really set the ease w/i me.. I feel like I got so much love today, and I've only seen like 6 people. I don't wanna say only b/c there are people a lot lonelier than I was, but yanno that's just a comparitive thing from last year. Is that a word?? Am IIII asking that?? I know it is tho, it feels right so what-ever, lol.
I would like to thank Mariah (Mo's sis) for whipping up such a lovely feast, I def grubbed my assssss off. I even ate her stuffing, which was RIDDLED w/ onions. I picked'em out, obv. She's such a chill person to be around. Correct me if I'm wrong, Mo, cuz you'd know.. But I felt very @ ease over there, and I think that helped a lot w/ my current state of mind. Maybe it was Patrick Swayze?? Morgan and I def watched Dirty Dancing ONDEMAND earlier. I swear, we talked thru the whole thing. Like, still paying attention and listening tho cuz it was mostly about how hardcore we woulda banged Swayze bitd.. I fucking LOVE that movie and it will never get old. Not exactly your traditional Christmas movie, but we're not typical bitches, sooo.. We can flip the script a lil bit and get our swoon on.. It's been decided that we were supposed to be born in like, '74 or something so we could experience the '80s as teens. Def made the argument about how all these "80s babies" are full of shit for the most part..
You see all these things reposted about '80s babies from people born in like, '87-'88 and that DEF does not count. We were born in '82 so we have way more claim to that!! We didn't get those cool toys later on as hand-me-downs, they were our Christmas and birthday presents!! We saw the classics in the theater!! And we def don't need some new trendy movie to stir the Brat Pack in us, it never leaves. I'm emo as fuck on the sneak and all you whiny motherfuckers def have that generation to thank for the misery wonderlands you thrive in.
Whatchu know about ALPHIE, son?? NOTHING, that's what!! Haha..
Anyway Christmas is almost over, only have 15 mins left as it stands.. I would love to say I hope you all got what you wished for, but the selfish lil bitch inside of me really dgaf, sooo... Haha, j/k just glad we're all here to talk about how great/shitty our holiday was. That's what matters @ the end of the day.
My Christmas is ending on a great note b/c I have two cool motherfuckers right behind me and everyone is in a good mood, just chillin.. Jammin' to the new Luda and playing 360, nothing special but it's just us.. All we need!! Sarup has finally slathered her pancakes w/ loooove loooooove loooooove and that's def something I wanted for Xmas!!
Ugh, I feel so blessed and I don't know where all of this is coming from. I'll take it tho. I feel enlightened somehow, but I'll get on that some other time. I just wanna spend time w/ my loved ones. I hope you can say you did the same.
If not, there's always next year..
We hope.
I made peace w/ my Christmas when I got back last night, so everything is w/e now! I had a HORRIFIC encouter w/ my Ma right after midnight that began w/ me wrapping her sandwich like a gift and then ended w/ me hurling it @ the wall, still wrapped. Along w/ her fucking drink that "I don't even drink, why would you get me that?"...
Lauren (ha...) will tell you, she saw it happen. I was sooo hurt when she started getting pissy w/ me. Like, really, after all that has gone down this month, YOU have to be the one to put the nail in the coffin LITERALLY as the clock strikes midnight and it's actually Christmas. Leave it to my mother, haha.. I fuckin' love her, but she is OFF. I just want her to be happy, and I don't think she believes me. Oh, well. If I accomplish my goals, she'll see.
Soooooo anyway, def had a good Christmas.. Dino came over in the morning to keep me company cuz he knew I was gonna be alone. He also went w/ me last night to Angel's to wrap presents for the boys and Kiki.. That's my lil dude, man. I wish someone would fuck w/ him!! Thanks for everything, my pint-sized ninja warrior friend haha. Such an oddball.
But yeah, that happens and then Sarup(!) comes to get me so we can spend time together. That's actually where I am now! We hung out for a few hours and then Jessika came thru w/ the ice cream I spoke of earlier. Fuckin' sweeeeeet.
Aaaaaaand then Morgan came to take me to her sister's for din-din (awk-wurrrrrrd lmmmfao NO CLAWS, BITCHES, THAT'S MY JOB!) which really set the ease w/i me.. I feel like I got so much love today, and I've only seen like 6 people. I don't wanna say only b/c there are people a lot lonelier than I was, but yanno that's just a comparitive thing from last year. Is that a word?? Am IIII asking that?? I know it is tho, it feels right so what-ever, lol.
I would like to thank Mariah (Mo's sis) for whipping up such a lovely feast, I def grubbed my assssss off. I even ate her stuffing, which was RIDDLED w/ onions. I picked'em out, obv. She's such a chill person to be around. Correct me if I'm wrong, Mo, cuz you'd know.. But I felt very @ ease over there, and I think that helped a lot w/ my current state of mind. Maybe it was Patrick Swayze?? Morgan and I def watched Dirty Dancing ONDEMAND earlier. I swear, we talked thru the whole thing. Like, still paying attention and listening tho cuz it was mostly about how hardcore we woulda banged Swayze bitd.. I fucking LOVE that movie and it will never get old. Not exactly your traditional Christmas movie, but we're not typical bitches, sooo.. We can flip the script a lil bit and get our swoon on.. It's been decided that we were supposed to be born in like, '74 or something so we could experience the '80s as teens. Def made the argument about how all these "80s babies" are full of shit for the most part..
You see all these things reposted about '80s babies from people born in like, '87-'88 and that DEF does not count. We were born in '82 so we have way more claim to that!! We didn't get those cool toys later on as hand-me-downs, they were our Christmas and birthday presents!! We saw the classics in the theater!! And we def don't need some new trendy movie to stir the Brat Pack in us, it never leaves. I'm emo as fuck on the sneak and all you whiny motherfuckers def have that generation to thank for the misery wonderlands you thrive in.
Whatchu know about ALPHIE, son?? NOTHING, that's what!! Haha..
Anyway Christmas is almost over, only have 15 mins left as it stands.. I would love to say I hope you all got what you wished for, but the selfish lil bitch inside of me really dgaf, sooo... Haha, j/k just glad we're all here to talk about how great/shitty our holiday was. That's what matters @ the end of the day.
My Christmas is ending on a great note b/c I have two cool motherfuckers right behind me and everyone is in a good mood, just chillin.. Jammin' to the new Luda and playing 360, nothing special but it's just us.. All we need!! Sarup has finally slathered her pancakes w/ loooove loooooove loooooove and that's def something I wanted for Xmas!!
Ugh, I feel so blessed and I don't know where all of this is coming from. I'll take it tho. I feel enlightened somehow, but I'll get on that some other time. I just wanna spend time w/ my loved ones. I hope you can say you did the same.
If not, there's always next year..
We hope.
Jessika just came in my mouth.
No, seriously.
She made me homemade chocolate ice cream w/ the choc/white choc swirl chips for Christmas!! Aw, shit son.. Choc chip ice cream is my faaaaavourite, so I'm absolutely stoked right now. First off, it tastes kinda like a Frostee from Wendy's. Maybe not even that, it just has that consistency so it's smooooooove like a mowfucka, so soothing and comforting. PERFECT movie watching ice cream. Soft surrrrrrved, bitch.
Ugh. I daaaare a bitch to go into the freezer and touch my shit. DURRRREEE you, ho. Be prepared to leave a finger behind! On second thought, it's almost worth it so just don't touch my shit, m'kay??
Woohoo!! I love gifts that go straight to your ass. They mean the most, haha.
She made me homemade chocolate ice cream w/ the choc/white choc swirl chips for Christmas!! Aw, shit son.. Choc chip ice cream is my faaaaavourite, so I'm absolutely stoked right now. First off, it tastes kinda like a Frostee from Wendy's. Maybe not even that, it just has that consistency so it's smooooooove like a mowfucka, so soothing and comforting. PERFECT movie watching ice cream. Soft surrrrrrved, bitch.
Ugh. I daaaare a bitch to go into the freezer and touch my shit. DURRRREEE you, ho. Be prepared to leave a finger behind! On second thought, it's almost worth it so just don't touch my shit, m'kay??
Woohoo!! I love gifts that go straight to your ass. They mean the most, haha.
"For those of you who don't know...
a retraction is when a newspaper takes something back. This newspaper would like to retract certain statements in a certain notebook which may have hurt certain people's feelings.”
This is where it gets tricky.. On one hand, I'd like to retract the shit that I said that might hurt people, hoooowever they can't contract what they did, so.. I dunno. I'm a very passionate person (insiiiiide) and when I have to get some shit out, you're either gonna listen and comply, or that's it. Everyone wants me to stop holding my feelings in until the feelings are about them, and then they don't wanna hear it.
Weeeeeeeell, you've only got two options w/ me. You can either hear it, or hear ABOUT it. Once I tell you, that's it. You'll def hear wtf I got to say, one way or another. I think it cheapens the friendship if you can't say wtf you got to say.. Don't make me hold my feelings in b/c you're not ready. I love all of my friends, and that's why I feel like I should be able to say what I want, lol. If a nigga wants to let me know about myself, feeeeeeel free. I'm not gonna sit quietly, no, but you can get your piece just like I do.
I don't want anyone feeling like I hate them or I'm mad @ them. I'm already over alla that shit, cuz in the long run you obv can't impact me but so much. I had a lot of time to think BY MYSELF last night @ Gmas.. It's the dumbest thing ever to think that ya'll influence my life like that. Why??
None of you are in the place I want to be, NOR do you know how to get there. So really, you can't help me @ all. Soooooo... I'm not saying you're all irrelevant or some shit like that, I'm just sayin. I know what I have/need to do, more than ever now. I don't know what I thought I wanted or needed from you, but I was sorely mistaken.
It's all good tho, I love you dumb bitches like you're not.
This is where it gets tricky.. On one hand, I'd like to retract the shit that I said that might hurt people, hoooowever they can't contract what they did, so.. I dunno. I'm a very passionate person (insiiiiide) and when I have to get some shit out, you're either gonna listen and comply, or that's it. Everyone wants me to stop holding my feelings in until the feelings are about them, and then they don't wanna hear it.
Weeeeeeeell, you've only got two options w/ me. You can either hear it, or hear ABOUT it. Once I tell you, that's it. You'll def hear wtf I got to say, one way or another. I think it cheapens the friendship if you can't say wtf you got to say.. Don't make me hold my feelings in b/c you're not ready. I love all of my friends, and that's why I feel like I should be able to say what I want, lol. If a nigga wants to let me know about myself, feeeeeeel free. I'm not gonna sit quietly, no, but you can get your piece just like I do.
I don't want anyone feeling like I hate them or I'm mad @ them. I'm already over alla that shit, cuz in the long run you obv can't impact me but so much. I had a lot of time to think BY MYSELF last night @ Gmas.. It's the dumbest thing ever to think that ya'll influence my life like that. Why??
None of you are in the place I want to be, NOR do you know how to get there. So really, you can't help me @ all. Soooooo... I'm not saying you're all irrelevant or some shit like that, I'm just sayin. I know what I have/need to do, more than ever now. I don't know what I thought I wanted or needed from you, but I was sorely mistaken.
