Monday, December 1, 2008

I just wanted you all to be aware of the fact... [!!!]

it's def World AIDS Day, and you should ALL (esp the hos) be aware of this very real disease that I really don't think people my age and younger don't take nearly as serious as they say they do. If you saw blood on the ground, would you grind your papercut into it? No?

Then why do you sleep w/ people w/o protection!? ANYONE can be affected by the AIDS virus, A-N-Y-O-N-E. No matter HOW healthy they look, they could be riddled w/ it. They could've just recently been infected, or have been and just don't know. Maybe they DO know, but don't care. Either way, is it worth your life?? Like, your real actual *BEATBEATBEATBEATBEATBEAT* heartbeat-thriving life??

You DO know that you will DIE from this disease, right?? I know, everyone is going to die someday. But YOU are going to die first, b/c "he/she looks clean, there's no waaaaaaaay they have AIDS."

Really?? You know that for a fact?? Cuz yanno, there's a way to really know and be 100% sure. You can't wait a week to sleep w/ that person w/o protection? One simple test can save your life. And even if it's not AIDS, there are many other diseases, some curable some not, that are just as real and just as devastating.

There is no face, no certain "OMG you can tell he has AIDS".. It's not like Gaydar, you can't catch someone in the mall getting their AIDS done and call them out.. AIDS is an invisible murderer, and you're basically attemping suicide each and every time you sleep w/ someone unprotected w/o full knowledge of their history and cleanliness. By that, obv I don't mean it's ok to do it if they use Germ-X.

[LMFAO Brandi, your dream had me weak.. Oooooook, I GUESS I can let YOU slide. It IS _____! :D]

Back to the bidness tho, cuz I'm almost done! Just please, please, PLEASE everyone be careful and take care of themselves and respect yourselves. Not all of you are complete fucking idiots, I know. We've all had our moments (well maybe not all, but) and no one IIII know is innocent in this case, myself included, but just knowing that the next time could be the one that does it, wooo that was enough for me.

And yes, when I'm famous I'll def be that person in the PSAs warning people about the dangers of this and that. Looking forward to it. I do the same thing for my friends who smoke cigarettes. Another case where I'm throwing stones in my purdy glass house. I'm callin' you out for something I won't even remember happening in like 20 minutes!

But still! I love you guys and I wish nooooothing but the best for everyone, including a safe and happy holiday season. Let's just try and get thru the rest of '08, k? I def wasn't sure on Jan 1 if I was gonna be alive to talk about some shit on Dec 1.

*steps down from soapbox, presses play*

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