It's all good tho, I love you dumb bitches like you're not.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
See, now WTF!?!? [!!!!!!!!!!]
Sooooooo, we all know that I'm going to be alone for the holidays, barring a few instances. Right? Agreed. And that this has been THE worst holiday for me... Right?? Agreed.
Then please explain to me how Morgan managed to drive half an hour from Hampton to see me for 2 hours, but Brandi, Lauren, Ryan etc who live on THIS SIDE of the water just came in for TEN MINUTES and left!! AND Megan the other day, who also kicked it for a few hours..
First off, wtf... Lauren called ME today to confirm that she was coming over to bake cookies after work, so when she's @ the door I'm not surprised. She comes in, sits down and starts chatting w/ me while I'm making mac and cornbread for Stevo and I (lonely bitches!) which is word, cool whatever..
Then she gets up, goes to the door and comes back w/ Brandi & Ry Guy, Angel, Jay (raaandom) & the boys... So in my head I'm like, "FUCKIN' SWEEEEEEET" but I don't want to react b/c like I said the other day, until plans stick and shit starts poppin' off, I'm not gonna get my hopes up too much.
We're all talking and I'm telling Brandi about the pic I just sent her on Myspace w/ this hooootttt ass hairdo I want her to try.. Yadda yadda...
THEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNN everyone starts saying their GOODBYES.
FUUUUUUUUUCK was the point of that?? SUPPOSEDLY we're getting together tonight, however I'm not retarded, FUCK having faith in these bitches @ this point. So instantly I'm damn-near hysterical. Lauren's asking me which cookies she can take and I'm trying not to look her in the face cuz I know the waterfalls are mothafuckin' on THEEEEEEEEE way. She leaves and I just fucking crumble. It was horrible, dude. I'm bawling my eyes out b/c my friends apparently feel sorry for me, but not enough to make it count.
Cuz THAT'S what I wanted, to see all the people I HAVEN'T seen who've BLOWN ME OFF all Xmas season for TEN GODDAMN MINUTES.
FUCK that. I called Angel hysterically crying, and then Lauren who had some response I couldn't even hear over my own tears so I just said "GOODBYE" and hung up..
I had an opportunity to get the FUCK outta VA TWO WEEKS AGO but I didn't want to b/c I don't want to miss Lauren's 21st birthday Jan 28....
BUUUUUUT she's PERFECTLY fine leaving me high and dry every weekend, w/ every plan, etc.
Fuck your birthday, dude. If I get the chance again, I'm out. Ya'll made me out to be the bad guy when you were dating Jeremy and I wasn't "there for you like a best friend should be"... THAT WAS JUST SOME YOUNG-ASS DUDE YOU DON'T EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE AS AN EX, THIS IS MY LIFE, MY HEART, AND MY FEELINGS.
FUCK, man.
I DOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT - dooooo fucking NOT like sharing my true feelings w/ A-N-Y-O-N-E, and I laid it aalllllll out there for the WORLD to see repeatedly and everyone BUT the ones who I was specifically addressing came to the rescue.
How the fuck does that make YOU look?? You pieces of shit! I mean it!! How the hell could you do that to me??
And you? Oh LORD! Your BROTHER, your prick-ass, pain-in-the-ass, SELFISH SONUVABITCH BROTHER had to console me. WHAAAAAAAT!?!? In what alternate universe does that take place!?!??!
I want nothing more than to lay down and die but b/c I know full well that I'm stronger than that, here I am. But you?? Nahhh, son.
That is NOT cool.
At all.
I'm not even mad @ any of them, it's just one in a long list of reasons why I know I have GOT to get the fuck outta here. Even Sarup stood me up the other night!! SARUP!! Ol Faithful, Queen Reliable!! THAT was heartbreaking as well, but it's such a rare occasion, and I haven't spoken to her about it so I won't speak on it anymore. But everyone else I'm mad @ has been spoken to personally (if I haven't, this isn't about you) and knows full well what is going on here.
Whatever, man. The camel not only has a broken back, but there's also a Samurai sword in there, right in the middle of a MEAN yellow streak.
I love you guys, but NOTHING you've been thru this year compares to what I've been thru. None of you needed the cheering up like I did.
Like I DO.
Then please explain to me how Morgan managed to drive half an hour from Hampton to see me for 2 hours, but Brandi, Lauren, Ryan etc who live on THIS SIDE of the water just came in for TEN MINUTES and left!! AND Megan the other day, who also kicked it for a few hours..
First off, wtf... Lauren called ME today to confirm that she was coming over to bake cookies after work, so when she's @ the door I'm not surprised. She comes in, sits down and starts chatting w/ me while I'm making mac and cornbread for Stevo and I (lonely bitches!) which is word, cool whatever..
Then she gets up, goes to the door and comes back w/ Brandi & Ry Guy, Angel, Jay (raaandom) & the boys... So in my head I'm like, "FUCKIN' SWEEEEEEET" but I don't want to react b/c like I said the other day, until plans stick and shit starts poppin' off, I'm not gonna get my hopes up too much.
We're all talking and I'm telling Brandi about the pic I just sent her on Myspace w/ this hooootttt ass hairdo I want her to try.. Yadda yadda...
THEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNN everyone starts saying their GOODBYES.
FUUUUUUUUUCK was the point of that?? SUPPOSEDLY we're getting together tonight, however I'm not retarded, FUCK having faith in these bitches @ this point. So instantly I'm damn-near hysterical. Lauren's asking me which cookies she can take and I'm trying not to look her in the face cuz I know the waterfalls are mothafuckin' on THEEEEEEEEE way. She leaves and I just fucking crumble. It was horrible, dude. I'm bawling my eyes out b/c my friends apparently feel sorry for me, but not enough to make it count.
Cuz THAT'S what I wanted, to see all the people I HAVEN'T seen who've BLOWN ME OFF all Xmas season for TEN GODDAMN MINUTES.
FUCK that. I called Angel hysterically crying, and then Lauren who had some response I couldn't even hear over my own tears so I just said "GOODBYE" and hung up..
I had an opportunity to get the FUCK outta VA TWO WEEKS AGO but I didn't want to b/c I don't want to miss Lauren's 21st birthday Jan 28....
BUUUUUUT she's PERFECTLY fine leaving me high and dry every weekend, w/ every plan, etc.
Fuck your birthday, dude. If I get the chance again, I'm out. Ya'll made me out to be the bad guy when you were dating Jeremy and I wasn't "there for you like a best friend should be"... THAT WAS JUST SOME YOUNG-ASS DUDE YOU DON'T EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE AS AN EX, THIS IS MY LIFE, MY HEART, AND MY FEELINGS.
FUCK, man.
I DOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT - dooooo fucking NOT like sharing my true feelings w/ A-N-Y-O-N-E, and I laid it aalllllll out there for the WORLD to see repeatedly and everyone BUT the ones who I was specifically addressing came to the rescue.
How the fuck does that make YOU look?? You pieces of shit! I mean it!! How the hell could you do that to me??
And you? Oh LORD! Your BROTHER, your prick-ass, pain-in-the-ass, SELFISH SONUVABITCH BROTHER had to console me. WHAAAAAAAT!?!? In what alternate universe does that take place!?!??!
I want nothing more than to lay down and die but b/c I know full well that I'm stronger than that, here I am. But you?? Nahhh, son.
That is NOT cool.
At all.
I'm not even mad @ any of them, it's just one in a long list of reasons why I know I have GOT to get the fuck outta here. Even Sarup stood me up the other night!! SARUP!! Ol Faithful, Queen Reliable!! THAT was heartbreaking as well, but it's such a rare occasion, and I haven't spoken to her about it so I won't speak on it anymore. But everyone else I'm mad @ has been spoken to personally (if I haven't, this isn't about you) and knows full well what is going on here.
Whatever, man. The camel not only has a broken back, but there's also a Samurai sword in there, right in the middle of a MEAN yellow streak.
I love you guys, but NOTHING you've been thru this year compares to what I've been thru. None of you needed the cheering up like I did.
Like I DO.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Me, Lu, & Blog...
Woohoo!! Today is my bro's 21st birthday! I can't believe he's 21... OMFG.. I feel so ooooooooooooold, ew.. Oh well..
Either way, way to make it 21 whole years in this world, Lu.. You're a complete and total fuckup/lazy bastard, but you're my brother and I love you.
I wonder if he's gonna drink tonight?? He's WASTED after 2 Joosed. He doesn't drink @ all, so yanno how THAT goes.. I'm about to try and track him down here in a second.. I should call the precinct, easiest way to get ahold of him! Ya'll know this dude stays in and out of jail for the pettiest shit.. Maaad traffic court, etc..
Anyway, here's a video w/ my brother on it. He shot it, which is why it's sideways. He went to dump an assload of water on a friend of ours in their sleep, and they woke up right as he did it. He took off w/ my phone, and as soon as he got outside a DOG started chasing him, lmmmfao.. Only reason he kept running, Jason's fat ass neeeeever woulda caught him..
Woohoo!! Today is my bro's 21st birthday! I can't believe he's 21... OMFG.. I feel so ooooooooooooold, ew.. Oh well..
Either way, way to make it 21 whole years in this world, Lu.. You're a complete and total fuckup/lazy bastard, but you're my brother and I love you.
I wonder if he's gonna drink tonight?? He's WASTED after 2 Joosed. He doesn't drink @ all, so yanno how THAT goes.. I'm about to try and track him down here in a second.. I should call the precinct, easiest way to get ahold of him! Ya'll know this dude stays in and out of jail for the pettiest shit.. Maaad traffic court, etc..
Anyway, here's a video w/ my brother on it. He shot it, which is why it's sideways. He went to dump an assload of water on a friend of ours in their sleep, and they woke up right as he did it. He took off w/ my phone, and as soon as he got outside a DOG started chasing him, lmmmfao.. Only reason he kept running, Jason's fat ass neeeeever woulda caught him..
Aww, he's just like me...
[Bullz-Eye interview w/ Chris Joannou from Silverchair]
BE: Y’know, when you guys played Lollapalooza, my editor said that you took home both the silver and the gold medals for Best Quotes of the Weekend.
CJ: What was that for, then?
BE: The runner-up was, “The band wanted me to tell you that we’re not gay,” because I guess you were sporting the porn-star mustaches.
CJ: (chuckles) Yep.
BE: But the winner was, “I had a dream that I vomited dolphins.”
CJ: (laughs) Yep. That’s Daniel.
BE: Does he usually have words of wisdom like that for most every show?
CJ: Oh, yeah. I think it keeps things entertaining not only for himself and us but also for the people in the crowd. Lollapalooza was probably one of the funnest shows of that last run, actually.
*soft sigh*
SWOOOOOOOOOOOOON. Iiiiiii would've known this to be true anyway had Lauren not RUINED my bday in '07 w/ her laziness, lol. Or Brandi and her damn sickness. Hm, pattern of heartbreakers maybe?? You're not my friends anymore!!
In other news, Tomorrow is gonna be in one of the new Guitar Hero: World Tour bundles.. I would loooooooove to play that w/ Smitty, matter of fact I'ma tell him that maybe next Thurs.. I say Thurs cuz he only comes thru on Thurs, other than that he's w/ the childborn, bein' a good ninja daddy! And this Thurs is obv his baby's first Xmas, so next week will do. Or I'll just tell Sarah to tell him haha..
Uhh, oh yeah.. The OTHER blog.. Guess I could go finish it, hm?? And call my FOXY MOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAA.. OOH, AAANNNDDD......
BE: Y’know, when you guys played Lollapalooza, my editor said that you took home both the silver and the gold medals for Best Quotes of the Weekend.
CJ: What was that for, then?
BE: The runner-up was, “The band wanted me to tell you that we’re not gay,” because I guess you were sporting the porn-star mustaches.
CJ: (chuckles) Yep.
BE: But the winner was, “I had a dream that I vomited dolphins.”
CJ: (laughs) Yep. That’s Daniel.
BE: Does he usually have words of wisdom like that for most every show?
CJ: Oh, yeah. I think it keeps things entertaining not only for himself and us but also for the people in the crowd. Lollapalooza was probably one of the funnest shows of that last run, actually.
*soft sigh*
SWOOOOOOOOOOOOON. Iiiiiii would've known this to be true anyway had Lauren not RUINED my bday in '07 w/ her laziness, lol. Or Brandi and her damn sickness. Hm, pattern of heartbreakers maybe?? You're not my friends anymore!!
In other news, Tomorrow is gonna be in one of the new Guitar Hero: World Tour bundles.. I would loooooooove to play that w/ Smitty, matter of fact I'ma tell him that maybe next Thurs.. I say Thurs cuz he only comes thru on Thurs, other than that he's w/ the childborn, bein' a good ninja daddy! And this Thurs is obv his baby's first Xmas, so next week will do. Or I'll just tell Sarah to tell him haha..
Uhh, oh yeah.. The OTHER blog.. Guess I could go finish it, hm?? And call my FOXY MOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAA.. OOH, AAANNNDDD......
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sorry, guys...
I have a QUITE juicy blog to share w/ you all, but it's not finished and I'm too busy jammin' to Hanson and reading Niners stats haha.. Oh, and msg'n Lauren, who is suppoooooooooooooosed to bake cookies tonight. Just like we were SUPPOSED to go the Botanical Gardens last night, but somehow we have drifted into that "no real activities" zone.
Funny how people make time for everyone else on the weekends, but the niggas they BEEN chillin' w/ just don't cut it anymore??
THAT'S why YOU don't feel like it's Xmas, traitor. It's ok tho, I got somebody to do the damn thing w/ me..
Her ma is supposed to be there tonight also.. B/t the two of them, I am basically going to be alone lol. I don't see how me telling you frooooom my mouth and from the heart that I am waaaay :| this season and could really use a friendly pick up that translates to "Oh yeah? Well ______ wants to do _________ soooo I'm gonna bail, ttyl." She's the one that made all the goddamn plans around Thanksgiving, and we have YET to fufill any of them. I have on my own, but it was supposed to be a group thing. She's not the only one blowing me off this year, but it's funnier to put it all on her. *shrugs*
BRANDI is one of them, I hope you puked your gut out bitch haha..
Jesus CHRIST. Fuck all ya'll, man lol. On some real, I hope your pets die on Christmas morning, under the fucking tree. If you don't have a pet, I hope it's you.
Peace the fuck out. Going to build our tree. WITHOUT YOU HOS.
Funny how people make time for everyone else on the weekends, but the niggas they BEEN chillin' w/ just don't cut it anymore??
THAT'S why YOU don't feel like it's Xmas, traitor. It's ok tho, I got somebody to do the damn thing w/ me..
Her ma is supposed to be there tonight also.. B/t the two of them, I am basically going to be alone lol. I don't see how me telling you frooooom my mouth and from the heart that I am waaaay :| this season and could really use a friendly pick up that translates to "Oh yeah? Well ______ wants to do _________ soooo I'm gonna bail, ttyl." She's the one that made all the goddamn plans around Thanksgiving, and we have YET to fufill any of them. I have on my own, but it was supposed to be a group thing. She's not the only one blowing me off this year, but it's funnier to put it all on her. *shrugs*
BRANDI is one of them, I hope you puked your gut out bitch haha..
Jesus CHRIST. Fuck all ya'll, man lol. On some real, I hope your pets die on Christmas morning, under the fucking tree. If you don't have a pet, I hope it's you.
Peace the fuck out. Going to build our tree. WITHOUT YOU HOS.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Know what I REALLY want to do?
No, but you will soon.
Anyway, I've been trippin' all morning, b/c Maudi's sis Alana added me on Facebook, and her pics are even more insane to look @.. I was like, wtffff dude def remember her and her bro running around the yard in their underoos, and now Armando has a mustache!? I mean, he IS PR and I-talian, but still. So weird! And he looks JUUUST like their dad, aw. She still looks like Ma, whooo still looks like herself but w/ mad long hair. I made some comment about crazing her homemade pizza/iced tea for the last ten years, which I totally have. Best everrr, and the pizza was healthier than the store janks..
I remember when we had that huge grad party in their backyard and she made maaaad pizzas. ALSO remember Maudi's bday when she made her 3 cakes, one of which had orange and black food coloring b/c it was the Hanson logo, haha..
Awww.. What were the others.... I think a ying/yang (our shiiiit) and a colorful ass peace sign or some shit like that.. Hm.. I want to say I'm right..
What I also loved was their huge box of Kool-Aid in the storage shed which I would eventually fig out it could be purchased easily @ Sam's lol. I currently have 436547547 Ice Blue Raspberry Lemonade packets, thanks to Brandi's useless shopping indulgences that she can't seem to break free from.
In my storage shed, in my awesome little cardboard container thing (you'd have to see it) I def had the Gargoyles napkins from a bday party in '97.. I kept stupid little shit like that. I still do, actually and you would def be weak if you rifled thru any of my random grab bags I keep racking up. None of it's important, but I'd flip dick if it ever got thrown away. Not true 100% on the importance part, but A LOT of it is just stupid little shit I can't bear to part w/. You know how THAT goes.
She has old pics of me/us. Hoooow bad do you want to see them?? I know III dooooooooo!!
I think I'm gonna write her about that here soon. I have GOT to see this shit. My hair was prob nuts, me and my poof ball.
*sheds single tear for the memories*
I think what makes me even happier is the fact that it's another person, like Tori etc, that KNOWS me knows me, like... The meeeeeeeeeee me, kid me that had all the same aspirations/stupid factoids and crushed haaaaaaaardcore on her brother whooooo btw is def in her sister's pics.. Ask me how much I threw up?? I left a comment w/ a pic on Tori's page, omfgaaaaaaaaad.. The STORIES.. B/t us both, haha aww sweet youth..
"Let's play... Suck & Blow!"
GOD, that was our shiiiiiiiiitttttt.. Buuuugaaaalatuuuuuuu! That's what we swooore David Bowie was saying, but of course I researched it and found the correct lyric later on in life. I still have that Y! s/n bugalatu, and I know the p/w.. Iiii wonder if she heard about my man's untimely and UNFORTUNATE passing.
No, but you will soon.
Anyway, I've been trippin' all morning, b/c Maudi's sis Alana added me on Facebook, and her pics are even more insane to look @.. I was like, wtffff dude def remember her and her bro running around the yard in their underoos, and now Armando has a mustache!? I mean, he IS PR and I-talian, but still. So weird! And he looks JUUUST like their dad, aw. She still looks like Ma, whooo still looks like herself but w/ mad long hair. I made some comment about crazing her homemade pizza/iced tea for the last ten years, which I totally have. Best everrr, and the pizza was healthier than the store janks..
I remember when we had that huge grad party in their backyard and she made maaaad pizzas. ALSO remember Maudi's bday when she made her 3 cakes, one of which had orange and black food coloring b/c it was the Hanson logo, haha..
Awww.. What were the others.... I think a ying/yang (our shiiiit) and a colorful ass peace sign or some shit like that.. Hm.. I want to say I'm right..
What I also loved was their huge box of Kool-Aid in the storage shed which I would eventually fig out it could be purchased easily @ Sam's lol. I currently have 436547547 Ice Blue Raspberry Lemonade packets, thanks to Brandi's useless shopping indulgences that she can't seem to break free from.
In my storage shed, in my awesome little cardboard container thing (you'd have to see it) I def had the Gargoyles napkins from a bday party in '97.. I kept stupid little shit like that. I still do, actually and you would def be weak if you rifled thru any of my random grab bags I keep racking up. None of it's important, but I'd flip dick if it ever got thrown away. Not true 100% on the importance part, but A LOT of it is just stupid little shit I can't bear to part w/. You know how THAT goes.
She has old pics of me/us. Hoooow bad do you want to see them?? I know III dooooooooo!!
I think I'm gonna write her about that here soon. I have GOT to see this shit. My hair was prob nuts, me and my poof ball.
*sheds single tear for the memories*
I think what makes me even happier is the fact that it's another person, like Tori etc, that KNOWS me knows me, like... The meeeeeeeeeee me, kid me that had all the same aspirations/stupid factoids and crushed haaaaaaaardcore on her brother whooooo btw is def in her sister's pics.. Ask me how much I threw up?? I left a comment w/ a pic on Tori's page, omfgaaaaaaaaad.. The STORIES.. B/t us both, haha aww sweet youth..
"Let's play... Suck & Blow!"
GOD, that was our shiiiiiiiiitttttt.. Buuuugaaaalatuuuuuuu! That's what we swooore David Bowie was saying, but of course I researched it and found the correct lyric later on in life. I still have that Y! s/n bugalatu, and I know the p/w.. Iiii wonder if she heard about my man's untimely and UNFORTUNATE passing.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Lauren, this damn sure coulda been you.
As white as your mom is, let ya'll switch places in the 80s, haha. I would DIE if I eeeever saw you like this, omfg. I'm crying. That shit would be HILARIOUS.
Next Halloween, it's on like DONKEY KONG.
Next Halloween, it's on like DONKEY KONG.
Fine, I'll just do it myself!
Last night I decided to clean the kitchen, which brought back Christmas haaaaardcore when I decided immediately that it would be waaaaay better w/ Hanson - Snowed In lifting me via my eardrums.. As soon as Merry Christmas Baby started, it was a wrap.. I'm in the kitchen gettin' down like a long-lost member of the Temptations, on some 'ol SHOOOOOOOOOO DOOOOOOOOOOOP/Steve Harvey TOKOC type shit..
I dgaf, that, Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree, Silent Night Medley, and Little Saint Nick are some of the best Xmas songs ever, by anyone. I say it all the time when people ask, aaaaaand when they don't. Snowed In cannot be fucked w/. I'd rather listen to that than Home For The Holidays from 'N Sync, or pretty much any other group. There are compilations that fuck w/ it, but no ONE artist has released a cd that puts me in a better yuletide mood..
Everytime I hear it it's automatically 1997, day of the Billboard Music Awards, and I'm cleaning the kitchen jamming to my new Hanson Christmas album. I hope that feeling lasts forever. It's been exactly ten years since then, and I still feel like I could just scream/faint, iiiiiiiif no one was looking/listening. I mean, I DIIIIE trust me.. But not the way I do when I'm alone, haha. Certain songs, like the ones I mentioned, there is no hiding it. I'm just fuckin' jammin and that's that. J Squared (Stevo's Jessica) came into the kitchen and was watching me loose my shit, which btw felt very awkward.
Whiiiiiiich leads me to my next point. Fuck the Jonas Bros, seriously. I don't know what these kids are thinking (their fans), but them boys can't sing like THAT. They've got good voices, but their harmonies are no where near Hanson! So :p damn all that. Once they've all peaked, man FUCK THAT, cuz even then, Taylor has THAT VOICE, the one that I looooooove. The kind that gets me everytime, BUT not many people have the full, whooooooole exact kind of voice, or in the way that it reminds me of him, or vice versa when it comes to Daniel Johns cuz I think they could sing each other's songs easily.
*snobby upturned nose*
Whatever. Hanson 4 life.
Merry Christmas, bitches! ♥
I know, not an Xmas song, but I just love hearing them sing together, aw.
"You KNOW it cooouuuld be so much beeeeeeetter thaaaaaaaan it's been..."
I dgaf, that, Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree, Silent Night Medley, and Little Saint Nick are some of the best Xmas songs ever, by anyone. I say it all the time when people ask, aaaaaand when they don't. Snowed In cannot be fucked w/. I'd rather listen to that than Home For The Holidays from 'N Sync, or pretty much any other group. There are compilations that fuck w/ it, but no ONE artist has released a cd that puts me in a better yuletide mood..
Everytime I hear it it's automatically 1997, day of the Billboard Music Awards, and I'm cleaning the kitchen jamming to my new Hanson Christmas album. I hope that feeling lasts forever. It's been exactly ten years since then, and I still feel like I could just scream/faint, iiiiiiiif no one was looking/listening. I mean, I DIIIIE trust me.. But not the way I do when I'm alone, haha. Certain songs, like the ones I mentioned, there is no hiding it. I'm just fuckin' jammin and that's that. J Squared (Stevo's Jessica) came into the kitchen and was watching me loose my shit, which btw felt very awkward.
Whiiiiiiich leads me to my next point. Fuck the Jonas Bros, seriously. I don't know what these kids are thinking (their fans), but them boys can't sing like THAT. They've got good voices, but their harmonies are no where near Hanson! So :p damn all that. Once they've all peaked, man FUCK THAT, cuz even then, Taylor has THAT VOICE, the one that I looooooove. The kind that gets me everytime, BUT not many people have the full, whooooooole exact kind of voice, or in the way that it reminds me of him, or vice versa when it comes to Daniel Johns cuz I think they could sing each other's songs easily.
*snobby upturned nose*
Whatever. Hanson 4 life.
Merry Christmas, bitches! ♥
I know, not an Xmas song, but I just love hearing them sing together, aw.
"You KNOW it cooouuuld be so much beeeeeeetter thaaaaaaaan it's been..."
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Do they know it's Christmastime @ all...??
No, I don't think they do.
I don't know if it was the election or the economy, but SOMETHING has obviously come in and SWOOOOOOSHED the entire Christmas season away from us. I'm trying everything in my power to make it feel real! I've downloaded Christmas movies, INCLUDING Peanuts ones, listened to many, MANY songs, helped friends decorate their houses....
NOTHING IS WORKING. WTF!?!? Where the HELL is Christmas, and when does that bitch plan on coming back?? I think all of Virginia has just said a big FAAAAAAAAAACK OFF this year. I refuuuuuse to believe it's the economy tho, cuz everyone IIII know is poor ANYWAY, we're used to it. We never have money this time of year, so what gives?? Are we using it as an excuse to not care, or show it @ least??
I partially blame it on the lack of festivities @ Gmas. For those of you who don't know, we party HARD @ Lauren's gmas (she lives out of town, lol) or @ least we used to. LAST YEAR around this time, everyone was here every weekend doing something uber-festive. This year, THANKS TO LAUREN I haven't even baked cookies from scratch yet. She's going to counter my claim and blame it on her mother, but that just makes her MORE LIKE HER MOTHER haha. She is going to choke me after she reads this.
But still! How dare that bitch take COOKIES away from me?? She don't want me to just bake'em w/ any ol' ho, cuz I will (not)! The clock is DEF ticking tho, son!! As we're IM'ing about doing our Xmas light rounds thru Norfolk/VB. Ha! Get on board, bitch!
I WANT COOKIES! More importantly, I WANT CHRISTMAS. It's not about the gifts, mafaka. It's just the season/feeling in general that I love/MISS, thanks. Where is it, people?? I know I'm not the only one. Is it the weather? Virginia is sooo up and down every winter w/ it's temps, but this year has been reeaaally warm. I want it to be freeeeeeeezing cold, deathly w/ some slushy snow mix. That's the good stuff right there. I drink hot cocoa every day that it's cold out, trying my hardest to make it happen. There have been certain moments riding around town that've felt like the real thing, but they don't last once the new day dawns, and it's 75 degrees out. THAT isn't even it tho, cuz I'm a whore for Xmas lights and I haven't seen anything remotely close to the amounts of past Xmas ride-arounds. Just b/c it snuck up on you doesn't mean you can't decorate!! Lazy bastards, what the hell are you doing!? Put down the pipe and pick up a tangled-ass ball of lights!!
I don't know if it was the election or the economy, but SOMETHING has obviously come in and SWOOOOOOSHED the entire Christmas season away from us. I'm trying everything in my power to make it feel real! I've downloaded Christmas movies, INCLUDING Peanuts ones, listened to many, MANY songs, helped friends decorate their houses....
NOTHING IS WORKING. WTF!?!? Where the HELL is Christmas, and when does that bitch plan on coming back?? I think all of Virginia has just said a big FAAAAAAAAAACK OFF this year. I refuuuuuse to believe it's the economy tho, cuz everyone IIII know is poor ANYWAY, we're used to it. We never have money this time of year, so what gives?? Are we using it as an excuse to not care, or show it @ least??
I partially blame it on the lack of festivities @ Gmas. For those of you who don't know, we party HARD @ Lauren's gmas (she lives out of town, lol) or @ least we used to. LAST YEAR around this time, everyone was here every weekend doing something uber-festive. This year, THANKS TO LAUREN I haven't even baked cookies from scratch yet. She's going to counter my claim and blame it on her mother, but that just makes her MORE LIKE HER MOTHER haha. She is going to choke me after she reads this.
But still! How dare that bitch take COOKIES away from me?? She don't want me to just bake'em w/ any ol' ho, cuz I will (not)! The clock is DEF ticking tho, son!! As we're IM'ing about doing our Xmas light rounds thru Norfolk/VB. Ha! Get on board, bitch!
I WANT COOKIES! More importantly, I WANT CHRISTMAS. It's not about the gifts, mafaka. It's just the season/feeling in general that I love/MISS, thanks. Where is it, people?? I know I'm not the only one. Is it the weather? Virginia is sooo up and down every winter w/ it's temps, but this year has been reeaaally warm. I want it to be freeeeeeeezing cold, deathly w/ some slushy snow mix. That's the good stuff right there. I drink hot cocoa every day that it's cold out, trying my hardest to make it happen. There have been certain moments riding around town that've felt like the real thing, but they don't last once the new day dawns, and it's 75 degrees out. THAT isn't even it tho, cuz I'm a whore for Xmas lights and I haven't seen anything remotely close to the amounts of past Xmas ride-arounds. Just b/c it snuck up on you doesn't mean you can't decorate!! Lazy bastards, what the hell are you doing!? Put down the pipe and pick up a tangled-ass ball of lights!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Oh I just can't WAIT to be Kween...
Seriously, I'm over it. My phone is off AGAIN, even tho there was money paid this week. I don't know how, but I don't even care, lol. I handle these types of situations well. I had a dream that my phone was fucked up, soo.. Where does THAT rank!!?
But if you put all the shit I've been thru this year on paper, omg.. I just want out! Out of this life, out of this CITY, just out. I don't even know to which extent I mean that, but I know I do @ least a little bit. W/ every new "WTF", I just proclaim that it happens, cuz it does. All I've been saying to my friends lately is "It happens".. Nothing is really as shocking as it seems. Everything is so extraordinarily mundane, nothing makes the sense it's supposed to, and I'm just like, wow. Really??
This isn't depression over the phone, btw. I just fig'd I'd let people know. Don't call me, I'll call you.
However I have GOT to do something to end this cycle. I would love for '09 to be THAT year. It's the year I'm turning 27, and 2 years ago I told Jessica I was going to kill myself on my 27th bday if I was still going thru that shit. So far, the appt stands haha. Wouldn't that suck if I did? Maybe I should do it after my bday, @ midnight and scribble some note about wanting to be w/ Brad Renfro in w/e chamber of hell you're sent to if you die a selfish death. He didn't commit suicide, but I don't know how the "Lord" feels about heroin use.
*sigh, sigh*
I'm sick, I'm covered in Vick's... Today is great!! I woke up sometime after 3am to hurl over and over into the kitchen trash can. Thank god there was a bag!! Yumm yumm gimmie some!
I can't do anything but laugh right now. Is this really the lead-in to a new year?? And I still have PLENTY of time to die tragically/ironically, and so do you so WATCH OUT!! lol
This year is fucking OVER. And by that, I mean see ya next blog, folks. I can't do this right now.
LMMMFAO.. REALLY!?!? Merry Christmas, everyone.
But if you put all the shit I've been thru this year on paper, omg.. I just want out! Out of this life, out of this CITY, just out. I don't even know to which extent I mean that, but I know I do @ least a little bit. W/ every new "WTF", I just proclaim that it happens, cuz it does. All I've been saying to my friends lately is "It happens".. Nothing is really as shocking as it seems. Everything is so extraordinarily mundane, nothing makes the sense it's supposed to, and I'm just like, wow. Really??
This isn't depression over the phone, btw. I just fig'd I'd let people know. Don't call me, I'll call you.
However I have GOT to do something to end this cycle. I would love for '09 to be THAT year. It's the year I'm turning 27, and 2 years ago I told Jessica I was going to kill myself on my 27th bday if I was still going thru that shit. So far, the appt stands haha. Wouldn't that suck if I did? Maybe I should do it after my bday, @ midnight and scribble some note about wanting to be w/ Brad Renfro in w/e chamber of hell you're sent to if you die a selfish death. He didn't commit suicide, but I don't know how the "Lord" feels about heroin use.
*sigh, sigh*
I'm sick, I'm covered in Vick's... Today is great!! I woke up sometime after 3am to hurl over and over into the kitchen trash can. Thank god there was a bag!! Yumm yumm gimmie some!
I can't do anything but laugh right now. Is this really the lead-in to a new year?? And I still have PLENTY of time to die tragically/ironically, and so do you so WATCH OUT!! lol
This year is fucking OVER. And by that, I mean see ya next blog, folks. I can't do this right now.
LMMMFAO.. REALLY!?!? Merry Christmas, everyone.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Shut your filthy fucking mouth right now!
Either you know, or you don't. But omfg!!!!!!!!!!!
STFU! I am DYING right now..
Love to go to LMMMMMMMMFAO omfg PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't let me go to hell for this...
Video soon to follow, if SOMEONE would just be here already!! She doesn't even know.. OMFG.. I AM DYING HERE, NEED CPR STAT..
Seriously, I wish upon wishes that I could just tell you. I will, eventually, once all is said and done. And most of you will laugh and rejoice.
Not yet, anyway.
PS, Brandi says "Welcome to the Har Har Hut" lmmmmmfao.. She is as EQUALLY as weak as the rest of us in the know...
Either you know, or you don't. But omfg!!!!!!!!!!!
STFU! I am DYING right now..
Love to go to LMMMMMMMMFAO omfg PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't let me go to hell for this...
Video soon to follow, if SOMEONE would just be here already!! She doesn't even know.. OMFG.. I AM DYING HERE, NEED CPR STAT..
Seriously, I wish upon wishes that I could just tell you. I will, eventually, once all is said and done. And most of you will laugh and rejoice.
Not yet, anyway.
PS, Brandi says "Welcome to the Har Har Hut" lmmmmmfao.. She is as EQUALLY as weak as the rest of us in the know...
LOL.. I don't even know where to begin w/ this one...
I wish I were taking a casual stroll on a pier (AHEM MORGAN) or maybe just chillin' in a NEON (not a Civic, LB, let's take it back) for this bit of info..
I have the loveliest ways of telling my friends the latest & greatest going on in my life. Or other people's lives for that matter, gossip counts lmmfao. Either way!
Maybe she needs to read my blogs.. The one on World AIDS Day was quite inspiring, esp to her cause. OMFG! Really!?!? LAUREN!!? (my SISTER, not Bradley)
I don't even know what she's doing but I'm assuming that she's gonna have it. We aaaaaaallllllll know I wouldn't, but that's me. Actually, @ 26 I prob would just b/c who the hell knows if I'll even be alive long enough to try a 2nd time. The level of WWWWWWTTTTTTTTFFFFFFFFFUCK in my family just goes up every other month.
Oh, and dooooooon't let me forget the fact that LUCIOUS has to do 4 weekends in jail starting Jan 9.. STFU........... AGAIN!?!?! HOW!?! WHY!?!?
Soooooo, I'm on the phone w/ my Ma on a break from painting Lauren's new apt. Well, her room anyway. We're talking, ladi da, and then she pretty much whispers to me "Guess what... Lauren's pregnant."
"WHAT!? I fuckin' KNEW IT. I hate you all, you're all idiots"
*blank stare @ the phone/fact that Ma has the audacity to be mad @ ME for being mad*
BITCH, YOU JUST TOLD ME MY 17 YEAR-OLD SISTER IS GOING TO BEAR CHILD. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU EXPECT ME TO SAY!?!? SA-WEEEEEEEEEET!!! Like I was supposed to be stoked or something, cuz IIII am to expect these sort of things.
WHAT THE..... OMFG... I could throw up. But then! Theeeeeeeen Lauren and I went to Home Depot by Rosemont and I had my Ma bring me some groceries cuz she was @ Farm Fresh when I called her back. As I'm taking stuff and asking for this one thing in the back of the truck, they tell me no it's for Lu, etc etc.. I was like wtf!?!? Fuck him, broke bitch (sorry Lu lol).. I go to walk away and I'm like, "Yeah w/e, just hit me up when you get your first WIC checks" LMMMMFAO..
I can't be-LIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEVE that my sister is pregnant. CANNOT.
Lu going to jail, MUCH more plausible and easy to digest. He's ALWAYS in jail. I would love to know what his record looks like. The world will find out after I'm famous. The Smoking Gun loves digging shit up like that. I'm clean, ho, try me! Two fucking tickets, and that's it. Btw hate the fact that I have them and def had a coronary when I got'em.
OH MY GOD, MY FAMILY LIFE IS IN SUCH SHAMBLES.... LMMMMMFAO.. All I can do is laugh @ this point!! When I took the phone from LB I def was like, "Oh lord, who went to jail!?!" but it was the baby news.. Ha, I wonder what my FATHER will say. I dgaf if he goes kuku(.bananas) cuz he could be helping my family out but he's so afraid of his heathen wife that he'd rather watch his OGs suffer. Fuckin' prick, Lucious Mathers and shit. However, my Ma could also get it on the Mathers tip, cuz I feel like I could def get my Eminem on and start spittin' some crazy shit about my life and upbringing.
I wonder what will happen before year's end. A-NY-THING is possible, so..
Pray for a nigga. Whatever you believe, that's fine by me. *shakes head*
REALLY THO!?!? And the night deeeeeeeeef ended w/ my phone being turned back on. Raaaaaaaaandom.
W/e. If such is life, I'll take it.
Def big love and a what uuuuuuuuuup to my nucca Jared, SCS all day, baby!! He wrote me and asked what was wrong, I don't think he's too up on his Madonna lyrics b/c my name and my status are lyrics from 'Human Nature'. Near the end, all the spoken shit. That's my biiiiiiiittttccccccchhhhhhh.. Don't give me shit for posting the Kelly Oz version of PDP, that's my bitch too on some reeeeeeal.. I jammed that album hardcore. It's so punky-angst colorful, and she wasn't trying to be anything but a young girl w/ some shit to say. Plus I fucking sweat her mad hard most times she's oot and aboot, dope as hair etc..
PS, fuck the Dolphins, AND Craig & Aaron, the true influence behind the show Bromance.
I wish I were taking a casual stroll on a pier (AHEM MORGAN) or maybe just chillin' in a NEON (not a Civic, LB, let's take it back) for this bit of info..
I have the loveliest ways of telling my friends the latest & greatest going on in my life. Or other people's lives for that matter, gossip counts lmmfao. Either way!
Maybe she needs to read my blogs.. The one on World AIDS Day was quite inspiring, esp to her cause. OMFG! Really!?!? LAUREN!!? (my SISTER, not Bradley)
I don't even know what she's doing but I'm assuming that she's gonna have it. We aaaaaaallllllll know I wouldn't, but that's me. Actually, @ 26 I prob would just b/c who the hell knows if I'll even be alive long enough to try a 2nd time. The level of WWWWWWTTTTTTTTFFFFFFFFFUCK in my family just goes up every other month.
Oh, and dooooooon't let me forget the fact that LUCIOUS has to do 4 weekends in jail starting Jan 9.. STFU........... AGAIN!?!?! HOW!?! WHY!?!?
Soooooo, I'm on the phone w/ my Ma on a break from painting Lauren's new apt. Well, her room anyway. We're talking, ladi da, and then she pretty much whispers to me "Guess what... Lauren's pregnant."
"WHAT!? I fuckin' KNEW IT. I hate you all, you're all idiots"
*blank stare @ the phone/fact that Ma has the audacity to be mad @ ME for being mad*
BITCH, YOU JUST TOLD ME MY 17 YEAR-OLD SISTER IS GOING TO BEAR CHILD. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU EXPECT ME TO SAY!?!? SA-WEEEEEEEEEET!!! Like I was supposed to be stoked or something, cuz IIII am to expect these sort of things.
WHAT THE..... OMFG... I could throw up. But then! Theeeeeeeen Lauren and I went to Home Depot by Rosemont and I had my Ma bring me some groceries cuz she was @ Farm Fresh when I called her back. As I'm taking stuff and asking for this one thing in the back of the truck, they tell me no it's for Lu, etc etc.. I was like wtf!?!? Fuck him, broke bitch (sorry Lu lol).. I go to walk away and I'm like, "Yeah w/e, just hit me up when you get your first WIC checks" LMMMMFAO..
I can't be-LIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEVE that my sister is pregnant. CANNOT.
Lu going to jail, MUCH more plausible and easy to digest. He's ALWAYS in jail. I would love to know what his record looks like. The world will find out after I'm famous. The Smoking Gun loves digging shit up like that. I'm clean, ho, try me! Two fucking tickets, and that's it. Btw hate the fact that I have them and def had a coronary when I got'em.
OH MY GOD, MY FAMILY LIFE IS IN SUCH SHAMBLES.... LMMMMMFAO.. All I can do is laugh @ this point!! When I took the phone from LB I def was like, "Oh lord, who went to jail!?!" but it was the baby news.. Ha, I wonder what my FATHER will say. I dgaf if he goes kuku(.bananas) cuz he could be helping my family out but he's so afraid of his heathen wife that he'd rather watch his OGs suffer. Fuckin' prick, Lucious Mathers and shit. However, my Ma could also get it on the Mathers tip, cuz I feel like I could def get my Eminem on and start spittin' some crazy shit about my life and upbringing.
I wonder what will happen before year's end. A-NY-THING is possible, so..
Pray for a nigga. Whatever you believe, that's fine by me. *shakes head*
REALLY THO!?!? And the night deeeeeeeeef ended w/ my phone being turned back on. Raaaaaaaaandom.
W/e. If such is life, I'll take it.
Def big love and a what uuuuuuuuuup to my nucca Jared, SCS all day, baby!! He wrote me and asked what was wrong, I don't think he's too up on his Madonna lyrics b/c my name and my status are lyrics from 'Human Nature'. Near the end, all the spoken shit. That's my biiiiiiiittttccccccchhhhhhh.. Don't give me shit for posting the Kelly Oz version of PDP, that's my bitch too on some reeeeeeal.. I jammed that album hardcore. It's so punky-angst colorful, and she wasn't trying to be anything but a young girl w/ some shit to say. Plus I fucking sweat her mad hard most times she's oot and aboot, dope as hair etc..
PS, fuck the Dolphins, AND Craig & Aaron, the true influence behind the show Bromance.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Whyyyyyyyy would you do this!?!?
1 Man, 1 Jar.
So much worse than it sounds/seems @ first. Please watch it thru.
Blame my carrots (Jennaaaaaaay) for this. My eyes are scarred, permanently.
So much worse than it sounds/seems @ first. Please watch it thru.
Blame my carrots (Jennaaaaaaay) for this. My eyes are scarred, permanently.
And you WONDER why YOUR little boy...
is the one that got fucked by a grown man on his way home from school..
It's kids like this, right here, on the internet CLEARLY taking it to a whole new level of twink.. I think there's a new revolution of YouTube freedom. All of these kids are posting these "sexy" videos, and dirty old men are eating that shit up. Let Daniel Radcliffe slip up. Someone's gonna tag him one day, looking so pure like that.
I'm not sure how old the kid is underneath this, but damn. I hope he's 18, I really do.. I wonder how many dirty old men/women write these people, wanting to take care of them lol. Be my pet! That's how that shit happens, I've done my research.
Maybe I'm on to something here, I need Scooby and the gang to have a bitch's back. Next, there's gonna be a mirror w/ a camera linked to YT in it. Or something equally as invasive/much sought-after.
This kid's screen name on there is emotionalfire. Hooooow awesomely gay is that?? I feel like such a hatemonger lately but what is going on here!?!? Pure weakness, I tell ya. I hope their parents get these vids in chain mails @ work one day and loooose their shit. Just imagine if YT let them show dick & balls, it would be a wrap on society. God bless America and our chokehold on personal freedom.
It's kids like this, right here, on the internet CLEARLY taking it to a whole new level of twink.. I think there's a new revolution of YouTube freedom. All of these kids are posting these "sexy" videos, and dirty old men are eating that shit up. Let Daniel Radcliffe slip up. Someone's gonna tag him one day, looking so pure like that.
I'm not sure how old the kid is underneath this, but damn. I hope he's 18, I really do.. I wonder how many dirty old men/women write these people, wanting to take care of them lol. Be my pet! That's how that shit happens, I've done my research.
Maybe I'm on to something here, I need Scooby and the gang to have a bitch's back. Next, there's gonna be a mirror w/ a camera linked to YT in it. Or something equally as invasive/much sought-after.
This kid's screen name on there is emotionalfire. Hooooow awesomely gay is that?? I feel like such a hatemonger lately but what is going on here!?!? Pure weakness, I tell ya. I hope their parents get these vids in chain mails @ work one day and loooose their shit. Just imagine if YT let them show dick & balls, it would be a wrap on society. God bless America and our chokehold on personal freedom.
I've got some shit to say...
But, as I do in those rare moments, just not right now. I'm on the phone w/ a piece of the puzzle so I'm not really gonna be focusing and I try to give my all. I've stopped writing many times b/c it was pure bullshit. That I just said to say it, not b/c I felt or meant it.. Or TO.
I mean so much of what I say, and believe in so much of it. I need to, and I need you to believe me.. I see it, I see what you see, but I see it in a different way and I've got to get it out..
Wait, didn't I say I had nothing to say right now!??
Fuck, trapped in a box.. Btw, I've been on the phone w/ this bitch for like 15 minutes and I def don't remember any but like 2. Aaaand I def just realized Stevo was still in the room. Wow.
I sound like I did in my old LJs.. Looking back, I was sooo erratic, way worse than I am now. I try and give you a little time and space to feel some shit now, back then it was just !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all the way thru. My first blogxiety attack was huge. This has nothing to do w/ what I came here for, but I am not in the blame here. I can't remember what that point was, so it really doesn't matter.
Ha, no wonder people always thought I was high....
I was gonna wriiiiiiite a book......
LMFAO, see how it says I'm distraught? I don't even remember that/why I was. Now I do, it came to me during a keystroke, but still.. lol
I mean so much of what I say, and believe in so much of it. I need to, and I need you to believe me.. I see it, I see what you see, but I see it in a different way and I've got to get it out..
Wait, didn't I say I had nothing to say right now!??
Fuck, trapped in a box.. Btw, I've been on the phone w/ this bitch for like 15 minutes and I def don't remember any but like 2. Aaaand I def just realized Stevo was still in the room. Wow.
I sound like I did in my old LJs.. Looking back, I was sooo erratic, way worse than I am now. I try and give you a little time and space to feel some shit now, back then it was just !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all the way thru. My first blogxiety attack was huge. This has nothing to do w/ what I came here for, but I am not in the blame here. I can't remember what that point was, so it really doesn't matter.
Ha, no wonder people always thought I was high....
I was gonna wriiiiiiite a book......
LMFAO, see how it says I'm distraught? I don't even remember that/why I was. Now I do, it came to me during a keystroke, but still.. lol
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Here you go, Preezy...
Another one from the golden shower boy.. I fucking BEG YOU to @ least watch from like 2:40 and on.. Please!! This shit is fucking HILARIOUS..
I wish I knew him, sooo bad omfg.. I could make him a star!! lol
A porn star, they get mad duckets! Bleeech.
I wish I knew him, sooo bad omfg.. I could make him a star!! lol
A porn star, they get mad duckets! Bleeech.
I knooooooow this nigga ain't........
dancing in the shower w/ his clothes on??
Oh, lawd. This is the reason fathers dread their sons telling them they're gay. No hate from me, I'm just saying. Moments like this make it hard to believe that your MLB prospect loves the cock.
Oh, lawd. This is the reason fathers dread their sons telling them they're gay. No hate from me, I'm just saying. Moments like this make it hard to believe that your MLB prospect loves the cock.
Monday, December 8, 2008
The Year-End Blog
[Isn't a blog @ all. Ha! I got you good, you fuckers! But the last answer is pretty good, lol]
Who kissed you on New Years?
I don't remember, but it's not cuz I really don't. It's cuz I don't right noooooow.
Did you have a New Year's Resolution this year?
I guess not. I don't like resolutions b/c they make me do what I don't want to do, which is anything I should be doing.
Does it snow where you live?
For an hour or two, yeah..
Do you like hot chocolate?
Love it, esp from 7-11. Or Wawa hot choc w/ Caramello bits in it.. Aw, remember those days??
Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop?
No, could've like ten times but I heard it was trife and I reeeeeeally don't want to be let down.
Who was your Valentine?
Didn't have one.
When you were little did you buy Valentine's for the whole class?
Uh I just got candy and shit..
Do you care if the groundhog sees its shadow or not?
No, but I would love to watch Groundhog's Day right now..
What did you receive for Valentine's day?
Just reminded me that Stevo owes me an awesome plush! Ty!
What did you give for Valentine's day?
____ LOL totally kidding tho. I know what you're now thinking!
Are you Irish?
Nope, but I've had it in me. <---- I bet, lol.
Do you like corned beef and cabbage?
No but I fucks w/ Hoss.. UScircleA, bitches!!
What did you do for St Patrick's Day?
Prob drank, maybe nothing. Gotta check the blogs lol.
Are you happy when winter is pretty much over?
I'm only happy when it rains....
Do you like the rain?
I live for the rainy days, and I'd love for them to get better.
Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone this year?
No but I've done some fucked up shit which I will attribute to nothing but pure selfishness.
Do you get tons of candy for Easter?
If I buy it..
Do you celebrate 4/20?
More bounce... to the ooooooounce!! [!!!]
Do you love the month of April?
It's just 4 months closer to the end of my life.
What is your favorite flower?
Do I have one? Hm. I love dandelions, either way.
Finish the phrase "April showers...
in period blood, isn't that disgusting??"
Do you celebrate May 16th: National Piercing Day?
Uhh, no. Why would you celebrate something you normally berate people for staring @ you for, or asking stupid ?s......
Is May anything special to you?
It would be if I were still a kid.
What year did/will you graduate from high school?
I guess 1998..
Have a favorite baseball team?
Egyuck, fuck the Sux, Go ATL!! Greg Maddux, it saddens me to see you retire as a Dodger, but I am so grateful for your valiant efforts as a Brave. *tips hat*
What did you do on the 4th of July?
Avoid Lauren.
Did you go to the fireworks?
Don't think so.
Did you blast the A/C all day?
LOL. No, fag.
What was your favorite summer memory of '08?
So many of them are glorious, if only you knew.. But sooo many were horrible, and are carrying on well thru the winter.. Ty Myke, ♥ you.
Did you have a sunburn?
Did you go to the pool a lot?
I think just the beach. Well, no I'm lying n/m..
Did you do anything fun during this month?
Of course. Pretty much every day, it depends on your def of fun..
Are you attending college/school?
Do you like fall better than summer?
In the fall, yeah.. But I want to have the fall of my dreams, so I gotta grind hard..
What happened this month?
You got fired!!? What!?!? OHHH, OK I GET IT... LMMMMMMMMFAO..
What was your last Halloween costume?
Ha, don't remember. A happier me, it turns out.
What is your favorite candy?
Any and all, apparently cuz I can't stop stuffing my face. Reese's Big Cups, btw. Fuckin' 420 cals a CUP.
What was your favorite thing(s) about this month?
Closer to the election, get it over w/. Plus mad candy.
Who's house did you go to for Thanksgiving?
Went to Roanoke to be w/ family. Good times. Strange times.
Did you vote in the 2008 election?
Do you love stuffing?
My face, ugh.
Anything special in this month?
Closer to Xmas..
Do you celebrate Christmas?
In the cheapest, funnest way possible..
Have you ever been kissed under the mistletoe?
Yeah lol.
Get anything special last year?
Rebecca, lol..
What do you want this year?
a baby <---- Me too lol j/k....
What do you love most about December?
Know what I used to love?? Those days walking in the cold-ass snow, freezing like it was cool to do so in your boots that are barely above anything closely resembling warmth, and that's only going to last for another hour or so before your foot dies out. The snow felt so loud and crunchy, the world so quiet, seeming only to exist for the pure amusement of the blowing winds. Wasn't it neato?? Don't you want to walk thru your old neighborhood in the snow, but @ that age??
*sigh, sigh*
Who kissed you on New Years?
I don't remember, but it's not cuz I really don't. It's cuz I don't right noooooow.
Did you have a New Year's Resolution this year?
I guess not. I don't like resolutions b/c they make me do what I don't want to do, which is anything I should be doing.
Does it snow where you live?
For an hour or two, yeah..
Do you like hot chocolate?
Love it, esp from 7-11. Or Wawa hot choc w/ Caramello bits in it.. Aw, remember those days??
Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop?
No, could've like ten times but I heard it was trife and I reeeeeeally don't want to be let down.
Who was your Valentine?
Didn't have one.
When you were little did you buy Valentine's for the whole class?
Uh I just got candy and shit..
Do you care if the groundhog sees its shadow or not?
No, but I would love to watch Groundhog's Day right now..
What did you receive for Valentine's day?
Just reminded me that Stevo owes me an awesome plush! Ty!
What did you give for Valentine's day?
____ LOL totally kidding tho. I know what you're now thinking!
Are you Irish?
Nope, but I've had it in me. <---- I bet, lol.
Do you like corned beef and cabbage?
No but I fucks w/ Hoss.. UScircleA, bitches!!
What did you do for St Patrick's Day?
Prob drank, maybe nothing. Gotta check the blogs lol.
Are you happy when winter is pretty much over?
I'm only happy when it rains....
Do you like the rain?
I live for the rainy days, and I'd love for them to get better.
Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone this year?
No but I've done some fucked up shit which I will attribute to nothing but pure selfishness.
Do you get tons of candy for Easter?
If I buy it..
Do you celebrate 4/20?
More bounce... to the ooooooounce!! [!!!]
Do you love the month of April?
It's just 4 months closer to the end of my life.
What is your favorite flower?
Do I have one? Hm. I love dandelions, either way.
Finish the phrase "April showers...
in period blood, isn't that disgusting??"
Do you celebrate May 16th: National Piercing Day?
Uhh, no. Why would you celebrate something you normally berate people for staring @ you for, or asking stupid ?s......
Is May anything special to you?
It would be if I were still a kid.
What year did/will you graduate from high school?
I guess 1998..
Have a favorite baseball team?
Egyuck, fuck the Sux, Go ATL!! Greg Maddux, it saddens me to see you retire as a Dodger, but I am so grateful for your valiant efforts as a Brave. *tips hat*
What did you do on the 4th of July?
Avoid Lauren.
Did you go to the fireworks?
Don't think so.
Did you blast the A/C all day?
LOL. No, fag.
What was your favorite summer memory of '08?
So many of them are glorious, if only you knew.. But sooo many were horrible, and are carrying on well thru the winter.. Ty Myke, ♥ you.
Did you have a sunburn?
Did you go to the pool a lot?
I think just the beach. Well, no I'm lying n/m..
Did you do anything fun during this month?
Of course. Pretty much every day, it depends on your def of fun..
Are you attending college/school?
Do you like fall better than summer?
In the fall, yeah.. But I want to have the fall of my dreams, so I gotta grind hard..
What happened this month?
You got fired!!? What!?!? OHHH, OK I GET IT... LMMMMMMMMFAO..
What was your last Halloween costume?
Ha, don't remember. A happier me, it turns out.
What is your favorite candy?
Any and all, apparently cuz I can't stop stuffing my face. Reese's Big Cups, btw. Fuckin' 420 cals a CUP.
What was your favorite thing(s) about this month?
Closer to the election, get it over w/. Plus mad candy.
Who's house did you go to for Thanksgiving?
Went to Roanoke to be w/ family. Good times. Strange times.
Did you vote in the 2008 election?
Do you love stuffing?
My face, ugh.
Anything special in this month?
Closer to Xmas..
Do you celebrate Christmas?
In the cheapest, funnest way possible..
Have you ever been kissed under the mistletoe?
Yeah lol.
Get anything special last year?
Rebecca, lol..
What do you want this year?
a baby <---- Me too lol j/k....
What do you love most about December?
Know what I used to love?? Those days walking in the cold-ass snow, freezing like it was cool to do so in your boots that are barely above anything closely resembling warmth, and that's only going to last for another hour or so before your foot dies out. The snow felt so loud and crunchy, the world so quiet, seeming only to exist for the pure amusement of the blowing winds. Wasn't it neato?? Don't you want to walk thru your old neighborhood in the snow, but @ that age??
*sigh, sigh*
BYYYYYYY the way... [!!]
Since several of my gal pals have hit me up to cuss me out, I would like to issue a formal apology for not mentioning your new/drastic hairstyles that you paid your hard-earned money on in the blog I wrote the other day.
I didn't mean to make everyone feel left out, haha! That's so cute, aw.. I love you guys... And your beautiful tresses!!
And breastses! Haha lol j/k..
Gracie, I love you so much and thanks for the aaaawesomely Griswold weekend. EVEN THO this bit has NO idea what I mean when I say that, lol. I'm gonna find it for you, hopefully in the cheapie bins somewhere.
She said something, omg.. Ohh, she was making Hamburger Helper (loooooves it OMFG JUST REMEMBERED THE LEFTOVERS IN THE FRIDGE FROM THAT, SA-WEEEEEEET!) and said something about seasoning the meat.. Then she turned around and was like, "If Craig's lucky I'll season his meat, too" lmmmmmmmmfao.. He totally didn't hear it b/c he's OBSESSED W/ HIS GODDAMN FISH but I was mad weak..
It caught me off guard too b/c just an hour before that, I would've sworn on the cross that she was going to behead him in the front yard and use his head as the tree angel.
I didn't mean to make everyone feel left out, haha! That's so cute, aw.. I love you guys... And your beautiful tresses!!
And breastses! Haha lol j/k..
Gracie, I love you so much and thanks for the aaaawesomely Griswold weekend. EVEN THO this bit has NO idea what I mean when I say that, lol. I'm gonna find it for you, hopefully in the cheapie bins somewhere.
She said something, omg.. Ohh, she was making Hamburger Helper (loooooves it OMFG JUST REMEMBERED THE LEFTOVERS IN THE FRIDGE FROM THAT, SA-WEEEEEEET!) and said something about seasoning the meat.. Then she turned around and was like, "If Craig's lucky I'll season his meat, too" lmmmmmmmmfao.. He totally didn't hear it b/c he's OBSESSED W/ HIS GODDAMN FISH but I was mad weak..
It caught me off guard too b/c just an hour before that, I would've sworn on the cross that she was going to behead him in the front yard and use his head as the tree angel.
What About Bob?
Even better question, WHAT ABOUT BRAD!!? I'm watching the replay of E!'s stories of '08 and during their big death segment, I'm just getting mooooore and more pissed off @ the fact that they droned on and on about Heath, etc but didn't say ANYTHING, A-NY-THING about Brad Renfro. What the fuck!?!? It's not worse than the Oscar snub, but still. Like I said, the lack of respect for the life lost irritates me so fucking much. HEATH DIED OF AN OVERDOSE, JUST LIKE BRAD. BOTH were accidental. The drug itself is irrelevant.
I could cry, dude.. I'm so upset! They even did this roll of people who passed away other than Heath, and AGAIN, nothing!! I turned my cam on jic they showed him b/c it was after I was already heated over the Heath/DJ AM & TB/Jen Hudson stories, ESSSSSSP SINCE DJ AM AND TRAVIS BARKER ARE ALIVE AND DOING QUITE WELL, THANKS AND DON'T THINK FOR 2.5 SECONDS THAT I WOULDN'T LET THEM DIE IN FRONT OF ME IN EXCHANGE. If I was holding TB's first-born in my arms @ the time, no less. Beliiiiieeeeeve me when I say it.
Oh ohh.. It's called 'Big Stars, Big Stories'... So I guess Brad wasn't a big enough star?? He was big enough for them to report it in the first place.. I could see if they never even ran the story, but they did. They could've just ran back old footage and that would've satisfied me (nnnnnooot really cuz it's all new commentary etc)..
OMFG. I am going insane over this. Crazy things can't happen to crazy people w/o a huge impact. This is going to stay w/ me forever.
And so will the memory of my beloved Brad.
[aaaand CUT]
I could cry, dude.. I'm so upset! They even did this roll of people who passed away other than Heath, and AGAIN, nothing!! I turned my cam on jic they showed him b/c it was after I was already heated over the Heath/DJ AM & TB/Jen Hudson stories, ESSSSSSP SINCE DJ AM AND TRAVIS BARKER ARE ALIVE AND DOING QUITE WELL, THANKS AND DON'T THINK FOR 2.5 SECONDS THAT I WOULDN'T LET THEM DIE IN FRONT OF ME IN EXCHANGE. If I was holding TB's first-born in my arms @ the time, no less. Beliiiiieeeeeve me when I say it.
Oh ohh.. It's called 'Big Stars, Big Stories'... So I guess Brad wasn't a big enough star?? He was big enough for them to report it in the first place.. I could see if they never even ran the story, but they did. They could've just ran back old footage and that would've satisfied me (nnnnnooot really cuz it's all new commentary etc)..
OMFG. I am going insane over this. Crazy things can't happen to crazy people w/o a huge impact. This is going to stay w/ me forever.
And so will the memory of my beloved Brad.
[aaaand CUT]
Saturday, December 6, 2008
day I've ever known.... Or is it?? Anything going on today?? Like, in the daytime?? I think I'm gonna walk to Central Library and just mob it.. Maybe sit and write, maybe read up on some shit I've been meaning to. Prob a little of both, but one will eventually edge the other out hardcore..
Hit me up, let me know if you got some thangs goin' down.. Dino wants to see 'The Dark Knight' @ Cinema, who knows what will end up happening..
OOOOOOOOHHHH I have JACK in the fridge, thanks to Dino.. Def forgot about that.. I should've gotten more, then went to the library wasted.. I could just go ripped to the heavens and ask for books that I know don't exist.
Like mine :|
One day, my friends.. One sweet daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Anyway here's the finished product;
Hit me up, let me know if you got some thangs goin' down.. Dino wants to see 'The Dark Knight' @ Cinema, who knows what will end up happening..
OOOOOOOOHHHH I have JACK in the fridge, thanks to Dino.. Def forgot about that.. I should've gotten more, then went to the library wasted.. I could just go ripped to the heavens and ask for books that I know don't exist.
Like mine :|
One day, my friends.. One sweet daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Anyway here's the finished product;

Friday, December 5, 2008
Why do I do this to myself??? [!!!!]
More importantly, why does GOD!?? I didn't ask for my latest form of punishment, but it's there.
W/ little over a month until the year anniversary of Brad Renfro's death, all of these random signs keep pointing to him. Jessica has noticed them also, and it's gaaaaaaaaaayer than gay b/c I am already 1000000000000000000% still in shock/mourning his passing, so... To pull a little Aniston from my hat, it's really uncool.
And w/ that I must say that I wish you all were as pop culture obsessed as I am so you'd get that.. But anyway!
I was thinking the other day about how I can't wait for 'The Informers' to come out and how I know I'm prob going to bawl my eyes out the entire movie and then I'm like... Hm... The book & screenplay come from Bret Easton Ellis, author of one of the most eye-opening books ever (if you're crrrrrazy like me!), American Psycho... WHICH __________________________________________________________________ (can't talk about it until I find a publisher), and that was one little co-nnec-tion I was unhappy w/.. Then there's all the self-torture where I somehow end up "researching" something from one of his movies, or seeing an actor listed on something else, knowing that if I keep clicking long enough I will end up on his page b/c they've worked together before..
And thennnnnnnnnnnn, after I laid in Stevo's bed THIS MORNING thinking about how I was going to slit my wrists in Jan if I don't chiiiiillll....
UGH.. Ugggghhhhhhhhhhh... I was TRYING to read about James Franco's hot ass on a news site, and then the ax fell yet again, right on my poor widdle heart!! Here's an excerpt from the article;
"First up, how was he affected by actor Heath Ledger's untimely death?
"I was in between classes, waiting in line at a café. Somebody wrote me that Heath had died, and it really upset me. It was weird, because it seemed like a lot of incredible people died in the past year -- Sir Anthony Minghella, Sydney Pollack. Brad Renfro died the week before Heath and I'd worked with him twice. It was really adding up. So I wrote something about it, that I actually read at the Hammer Museum in LA ... I'm so shy about talking about it, because in print, it sounds like 'Oh, James Franco likes poetry!'"
Kudos to Franco for actually mentioning Brad Renfro. The Academy didn't even show his pic during their "In Memoriam" section the last time."
Who's heart stopped upon reading that?? Ohh, that would MOST DEF be me.. I was juuuust saying in my head that his ____________-meter just went up sooo far.. N/m that he reminds me of a pothead Daniel Johns in 'Pineapple Express', this nigga had to bring up my baaaaaaby!?! I L-O-V-E you!
As I'm taking all of that in/thinking about how awesome it was for him to mention Brad, I get to the part where the person who wrote the article threw their two cents in and I about hit the floor.. Oh! The warmth..!
However, it's such a bittersweet moment.. I want him to be remembered, I want people to acknowledge that this is a life gone, one worth BILLIONS IN COMPARISON (cuz I would def fork over the duckets in a game of Life Swap if I could) that I loved so much.. But @ the same time, I would muuuuuch rather see press about him promoting his up-coming movies, etc etc...
I am throwing up all over the keyboard right now, or @ least my fingers are.. Esp after seeing something about this memorial fund his EX-GIRLFRIEND TY HE'S DEAD NOW HA HE BELONGS TO JESUS, NOT YOU started up... BITCH, you SHOULD'VE started a fund for the gas to drive him to rehab if you knew he was USING AGAIN... IIIIIIII JUST WANT TO KNOW WHYYYY... I don't think I could ever meet her. I would beat the breaks offa her, and I know it. I couldn't look her in the eye, DEF wouldn't be able to tolerate stories about their happiness.. IF HE WAS SO HAPPY WHY WAS HE USING AGAIN DUMB CUNT WHORE DIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
*crazy unsteady breathing*
This goes out to all of you; I hope your idol dies tomorrow, and I mean it. From the bottom of my ♥.
"If you've never tried drugs, DON'T. If you have, pray" - Brad Renfro. A quote that KILLS me b/c he was discovered in a D.A.R.E. class!! REALLY?? I aaaaaaaaaaaaalmost wish I'd never heard of him, that no one outside of Knoxville, TN had ever heard of him. It's one of those things where I lose out b/c who would be in his place, so obv the coming into fame part is crucial.. However could a bitch have just ONE meeting w/ him??
PS, LOVE how that video ends @ 7:24.. My birthday....! Brad's is the day after...
W/ little over a month until the year anniversary of Brad Renfro's death, all of these random signs keep pointing to him. Jessica has noticed them also, and it's gaaaaaaaaaayer than gay b/c I am already 1000000000000000000% still in shock/mourning his passing, so... To pull a little Aniston from my hat, it's really uncool.
And w/ that I must say that I wish you all were as pop culture obsessed as I am so you'd get that.. But anyway!
I was thinking the other day about how I can't wait for 'The Informers' to come out and how I know I'm prob going to bawl my eyes out the entire movie and then I'm like... Hm... The book & screenplay come from Bret Easton Ellis, author of one of the most eye-opening books ever (if you're crrrrrazy like me!), American Psycho... WHICH __________________________________________________________________ (can't talk about it until I find a publisher), and that was one little co-nnec-tion I was unhappy w/.. Then there's all the self-torture where I somehow end up "researching" something from one of his movies, or seeing an actor listed on something else, knowing that if I keep clicking long enough I will end up on his page b/c they've worked together before..
And thennnnnnnnnnnn, after I laid in Stevo's bed THIS MORNING thinking about how I was going to slit my wrists in Jan if I don't chiiiiillll....
UGH.. Ugggghhhhhhhhhhh... I was TRYING to read about James Franco's hot ass on a news site, and then the ax fell yet again, right on my poor widdle heart!! Here's an excerpt from the article;
"First up, how was he affected by actor Heath Ledger's untimely death?
"I was in between classes, waiting in line at a café. Somebody wrote me that Heath had died, and it really upset me. It was weird, because it seemed like a lot of incredible people died in the past year -- Sir Anthony Minghella, Sydney Pollack. Brad Renfro died the week before Heath and I'd worked with him twice. It was really adding up. So I wrote something about it, that I actually read at the Hammer Museum in LA ... I'm so shy about talking about it, because in print, it sounds like 'Oh, James Franco likes poetry!'"
Kudos to Franco for actually mentioning Brad Renfro. The Academy didn't even show his pic during their "In Memoriam" section the last time."
Who's heart stopped upon reading that?? Ohh, that would MOST DEF be me.. I was juuuust saying in my head that his ____________-meter just went up sooo far.. N/m that he reminds me of a pothead Daniel Johns in 'Pineapple Express', this nigga had to bring up my baaaaaaby!?! I L-O-V-E you!
As I'm taking all of that in/thinking about how awesome it was for him to mention Brad, I get to the part where the person who wrote the article threw their two cents in and I about hit the floor.. Oh! The warmth..!
However, it's such a bittersweet moment.. I want him to be remembered, I want people to acknowledge that this is a life gone, one worth BILLIONS IN COMPARISON (cuz I would def fork over the duckets in a game of Life Swap if I could) that I loved so much.. But @ the same time, I would muuuuuch rather see press about him promoting his up-coming movies, etc etc...
I am throwing up all over the keyboard right now, or @ least my fingers are.. Esp after seeing something about this memorial fund his EX-GIRLFRIEND TY HE'S DEAD NOW HA HE BELONGS TO JESUS, NOT YOU started up... BITCH, you SHOULD'VE started a fund for the gas to drive him to rehab if you knew he was USING AGAIN... IIIIIIII JUST WANT TO KNOW WHYYYY... I don't think I could ever meet her. I would beat the breaks offa her, and I know it. I couldn't look her in the eye, DEF wouldn't be able to tolerate stories about their happiness.. IF HE WAS SO HAPPY WHY WAS HE USING AGAIN DUMB CUNT WHORE DIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
*crazy unsteady breathing*
This goes out to all of you; I hope your idol dies tomorrow, and I mean it. From the bottom of my ♥.
"If you've never tried drugs, DON'T. If you have, pray" - Brad Renfro. A quote that KILLS me b/c he was discovered in a D.A.R.E. class!! REALLY?? I aaaaaaaaaaaaalmost wish I'd never heard of him, that no one outside of Knoxville, TN had ever heard of him. It's one of those things where I lose out b/c who would be in his place, so obv the coming into fame part is crucial.. However could a bitch have just ONE meeting w/ him??
PS, LOVE how that video ends @ 7:24.. My birthday....! Brad's is the day after...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
If you need me @ all...
I'll be in the back coloring, lol.

I colored the one on the right over a year ago, and just now decided to do some crazy trippy other half.. Which is why I have purple trees (or is it?) and a very green fire hydrant.. Well, a bunch of greens and then Tropical Rain Forest (that bluish jank).. I think the ice cream is taking Donald into the Matrix..
Hollerrrrrrrrr if you need me, obv won't be getting anything back immediately buuuuuut.. I needed a reason to throw the deuces!!

I colored the one on the right over a year ago, and just now decided to do some crazy trippy other half.. Which is why I have purple trees (or is it?) and a very green fire hydrant.. Well, a bunch of greens and then Tropical Rain Forest (that bluish jank).. I think the ice cream is taking Donald into the Matrix..
Hollerrrrrrrrr if you need me, obv won't be getting anything back immediately buuuuuut.. I needed a reason to throw the deuces!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
See, that's the shit that hurts...
That's the shit that stops me dead in my tracks EVERY single time. Just when you think it's safe to poke your head out....
Fuck nah. Around and around we go!
This is the shit we were talkin' about, Lauren... I'm never gonna actually do it!! AHH!!
I could just throw up everywhere.
On second thought, I could just throw up everywhere...
Woo, child...
Please, not today.
Fuck nah. Around and around we go!
This is the shit we were talkin' about, Lauren... I'm never gonna actually do it!! AHH!!
I could just throw up everywhere.
On second thought, I could just throw up everywhere...
Woo, child...
Please, not today.
Monday, December 1, 2008
I just wanted you all to be aware of the fact... [!!!]
it's def World AIDS Day, and you should ALL (esp the hos) be aware of this very real disease that I really don't think people my age and younger don't take nearly as serious as they say they do. If you saw blood on the ground, would you grind your papercut into it? No?
Then why do you sleep w/ people w/o protection!? ANYONE can be affected by the AIDS virus, A-N-Y-O-N-E. No matter HOW healthy they look, they could be riddled w/ it. They could've just recently been infected, or have been and just don't know. Maybe they DO know, but don't care. Either way, is it worth your life?? Like, your real actual *BEATBEATBEATBEATBEATBEAT* heartbeat-thriving life??
You DO know that you will DIE from this disease, right?? I know, everyone is going to die someday. But YOU are going to die first, b/c "he/she looks clean, there's no waaaaaaaay they have AIDS."
Really?? You know that for a fact?? Cuz yanno, there's a way to really know and be 100% sure. You can't wait a week to sleep w/ that person w/o protection? One simple test can save your life. And even if it's not AIDS, there are many other diseases, some curable some not, that are just as real and just as devastating.
There is no face, no certain "OMG you can tell he has AIDS".. It's not like Gaydar, you can't catch someone in the mall getting their AIDS done and call them out.. AIDS is an invisible murderer, and you're basically attemping suicide each and every time you sleep w/ someone unprotected w/o full knowledge of their history and cleanliness. By that, obv I don't mean it's ok to do it if they use Germ-X.
[LMFAO Brandi, your dream had me weak.. Oooooook, I GUESS I can let YOU slide. It IS _____! :D]
Back to the bidness tho, cuz I'm almost done! Just please, please, PLEASE everyone be careful and take care of themselves and respect yourselves. Not all of you are complete fucking idiots, I know. We've all had our moments (well maybe not all, but) and no one IIII know is innocent in this case, myself included, but just knowing that the next time could be the one that does it, wooo that was enough for me.
And yes, when I'm famous I'll def be that person in the PSAs warning people about the dangers of this and that. Looking forward to it. I do the same thing for my friends who smoke cigarettes. Another case where I'm throwing stones in my purdy glass house. I'm callin' you out for something I won't even remember happening in like 20 minutes!
But still! I love you guys and I wish nooooothing but the best for everyone, including a safe and happy holiday season. Let's just try and get thru the rest of '08, k? I def wasn't sure on Jan 1 if I was gonna be alive to talk about some shit on Dec 1.
*steps down from soapbox, presses play*
Then why do you sleep w/ people w/o protection!? ANYONE can be affected by the AIDS virus, A-N-Y-O-N-E. No matter HOW healthy they look, they could be riddled w/ it. They could've just recently been infected, or have been and just don't know. Maybe they DO know, but don't care. Either way, is it worth your life?? Like, your real actual *BEATBEATBEATBEATBEATBEAT* heartbeat-thriving life??
You DO know that you will DIE from this disease, right?? I know, everyone is going to die someday. But YOU are going to die first, b/c "he/she looks clean, there's no waaaaaaaay they have AIDS."
Really?? You know that for a fact?? Cuz yanno, there's a way to really know and be 100% sure. You can't wait a week to sleep w/ that person w/o protection? One simple test can save your life. And even if it's not AIDS, there are many other diseases, some curable some not, that are just as real and just as devastating.
There is no face, no certain "OMG you can tell he has AIDS".. It's not like Gaydar, you can't catch someone in the mall getting their AIDS done and call them out.. AIDS is an invisible murderer, and you're basically attemping suicide each and every time you sleep w/ someone unprotected w/o full knowledge of their history and cleanliness. By that, obv I don't mean it's ok to do it if they use Germ-X.
[LMFAO Brandi, your dream had me weak.. Oooooook, I GUESS I can let YOU slide. It IS _____! :D]
Back to the bidness tho, cuz I'm almost done! Just please, please, PLEASE everyone be careful and take care of themselves and respect yourselves. Not all of you are complete fucking idiots, I know. We've all had our moments (well maybe not all, but) and no one IIII know is innocent in this case, myself included, but just knowing that the next time could be the one that does it, wooo that was enough for me.
And yes, when I'm famous I'll def be that person in the PSAs warning people about the dangers of this and that. Looking forward to it. I do the same thing for my friends who smoke cigarettes. Another case where I'm throwing stones in my purdy glass house. I'm callin' you out for something I won't even remember happening in like 20 minutes!
But still! I love you guys and I wish nooooothing but the best for everyone, including a safe and happy holiday season. Let's just try and get thru the rest of '08, k? I def wasn't sure on Jan 1 if I was gonna be alive to talk about some shit on Dec 1.
*steps down from soapbox, presses play*
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